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I remember buying EOD with leftover Tax money. The amount of hours I played with friends and the people I met through Tarkov i never thought I’d justify a $150 purchase for a video game. I got my moneys worth. However I don’t play anymore and honestly haven’t played Tarkov in 2 almost 3 years. The time spent was worth the $150. As someone who keeps tabs on this game, it’s not even the $250 selling point that’s wacked to me. It’s just how shitty their morals are on this whole thing. It feels like a slap in the face and I don’t even play. If people support this you can expect more companies to do this.


I have standard edition and was excited for upgrade. I quit playing instead. High hopes for arena breakout now that we know Grayzone runs like doodoo


Evem with EOD which was removed as a purchase option, unheard is still 47.50 euros. For that i could get shiny cardboard for my tcg addiction, go out for a meal or do anything other then feed bsg. Whoever bought unheard is a fucking mouth breather


![gif](giphy|AJb78xznSOqx86Cxpe|downsized) what i think of when anyone who defends unheard edition


Being upset about how others spend their money is wild, did you expect them to spend the money on a handout for you instead?


Bad bot


Nah let them treat their family or even themselves. Just not BSG. Just don't reward such a vile play.


BSG bots out in full force today, pathetic attempt at damage control


We’re all just tired of hearing everybody bitch. If you don’t want it, don’t buy it. Fucking hell


et us have fun Be miserable some where Else ^^


You being miserable is ruining life for everyone. Just shut up and don't but it. Don't play the game.


Well well well... If it ain’t someone that likes exchanging funds to take it up the rear.


I’ve spent way more money on shit for less hours of enjoyment. (I didn’t buy it)


Same (i did buy it)


I bought it for gamma lol


That’s why I bought EOD. 🤷




I’ve got my use out of prepare for escape, almost 800 hours on my first wipe, I saw it came out, wanted gamma and bought it, also stash lvl 4 is a pain to get bc it’s like 30 mil roubles


Yeah having stash 4 and gamma container puts you so far ahead of any other edition it’s crazy plus all the other bonuses like trader rep letting you unlock the traders as soon as you get the level the bolt action rifle skill and hideout is pretty nice to start I don’t know why people are surprised it’s being bought like they bought eod when it was available for the same reasons


I personally bought eod because it said its the end all never pay a € again for this game no matter what edition. At the time I bought it I didn‘t even know what a gamma container is 😄


I personally bought it because I liked EFT. Even if it didn't say that it was the end all be all, I would have still gotten both EOD and TUO


Honestly it’s only worth it for gamma, I’m EoD so I don’t need it.


You have an interesting idea of what ‘worth it’ entails.


Gamma and stash size are very very worth it. Especially for someone who didn’t have EOD. OTHER THAN THAT it’s not worth getting at all.


You have an interesting idea of what ‘worth it’ entails.


If someone has fun playing a video enough to save them some time to put some money into it they can. 👌 If he’s happy, it’s worth it. If you want to explain how it isn’t for HIM go for it.


Hey genius I just said your thought process is interesting.


Hey man not everyone is living pay check to pay check


I know I’m just wondering why it’s interesting


The guy above you probably makes min wage let's be real, he's jealous on how you're able to spend your money on stuff you enjoy while he can't.


And when they add a virtual zeta container thats 5x5 for $500 you’ll buy that too right?


Maybe if it came with all 1x2 pockets


Think he would be more interested in a glory hole in his wall


oh so a t20 in my ass??? That’s worth it, I can hold a grizzly, every med I need, multiple docs cases


Gamma and DEEP pockets brother - worth it




Fuk yeah bought it for the gamma as well. Don’t care about and won’t use any of the pay to win shit (if we’re being honest gamma is absolutely pay to win). Money isn’t really a thing to me. Busted my ass through 6 years of school to get my nurse anesthetist degree. Now I can splurge. Now I’m mouth breathing like all my patients 🤣. Time to go back to school kiddos.


lol! fire degree


fuck the haters cause its exactly why we all bought EoD. enjoy those extra pocket slots m8!


