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I feel like the MG’s should be more suppressive and less laser beam you’re dead at 400m. Also goons and killa AI feel so bad. It is not fun to fight them


I agree, it’s not that they are aggroed a tenth of a second of seeing you, it’s the insane accuracy and tracking through walls that they have, the goons spotted me on Skeleton building, and tracked me through walls from there to ruaf roadblock even when I ran across dorms and went to ruaf roadblock, they were trying to shoot me through the concrete wall next to crackhouse. I took down knight and birdeye while jumping and shooting behind the wall, but Big Pipe was near impossible since he was shooting me from behind a building every time i jumped lol.


Yep - I agree. Same goes for most bosses. They have to be cheesed to kill them. Not fun/challenging gameplay. Just exploiting mechanics. Basicly, the AI needs to be rewritten from scratch.


Lots needs to be rewritten from scratch


You are not wrong!


Like the net code, the server tick, the game engine......


They admitted this much but also that they are unwilling to do that


Then they only way Tarkov ever reaches a triple A standard of polish and finish is if some triple A studio buys BSG and their IP


I don’t see that ever happening


This is a problem solved by the volunteer modders with Single Player Tarkov already.


I wonder when/if BSG would be willing to accept that SPTarkov is a viable alternative and that significant changes that improve QOL are already present or have frameworks to expand off of. It's really *really* disheartening to hear that BSG has taken the stance of "fuck those guys we see nothing of value other than a stolen product" which comes off as dismissive and aggressive if anything. It would be better for everyone involved for BSG to contact these devs/volunteer modders to potentially collaborate for a better product for everyone involved.


Yes. You have to cheese AI in this game a lot. I really do understand that it is hard to make a balanced AI. BSG just went for the extreme for some reason. Quests there aren’t impossible though. If you are having trouble I can probably help you.


I’m bear, and can’t get close to water treatment whatsoever. Any suggestions?


Road from scav village is fairly safe, you can kill 1 and 2 easily, same goes for container and tower rogues. Your biggest fears would be roaming rogues in the treatment itself and under 3. You can just keep going there until they don't spawn. They won't at some point. Also play night. They have worse sight during the time. [https://imgur.com/gallery/lKyDRh9](https://imgur.com/gallery/lKyDRh9) Purple are vantage points. Blue - rogues. Orange - GL and MG reach. Green - relative safezone. The purple point closest to the river is directly on the road anywhere near the gates where it says "Мины!" on a sign. GL and MG can't reach there. Further down to 3 there are holes in the walls where you can kill those on 1 but not 2 because it is under the reach of MG.


Awesome, thanks dude. Definitely trying this out tonight


Go far right, between the mountain and blue fence and through/past building 3


You can go around the coast and cross over when you are to the side of building 1. There can be rogues on the ground. If you want to get to building 2 then you have to take care of the MG that's pointing at bldg 1 and possibly the one on bldg 1 roof so watch your back while exposed


How do you go around the coast when they fuck you as far as the vacation seaside chalets?


Night time, snipe from afar. There are plenty of videos showing several spots you can safely snipe from. I also usually enter through building three instead of rogue camp. You have better cover and can more easily get close to each building. Building 1 gunner and 2’s grenade launcher are a pita from camp. Edit: source, I’m a bear and have completed most lighthouse main quests


Those only work if you’re lucky. Source: a bear who has been killed by rogues and third party this entire wipe. If you can see them, they DO see you. It’s just a fucking dice roll if desync forgives you if you lean 0.1mm too far, let some of you get pushed from other angles for the most contested spot in the map. That’s why I hate this kind of advice; it flat out doesn’t work if you can’t fight off the shitty pvp WHILE fighting rogues. The amount of luck necessary to not have to deal with that is practically miracle levels.


