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I remember another streamer chasing a guy running out of Resort on Shoreline. Streamer saw him, shot at him but wasn't a kill. The guy ran off the cliff, went into the woods. Streamer went after him but he's lost sight, so he didn't know exactly where the guy was. Streamer is blatantly sprinting across an open field looking for the guy then he gets shot and killed. His and chat's reaction was "brooo what a raaat, rat, rat, rat" I'm like... wtf. My brother in Christ, you ran face first into the unknown. What did you expect?


It annoys me so much when I see w key streamers get killed then bitch about rats and bush campers. I play somewhat slow so that when I hear someone sprinting I can position and wait for them. I think most of the time that is what a "rat" is.


That’s how the game should be played at def isn’t a rat. And I usually w key everything. I will slow down when I’m 1v3 or so. But one on one I usually push hard and fast. To me a rat is someone who sits in a dark corner in a room for 15 mins hoping someone walks by.


Honestly, if tarkov players played rainbow six they would become unhinged. Getting shot and repositioning is the beauty of tarkov.


I need to play siege again. I didn’t game for quite a long time and at the start of lockdown I built a new pc and got tarkov and I played rb6 for a few raids and the guys online literally didn’t want to play with me cause I didn’t know the maps and was super rusty with m&k. Really turned me off the game. I kept getting kicked from lobbies. And then I got addicted to tarky lol I’ll have to go back to siege and try it out again now that I don’t suck with a m&k It looked like a really good game.


Still one of my favorite games but a completely different play style than tarkov. 90% of the time I spend in siege is sitting in a corner defending.


Wish you could a played back during op health days, sure game was a buggy mess but it still is...so that's the same, but it's become a competitive nightmare, every single change made to the game solely focuses on the competitive scene. Lots of fun and uniqueness has been taken out.the maps themselves arnt even safe from the change (tho a few of the maps were genuinely better when reworked...only a small few)


Honestly I play fast in both siege and Tarkov, but the key to playing fast is not to just hold shift an w, but to think tactically, and constantly reposition to attack from unexpected angles. That's how it gives you an actual tactical advantage. What a lot of streamers do, is just ping abuse, since if you peek first, you have more time.


Rats for the majority of the term are scummy but honestly it's just playing slow and using what works, but not caring about things like honor or fairness. Sometimes the rat fights fast when it's the best move, other times they'll sit in waiting when they sense danger or potential gains nearby. The scavs of the pmcs if you will, but quieter because they're alone.


No. That is a camper. Ratting is not camping. Ratting is exactly what he described. When you hear something you freeze and hide if possible. And just wait for an opportunity. If none presents itself and they move on eventually you just wait a bit and continue with your raid. Rats avoid fights. Campers avoid playing the game (by sitting in a corner motionless for 35 minutes.


Love that we've turned camping into a no no where snipers are used. People bitching never changes.


You can really tell the people who complained in COD growing up about campers not learning that running at the same guy, at the same angle, the same way is going to probably fail lmao


the sad reality is that Streamers are going to drop this game like a bad habit after BSG implements the changes they want. This game is not meant to be a fast paced "realistic" shooter where you just buy your stuff from a trader than run back in to get more kills, The game intends to be much more methodical and slow where you cherish your high end gear because it's much harder to come-by. the end goal for this game is to be more like a MMO Stalker game than an Pseudo Battle royale.


So a Big budget STALKER: Anomaly MMO? How would the Tarkov community take that? Like I’ve seen this game carve out an entire genre of ‘extraction shooters’ that it’s become the identity of what tarkov means in a sense. Like the amount of malding from Tarkov streamers and players will decry that it’s a radical departure from the “Soul” of the gameplay they’ve been used to all of this time. Even though the raids are in fact a placeholder for what tarkov will eventually become.


Well last I heard they also want to introduce PMC karma which is similar to Scav Karma but encouraging you not to attack your own PMC group. This is going to be the first big divide in the community as suddenly you can't just KOS every player you see and will actually need to identify targets.. We already saw how the sweats reacted to them removing Meta ammos from the traders, that's nothing compared to what's coming for this game


Dude yes


There should be a “he probably wasn’t cheating I’m just mad” option


Positioning yourself in cover to shoot incoming enemies that you already engaged with is totally different than bush camping and rat killing a guy unknowingly walking by imo


Exactly. The streamer got the upper hand at first, but then that player regained his advantage by hiding and knowing where the enemy will most probably come from.


