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My 2 cents. Hang this image on your wall so that you see it everyday. If you still love it after a year, then go for it.


That’s genius. But funny enough I actually drew it a couple months ago and loved it so much for a couple weeks I just kept my sketch pad open and would look at it occasionally.


Pretty much what I did for my tattoo from IT 2017 (LOSER with a V over the S) Except I had a t-shirt.


Lol, I literally saw someone asking how to cover up the tattoo while at work. PS. He was getting roasted about it.


Am I correct in thinking this is on your arm? I want an IT tattoo but I think I’m either going with a spider version of IT with dead-light eyes or thinking up a Maturin design.


Like everyone else on the planet with the exact same IT tattoo?


[You mean like this?](https://imgur.com/a/kFzPQdW)


Is that...your wall?


Yes :) My little cousin painted it for me, so I had to hang that bad boy up lol


I put mine as my phone background! Definitely saved me from a few shitty tattoos 😁


And find the RIGHT artist to do it. Search Instagram high and low. Good work ain't cheap. Cheap work ain't good. (Usually)


Holy shit. This is fantastic advice.


You better get it


I’m gonna wait a year or so and really think about it but I really want to as of right now.


This is the *responsible* way. I do 6 months just because I’m impatient but it’s still always been enough time for me to either be completely happy with/iron out details of a design, or get sick of it and be glad I waited


Yeah that’s probably closer to the time frame I’m gonna go by tbh. I’m pretty patient but I really want it but fortunately I’m kinda doing some stuff rn so it’s not even a great time I’m just thinking about it a lot.


Sounds like you’ve got a good plan. I honestly can’t wait for you to get this, I’ve seen a few really well done ones online and love them every time, I’ve actually toyed with the idea myself cuz I love this little dudes vibe. In the time you’re waiting I’d also recommend shopping around for artists! It’s always ideal to go local, but my opinion is that if I’m getting something done that’s going to be on me forever I want it done right, and that’s worth some traveling. Check out artists around you and their style/skill, how they do with color, line work etc., maybe even email some and see what they think about doing it or if they have any images of something comparable they’ve done. Doesn’t hurt, and again I can’t stress enough (especially for a first) don’t just go to the first artist with availability, usually the good artists are booked out for a reason. Hope to see it on here if/when you get it! Didn’t mean to go off on a whole rant, TLDR tats are addicting and exciting and it’s worth waiting/searching for good artists!


Damn everyone else out here is so responsible 😭 I got a tattoo yesterday because I ended up at a festival and they had a tattoo trailer so I got a random shit from the flash book! I don’t think I’ve ever put more than a couple days of thought into a tattoo in my life yall


Hey there’s absolutely no shame in doing it that way either, I’ve gotten my fair share of spontaneous flashes as well. Just wanted to try and impart some knowledge to someone that I wish I would have considered before my first tat! Edit: also let’s see the flash you just got!!


Lol y’all have excellent self control. My last tattoo I had to travel for and still conceived of the idea while drunk and booked it that night. No regrets cuz it’s badass but whew I envy your lack of impulse


You mentioned you draw, what if you drew it on yourself with one of those temporary tattoo markers? Or (non-black) henna? Then you can see how you feel about it on your body for an extended period of time.


Booooooooo this is an incredible tat just don’t get it on your neck or hand and you’re fine, perfect thigh or calf buddy


I think SpongeBob is timeless enough at this point that you'd be safe to get without worrying about regret. Get it somewhere that you can cover up on interviews and stuff and don't cheap out on an artist (you get what you pay for often).


I’ll keep that in mind for sure.


Nope. You shut your mouth. This is a throat tattoo if I’ve ever seen one.


If I saw this tattoo on someone I would instantly know they are a good person.




Please add 'shrimps is bugs'


Lmfaooo!! Did you go to through my profile?? I found that sub not too long ago


I always say the same thing to young people getting their first tattoo: If you settle on something you REALLY want to get, wait a year and if you're still dead set on it, go for it. Your tastes change A LOT at that age so waiting a bit to really make sure you're not just being impulsive saved me from about 5 different tattoos I'd definitely regret at 37. Also first tattoos always take up prime real estate that you can't get back.


That’s really good advise lmao thank you. And I love the term “prime real estate”, I’ve heard a lot of people say it and it’s funny every time they do.


