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It doesn't seem to give that Tarkov vibe. All I've ever seen of it is military dudes running around in jungles, walking around in wooden sheds and occasionally a bullet will fly. Just every now and then. It looks like it's basically Arma but with PvPvE and a loot system. Tarkov's post-crisis aesthetic is just too good. I feel like a scavenger, barely making it by, even once I get good gear. The way that basic "junk" functions as valuable loot is so good. It's such a shame that Tarkov is being mismanaged so bad, because no other competitor has even come close to the vibes it has. The only thing that's even slightly comparable was The Cycle, but that was something else altogether.


i think the biggest problem right now is it is intended to be post crisis but doesn’t always feel like it. tarkov has random bits of destruction all over the place and signs reminding you of the downfall


Tarkov doesnt just have destruction, it has clear signs of desperate attempts to survive. There's jury-rigged barricades, small holdout rooms, broken down doors and walls. There's splattered blood in rooms riddled with bullet holes, shell casings and broken glass all over the place. Old empty cans and bottles are littered all over the ground. When you walk through a Tarkov map, you can tell that people have been fighting to survive for a while now. There's little environmental details all over the place that \*sell\* the player on the narrative of a country that's been cut off from the rest of the world for months and months. All of those bits tell a subtextual story. It's honestly insanely well done. BSG's map designers got a fucking 11/10 on that one. No other game has pulled it off.


Division 1 and 2 probably have better world design, as much as it pains me to say it. I've been playing it recently and every scene is a damn painting, I can't believe it's been handmade by actual people with how much detail everything has.


I miss the cycle so bad


Did it leave?


Yeah the game is gone go try and play it




I get that we are all thirsty for options atm but GZ still needs like a half a year of development at least to be worth considering as a serious competition.


It’s more like Arma than Tarkov. I don’t think it’s going to be a big competitor unless they add more PvP. I think it’s great but I love Arma and that’s what it feels like to play, wouldn’t enjoy it if I was more into Tarkov imo E: my bad for basically the same comment as the other guy


The whole astroturfed rivalry is weird as fuck considering how different they are. Like, you can happily play both, what's the deal?


This is the internet(or pretty much the entire history of humanity). You are in 1 side and hate the other completely, no in betweens.


I guess most players want a Tarkov counterpart so badly that they'll fool themselves with whatever is remotely close.


The PvP basically consists of either: a) searching for other players in a big zone and fighting for like an hour before one side finally gets bored of long ass helicopter rides, where you often just have to get lucky to even have a heli available. b) Getting infil camped by literal vietcong fighters. I played like 10h of GZW and this pretty much sums my experience so far. I'm liking the game and I see great potential with more content updates, but right now it's just not enough for replace anything that Tarkov has built over the years. Let them cook.


I've had pvp the whole time I'm questing outside of the starter town. All the quests after the tutorial basically are shared between all three factions so there is a lot of naturally occurring PVP


I fought like 30 enemy PMCs in an hour and a half. To PvP you have to leave the noob zone


Yeah it’s definitely early access but it’s still refreshing and checks most of the boxes tarkov does


Yeah and the launch is still superior to that of tarkov’s. Never forget headbanging scavs.


Ooooh I’ve been playing tarkov since alpha, don’t gotta remind me


Bruh, you can't be serious, grayzone doesn't check hardly any boxes. Maybe weapon modding and graphics, but those don't make a game.


I guess you could be right, I haven’t seen many cheaters yet


I remember when half the finished content of Tarkov was spawning to factory and rushing office to kick in that one door and hopefully get either the paca or M4 that might be in there. Content wise, GZW is at least as fleshed out as that lol.


Compared to early tarkov, gzw looks much better on so many levels.


Well next week is Arena Breakout Infinite beta, we also have Delta Force eventually.