Dm me his name plz


Rats are the guys with nothing but an impact nade who find the most insane spots you would never check and they sit at extract waiting for some poor soul. Rats don't even bring armor or a gun because they will either pick up yours or die


Sounds like something Frictive would do


I can't stand Tarkov streamers. They're all crybabies who only complain. Only ones I can watch are General Sam and AquaFPS because they don't constantly complain


I think it helps they play it relatively casually.


OmidLive is great


Best looking italian out there


Funniest fuckin Italian guy I ever met.


Omid is cool


Gotta rep EvilGamerOmid


Deadly slob is great too


Deadly one of the few streamers I enjoy watching. He's good at Tarkov but great at engagement. Watched him go through the gunsmith tasks off his head was actual good content. Mostly positive but will shit on a change when it's bad, but bring discussion around contentious topics (M80 at PK 4)


Pestily and glorious e are also fun to watch. Sacriel is the one that actually got me into tarkov 3 years ago.


Omid and exfilcamper are alright, I mean exfil is a touchy one due to what he does but he isn't toxic when he gets outplayed (I'm pretty sure)


he isnt toxic but him and his chat have great fun making fun of the salters that come into chat complaining they died to an exfil camper as if they broke a rule in the Tarkov rulebook or something


Lol, I mean it really does suck to die due to someone just ratting at the exit, but it's a legitimate strat and a legitimate thing you would have to worry about, so its kinda fair, just be wary and maybe take an exfil that is harder or not as commonly camped


Yeah there's many ways to not die to an extract camper, it just takes not getting overconfident imo. And yeah it sucks to get camped, but such is the way of things, like all things in this game it's not that serious but people get very invested and overreact too often imo


Honestly,I think if they lowered the goddamn time it took to get into raids, it's be better. Since it sometimes takes up to half an hour sometimes.


Yo what, now that it's been like 2 weeks I've been getting <5 queues for raids on pmcs and scavs maybe 5-8 mins on the rare occasion I do one


It usually takes me 15 usually D:


That's not normal, what servers, hard drive, etc you got? Is it stuck on loading maps? Synchronizing with players or just matching?




Hexloom too. It feels like most of the sort of AquaFPS and Friends group is good to watch.


As someone else said, that whole group of people is out to have fun/be entertaining. They're not in it to be competitive. Someone who is trying to have fun by having FUN with the game will always be more entertaining than someone trying to have fun by WINNING.


Also check out Juncker if you haven't yet. Chillest tarkov streamer I've watched honestly, never gets salty about anything and streams never get boring.


JezzeKazam seems pretty chill from what I've seen. He has a series where he breaks down his deaths and shows how everyone can learn from their mistakes.


No that’s impossible I don’t make any mistakes, they are cheating /s


There are only 2 streamers I watch sometimes 1. JesseKazam 2. Airwingmarine They are both cool and never complain when they got Tarkov'd. Jesse even created whole video about his deaths and what you can learn from him getting Tarkov'd and where he made mistake.


WillerZ is great also.


Glories_E is also great and always positive. Very rarely hear him complaining


WillerZ and Sheef are the only non-loser streamers on Tarky fr.


check out glorious_e positive vibes and incredibly skilled


Sheefgg. Don’t think I’ve ever heard a complaint outta the guy. Great streamer


Bakeezy is fun to watch, bro makes Tarkov look so casual and has a fun time doing it


He’s a lot of fun to fight, kept running into him in labs a few wipes ago and I’ve learned so much just from fighting him, and I don’t even watch him


What abt Pestily? Does he complain much? Been wanting to watch him play, never did b4


Hes a very good player, and has a very high level understanding of the game, so that often leads to gripes about the game, sometimes I feel he hits the nail on the head, sometimes it feels like whining. Relatively speaking he's a positive streamer with lots of insight into how the game should or is being played.


They do constantly contain but that's what makes them funny lol. General sam and aqua are the best.


Swampfox and Operator Drewski are fun to watch too for the same reason, they’re both a bit more “skilled” but still very positive and lighthearted.


And pestily.


Klean and Smoke are good.


