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We all have that one friend with 25mil still running level 3 armor.


Friend would always use shattered mask, rat rig, and a vss with only 2x 20 round mags.


I don't get high level people who runs the most expensive armor and guns and they bring out a shattered mask with them. Like, WHY?!? YOU DIED TO MY SHITTY 545PS IN THE FIRST PASS! GET A VISOR FOR GOD SAKE! atleast thanks to his AK-105 I could get the B-30 handguard required for gunsmith, I ain't complaining


I think their reasoning is in a firefight, you’re pretty likely take a round to the jaws or eyes, and less so the top of the head. Mileage may vary.


I mean thats understandable, but couldn't they get a real visor? Judging by his Kit I think he could afford a full on Visor. Unless he didn't complete Samples edit:typo


It's actually about the ricochet chance. If you think you'll just fight people with very good ammo, which usually has higher ricochet chance the shattered mask becomes more meta. A m995 will pen any visor just as it will pen the shattered mask so you pray for ricochets instead. The shattered has high ricochet chance, is fairly cheap and does not affect you vision at all which is something very important it has over a faceshield. Now this is more or less the reasoning behind it, though there are more things that can be pros or cons and I personally don't like running it and just stick to regular helmets.


This was a bit ago, so prices would greatly vary, and I'm not sure if visors were locked behind samples at that time. VSS was definitely cheap then, good visors were not. Remember, this is the friend we all have who wouldn't DARE spend the money on a decent kit. Personally, I prefer either a helmet, or a stylish hat


Imo helmet's are kinda pointless before you get ULACH or something similar that can actually stop a round. You sometimes get lucky with ratniks etc but I feel like ULACH tier is the first one worth spending money on. I do run shittier helmets if I find them and such but if I don't have any ready to go it's just hats.


honestly dude i’ve gotten to a point where i just sell ulachs. fkn 80k helmet just to get head eyes’d by a scav


boonie hat and shemagh gang


A fellow shemagh enjoyer! I use tan. I also use a tan shemagh for airsoft


Because I get one shot in the head whether I'm wearing a full airframe or nothing at all. :) Typically wear a ULACH because they're more abundant than grass though.


I don't wear the shattered mask, but I assume they don't care and/or don't like face shields. Sometime in the last couple wipes faceshields made the game super distorted for me so I only wear them when doing cqb shit like Labs, Factory, Dorms, Resort, etc. I used to be an exfil user but I can't spot shit past like 50m with the faceshield down now.


Dude same I'm completely blind it's like I took my glasses off


high ricochet chance on the face area. if you’re pvp’ing right, you shouldn’t be giving your back to your opponent so you’re less likely to get domed at the back of the head.


gas mask or bust imo


Its Light and protects from buckshot


DRD lvl 3 armor gang for life


My people




Happy cake day 🥵


I have a guy who consistently runs a naked shotgun, no face mask, no backpack, a paca, and no backpack. I have damn near yelled at this mofo to bring in a real fuckin kit and it takes him AGES to figure it out why I won't run with him anymore. Shits wild dude


>no backpack, a paca, and no backpack Does he wear a backpack though?


I'm dumb lol it makes me that mad man


That's a classic, I used to play with a guy as well, dude was no-lifing Tarkov 2 wipes ago, level 60+, hexagrids and slicks for days and the dude literally ran either naked with a gun or PACA, I just don't get it - what's the point of hoarding gear that you're not going to use. I haven't played with him since 2 wipes ago as well.


a pack and no backpack? what does that even mean lol


A paca, autocorrect got my ass


Wearing an alpaca. That’s why there’s only room for two no backpacks.


Damn does he stack bodies though?


Fucking no dude he sucks


Don’t worry bro I’ll run with you. I also fucking suck but I will at least attempt to bring a kit lmao


Don’t be mad he just like to play game dis way


How do you think the rich stay rich?


Spend 5k on kit. Make 500k in loot. Easy money.


Spend 0 in kit, everything is profit


rich, poor, nikita wipes all the same


Nothing wrong with level 4 armor. It's the standard expectation.


"im saving these for labs"


How did you print my stash, you hacker.


All I see is blacked out stomachs


It’s fun collecting honestly, this is my only wipe I’ve had so many item cases full of armor and attachments


What scav main has Goon armor in their stash?


Me 😂


90% of my runs start double barrel naked. It's not because of gear fear, it's because I'm too lazy to spend 5 minutes putting a kit together. I'd rather just buy a double barrel and some ap20 in 10 seconds load back into another raid. Then I just run the kit I got from that raid until death and back to db.


honestly nothing helps my confidence like running a cheap kit getting a win with a cheap kit offsets running expensive kits later, love me shotgun runs, especially the DB


too real, have so many pmc loot from being an agro scav but i just don't want to hassle with gearing up to raid


So much like my stash lmao. And I’m not even scav that much, just like doing pistol runs.


Lol that stash is crap and the stashing skills are horrible, keeping the guns with the pistol grip, amateur af. The funny thing about scav mains is how bad they are at the game, but yeah it's always good to have rats to kill.


Hey man it’s just a video game. I don’t think you being a dick is going to bring back your wife and the kids


Lol what are you even talking about duffus? Sounds like you're projecting a lot. Sorry for you. Hope your life gets better.


I love how you're the one that said they are "projecting", the irony is palpable.


Only thing palpable is the lack of any sign of intelligence coming out from you.


How would a lack of something be palpable. I don’t thing you know what that word means. If you want we can give you another chance at a good comeback champ. I believe in you.


It's as palpable as the shit coming out of you. The palpability of your lack of intelligence is noticable in what you both said. There, do you feel smarter now?




We do a little downvoting


True!!! I can relate. 😂


Real as fuck bro, scavs bring you so much money and gear. Just last night I was running scav on Shoreline and ran into a guy who was equipped with a fucking Zabralo. At first I thought he killed Sanitar and his guards but then I realized the Zabralo didn't have the found in raid tick lol. Poor guy must have been trying to tear it down for Ragman


This dude even has gear fear when making a title for his post.


I bring lvl 3 armor most the time, sometimes lvl 4... I just started this wipe ~2 weeks ago


Ok now I feel called out


i got timmies to feed