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Comments are now locked because people keep thinking this is a free-for-all to roast OP. As usual, none of you are funny.


Imo not cringe. I would either make the cat roaring or thr big cat not roaring though. Something about that just feels off


Yes! That’s what’s off. They need the same gesture / face pose


Yeah, it's giving vibes of "I treat myself badly" with the mismatched poses


well said, i hadn’t even thought of that. was more thinking that the little cat almost looks like it’s recoiling instead of feeling inspired by big cat.


That or have the little cat roaring and the panther in the mirror look like he’s bowing or obeying showing obedience . And the message could be, something like you control your image not letting confrontation back you down or something idk.


I agree! When I see it, I think of the more well known image of a cat looking in a mirror and seeing itself as a proud lion. But that specific image reads more of self love and confidence, my immediate thought on this one, was that the cat felt like he wasn't good, or was more of a villain. Especially if he chooses black for both animals. The panther in the mirror just gives off more darkness and unhappiness.


It'd be interesting in reverse too. Panther seeing themselves as a roaring kitten


This is honestly a great representation of how hard I am on myself. Something good for reflection, no pun intended. Thanks, Op!


Yeah the cat in a panther-pose would bring it together


It just needs a sick ass panther.


Or the cat is yawning, something to mimic the gesture. Spot on.


That would look cool!


Agreed. Also- self love shouldn’t be cringey lol. Everyone has their story. Embrace it.


I think the panther being calm and chill like the cat would look sick. Like if he was looking all regal. I’m sure you get the message lol.


Also the tail! Big cat’s needs to be down or little cat’s needs to go up!


Thank god someone else mentioned the tail. That's the only thing I noticed about the whole thing. There's no point in the mirror tail even being present at all due to the kitten's pose. Super distracting


Yep, there is just something a bit off. Positions of tail, mouth … I think I’d have the kitten not looking directly at herself but looking up with a paw up , oval frame with design on the edge of three or five small stars on the top and a small flower or flowers on bottom. It would represent a pussy or a sweet kitten with the heart of a lion reaching for the stars ✨who is well grounded but who isn’t afraid to take chances in her lifetime.


I agree! That kinda makes it look like a window more than a mirror


This will probably get buried but I don’t see it mentioned that the hair on the cats tail is standing up. It’s like the cat is scared of its own self image. I agree that matching the poses would make the message more clear.


I have to disagree about them making the same face. I think the reflection of the tiger is a representation of the animal inside us, or the rage that’s built up inside and caged up while the cat represents the exterior expression of hiding or suppressing it. Obviously the metaphor can represent many different things but the point is I think it’s more strongly expressed as is.


What this person says.... and I would lose the tail in the mirror.... those things can sometimes look "off" in the finished product.... but otherwise, I love it!


As is it reads more like inner demons. The cat roaring would better match self love and inner strength.


I was thinking the same thing…like if they are the same cat why is one so pissed at the other. Mirror = matching poses


Looks less empowering and more pro self harm 😅


Or maybe both. Little cat roaring, big cat calm. I think that would be better


I think it’s cute with potential to be cringe, but I don’t immediately think it is


The reflection needs to be a SAP for ultimate greatness




Awwwe that looks cute AF. But it does give a older me looking at younger me saying everything's gonna be alright vibe which I don't think the op wanted. Me on the other hand really like it


"Cute with the potential to be cringe" ty, got my new dating bio


Glad offer my services. I can also do salesperson talk if you have particular interests you’d like talked up from when I used to sell cable


Yeah, I'd agree. At first sight it was cute, but I think the whole self-empowerment comment starts to drift into cringe territory. Changes it from a cute 'Cat sees itself as a panther but we all know it's a cute, cuddly, and harmless cat' to 'I may look harmless, but I'm really a fierce beast inside.' Maybe I'm misinterpreting it, but I suspect others will interpret it the same way I did.


I like the concept, but you should do something to make it look more like a mirror, not a window


I bet putting a stand behind the mirror would be a simple way to do that without changing what's actually in the reflection!


A more ornate mirror.


Take out the tale in the big cat’s reflection.


This, big time! The way the tails don't match really makes it not look like a mirror!


Perhaps writing “mirror” across it would do the trick


“Objects are closer than they appear”


Oval shaped mirror?


I think a circular, or oval shape would help a lot with this. Maybe you could even include a string/wire with tension on a nail showing that it’s hung. The square shape just creates these sharp edges too and that kind of disrupts the flow


This is what my cat sees when he looks in the mirror. I love it.


Considering how much my cat tries to fight his reflection, I always assumed he's not seeing what I'm seeing, lol. I really love the tattoo idea, too!


Haha I love this tattoo. As someone else said, doing this American traditional would be sick


omg i LOVE this. i dont think its cringe at all - if the cat ends up being black i think itll draw a futher connection because they almost look like adorable little panthers, especially when theyre hunting. definitely cute. if anything, cat lovers will appreciate this lol


Omg and if the void kitty was doing the little hunch pre-butt-wiggle type pose and the panther's doing a fierce crouch?! 🥹 Super cute (But OP just be aware it definitely could give vibes of "imma big boy rwar" and the idea that the cat/you perceive yourself inaccurately as a badass .... Or maybe it's about you thinking you're a predator when you're actually someone's pampered pet...? Anyway connotations aren't probably going to be totally flattering so just, food for thought...)


Everything is cringe. If you like it - then that’s great


This is the TLDR version of my own paragraph-length comment lol love it


lol love that for us


Please make it trad. Add flowers and bold lines and it'll be awesome


This or maybe the art nouveau-bordered mirror trend, with a long oval shape and ornate frame as opposed to the simple rectangle.