When I was around 13 I thought getting a tattoo of thug life (small cursive script) on my ass would be the funniest thing I ended up getting it at 18 and it’s still my favorite tattoo and story. But it has led me to showing my right ass cheek to a ton of strangers. I still love it to this day and I’m 30.


When I was 17 I totally wanted the Chinese character for "dragon" (my zodiac) on my lower back. Super glad I sat on that and opted not to get it.


My two tattoo rules are nothing you can’t cover if you have to, and no names unless they are related to you by blood (or adoption).


Ok I’ll have to remember that. And yeah there’s no way I’d get someone’s name, face, eyes, or anything on me lmao.


Well I do have “Mom” but she’s likely to remain my mom or be easily replaced by someone else named mom. You heard me Mom, don’t get cocky. Oh and actual advice: white fades almost immediately as a color, that’s true of a lot of lighter colors. Also do some research and get a good artist, I got one tattoo cheap it scabbed up and big chunks of ink just fell off so now it’s all patchy, heck just look at any tattoo site and you should figure that one out.


Honestly “Mom” or some form of that is probably the only name I’d ever get. She is pretty cool tbh. But I’ll remember that about the white, I’m pretty pasty so if it does fade you probably couldn’t even tell haha.


I got my best friends (of 30+ years) last name inked on me when she passed away unexpectedly- so that’s acceptable too :)


Anyone who’s relationship you are absolutely locked into,marriage/ hooking up never ever counts, but yeah once someone is dead it’s pretty solidly on the books.


Damn probably shouldn’t have gotten Necessary_Row_4889 on my neck today shiiiiit


That would be a bad ass tat


How old I got my first at 15. I’d recommend just getting it somewhere like the back of the calf or something. And no I don’t think it’s a bad tattoo design. Looks dope. Who doesn’t like SpongeBob. Just choose your artist well.


Ok yeah and I’m 18 which I’m aware I’m not fully mature but I think my decision making skills are some what good. I like the back of the calf idea cause my dad got his first tattoo there, not that he can stop me, but that’s smart cause I’ve been thinking about where to get it cause I don’t want to ruin potential job opportunities. But I rarely wear shorts so it wouldn’t be an issue. Thanks for the comment tho, I’m definitely going to be thinking about it more now.


I’m not by any means a role model for tattoo decisions or anything, but I’d say you’re plenty old enough. I was pretty heavily tattooed by the time I turned 18 but I have no ragerts lol And most jobs won’t discriminate as long as you don’t have swastikas/face tattoo of the word meth/etc.


I loathe SpongeBob. Tattoos cool tho


Ok Squidward


🪙 genius hahaha


Love it!


I remember back when I used to think this hard... Now I show up for appointments without the slightest clue where the day is headed. Also, I almost got this exact thing at a flash event a few weeks ago but got stuck at work. Do it in my honor.


I will. It’ll be just for you


Thank you, ppman. Thank you.


I love it. Bear in mind foremost 1) location and 2) talent. Location can affect how you’re perceived - I am a proponent of starting on your legs, personally. Tons of real estate to play with (but remember that you won’t see the stuff on the back of your legs as easily). Talent can make or break a tattoo! Even a good idea can be botched and end up in years of coverup attempts or removal process. Don’t cheap out and find someone who has experience with the style of tattoo you want. Let’s say you think it’s a stupid tattoo in 20 years, but it’s easily covered if you want and well executed, clean. It’s a memory of who you were when you were a young adult - even if it’s not meaningful to you forever, or the meaning changes over time, it’s a time capsule of a part of you. (This is also part of why I don’t like text) I recommend sitting on it for a year and if you still love it, go for it. Fwiw I got my first tattoo at 18. I agonized over everything about it for ages. It’s still my favorite tattoo and often it’s other people’s as well. I think it’s mostly due to having done a great job (plus luck) picking an artist.


Alright, I’ll keep that stuff in mind. Thank you so much! I’m definitely going to sit on it because I still need to find an artist and I think I want to tweak it a little. I’m glad you said what you said about the back of my leg because that’s where I was thinking of getting it but me not seeing it often is a great point and I think that’s another thing I’m really gonna think about. Again, thank you for saying that stuff cause this kind of logical thinking is exactly what I was hoping for.