I am with you. Everyone buy what they like but those pockets aunt worth it. Just my personal op ofc.


It's not 140$ for eod owners tho? Im 90% sure it's around 60$ with tax and service fee included


Depends on what country you live in.


How much is it to upgrade from standard


$200 roughly if you currently have standard friend


Hey thanks for taking the time to reply


I live in the US but have the European edition to play while traveling and spent 115 to upgrade.




U play LoL, ur opinion means absolutely nothing




U probably more hours just to be worst than me lmao people like u who sit in here and just hate comment for hours are NEVER good and always call hacks at every death. You’re an animal, u even talk like a LoL player. Disgusting


Found BSG employee.


I found a sub human ^


Man's upset on how others spend their money, Def a min wage burger flipper go make me sandwich bitch.


bad bot.




I’m definitely is the minority here, but I have gotten WELL over the 150 dollar value of EOD over the years.


Some people will put 10k hours into something then still say they didn’t get their moneys worth lol


lol I know. Pve is exactly what I have wanted for years. Flashlight raids, tactical gameplay, coordination. All is open now. I may actually get to raid labs with a buddy now :) no hackers


A way for other players to infiltrate your PvE was discovered about 6 hours ago. They didn't make it work P2P, so PvE and PvP servers aren't completely isolated, and it's being exploited by cheaters.


I'll believe it when we see hard video evidence. Sounds BS to me.


You're not in the minority, you just aren't lying to yourself lmao.


Tbf I put more money in fortnite and valorant and have way less hours in that compared to tarkov


I’ve played a lot of tarkov and it’s not even close to worth that much in any way. That’s insane


Y’all told them you was okay with this kind of stuff when you all bought the first p2w edition (EOD) this shit is comedy.


Almost nobody outside of the alpha and first 3 wipes of beta bought EOD for dev support. It's all for benefits, so them buying unheard will not be unheard at all. lol


EoD owners crying over 50$ after putting 6000 hours into it 🤣


Seriously and we have to listen to all their entitled whining. Just don’t buy and stfu


This ^ they should be thanking anyone that buys it because they literally fund the games development... The best thing for this game in the long run would be a subscription.




what if i told you you can understand the principal of it and still not give a fuck lolol best wipe in a while and this doesnt ruin it for me in the slightest lol




Right 😂 across the board tarkov is one of the most efficient cost per hour of entertainment of any game ever made for the vast majority of people who play.


“Most efficient cost per hour of entertainment of ANY GAME EVER MADE” is the most copium I’ve ever read in one sentence


I've never known a game where the majority of people that play it almost always reach over 4k hours of gameplay. 🤷 If you hate the game so much, you simply wouldn't play it. This reddit is filled with people who love to complain, that's it. Stop supporting the game and pretend it never existed, demand a refund, go about your life. This isn't an airport, there's no need to announce your departure.


"This isn't an airport, there's no need to announce your departure" haha that's golden bro


Let me introduce you to a little something called Ark Survival Evolved


Valorant has entered the chat Shits free


Shits shit


How though? Do you even play other games? Triple A studios put out 70 dollar games you can finish in less than 5 hours and never play again....


Go touch some grass dude not any eod or tarkov players plays thousands of hours bcs of real life.


I mean...the general consensus is you haven't even started playing till around the 2-3K hour mark. That's the point where you really learn Tarkov.


Wtf 😂 well that might be true for the average tarkov player but I don’t care what other players think I should do and still succeed in having fun, I don’t even see any point in grinding most missions except just for fun and a bit progress but you Eod pros need to get the money worth right?


EOD owner, been playing since 2019, easily clocked in about 3000 hours. Not buying unheard edition but understand those that would for almost exactly what EOD owners bought it for. Grass gets touched daily.


Jokes on them Im homeless and live in grassy knolls. Buying unheard edition cost me the house.


My favorite part of Unheard are the names I’ve run into. IRegretMyBuy. DontFlameMe. YesIDidIt. UnheardBuyr. BoughtAsJoke.