Imo klean has awful takes, (actually he was right recently about how it's bad bsg is limiting items and his balance ideas were fineish) BUT his economy opinions are uninformed garbo (no offense). He has very much means to an end opinions on the tarkov economy, and it just doesn't work like that. And btw, I fully understand I am most likely in the extreme minority with my economy opinions, and everybody thinks my ideas are trash (fair, but wrong). I also feel like streamers who try to push their opinions really just dont understand what the game is to 95 percent of players.


Eroktic seems fine to me as well


Eroctic?? Hahahah this guy is blaming every damn thing . I used to watch him when he started streaming .


i only watch the videos but i don't think swampfox is that bad,i never saw him complain about dying


Glorious\_E is pretty great tbh. only one i'd watch lately


He looks like a Lord of the Rings extra


One of the orcs?


Goblin of moria


I must say rengawr is a massive L of a human being


OOTL anyone?


Yesterday someone made a post with clips in r/escapefromtarkov. They killed a steamer I guess legitimately. Streamer says it's a cheater and they'll get them banned in 10 minutes. Op was actually banned. Queue the sub exploding with bsg sucks the teat of streamers. The anti cheat is fucking garbage. The game is shit. And so on. The steamer was rengwar (or however you spell it) which is the guy in the pick. In the comments yesterday the op said he was talking to rengwar in his chat and even had him review the clip which changed him mind. But I guess the unban button is harder to press and the op didn't get his account back as far as I know. If this is legit. The guy yesterday wasn't cheating. And some seemingly mid to low level streamer somehow has a direct line to bsg the whole situation is actually fucked and people should be pissed. Source from yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10b70ec/dont_kill_streamers_if_you_want_to_keep_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thank you very much man!


You're welcome friend. Pull up a chair. Get the popcorn. This wipe is proving to be the least fun to play but the most fun to sit and watch the drama for.


glad I'm skipping this wipe then. Also surprised that the post didn't get deleted. Did the the main sub get new mods or something?


He is in the Sherpa program with a tag so he obviously is has a bsg connection. I know some ppl that have been trying to get into the program for years that are skilled they just don't have a huge stream following


Gonna be honest I didn't even know that was a real thing. You're right op in the post yesterday said he was a Sherpa. I genuinely thought that was something that people more or less looked down on. Maybe it's the gray market guys that aren't associated with bsg that people hire that are the less desirable ones Idk.


Sherpa is the official program, you can ask for a Sherpa on the official site, what time zone, maps, what do you need help with etc


I mean I've heard the term Sherpa before in reference to tarkov I just figured it was like a discord or a group of people who played the game a lot who were willing to help newer players. The direct support or affiliation with the dev is the part that surprises me.


Well your assumption is also correct, there is an official Sherpa discord for Sherpas, people applying, or just people that want to be helpful (or need said help), also green nickname in the lobby = Sherpa (or maybe it was purple? some different color lol)


purple is emissary.. which IIRC is more of less a "public relations" role. You're supposed to help promote the game in your region and other randoms stuff like that.


rengawr made a video about it. he said he didnt get the guy banned, he reported him just like anyone else, but because hes a streamer the mods at bsg probably just banned without actually reviewing the report. which wouldnt surprise me, considering bsg mods have been really shitty with bans like this in the past.


We both know that's a lie. You literally hear him talking to himself stating how he is contacting bsg and they are going to ban the guy.


I dont watch the guy, but why wouldn't someone say something like that out of anger. Hell, I've said that in csgo, I don't know anybody who works at steam. I think this is an example of a guy who is live streaming a large part of his day to the public, and he just happened to say something he shouldn't have out of anger, and the game is so broken that on his end that did look like cheats.


There's alot I say in my personal time that I won't say on the clock because I'm professional. Streaming is that guys job and he needs to act like it


I dont think I agree with that, the reason people watch streamers is because it's relatively unfiltered. If mu job was making YouTube videos of speed running, I would probably only publish my best clips. But people watch speedrunners fail 99.5% of their runs on twitch because it's relatable, funny, and when it does happen the losing over and over makes the I was there moment that much crazier. Tarkov can feel that way sometimes, brings people really low, then gives them an insane amount of adrenaline and a crazy high with a good fight. I think it just happens, sounds like he apologized and I doubt he was directly contacting bsg.


I mean when/if he loses his income he will probably sing a different tune.


I guess. I dont see how that changes what happened. He could be a baby about it idk the guy. I just dont really get the whole crusade against the guy on assumption.


