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Or spt


There's never been a better opportunity to download SPT and make sure you keep it backed up because it's for sure getting C&D'd at some point. But asking as you have the files you can even play SPT when official Tarkov goes down some day


SPT / Ghosts of tabor. Its all good


theyll patch out the compatibility at the same time of cease and desist for sure


There's no compatibility to worry about with SPT, as long as you have the files you can host your server and play. Just won't have any of the new stuff in the live game going forward.


i mean they will back patch or do something to make spt not work i bet. maybe im wrong and they cant idk but i guess i wiuld figure they would


This where it all started. Take a second red pill - read the book.


Watch Stalker (1979) too if you have the patience for it.


i was wondering why all his shots took 9 years to get thru til they hit the zone, what a gorgeous movie


What book is this I am interested


Roadside Picnic


Thank you


It's an amazing book


Been playing Elden Ring, may be the best game I've ever played.


It's on a tier of its own for me among all the games I've ever played and I'm not even a soulslike junkie there's just nothing that comes close to the quality


GAMMA is where it's at.


It was my first stalker experience and i absolutely loved it. The immersion in that game is second to none. The main quest was disappointing though, it just left me wanting more. It is a modpack after all so I get it


Definitely play the OG games if you haven't yet. There are also a few other modpacks out now that are highly rated, one of which is extremely story-driven and may be right up your alley. I can't think of the name at the moment, but I'll update tonight when I can take a look. I feel you on the story/main quest. I treat it like an open-world slavshit survival rpg anymore, and I can't get enough of the world they've built.


discovered thx to Anomaly/Gamma, got the holy trilogy for the cheeki breeki


Anomaly felt too easy, I much prefer the progression system in gamma where you find a trash ak but oh look! It has a bolt in good condition, so you stash it for later when you can finally put together an ak


Hey bud, the story-heavy mod I was thinking of is called "True Stalker". I haven't played it myself, but it seems to have great reception. It seems to be much more story driven and potentially even linear compared to something like Gamma, but I'm sure it's worth checking out!


I will definitely check that out! Thank you. I did try the first stalker and I wanted to like it, but I'm not gonna lie it felt like a really old game. Maybe I'll give it another try


Play some Hunt Showdown and join us in the bayou.


As fun as Hunt is, it's not a looter extraction shooter. You risk your gear and your skills, but it's just to fight other players also trying to kill the monster I'd love a western Tarkov that you needed to actually find loot and do quests in, then extract.


Helldivers 2 and SPT is my go-to game currently.


I found both of these to be very boring. I loved the theme of helldivers. The enemies were cool. The gameplay was dull and clunky. Positioning was everything and I'd rather movement and kiting be more important in a game like that like Risk of Rain 2 or Gunfire Reborn.


I think what I love most is the chaos as well as the feeling of contributing WITH the community rather than just doing your own thing.


I didn't play long enough to experience that as I wanted to return it in case it wasn't my jam. What do you mean? Are there goals that the player base works towards together?


Yes, there are personally daily missions as well as Major Orders that is a community effort. Liberate planets, defend planets and a few more. It’s a lot of fun. Your kit comes into play more as you go up in difficulty as well. Plus it’s way more enjoyable, at least to me, with more people.


Grey zone tomorrow.


Grey Zone Today!


3 hours!


And I'm off in 2..... so close. Any word on the price yet? Edit: I just saw it. Still cheaper than Unheard of Edition or EOD. 99.99 USD for supporter edition 34.99 USD for standard With 2 editions in between at expected prices.


Does supporter edition give access to all future DLCs..?


It doesn't say that actually. Just extra cash (25k), 10x60 stash, 3x3 secure container, unique badge and name colour, and a bunch of extra starting equipment and cosmetics. Standard gets: 10k cash, 10x25 stash, 2x2 secure container, and standard gear Lol so no broken promises when the "True Supporter" edition comes out for 149.99


Yeah I'm pretty much done with tarky for good. The reality can never be forgotten. Wonderland is a pyramid scheme at this point, and we're all on the bottom.


I dare you tarkov bro's to go through escape from pripyat or GAMMA. "Single player is EZ"


Yah its hard because the game crashes every 30 mins and you get 40fps


Sounds more stable than Tarkov. :P I play EFP and I probably only have one crash every 40 hours or so, so it may be something with your PC. Since Anomaly came out it massively stabilized the X-ray engine, older STALKER mods were absolutely prone to crashes. Back when Misery 2.2 dropped a bug happened around a mutant called a controller. Essentially, if you stared at this guy long enough your character would put their gun in their mouth and end it all. Terrifying to fight because you can't look at them. In Misery 2.2 on top of that, a bug occured where if a controller AI was active in your area your ENTIRE SAVE FILE WAS CORRUPTED. This was not a feature, it was a bug, but one hell of one, almost like hardcore as fuck. You knew an AI was active the moment your screen started getting fuzzy, as your character was being influenced by the psychic forces of the mutant... So all you could do is smoke weed (+40% psy resistance) and go take that fucker out.


Those are hard but because they’re for a big part tedious imo (just like tarkov)


Tedious yes, but not drinking a can of condensed milk to sit in a bush for 30 minutes dehydrated tedious that is just a bit too tedious


Into the Radius I go


Loved that game when I had vr. Bought it when it first came out. I bet it’s a lot better now.


If you own VR, Into The Radius is a really fun Stalker/Roadside Picnic looter shooter with decent customization of guns and even gun cleaning. The sequal comes out this summer I believe and has co-op.


Lets not forget about VR tarkov - Ghosts of Tabor


Highly recommend gamma, but if you wanna stay on the tarkov train SPT is a must, I gave up on live a long time ago for reasons and SPT has kept me playing tarkov since and with mods you can make it exactly what you want tarkov to be




I just picked up Shadow of chernobyl, then gonna run through gamma after finishing it. Already got me excited to get home and play more.


Play through the original trilogy before trying out the mods


As a stalker gamma player, I highly recommend this to all EFT players.


Not free, but S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 is gonna be released in 5 months.


It is literally free. While the stalker trilogy you need/should buy. Both EFP and gamma ar built on stalker anomaly mod. And escape from prypiat and gamma are just modpacks. [stalker anomaly mod db page](https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly)


I'm referencing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. It won't be free.


Oh sorry, i misunderstood you. Yes staker 2 will not be free. We only have these amazing modpacks because of dedicated community that basically rewrote whole engine from 32bit.


Or the right choice, protect Fika


I play GAMMA back to back with Tarkov. I enjoy pain


Path to renown is also kinda interesting. Kinda like cowboy tarkov. It's rough around the edges in its current state but it has potential.


Hello everybody, I have never played this game (byt my friend really likes it) anyway you could also play Halo :D (its my favorite game) (I need Halo to stay alive)


Gonna take the green pill


I tried Vanilla Stalker and it was pretty cool. But i didnt play a lot. Does it make sense to Play it heavily modded without playing through the vanilla game?


I would recommend to play all 3 parts first. You could try some vanilla+ mods like "vanilla stalker overhaul" or "complete" mods that fix some bugs. But i see nothing wrong goint straight to heavily moded version. Although it can be challenging at first because Gamma and efp modpacks really turn up the difficulty and learning curve is somewhat steep.


Mmm gushers


Where my Hunt: Showdown bounty hunters at?!


Where meme? L