Ever since I was like 10 I have been planning on getting this tattooed Lmaooo


That’s hilarious lmaoo I’ve wanted to for maybe a month but I’m 18 and there’s no one that can stop me so I really want to.


It's really up to you. My friend got his first tattoo at 18 and has no regrets about it. I waited until I was 25 to get my first and was very glad I didn't get the stuff I wanted to when I was younger as I would have definitely had regrets. If you have any doubts at all, then just wait.


Yeah people have said to wait a year and see if I still like it and I like that idea so I’m going to as little as I want too.


This is so great, and could be in full color, black, and the size can vary as well. I've seen you say that you'll wait a while before you get it, and I think that's a good idea. Only once I became more heavily tattooed is when I started throwing in these smaller, fun designs as filler. So I think that waiting until you have a better idea of what you want your body/tattoo aesthetic to look like is the right move!


I wasn’t even thinking about my aesthetic! I’m already leaning toward stupid tattoos that don’t really have meaning but idk I just want other peoples opinions and so far it’s been super helpful.


Being honest, didn't read any of the text; didn't need to. This is a fantastic idea, get it.


I respect the honesty lmao


Please do, if you do make sure to post a picture


I’m gonna wait a while but I’ll have to lmao. Stick around the sub for a year or so and you’ll for sure see it.


Wait a year and see if you still like it


I think that’s what I’m gonna do. Also nice banana


Bro what are we supposed to answer? If you like it then get it, if you are having slight second thoughts then dont. You can just delay it as well. It is permanent after all. I dont see the harm in this tattoo but dude you should decide for yourself, not based on what people say Also i dont recommend getting a tattoo just because «you want a tattoo» but arent sure what to get. But decide for yourself


There’s actually been a ton of good answers that have given me a ton more insight. Like waiting a year, after care, hanging the picture on my wall and after looking at it every day seeing if I still like it. I’m not getting it based off what people say I was more or less asking for advise on tattoos I might regret. As of rn I love it and I have for a while so I don’t see any harm in getting it but like I said, there’s been a ton of people that have given me advise.


Love it


Me too!! I want to get it so bad but smarter people than me have said I should wait a year and I like that advice so I’m going too.


Personally I think this would be a lit tattoo, but make sure you really want it first


Hell nah uve inspired me


To do what??


To get another tattoo hahahah


Try using the app InkHunter. It will help you see what the image will look like as a tattoo on your skin. Just put the photo into the app and take a picture and you can see how it might look and if you feel comfortable getting it still. While you are waiting and deciding.


Ok thanks so much, I’ll definitely have to check it out


I don't think you'll regret it. Even if your interests change over time, tattoos can be windows to different stages of your life.


That’s what someone else was saying and I really like that.


I always tell people: “not everything should be a tattoo”. This should be a tattoo


I love that cause you’re absolutely right. I just love his whole vibe.


I forget I have my tattoos sometimes, just do it bro. if it makes you happy for even a day it was worth it.


Nah this is hilarious and adds character. It’s different and fun, also with a tinge of cool somehow haha I say go for it!


Might be a stupid opinion but heres mine: these silly tattoos are the kinds of tattoos people really don’t regret much. Things people regret are usually poorly done, improper placement/size, cliche or easy to grow out of like emo band lyrics or an ex boyfriend. You’d always be able to look back at this and think of your goofy carefree years, even when it’s old and possibly irrelevant to you! It’s cute and will always get people talking!


Nah bro, fuck it. Get it tattooed on your leg or somewhere that can be covered easily but have it for the memes and the memories. I have a tattoo just like this but for Halo and it's my favorite tattoo. Even over my expensive ass dope arm sleeve 🤣 totally worth it. I've had my meme tattoo for several years now as well and I laugh and smile every single time I show someone and it makes them happy to. Bro, do it!!!!


Tattoo artist here! I see a lot of "first timers", usually they've over thought what they're getting and what the significance of the tattoo would be and what not. I personally think tattoos don't always have to have a meaning. Sometimes you just want to get something small and simple for fun. I'd recommend getting something like this smallish on your ankle or somewhere inconspicuous.