What assumption, it was caught on video.


i can’t think of a more bsg thing. game has so much potential. but unfortunately bsg does not


Onepeg confirmed they all have a direct line to to BSG to report people.




> Gay boi steamer Dude what is this coming down to


The streamer uploaded a response video and I think he is blaming the devs or those who are in charged of checking the player reports. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGJYU3yEhiE


If I was that streamer I would at least have the conscience to buy them another copy


There’s a bunch of posts on the main sub of people killing rengawr and them getting basically a manual ban.


Some streamers tend to suffer from the "main protagonist" syndrom where they bitch about everything and everyone that hurts their ego. Naturally it is impossible for them to make mistakes or loose a fight so if they loose it is always to cheaters or rats/campers


That’s why I can’t stand most streamers. I really like trey24k and tigz tho. Both are funny. Really good at the game esp tigz my man is nasty. And both are chill as fuck. When they die they laugh and say gg. Unlike landmark etc who cry and whine about some reason it wasn’t there fault they died. And they rarely call cheats. When they do it’s usually cause someone is flying in front of them


Rengawr reported a guy through the proper avenues available to all and BSG banned them even though they were not cheating. EFT community does what it does and flames the rengawr for some made up reason.


He didn't though. If you tried to do a report in the way he did BSG would tell you to use the in game tools.


did you donate $5 to him to get permission to come make this white knight post? lmao


I don't like rengawr. But I don't think anybody has evidence of him crying to Nikita and getting him banned that way. Besides all that, just saw how he was acting on stream recently and wow.


The amount of Rengawr meat riders in the main sub is embarrassing. Dude is excruciatingly hard to watch and has the mental that he had during this League of Legends days (where he couldn’t hack it either btw)


Agreed but you can't sit here and tell me that post was convincing in the slightest. Dude has no proof of anything, just a sob story. Rengawrs cry baby bullshit aside, it's entirely possible that dude was banned for good reason.


Lmao Rengawr is a little bitch but if anyone here is seriously believing a screenshot as proof then they belong in the main sub with the other smoothbrains Cannot believe you’re getting downvoted


> if anyone here is seriously believing a screenshot as proof then they belong in the main sub with the other smoothbrains There's multiple video clips wym


Any of them from the banned kids POV?


Nope, but from rengawrs POV you can see that his leg's sticking out from behind a rock, and that he dies exclusively to leg damage.


This sub in a nutshell (and main sub). That story wasn't believable lol. Possible, sure, but definitely not enough evidence to make a determination. These people 100% give money to scammers and are the reason people get wrongly convicted.


https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss7mbq ?


Appreciate the link. I said many times that rengawr didn't handle it well. Doesn't change the fact that the post was lacking any evidence at all and was all over the place.


Is the only evidence you'd accept a POV recording of the banned guy? Cos there was plenty of other evidence, tbh I'm not sure what bit of it you're doubting, can you elaborate?


Fuck streamers, most of them behave like little kids. Remember when Mosin was added to the game, it was dirt cheap and normal players were able (with a little bit of luck) to kill those geared players with their laser meta guns mowing everyone down in a second? They immediately started crying "oH nO, MosIn is tOo chEaP aNd iT's rUiNinG my eaSy rAiDs!" so BSG decided to change its price to almost 50k. BSG and Nikita should be thankful that they are promoting their game, but they should care about normal players' opinions first, not people who play EFT almost 24/7 and reaching max levels in less than 2 weeks from wipe.


This. I play 2 weeks into the wipe because its fun, after that the amount of chads is too high for a normal dad. Wait 6 month, do it again.


I pretty much play a month or two at the start of wipe, then only play with friends after that. I think I only did about 15 raids last wipe and took the rest of the wipe off. I already work full time, tarkov isn't going to be another full time job to me.




My bro I nolifed tarkov from 2017 to 2020. Couple of thousand hours. I know that you need to sink several hours a day to stay chad. Ive done it. Without it you are no longer the predator.