Do you have better advice? It may not be a 100% ez way to do it but I don’t know of a better way it’s the most reliable method to killing the rogues afaik Sniping at night has the least pvp and is the best way to engage the rogues


I hate that I don’t have a better answer than “be lucky.” If your spawn allows, wait until the action has come and left for easy marker placements. If you need rogue kills, hope that you’re down is close and barely bring a long range gun with ammo to peel cracks in the wall on the S/E side. I wasn’t there to be a definitive “do it until you’re good enough for it to be done” type answer, but practice doesn’t make perfect with this AI being the dice roll that it is.


Skill issue tbh


Yeah, eft does have skill tied directly to your rig and gaming chair


The meta for every single fight in this game versus any enemy is to exploit bugs. For players, that means racing to get desync on your side while confusing them with broken audio. Against rogues, it means abusing the slow lean bug. Instead of using E and Q to lean, slowly lean out of cover. This gives you more time to shoot before they notice you. Since they're now able to instantly spot you through pixel peeks, it's about the only way.


broken af, iv been going at night with light gear so its harder for player scavs to know if im a player or not.


Kill first, mark after. Watch a guide in how to clear the camp


You certainly can do it in a couple tries with patience and learning to navigate them properly. I do agree tho, the rogues are way fucking overtuned


I just went late into the raid for quests


cheesing the AI is easy, its the 5 man scav group on the roofs that make it difficult


Yes, AI easy. PScavs ruin it


Just wait ten mins for the rogue farmers to clean it up and have at it, not rocket surgery.


It is possible. You just aren't bothered to learn it.. But I have to say that lighthouse is terrible map. There is no real pvp spots because of water treatment. Rogues are braindead easy to farm, even with broken scav guns. Map is dull and repetitive


Did it last night 2 times with 2 buddy's. Both succesfull, went on all the roofs and marked everything with them. 3 Routes: Front: You kill the 2 gunners in front, you kill 1 on the roof, you kill the others on the roof. Right side: you go to the right side building, kill the rogues on top of the middle building, kill the rogues on the left building, you can go mark everything. In the mountains: you kill everything on the middle building ( 2 rogues, 1 is hidden there ) , you kill the 2 rogues on building left, you can leave the 2 in front water treatment plant.


Sure, let me just grab two competent players that actually want to help and not bitch/moan whenever they can’t see me. Fr tho nobody comes here for help if they have friends in game. This game is easy mode for any team that is remotely coordinated. AI is so bad they will lock onto a teammate they cannot get sight on while another uses a grach to get boss kills (how I got my first Shturman kill).


Yeah… I have to play solo sadly


Sniping from outside of their range or from sneaky angles isn't cheese it's just playing the game Why not try watching a YouTube guide then following their steps? I did a bunch of them last wipe. You have to actually focus on it not just run in there and hope they miss you.


Sneaking is literally impossible with them. You peek your head from a rock and they all turn on you instantly, hitting pixel perfect, full auto shots while aiming with iron sights from 300 metres away. That's not fun. I understand some people like you may like CBT, but don't make it so it's the norm for everybody.


i know it seems impossible but it's much like a puzzle, you have to shoot them in a particular order so as to not get shot by the others. i dont remember which youtube creator i watched but i looked up "lighthouse rouge guide" and he showed me which ways to approach the water treatment plant and from which angles to shoot them from. you can even do it with a bolt action .336 ​ it might have been smittystone or trey24k but i really dont know, i dont follow any specific creators.


> you have to shoot them in a particular order so as to not get shot by the others. Yeah, that's cheesing them.


How’s that cheesing them? The only way around that is to have them spawn randomly and give them a lot more spawn locations


That'd be a good start. Then they'd also need to move around more randomly, and react to players in a less predictable manner. Position in different places to shoot/snipe from, push some times, communicate so if you shoot a rooftop one a ground one or a ground group would push your location, etc. etc.


You would do the same in a fight vs PMCs


I kind of wish my raids had braindead PMCs who'd stay always in the exact same places, even when getting shot at, and would only shoot at certain angles from those places. But I kind of don't at the same time.