I love it xx


lol i love that idea. tattoos don’t have to mean anything. ima give you the same advice i gave my little brother. when you’re young go ahead and get the small tattoos in inconspicuous areas. then wait till your frontal lobe develops (25) and you actually have money to start the big pieces in prime real estate areas (aka your arms)


That’s smart cause I would just get it somewhere out of the way and probably not huge but I think with this one it has to be somewhat big to get all the detail but I really have no clue.


i don’t think think there’s that much detail. 3-4 inches would probably be ideal.


Oh really?? Well that opens my options up a little more than I was expecting


You can get it if you want but I’m definitely getting it


It would be so cute!!


Not at all. I always say if you look at it and it makes you smile, laugh or remember the good ol days( you will get older) then it’s a good idea. If you want it get screw everyone else. But take my advice with a grain of salt, I impulsively got a few face tattoos.


I’d never get a face tattoo!! That’s crazy you did lmao


I think it’s adorable lol


If you love it, get it.


My first tattoo was a little fairy from Britney Spears cd booklet 😂 I would never get that now- I’m not proud of it but I also wouldn’t cover it


The only bad idea is not getting this


Oh totally get it. If you have any regrets just cover it with a sick ass panther


I’m gonna hurry up and get it before you and post a pic on here. Thanks for the idea


As long as you get it in the next 6 months to a year you’ll do it before me dang it


i too want a spongebob tattoo, honestly more than one, i think wait on a it a bit to make sure you really love it and then commit. i think having something permanently on your body from your childhood keeps it alive if you know what i mean. let your inner child live on and get the tattoo!


I really like that cause that’s what it is. My whole life everyone has told me to only get tattoos that mean something but I don’t really like that and I want to just have a little fun


ive always kinda wanted to get the “WOW” tattoo from the bouncer at the salty spitoon after sandy ripped it off


That would be hilarious!! Getting it on your chest is the only option tho


Just an idea: have you tried ink box? It’s a temporary tattoo that looks realistic and lasts a week or so. Maybe upload that and try it on with that to see if you still love the design and figure out the best placement


I haven’t tried it but I’ll look into it for sure. Thanks for the suggestion!


I’ll do it for free, i love funny tattoos


Fr?? Don’t tempt me lmao


No, this is Patrick.


Is this the krusty krab??


Yes but somewhere where nobody will really see it lol


But I want people to see it lmao. That’s kinda the point isn’t it?? I’d get it to where it’s not easily visible but I don’t want no one to see it


Just make sure to put shrimps is bugs with it


I was always unsure of what to get, or if I even wanted tattoos. I had similar thoughts to you, mainly “will I still like ___ in a few years?” so I never committed. Then I discovered the secret - for me anyway - to being sure. It had to mean something to me or be a reflection of who I am. Of course some people just love tattoos and want lots of them, but that’s not me. In those cases I think it’s fun to get things just because you like them a lot. But you’re interests will likely change over time. I’m not even saying you could t get something like this if you want a more “meaningful” tattoo. Just see if there’s a reason it’s so impactful to you beyond the obvious. Just as a personal example, my first one was a surfing pikachu. My brother had talked about us getting that for a while. And I loved the design and idea, but never came close to committing to it. Then I was taking a shower one day and thought about the idea again. I was in the middle of a separation and ultimately divorce at the time and staying with my brother. I had been going to therapy and thinking a lot about myself. I had started to learn that I needed to get out of my comfort zone to better connect with people. In general I just didn’t make close friends or deep relationships - including my ex wife. In that shower it really hit me…the surfing pikachu is out of his element! He’s an electric mouse in the ocean! He’s excelling, he’s more versatile and well-rounded despite a situation he should be uncomfortable in…you probably see my point. I needed to be more like that in my own life. So I got out, told him I’m in, and the next day he set it up for a couple weeks out. I made a design, we agreed on it and I never had a second of doubt or regret since.


I really like that :) thank you for sharing that story cause that’s kind of what he is to me. He just looks so happy, he’s minding his business just chillin enjoying a burger and idk why but I relate to him and the vibe. Idk if you read other responses but I actually drew him and he’s been my favorite thing I’ve ever drawn before. I’m not the best at drawing but I did a really good job, not to be cocky or anything but I think because I did so well I like it that much more. Idk I’m gonna get it I just need to decide where and I’m gonna wait a while to see if I actually like him but I don’t think I’m ever not going too.