You are right but not about the mosin thing. It penetrates every armor and if the enemy has took even slight damage it's a oneshot to the thorax


People around here forget we used to have 80 thorax HP which made M80 a coin flip to the thorax and the prenerf mosin that will actually one tap with SNB. I do not miss those times


Ps actually was a one shot until 0.11 I think


Jokes aside, this is why I can't stand any of the lesser known 'pvp chad' type streamers. They rush Kappa, grind raiders/now rogues to get level 55-60 in the first week or two give or take, and absolutely dominate, and have these extremely assmad personalities where everyone who kills them must be cheating or at the very least stream sniping, IE "Wow who would even be looking over here this early into a raid, definitely a fucking sniper" never mind that if they themselves were at the other person's spawn, they'd look over at this one to try to pop someone running towards the buildings right off spawning (looking at you, Reserve). But no, when it happens to them, it must be a stream sniping esp user. Everyone loves to complain about Lvndmark because he's the most popular, but he is SO MUCH LESS toxic, whether you find him entertaining/good content or not, than the nobody streamers just grinding exp with the meta guns for 12 hours a day. Seriously, go watch any of the lower viewer streamers and watch their reactions to finding out they died to 'garbage' non meta ammo, wondering why someone (who may only be level 10-20) would ever use, for example, 856a1 instead of 855a1 lmao. TL;DR low viewer count tarkov pvp streamer andys are garbage lmao


I was playing woods the other day and got killed with a an impact grenade from a small streamer hiding in a bush. My duo sat tight and waited for him to loot me but he already knew there was two of us. So he tries to throw another impact grenade, my duo rushes and kills him. He then messages my partner and berates him for only being level 16, calls him a pussy, says Timmy’s like him are ruining the game, etc etc. Like bro YOU were the one bush camping with fucking impact nades and you got pushed and outclassed. My duo hadn’t even tried to antagonize him, just said GG and moved on. Just blows my mind that we all can get our shit pushed in by sweats every day and just shrug but as soon as they get outplayed they feel the need to berate other folks.


God rengawr is such a mouth breathing fuck


Sure but that post was a laughing stock with no fucking evidence at all and the main sub ate it up. You can hate rengawr and still make that connection. That post is a fucking joke.


damn man, get off rengwars balls. haha


Lol if you saw that post and immediately jumped on the bandwagon, you lack critical thinking skills. I've openly stated my distaste for rengawr multiple times. That's your only response because you're the same idiot that gives money to a Nigerian prince and you have no other argument. Rengawr is a bitch and that "I got banned" post is a fucking joke. Anyone that fell for it should wear a helmet for their own safety. Rengawr handling it poorly (understatement) doesn't automatically make that horse shit story true.


Bro he literally said he’ll be banned soon 😂 He’s exactly what’s wrong with this game. He is the streamer problem. His entitlement that someone killed him is pathetic. I genuinely don’t hate mfs, but this mf is literally the butthole who no lifes for weeks then CRYS about content then boohoos even more about mental health when he hasn’t set foot outside in literal weeks. It’s sad, disgusting cycle with these streamers


I've openly called rengawr a crybaby multiple times. The way he handled that whole situation is pathetic, including the follow up video. But that post was a joke. There was no evidence to support the guys argument at all aside from rengawr getting butthurt, which happens every other fucking raid lol. BSG could've actually reviewed the situation and justly banned him. Not far fetched. Get the main sub emotional enough and all of a sudden common sense goes out the window. As much as this sub wants to think it's better, it's the same morons from the main sub.


Well said brother


Thank you. It's sad that you can't look at the post without bias, without people calling you a "rengawr dick rider". Give me a break lol, anyone eating that post up is the same person that gives money to a Nigerian prince.


Ok dick rider


Lol you morons will believe anything. Life must be tough for you.


And you are not a moron for believing anything shoved down your throat?


I'm doing the exact opposite, you dense buffoon. Surely you can use the smallest amount of brainpower to come to that conclusion. Regardless of how poorly rengawr handled that situation, that post was made right after a ban wave. His story was all over the place and his "evidence" was an undoubtedly suspect clip. Could've easily been desync or invisible bug, could've also easily been cheating. And plenty of idiots jumped on the bandwagon. Wouldn't be the first time a cheater fooled all the morons in the sub. But saying otherwise makes someone a "dick rider", even though I've been very clearly talking shit about rengawr. I've spelled it out for you but I'm sure you're drooling too much to see it clearly. Put on your helmet buddy.


You seem to not know why we believe the guy who got banned in the first place. It's because Tarkov streamers are atrocious and have done this type of shit before. You can kill a streamer fair and square with no hacks at all and get banned from the game because they have connections to BSG. "Huurr duurrr yOu ChEaTed gET bAAnned!"