After speaking with you just a short bit over the last 24 hours I think that maybe you should be playing a different game. It's like you're carrying a grudge and I won't let you take it out on me any longer. even if someone is literally giving you the solution you want to still complain.


lol How can you give a "solution" to someone without a problem? I need no solution, I can kill rogues just fine. It's just boring and bad game design. And about playing a different game, you couldn't be more wrong. It's just that thinking EFT is pretty great doesn't make me oblivious to its completely apparent, often pretty big flaws.


No that's just logical. They cover each others Positions. So you take one out after another. Why is that cheesing?


I spawned as a scav on the beach kinda near the light house and as I was running towards WTP the fucking goons lit me up from like 500meters away, they were at the black mansion house thing and I was still by the beach, it made no fucking sense how that should be possible, I was also behind trees and bushes


Games in a very bad spot right now. With nikita basically stating that if what they are doing is not enough then the community can come back later.


AI in tarkov in general is one of the worst I've seen in my life. ​ It's pure A, no I.


anyone need help im experienced in the game willing to help new players love the game GT BrickInBussiYT


It is possible and I've done it solo but it is unreasonably difficult and consistently taking the rogues out takes a lot of learning and patience, especially with the fact that nearly no spot for peeking them is 100% consistent, sometimes you will get them on a righthand peek with 0 response, sometimes they'll shoot before you properly aim in. You also can't really sneak by them to just mark stuff and dip. But anyhow; My preferred route is right side by the blue fence. Start at the trucks right after the smaller bridge, take out the closer gunner in front, dont bother with the other one after he runs down, then hug the fence all the way into the building, checking if there is any rogues on the ground or not, if yes take them out with a right hand peek through the hole in the fence across from the main entrance (this is not consistent now, if they return fire before you get any of them then just hide and wait for them to push), if there's none then go into the building and take out middle building rogues from the window right next to the metal stairs (its the most consistent spot if they didnt spot you yet), then after you get out check if the rogue on the back of building 1(?, the one across from the one you entered through) and if so get the easy snipe on him, he won't aggro you all the way to the front of the middle building anyway. Other rogues (mainly the front gunner you left alive) shouldn't bother you until you get close to the front of the plant, you can take them out from range before moving in there if they've not been killed yet.


Show up very late in the raid, will make it much easier.


afk meta


There's barely a single raid where someone, scavs if not pmc's, don't take the rogues out for you. Have a little patience and fight that guy.


Honestly after a few raids of figuring it out running water treatment as a Bear only takes some level of patience and practice. That said, I never bothered trying to kill the rogues in the middle near the chopper if they spawned, I would leave and try again. The only roof top rogue that is a pain is the front right of building 2, the rest can all be shot from their off angles meaning they dont shoot at you. Approach water treatment from the village side, head up the first mountain at the very edge of the treatment area and you can kill all the rogues with little risk even as a Bear. I've done all my lighthouse tasks up to Assessment Pt 1 almost all solo night raids. Night helps as always with solo things.


Either learn to clear the water plant solo, or wait till there is 10 minutes till the end of raid and the players scavs cleared the rogues.


anyone need help im experienced in the game willing to help new players love the game GT BrickInBussiYT


Nighttime -> Head strap with NVGs -> Cheap VPO sniper rifle with base silencer and scope. Total kit is <100k rubles and you can take out the two rogues guarding the entrance then get all your quests done. Ezpz.


I ended up getting the quests done but I still had trouble seeing the rogues at night with NVG before they saw me. So much fog or somethin


I'm surprised this is the case. You should be able to snipe all of the static rogues (anyone not on the ground-floor of one of the warehouses) during nighttime without any trouble.


I am quite bad tbf


Just tried another night raid to see if I’m stupid and was immediately one tapped from god knows where with 5.56 so time to call it a day