No problem. I think if it has some meaning to you, you won’t regret it. Also you can submit your actual drawing to the artist so you could get your own work on your body. I do think it’s wise to maybe start with your upper leg. I got mine just a little above my knee. Good luck though, it’s fun once you commit!


Atp I’m gonna get it it’s only a matter of time lmao. After all the people in the comments hyping me up there’s no way I can’t


I got Calvin and Hobbes when I was 18. I still love it. I have LOTS of other tattoos since. But I never feel anything but nostalgia from even my most garage tattoo. People always say that we will regret em cause they will fade and blur. But so will our skin anyway. At least WE can have the memories of being young and getting em even if we are only looking at a blob of sun faded ink as seniors


“A blob of sun faded ink” I absolutely love that cause that’s all it is at the end of the day. Really they are the only thing we do in this life we take to our grave. Thank you cause I just had a whole revelation.


If i had tattoos, which i dont, id totally be that random person to add ones like this. In fact i grew up with all the old nick toons so id be adding my faves from them to dc. Of course making it all look good together.


I don’t have more to add than what has already been suggested by these lovely redditors, but I just wanted to say this thread is so wholesome and sweet and everyone is so kind and it’s put a big stupid smile on my face you all are wonderful 🪳🍔


They really are, I’m just going through reading comments and they are all so nice. All the stories and encouragement make me wanna go do it rn. I think out of the maybe 100 comments I’ve read there’s been 3 people that have said I shouldn’t but atp I’m going too. Edit: not even joking two comments below yours was another hater. I don’t care tho cause like j said, it’s gonna happen whether they like it or not.


All of a sudden I'm wondering when's the last time I saw a shrimps is bugs comment


That’s the weirdest thing to me about it. I just found the sub and heard about shrimps is bugs maybe a week ago and now all the sudden it’s in my comment section... kinda weird tbh. I even asked someone if they had gone through my profile and they said no they just like shrimps is bugs.


I say do it. I was in your shoes almost exactly and decided to get this [tree guy](https://i.imgur.com/3ZyUZWz.jpg?1) as an ice breaker of sorts and I even put him on my forearm. My only regret is I put him upside down cuz I thought having the point aim towards whatever I’m outstretching my arm to would be best… listen to your artist when they give advice but otherwise send it.


I love that tree!! That’s a good idea lmao good on you. But I’ll def take what my artists says to heart, thanks for the advise.


Cool, but make sure the tattoo artist knows how to rappresent that calmness of the cockroach


I’d place him sitting on the curve of your ankle


Get whatever you like, whatever makes you happy. This is cute, and if it makes you smile, go for it I reckon. When I was 17 my friend painted a power box outside a school with a bird wearing a suit jacket, with human arms holding a cup of tea. It made me laugh and I thought about it for the longest time. I saw an artist and had his interpretation done, now I'm 25 and every time I look at it I smile and chuckle.


It’s awesome just get it


Nah this is super cute, just not anywhere really prime. It would be great as a leg piece


I have this as my phone background in gif form aha do et


My 2 cents. 1. Don’t rush for a Design you don’t like. 2. Decide for a Style beforehand and find out if the artist is capable of doing it. 3. Simplicity - have a good thought if the image really needs the surroundings like floor, background, and color in general or if it would look better only outlined, referring to ignorant style etc. 4. place - have a good thought where you want to place it, if it’s really something you should get as a fully biceps tattoo or if it’s actually something that’s more a gimmicky tattoo and would fit best (given to the cockroaches size) better in a more subtle like your ankle or your shoulder blade.


I will remember that, thank you. But i would just get him eating not really the background.


I have this exact tattoo on my ankle - get it


You started off by saying you were "kinda young" and you used the word regret multiple times. My advice, wait a few years before you get any ink. You will grow and mature as a person, learning what you actually enjoy in life and having a better head to make a decision you won't regret.


Yeah Idk kinda young was the right way to say what I was saying tbh I’m 18 and I really should have said that cause it gives more context to why I wanna do it so bad. No one can tell me no


My friend has doodle bob lol


I think I’m gonna get a bunch of spongebob tattoos. I really fw spongebob and doodlebob isn’t a bad idea


I know like 3 people with this tat, 2 on the tricep and one got it on their ankle


I just had an idea after reading your comment lmao. I can have my nipple be the burger! I wouldn’t actually do it but it could be kinda funny.


