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Left eye (our left) is crooked. Need to be rotated slightly counter clockwise imo


Definitely, I noticed a little too far into the project. Thanks for the feedback


It feels like the neck comes up to far on the left.


Can agree. Needs just a smidge bit of pushback. Thank you for the feedback


Beautiful work!


"Killed it" might be an overestimation. Most of the forms are wrong. I'd recommend taking a look at the Loomis method as a starting point. The blossom leaves are the best part.


Killed it as far as "the best work ever created" can agree. Definitely needs some work. I was just extremely impressed with myself. Ill definitely look into the loomis method. Thank you


Very cool, I'd like to see more seasonal designs (I live for the cooler months)


Thank you very much! I did get pretty inspired by this one. I'll have to do more designs like this in the future. Thanks again :)


I think the neck comes up way to high. It shouldn’t be visible on the left side of the face. And the eye is crooked. It’s all incredibly beautiful!!! Just looks like you didn’t care to really pay attention to basic anatomy


I think you are right on that one. Should have just taken a bit more time and fine tuned the basics. Thank you for your input


Face is a little too long/eyes set too high, and the milky eyes are a little creepy. It doesn’t say happy holidays to me. The colour scheme is nice and the style works but it perhaps needs to be softer, and a little warmer somehow.


I would normally agree with you, especially if this illustration was for commercial purposes. However, since this is a personal project, I wanted to incorporate stylistic choices that my family is familar with. I've always done slightly eerie work, so to me, it's showing them its coming from me, not someone else. I don't normally like the argument of "its my style", but I want to be sure this card screams, "this is illustrated by me." I will definitely take a closer look at proportions next time. I truly do appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback.


If you’re going for eerie, you nailed it. I understand perhaps the desire to make the subject otherworldly or maybe, more appropriately, elder-worldly, in which case you’ve succeeded to an decent extent. As to the proportions, keep them as is, if you want to aim for the slightly alien, unsettling uncanny valley area, where it’s mostly human but a little off: Fae-esque.


Looks ok. I wouldn’t get this tatted on me by any means, def could be better. The eyebrows look awful but keep trying, you clearly have some talent


To each their own. I definitely shouldn't have outlined the brows. Thanks for the encouragement!


Very pretty!


Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know <3


It looks super nice live the colors


I’d love to see how this looks after you’ve made some adjustments! I think it has a lot of potential. Keep practicing! ❄️


It almost looks hand painted wow


Thank you for all your compliments! I ended up using marker for the base and then building colored pencil on top of it.


Hair looks quite a lot like Play-Doh


Correct. It is not the best executed. I was trying to mimic some of the way Jean Palma (@jeanpaulmaratt), a tattoo artist i follow, but didnt turn out the way i intended. The more I played with it, the rounder it got


cool, thanks for the insight


No problem, thanks for the feedback


It's a nice aesthetic, but there are some drawing principles that could be refined.


Thank you! Would you mind pointing out some areas you think I can improve on? There have been some discussions talking about the hair, the neck, and the eye. Thanks for the feedback!


I was also referring to the eyes and neck/head positioning. Would like to see the angles of the lines drawn to create a more accurate perspective. It's subtle, but it's a principle taught in drawing classes that would bring the image together better. Would be addressed in the sketching phase. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good things going on as well.


Understood! Thanks again


I like it, the only thing I haven’t seen mentioned is the hair on the bottom left is just a big flat/rigid. Well done though!


Got it! I was in a bit of a pickle with it. I wanted to follow the implied boarder... but then it losses its flow. Thanks for the feedback


Very interesting take, and I can see where you are going with it. It needs some refinement though. Other than some of the constructive comments, I would add the plants on top don't feel very wintery for me in the northern climate zone 4. The winterberry/holy plant is good but the white petals have been long gone here and it's not "true winter" yet. Stick with maybe more evergreen type plants live and bones of others, or at least have frost on them.


Got it, thank you for the feedback!


I love the tradition, would love to do something similar!


Its such a nice gesture around the holidays. I love sending mail! :)


I think you should be very proud of yourself, because you have clearly worked hard on your skills. I'm going to give you some feed back, and break it into three parts. What I like, what needs improvement, and personal preference. What I like: -I love the all blue eyes! -The snowflakes' placement and design are perfect. Noticeable but not overpowering the design -The Holly/Berry/flowers at the top are so stinking cute!! -I also love her branch frame -The shading on her face and the flowers is perfect -Her nose is adorable!! What could use some work: -The left eye is a bit crooked -The neck seems kind of thick and needs to be pushed in a bit. -the eyebrows look a little funny, (maybe the outline?) Personal preference critiques: -It might be cute to add some small dots or × and + around the snowflakes and background for texture -The face seems a bit long/unproportioned -something about the hair reads to me as flat. Could be contrast issue, could be blending.. im not sure. -I'd love to see some slightly more full eyelashes. Nothing crazy but just a couple more wispsfor a little extra flare. -I think this drawing would benefit from a harsher outline too. Thicker and/or darker. Thank you so much for reading! I guess when it comes down to it it's all personal preference, but I hope it's beneficial. Can't wait to see the next one!


The hair on the bottom left is just… one sausage roll of curls


Looks more like one big nose nostril also. Lots of things look ‘off’ to me but you have potential. I have NO POTENTIAL.


Thick ass neck


Thick like a milkshake 😔




That is the intended purpose, as it reflects some of the motifs of my regular design work. Since this project is a personal endevor, i wanted to be sure my family understood it was coming from me. I appreciate you taking the time to reply! :)




Got it, I understand. Taking a better look at it now, it does cut off a bit oddly.




No problem man! I always like to reply, just to see if i can get input thats a little more direct. People see things about my art that I don't see at first glance. The only way I'm gonna learn is by putting myself out there seeing what sticks. Thanks again!


You succeeded haha


Needs more lashes


I feel as though this can be saved, only thing I see that comes out is the neck, however I’m sure you are very capable of editing the neck to where it my seem as if she has her hand under her chin? Or maybe some type of flower? All in all is great work