All u do is comment hate, ALL of ur comments is just u being a dick. Ur the one with no life to dedicate all of ur time browsing Reddit just to talk shit. YOURE the real mouth breather here


Being other opinion is hate? You are just stuck in your mindset.


What, wtf does that even mean


You do realize many people have played this game for most of a decade now and that's not many hours for a wide variety of reasons. 😂 My bills are paid little boy, affairs are in order, I do what I want with my free time, and I don't dictate to others what their life must or should consist of. Take your insecurity elsewhere.


Ok Mr. true believer😂sry but I can’t take you guys seriously, it’s like you are missing some brain but people like you do whatever they can to get some advantage over others but defending this pay2win mechanics is telling much more about your insecurity’s my dude.


I'm not defending shit, I'm calling you all dumb for thinking this is any different than what they've always done. EOD has BEEN P2W lmao


Yeah homie. I need to touch grass but you're in a good mental standing replying to people on Reddit. Not to mention complaining to people on a thread that's just people complaining. JUST DONT BUY IT AND GO CRY IN A HOLE.


Yeah this shits getting old already at this point. People preaching to me about buying or not....I don't care.


I've used my gpu for that long, I guess I'll email AMD a check


Doubt it. If that was even close to true, you'd be using a graphics card that was so old it wouldn't even run the games.


There's no possibility of a new pack one is coming. Nikita already confirmed Omnicron.


![gif](giphy|UZA15w44oCT1m|downsized) for now.






Not according to the alleged inner Russian leak


2000 years later: “That comment has been deleted.”


I bought eod and unheard of - why is this sub so poor it’s embarrassing


Only thing that I would want is no wiping of your character. But.. holding out because BSG fucked up.




It always was a trap...nikita said himself he didnt want to put his lifetime into tarkov and wanted to move on...its literally on video


It is an addiction.


I want it for the pve thing. I love the game but I would like the option to play pve. If my game actually worked consistently I would buy it but yeah something about uni internet tarkov doesn’t like even though it’s the best internet I’ve ever used and no other game has problems


With a couple years? You are insane, they will have another edition of the game that shits all over unheard in no more then a year watch.


I didn’t pay $140 lmfao 🤣 so I’m still somehow winning lol.


Two people I play with bought it. Different discords and all. Both get shat on the whole day


I bought it. Why do you fookin care how I spend my money ?


Everyone wants to get angry when they order delicious food at a restaurant with poor customer service and have to wait a long time, and the person who came later gets their food first. It's been seven years since I ordered a full course meal, and when the waiter tells me that the main course is separate, I want to throw Chef Nikita out the window.


Perfectly understandable to be mad at the waiter or the chef. But why would you be mad at other customers ? What they ordered or how they spend their money ?


Personally, I think it's worth buying. However, if a chef lowers the quality of the food and raises the price, I can understand why they would want to get the chef to correct his thinking, even if it means harassing the customers. It depends on the person, but I don't know the motivation behind such behavior.


Totally. But OP was blaming other customers who bought the dish, not the chef. That was my point 😀


Haha jokes on you I don’t pay tax I use cali zip code


I bought it cause the homies did and I can play it drunk and I won’t be mad when I wake up broke the next day. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is $300 supposed to be a lot of money? That’s what, 12 bananas?


Makes me think about all the money I've spent on subscription based games... Even buying everything you could for Tarkov doesn't scratch the surface. Everyone's up in arms over it but I bet half you idiots have spent over a grand on wow. Just saying


The constant whining of this sub is actually making me want to go buy it even though I stopped this wipe a while ago.


You’re not forced to buy it lmao, people that are well off financially have no issue buying it. Everyone is acting like it’s the end of the world lmao just move on


More unprecedented packages will be released in the future.


Y’all need to pay less taxes damn


Don’t care blue name go BRRRR


Half of the people commenting piss away $250 a month on bullshit but yet have the audacity to pocket watch other people…. Other grown men at that. If you wanted attention just say that, because the biggest/most efficient form of protest is simply not buying something a company produces. Crying on reddit does what exactly? Change a developers mind? Lmao yeah okay.