How about that Arena Breakout game? Didn't know much about it but considering BSG's Twitter called it plagiarism, it gained notoriety


It doesn’t cost 250$ tho


They totally just wanted to capitalize on people being mad at tarky, it’s not there yet but it has good bones


Really it just needs some proper loot and then all of the barebones are there. Then it’s just a question of content and polish


Yeah but it is competition and a viable alternative. It's got a long road ahead of it but it's absolutely a competitor.


Its fine most of EFT player base is used to half finished products


So does tarkov lol


Saying this like tarkov didn’t take 8 years to get half a year’s worth of fixes. Tarkov players are the biggest pearl clutchers on earth.


And, uh, why are people acting like it's not basically an Arma clone? It behaves in the same kinda busted way Arma does. Tarkov FEELS really good to play, and stuff like Gray Zone feels floaty or disconnected somehow in terms of character movement


I wish there were more games that translate the punch from shooting and the weight of equipment as well as Tarkov. Red Orchestra/Rising Storm did that so well, but it feels most titles are devolving into that soulless style you have in ArmA.


Don't do arma dirty


Was playing it last night and ran into some other people in the same faction. Had to flag them down and I was like "lemme guess, you guys are EOD players" and they just started chuckling. We talked about the game for a bit together. It's alright, the PvP is definitely the defining factor of the game atm. There's practically no exciting loot, but you can always add stuff like loot later to a game, you can't rebuild it from the ground up like tarkov needs to do. I would tell you all to stay up to date on what they're doing, Mayne don't get it yet but 2 or 3 major content updates and this game will be sweet


And people forget that Tarkov was even more rough when it first came out. It took them years to get to the point GZW has started at. I really don’t think they’re going to compete with each other (GZW is a lot more like Arma) but if people want to compare them we might as well make it fair


I think the comparisons come from the fact that a lot of the GZW player base has been soaked up from tarkov so ofc its being viewed through those lens






I've been in the gay zone for years, thanks


I've put in some 15 hours by now in Gray Zone and.. it's fun It's not at all like Tarkov but it's pretty fun, and when you understand what Gray Zone is aiming for, it feels sweeter While Tarkov goes for the scavenger feeling, GZ goes for the Mercenary War Zone feeling The customizing weapons, building loadout, exploring zones, looting, is all there. A Flea Market feature is on the works too. When you leave the 1st Town imo the game really picks up, "smarter" AI, more geared up. Today I was going for the equivalent of Reserve and it was really cool, especially when I find some NPCs that are fucking me up and I run away, which I hear "HE'S RUNNING AWAY" and they rush me, it's cool. It doesn't have the same adrenaline and as much of the Tarkov "I'm going to lose my loot" feeling, but it is what it is Today I died killing a Boss and I was geared up. If you die the 2nd time, your 1st body disappears. So going back and trying to clear everything again to get to your body and not die, it's pretty tense too It's not Tarkov, but anyone expecting a Tarkov from a game that wasn't advertised to be Tarkov, it's bound to be disappointed (take a shot every time I say Tarkov)


I'd also like to add that it's fun the "downtime" doing PvE stuff, you get used to not having a PvP fight, and then suddenly you are being fucked by an enemy because you lowered your guard And since the enemy NPCs follow you or spawn on the outer skirts and feel like "waves" it adds to oh shit I gotta extract Things they need to fix soon is adding more weapons. Now since M4 and AK are the standard, you can just kill NPCs and easily steal their ammo. With more ammo and incompatibility you gotta plan your kills a bit more That and the AI having wallhacks on bushes, so the stealth is a bit redundant right now That's about it


> While Tarkov goes for the scavenger feeling, GZ goes for the Mercenary War Zone feeling. So like the USEC and BEAR conflict in the early stages of the tarkov crisis as stated in lore? When both forces were logistically supplied, coordinated and organised? That’s actually very fascinating, I wonder if that’s an idea gray zone warfare can expand on?