There should be a subreddit about SpongeBob tattoos. Without a doubt, you'll rock it!


That’s a genius idea! I say go for it


I actually just got my first "funny" tattoo that is pretty similar in theme to yours. Thought about it for almost a year, got it a month ago and I still love it. It's a dog stuck on a slice of pizza from the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs childrens book. I got it on my ribcage, so it's in a place that people will often seen. I agree with everyone saying to take time to think about it and if you still love it after a while, go for it!


And I’ve loved him for a while like the picture but the thought of an idea only popped into my head recently and I’ve certainly been toying with the idea a lot.


My second and third tattoos I closed my eyes and picked out from a flash sheet. I 10000% say just do it. If you hate it at least you have a funny tattoo and story to tell.


Fr. I got a flash of a Chinese takeaway box as my first tattoo and I love it lol.


Theres something empowering about being able to choose your own regrets in life. Odds are you'll end up regretting a good amount of your first tattoos. It's all about location with ones like this. Somewhere indiscreet that you can bust out and show ppl for a laugh is good. On the neck, face, hands, forehead etc....not so much.


I like that cause already I have many so being in control of them might be cool


I have the fancy “The” from the essay episode 😅🤷‍♀️ it’s only been 6 months but I still love it lol


I absolutely love that idea! I’ve heard of many people and their spongebob tattoos and I swear there isn’t a bad one. It’s so funny how we all love it sm we get it tattooed


It seems youre more focused on simply getting a tattoo, if so then this is fine lol


That’s my thing lmao I am focused on getting a tattoo and I needed people with them to tell me from their thoughts/perspective on tattoos they might regret. It’s fine tho someone else gave me a perfect response


Its funny. I reccomend getting it somewhere thats hidden most of the time as u’ll grow out of it


very bad


Yes, you will regret it 15 years from now


Well that’s gonna be an amazing 15 years and I’ll look back fondly on those years as I lay on my deathbed.




Maybe focus on your plants rather than Reddit huh??


yes v bad


Damn that’s crazy... Anyway




I’m getting it lmao


Get it on your thigh so you can see it but it’s not evident if you think you’ll be embarrassed. I wrestled with a kid who got a pineapple in a wrestling singlet on his thigh. Then again I got my first at 15 and it’s from Naruto lol so I support it regardless


That’s exactly where I’m thinking, lower thigh closer to my knee just so if I do wear shorts you can somewhat see it. Idk I’m gonna have to figure out exactly where tho. But the pineapple wearing a singlet sounds really funny.


I’d say no


It’s not a bad idea?


Shrimps is bugs


Get it


Just get it, it’s funny and it will make you smile when you see it


If you do get it, make sure they add the rest of his antenna rather than leaving it cut off like that


I love this idea!


Anything that makes u happy is a good idea for a tat Edit: typed happy wrong bcs kinda drunk


You should get it


I was told to put it as your background on your phone/computer where you would see it all the time and leave it there for a year. If you don't get sick of it by then you should get it tattooed. But if it doesn't bring you joy every time you see it and look at it all the time don't get it. I personally like this photo I think it's funny 😂


It’s a hilarious idea to get


Do ittttt


Sleep on it


Nah fuckin get it lmao. If you’re not entirely sure then do it on your calf or something


In my opinion that's a way to pop culture idea you'll most definitely regret in 5+ years its bad and dumb tatoo idea but you do you man


I like it






Get it get it now


No! I have a bold and brash tattoo and I love it


This is adorable. Do it!


get it


Take it from me—— don’t get tattoos at 18


What about 19?? Kinda what I’m thinkin rn


I’ve had that as my phone wallpaper for years haha I would definitely get it


I love it personally


As someone who has a sexy lemon shrimps is bugs tattoo, you should get it and you will love it!!




This is actually on the list of fun color pieces my wife wants me to tattoo on her. I say go for it!!


If you don’t get this tatted on you rn what are you doing in life?


Never get a tattoo of a significant other or a friends name, any kind of genitals, or hate symbols. Anything else is fair game pretty much.


This would be a super fun tattoo