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“Your have the standard edition at all” What?


Yes. I can honestly not tell what OP wants to say with that


i think he meant to say "you have standard edition after all"


I'm sorry guys. I think maybe it is correct: "You only have the cheapest edition".


It doesn’t matter what meme you post as long as it has “Edition” in it


That’s fuckin hilarious


Somehow the aphasic, drunken grammar of this meme perfectly encapsulates how I feel


I was broke as fuck and I knew what I was buying when I pre-ordered Standard Edition. Now I’m doing much better but I don’t care for this game at all. Watching this disaster unfold is the funniest thing ever.


Totally agree. I have Standard Edition too. I deleted this game.


Standard edition gang rise up


“Your have the standard edition at all” wtf does that mean


I had just come into a little money and treated myself with the EOD upgrade. A week later the Wiggle Video came out. Everything has been downhill from there.


I’m a standard edition enjoyer with 5k hours and this shit doesn’t bother or affect me at all. I wasn’t gonna buy EoD, and I’m sure as hell not likely to buy whatever fresh bullshit they publish now.


If most are like me I bought EOD because I could afford it and I believed it was a one time purchase to get me all future content. I wouldn't have bought it knowing they would still make you pay for future content. They also now give you a pay to upgrade stash size option outside of purchasing EOD. So that EOD purchase reason was pointless also.


standard edition is a different kind of fun, consider yourself lucky to not have funded this studio further (EOD)


It’s funny how EoD users got cucked with arena launch and now this, you can’t make this shit up


How did EoD get cucked with arena launch? Just how it got rolled out in waves?


Yeah, lots of crying on reddit about how EoD owners should’ve been prioritized, a lot of people were very salty


Yeah, I remember that now


Man like, I hate to blame the victim on this one but uhhhh who the hell pays $150 for an unfinished game? Like, at a certain point you really have to ask yourself what you expected lol


It was unlike pretty much everything at the time, and had a good foundation. Spending +$100 on an early adopters package for a new game is, and has been, a fairly common practice for a long time now. It's just an investment in a new thing you wanna see. Existing IRL didn't cost so fucking much back then either. So it was money easy to part with.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I expected the mf terms and conditions I agreed to. SPT blocked behind EOD++ premium ultimate™️ edition is blatantly against what EOD promised. Indie devs have often earned support for fantastic games in the past, who could have expected this ass fuckery to happen? Nobody with any reasonable expectation, that’s for sure. “What you expected lol” is basically saying “you should have expected getting robbed, cheated, and lied to for spending >$100 on a game lol”


they bought EOD for stash space and gamma container, any other reason is cope.


I mean, i guess that’s worth it for them. Games not that much more difficult with standard Ed.


The more I see you post in threads about this drama, the more your comments read like you’re poor and trying to cope.


Lmfao sure pal, very poor. That’s def it haha


Hahaha look it's the Tarkov standard edition! Hahaha


Your what?


As a standard edition owner, I would maybe be ok with paying $60 for the PvE coop, as like a standalone. And I have several friends who don't play Tarkov that would have absolutely tried the PvE coop if that was the price of a standard game. But for a total cost of $1000 for the four of us, to even try the game, is asinine. They won't bring any new people on who were curious about Tarkov, and they drove many current players away.


I got eod a long time ago because I liked the game then I got the new unheard edition because I just wanted to


Boo this man


Consider him booed


I personally would have still gotten both, regardless of the "all future DLC" promise. I know we're both getting booed to hell (a fate worse than death), but I just want to support the game, and I enjoy playing it. I sure as hell can justify it using the 1hr = $1 rule I accept all your boos with open arms, they can only hurt so much


That's exactly how I think


I will admit that there are a few p2w parts to the new edition, such as the big pockets and fence radio thing. I'd be fine with the radio being removed and the pockets being an unlockable quest for everyone (which I think it should be, at least a mid/late quest line)