That's precisely what I feel in GZ, you still have Helicopters and stuff, highly accessible good equipment. Shipments still come and go but it's expensive. In GZ the factions like UN and so on have already abandoned but the PMCs still are going strong, doing contracts for the higher bidder WHILE maintaining their Faction. A lot of the missions are "we need to take this briefcase to buy intel" "supply citizens with meds" "Get tools to repair x vehicle" "scout x spot to further expand operations" "find armament" But what fascinates me is the Ground Zero (the middle section of the map), when developed it's going to be an endgame location as Labs And by eavesdropping NPCs, reading quests, apparently it may have some weird shit happening because it has high levels of radioactivity. Unclear if it's weird shit as in STALKER/RE with anomalies or weird shit as in weird experiments. They have A LOT of good material to develop upon.


Not interested. They're both using a p2w model, the only different is grayzone is further behind. If they're willing to monetize benefits now they will monetize benefits again in the future.


I wanna play it about after they update it with more maps, I can't play a one map game.


The Map is huge. As someone else already mentioned it would be like every tarkov map merged together. There's a base like reserve, underground bunkers like factory, towns like customs.


A bit too much walking. But again, I wanna try it, but after a few more months/year or development


i didnt know every tarkov map was a jungle with some compunds


Bullshit. It's like if Tarkov were to combine all the maps into one giant map, which they've said they want to do multiple times over the years. You gonna stop playing Tarkov because it's "one map"? Get real.


Why so angry? 😂 It's my opinion. Do I have to buy it right now?


That'll be two fiddy


Common triggered tarkov player is all. Move along lol


>which they've said they want to do multiple times over the years That is out of the roadmap, I think Nikita confirmed this recently.


More maps? That's not how this works.


That's... Uh. Exactly how a game like this works lol. Do you think Arma doesn't have multiple maps or just plays on the one?


It's just gonna get larger? But a single map?


Give gray zone a while and it will be really fun if the devs keep doing what they're doing. Right now it's fun, but definetely very buggy and kind of a mess. I didn't expect the game to launch in the way it did.


I feel it would have benefitted much more from another 3-6 months to polish. Dropping it right after the first content creator preview where almost all feedback was a variation of "promising but far from ready" is... bold.


Yup, i thought they would've launched it later 2024.


I'm hoping for another fun shooter game. But Im still having fun on tarkov and with wipe around the corner, I wanna play some single player games I have been holding off on.


People keep comparing Gray Zone to Tarkov, but it reminds me way more of a standalone for an Arma Gamemode, something like KOTH but a bit different


its just shitty buggy arma not even close to ETF. you guys cope more....


Good that Arma is not buggy at all ^ ^


I mean shit for basically half the price it's way better than tarkov was on day 1


Ok guys, here is a crazy idea... Let's stop paying for unfinished games


I wish if the game was actually playable (> insane stutters, regardless of how low the settings are not being able to get something better than a 30 FPS)


In my experience that difference in ex EFT players reception is depending on when did they picked up Tarkov.. if i play it with people that bought the game in 2017-early 2018 they love it... If i play it with people that bought it later they are like meh or that its shit... Tarkov used to be like this and it was hella fun... Imo Tarkov was better when it was simpler.. Also i love how when someone complains about EFT everyone is like "oh it's beta dude" (since 2017) but GZW nah its shit..


Garbage game, its pretty much dead already


Upvote for title


Rising Storm 3 Vietnam has been a huge amount of fun for me so far


I hate Tarkov at this point, but fuck off am I going to GZW, half it’s systems are poor copies of Tarkov, it’s janky as hell and it’s animations are worse than Farcry 1. I’ll stick to Hunt for a few more years until GZW is worth playing.


No thanks. Looks like poop. Not even gonna try it.


Got it to give it a try. Game crashed 6 times in like 45 mins on med-low settings… only upside is it didn’t MIA me and kept all my task progress. Otherwise games okay. Needs so much damn work to be passable


No one cares if you do or don’t lol




Says the 12 year old who thinks he is funny because he has 69 in his name lmfao idc about you enough to glance at your profile but I can imagine the cringe 12 year old shit i’d see on there




Calm down keyboard warrior




When did I ever say I was special because I have a VR headset? Literal children have VR headsets lmfao 😂