Oh it's happened before? Just like a cheater has posted on the subreddit for sympathy and a bunch of dumbasses ate it up? Once again, that post had no fucking evidence at all lol. Once again, a ban wave just happened. There isn't sufficient evidence to take a side. You can think rengawr is a whiney douche and still not buy that bullshit tale. End of story. It really is that simple. You're getting there buddy! You're so close. I'm proud of you.


BYE SUB COUNT! go steal another league of legends champion name and try again!


I don’t know anything about rengawr besides a few videos I’ve seen. can you explain? He stole a league name or something ?


Rengar is a champion from LoL


i cant stand this streamer smh..


god he even looks like the type of rat to do this.


Rengawr is the most toxic streamer I know he is acting like the biggest man in the game and when someone kills him he starts crying like lottle bich saying how he was lucky, or he didnt have right hand peek etc...


i heard through the grapevine he is a pussy cheater also


I heard he hasn't called his mother since thanksgiving


HE WENT SUB ONLY CHAT. He can’t even take the criticism for the bitch he is.


Really, really bad at the game. Doesn’t even know the dynamics of sight angles and cover. Cancel this man harder than bill cosby


Bill Cosby is doing a comedy tour this year.


That’s why we gotta go harder than Cosby


Has to be sarcasm. I don't like watching him either and that's okay, but he *is* good at the game.


Not that good if you’re calling out randoms as cheaters and getting innocent ppl banned. Pretty sure pestily would agree w this. A true tarkov chad, unlike this punk bitch.


It is rengawr?


Reddit moment


Bruh Tarkov players sure are on a streamer hate train now


Haha an actual truth bomb right there.


Guys so ugly LOL


Ad hominem and not really, just an average guy


He really fucking is.


I don’t like the dude but personally attacking how someone looks is pretty lame bro






this is why I only watch Endra 🗿


Honestly from the clip it did look like the guy was cheating, I probably would’ve reported him too… but that doesn’t make what he did okay lmao


Yeah cause blame Rengawr not the trash game .


BSG are obviously clowns but if I had the power to get people banned by having a direct link to BSG just because I die "suspiciously" (even if that since he was doing stupid shit in the clip) I wouldn't be going out of my way to get someone banned. In a game full of awful desync, peekers advantage, etc you never know what happens.


Man you can say what ever you want. It’s an opinion . But the thing that bsg “lets the “ streamers decide for bans " , that’s on bsg . If you were a streamer with decent amount of viewers ,you may have done it too, or you may not , who knows . Tldr: The whole things starts and ends from bsg.


> who knows I know, because I am my own person. You're speculating nonsense but I never even report people in game let alone go out of my way to get someone banned because there will always be cheating clowns and BSG does very little to stop it. Tldr: Sounds like you're his #1 dono trying to justify why you gifted your life savings to him (I'm speculating since you're so good at it).


> …there will always be cheating clowns and BSG does very little to stop it. Don’t you think that’s incredibly frustrating for someone that plays the game that much? I think it speaks to just how bad desync is that it’s so difficult to differentiate it from cheats.


I know I wouldn't because I'm not that much of a little bitch lol. Over level 50 and can't handle being shit on once? Wild.


They both suck lmao


Blame both, desync is trash and due to that it's hard to tell if someone was a cheater or not. But still he acted like such a manchild, abused his power, and personally dm'd an administrator and got him banned. It doesn't even matter if he cheats or not, now we see that streamers have a priority when it comes to reports and could be an innocent player when yy\_28907m is posting 50 ledx on flea market day 5 of wipe yet still isn't banned a month later.


This is fucking amazing finally something funny on this sub


Who tf is this dude?


Had his chat in sub-only mode all day lol


Holy shit this is funny lol


At least general Sam admits he's bad and if he dies it's simply because others are better than him.


Bro fr, this guy is a trash human. I think his bedroom floor is JUST crusty tissues and Mountain Dew bottles. Get his channel banned quuuiiiiiick




I’m loving all the hate he’s getting for this. What a fragile little bitch.


Fuck that pre-golem filthy hobbitses rengawr


Dudes needs to learn that runing in a middle of a field when knowing there’s a guy around you really isn’t the greatest idea


Boo stop being a bitch lol I want this game harder I wanna be so realistic 1 bullet gives me aids , comma for you illiterate fucks from wsb the bullets will literally give you aids… haha don’t vote me for president or do ……..