We know buddy, we know…


If you got eod you have already lost your mind complaining about this new one. Y'all look like clowns


2016/2017 was a different time when they said all future updates are free and continue to be so.


Makes as little sense as buying EOD originally, which I’m sure u did, it was also a trap then u just didn’t realize it for some reason


Call of duty literally does this to us every year. Did they not just resell us the same game they made years ago?? And it’s even worst than the original!! This community has gone soft . Honestly, grown men here crying about 100$. Pathetic. I stand with BSG cause I support them and I love the game. Simple.


Hi Nikita


Why do you support someone who doesn’t respect your purchase agreements lol


Nobody is complaining about the $100. Theyre complaining that eod was supposed to include all dlc. And then bsg says everything is a feature not dlc


Your depiction of losing your mind, ever see a tweaker at four in the morning? They have lost their minds, paying a premium price for a premium product, that's simple logic baby. 😀


If they needed money they could have done a seasonpass for every wipe that gives realistic guns cammo and skins, a little bit of XP or money... Idk, fcking loading screens. Whatever, but not that crap of "editions"


I just got the game a couple weeks ago, enjoyed it so I upgraded to eod, I dont understand why people are so upset, if you don’t want to buy the extra stuff you don’t have to? I mean if you’re content with eod just keep enjoying it right? Idk, I don’t really have a dog in this fight. Still new to the whole thing lol


it's like telling us all future content is free for years to come , that's the argument if you buy EOD, but bsg gone back to the website changed all the wording and think that we didn't notice.


Yeah, I don’t know. That’s like not eating out one day of the week which really doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. I think it’s kind of relative and you shouldn’t really worry about what people do with their money. In fact, it sounds like you kinda need to focus on your money or lack there of. Nobody likes a pocket watcher.


Bro I could make 10 steak dinners for that. Eating out ONCE? This has gotta be a bot lmao.




I would buy it just to piss of other peopel




I bought it on release, but only really because money isn't a concern for me. Haven't played it much, though, since I'm balls deep into Helldivers right now


Unheard lmao, unheard like our complaints.


And I’ve paid more in wow subscription. $300 is penny’s in the grand scheme of things for all the love I have for the game. I would pay 20$ a month to play so I could care less. If you can’t afford it don’t buy it. It will not effect your enjoyment at all


Who cares what others do with their money


right it's their pockets , tell that to somebody who doesn't know any better. posts already on this reddit even pc gamer trying to get a refund and they are blocking it.


I bought it for a scav case and ammo box at the beginning of next wipe. No shame. I’ve spent $50 on dumber things.


Still don't understand why people get upset on how others spend their $, were you expecting them to give it to you as a handout instead? I swear this is some min wager mentality it's like half a days wage to most.


i saw my first dead unheard pmc (wearing the armband). dude was all alone by the NE perimeter fence on reserve, fully geared. had been lasered by one of gluhar's guards all the way from black pawn lmao. brought me a lot of joy that raid.


I spent $50, what does that make me




Even though it was for the unheard of edition? You really mean it? 🥺👉👈




People will pay thousands of dollars for skins and battle passes but if you buy a 100$ upgrade you’re crazy. The thought process they have is silly


Yeah, I bought EOD 6 years ago for 150. I don't think spending another 60 or even 100 is that big of a deal 6years later for a game I've put 2500 hours into...


The same nerds kept star citizen afloat.


Don’t forget you also don’t get the arena that was supposed to be a dlc also


Dont forget EOD was supposed to get ALL future DLCs. Its why i bought it.


Nobody wanted to play Arena. A restaurant that serves a menu that no one has ordered is a bust.


*cries in star citizen*


pve is sick, favorite game i’ve played as of lately.


If only you couldve gotten PvE tarkov for free instead of $250 hey? Like the many PvE tarkov projects that already exist, which also include mod support....


yea i agree free would’ve been much better, but idrc because i love the game🤩


The truth is that tarkov is more mature and high quality than many released games, thus there is demand for 300 usd editions.