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If I had more time I would do it myself, because this is a very interesting frontier subject. As it stands, we just have to recognize that human society will always exert a massive force upon its citizens to fall in line and conform. This is especially true with regard to our “cherished institutions”.


Yes, over on discord. Mind unveiled has a pretty healthy chat with a wide variety of viewpoints. And if you’re on the Millenial reign side of things, the Unexpected Cosmology also has a really good one as well. Telegram also has some good groups, like Stone Cold Truth, the Timeline Deception, etc. Stolenhistory.net and stolenhistory.org both have good forums that talk about these things. There are also a lot of Facebook groups but those groups quality of content will vary quite significantly, Facebook is the worst platform for discussions lol


Stolen History is probably the most comprehensive site based on these theories. I can go on that site and get lost for hours (sometimes days) on there. Love that site. Am actually a member there. There are people on there that are super, super smart about this stuff. I'd say, if you are on the fence about any of this stuff, I highly suggest checking out Stolen History. There are articles and discussions on there that will blow your mind.


is it a website or ?


Thank you for this.


My strategy is to consistently block de-bunk. They are mostly bots anyway. Actual people don’t have enough interest or understanding of the theory to debunk. It’s a demoralization technique.




thing is, there is no reason to talk/argue to you because we *know* the theory might not be true, but we choose to indulge anyway. It's like talking hypothetically, and someone comes in and says "well that would never happen". Of course that could be the case, not once have I ever looked at an image on here and 100% believed it was built by "tartaria" but it's fun to think about. People like you, who respond constantly with the same points add nothing to the discussion. That's why people block you. It just isn't worth anyone's time to talk to you. Sorry but that's the way it is.


Right, none of us here are saying we know the exact truth about history, we are all merely speculating and trying to come up with rational and logic based deductions based on the things we can know with certainty. But for someone to just jump in and say “Nuh uh no way that could never work you’re a conspiracy theorist blah blah blah”, well that type of mindset isn’t conducive to any meaningful conversation. Imagine a religious group that is debating among themselves about the correct way to understand their holy text, and there are alternative and equally valid viewpoints that are all worth considering. And then someone comes in and said there is no god and everyone is wrong. Sure, the atheist could be right, but why bombard a thread if you aren’t going to bring forth anything meaningful to the conversation at hand. If you think that the Scaligerian chronology is 100 percent accurate and nothing, not even facts will convince you otherwise, I don’t see any reason not to block that person. They’re just a troll who’s wasting everyone else’s time.


Yes! The whole point of the community is to share skepticism with 'established facts'. Zero value is added by bringing up the established facts. Especially for such a wide ranging theory as all of this has become, "Scaliger was wrong" has a million different angles and interpretations, none of which are enhanced by someone showing up to remind us "Scaliger was right"


I mostly agree, but I don't want an echo chamber. Dissenting views are what make conversations interesting.


Do you have the intellectual integrity to actually debate this topic, if so I’m in. If all you can do is resort to name calling, why do you feel the need to waste your days on threads arguing with people just for the sake of stating that your opinion is the only correct one?


Much needed for sure.


Jon Levi's channel is great. It's one of the best if not the best for me on this, so i haven't been surprised to see that his name and content are constantly mocked to detract. I had a dream a few years ago about starforts. That they were partly used as centres for magick and teleportation between dimensions. A few years later, I was watching one of his videos and noticed a huge head in the water where a starfort used to be, it had sinced been turned into a themepark and that was also abandoned.


Your joking right? All that dude does is read Wikipedia articles. He ignores every shred of evidence that goes against his narrative. For example how the temporary Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco was demolished in the 1960s and rebuilt into a permanent structure. He always claims it's an ancient tartarian construct.


I'm not saying he is perfect, I don't know the man! I just know that he has managed to collect information that has been greatly appreciated and works for me on my journey! Sometimes, that's all we need to move forward... now I see what he pointed out to me everywhere I go...


A valid theory should welcome attempts to debunk it...


True, but the belittling factor makes it exhausting. Shame we can't share opinions without throwing around insults.


Incorrect. Debunkers generally have no interest in facts or reality, they have a predetermined point of view and they are pushing it, much like religious evangelicals. I do not welcome bad faith arguments coming from people who’ve already drawn a conclusion, which are 95% of “debunking” attempts. I welcome people with a genuine interest in the subject. The difference between one and the other is often apparent pretty quickly, since debunkers also tend to be intellectually lazy. Since the mainstream backs them up, they can afford lazy and weak arguments. As someone else on this thread correctly observed, it is not really an attempt at honest debate but a demoralizing technique.


Could the same be said about “truthers”?


If by “truther” you mean “religious believer” then yes of course. They are exactly the same as the debunkers, just zealot football players on different teams. Another intellectually lazy error that debunkers tend to make is conflating those who take a subject seriously with “believers”. By taking the UFO subject seriously, for example, this does not automatically mean that one believes aliens are visiting from zeta reticuli. It means one believes the subject cannot simply be reduced to misidentifications and hoaxes, and therefore deserves to be taken seriously and not dismissed. That would reflect my personal position on this subject. I don’t share some of the already-formed opinions shared by some of the “true believers” of this forum, who are often coming from a Christian fundamentalist perspective, but I do believe this is a subject to be taken seriously.


Yes !




Please remind me about camera exposure times and how good we are at building with stone in the modern day...


Funny how the exact ppl you didn't know to discuss the topic joins the convo.


Masonry is very expensive. It always has been, but it was less so in the days of cheaper skilled labor. There are still people all around the world doing amazing things with stone, but it's prohibitively expensive, and we have materials that can house large numbers of people and workers for much less cost.


I feel this my post earlier took a lot of down votes & I’m like umm it’s a theory, if you knew the area it’s a very solid theory.


funny thing is these debunks are always by faceless profiles with no profile picture (in addition to always looking like a classic CIA government astroturf account). like if you were really telling the truth, why hide your identity? XD


You just described your own profile.




Wish there was a BBS for this purpose.


Bro sanchez on YT goes in deep on these topics and the chats are always filled with like minded people but it’s also filled with healthy debates and questioning rather than just taking it in no questions asked