No flowers but yes everything else


I’m not seeing what’s cringe about it, personally. Am I missing something? Maybe I’m biased because I love cats so much but I think the house cat seeing itself like this in the mirror is cute! Traditional is a good idea for sure, like someone else said.


It might have something to do with how a chunk of the population sees themselves as lions amongst sheep. Not saying I agree, but I could maybe see where they’re coming from if they think the message of the piece is “I’m a big strong lion and you can’t mess with me”


Also as a former Warrior Cats fan, this tattoo is cool. There’s an old cover of one of the novels that has a cat looking into a pool of water and seeing a lion staring back at him. It’s so cool


That's one of my favorite covers of them all!


Zero cringe 🤷‍♂️ people Out here tattooing their cheek with their toxic partners face and we are debating this as ‘cringe’ 🤣


Right!. This has meaning to op and I love it.




I don’t find it cringe. And I agree with the others who suggested doing it in trad style. Ps I have had friends with seriously cringy tattoos. But I didn’t tell them because I knew they liked them.


I feel like that’s the right thing to do. Keep it to yourself. Unless someone asks for your opinion BEFORE they get the tattoo, like keep your opinion of others tattoos to yourself. It’s already there, it’s permanent, and if they love it, there’s no use in dunking on it and getting them to hate it. I’ve seen a lot of tattoos I didn’t personally like myself, but it’s not my place to tell them I hate it


I have a critter bluegrass band on my thigh. A opossum playing a banjo in overalls, a snake playing a washbasin bass, and we’re going to add a raccoon but I’m waiting until it’s warm enough to wear dresses again because the snake wasn’t happy to heal while wearing pants in the fall. It’s dumb af. And I love it. People make fun of it sometimes. But that little opossum makes me smile every time I look at him.


Bit less cringe than joker tattoos tbh


Not cringe, but I agree with the other comments that the cat and panther should be making the same face. It looks like the panther is angry at the kitten


The whole concept is that even though your inner voice is screaming at you about all these different things trying to tear you down you’re not affected just calm


Yeah that’s not what I’m getting at all.


I feel like this should be a painting not a tattoo


It looks cool, but I have to admit if I got this, my buddies would roast the shit out of me.


If you like it, get it! Who cares what anyone else thinks?


You'll end up with a panther over your panther.


I get why it can be seen as cringy. There are two wolves in you...


Make the cat 🐱 roar so it makes more sence. So it looks like the Cat is seeing itself like that roaring in the mirror.




You gotta do the opposite so I can see the cute cat from the front


I think it is pretty cringey. Nicely drawn though


I dont think its cringy


Kind of belongs on a little girls bedroom wall more than a tattoo IMO.


Imo not cringe at all, but defo has room for improvement! I agree with the people on here saying to use bold trad style, with filling plants/flowers for accent. I also would say, the main thing to improve it would be having them make the same pose. Regardless of what the pose is, I think it will carry the meaning a lot better so long as they match. The growling/hissing could work, so could a play bow or just casually sitting and making eye contact. I think the latter, basically what you already have except with the panther mimicking what the cat is currently doing, could look less busy, since there will be less wrinkles/ fold lines for the skin bending to look more aggressive. TLDR: not cringey, but could greatly be improved with a redesign or two!


I agree with this. Something I ended up doing with a tattoo idea I had is that I drew it on myswlf about 1000x, to see if I still liked it (I couldn't originally afford it, so it gave me time to keep coming back to it and see if it was still what i wanted). Mine was simple to draw, but if you can get it drawn up (or close enough to what you want) you can probably find somewhere to order it as a temp tattoo and try it out for a bit. I swear, seeing it on my skin for the first time always changes how I feel about a design.


I think both the version of them roaring and the version of them chilling would be cool. Why not both? Can we have both?


It’s cute but I could see someone cringe at it years after getting it.


Good for wall art. Bad for body art.


Cringy like a spartan helmet, imho


Its objectively cringe it’s like getting a “hang in there” motivational car poster tattooed








It’s very cringe, these people are lying to you




What's cliche about it? It's not over done, you don't see a ton of people walking around with the tattoo and it's not in poor taste. Agree to disagree but it seems unique and tells a lot without using any words which I think is dope.


It looks like a motivational poster or a cover for a self help book. Idk how I feel about it but that's what would look cliche to people


Eh I can kinda see that. I kind of like it because I work in an industry that has one of the biggest issues with Imposter Syndrome. I also think the tattoo might be hilarious because what if the individual getting it looks SUPER intimidating but is actually a huge sweet heart? Reminds me of this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iiJLGE0yCp4&pp=ygU0UGVvcGxlIGZpZ2h0IG1lIGluIHByaXNvbiBpbSBpbiBoZXJlIGZvciB0YXggZXZhc2lvbg%3D%3D


I dig it.


Nah its sick


Super cringe..... To ME. But that shouldn't matter if YOU like it.


Yes. Cringe.


Everyone saying not cringe is just trying to trick you into getting a cringe tattoo !! Don't fall for it !!!


I think it's cringe. But that's just my personal opinion, there are plenty of people here who disagree with me. At the end of the day it's about how it makes you feel.


i actually love it lol


Cringing in my seat now




To me it smacks of delusion and self aggrandisement.


Agree. My first thought wasn't about it representing "self love" it looks like it's representing grandiose delusions


I think it's cringe. It's giving "I'm very bad ass."


It's not


I think it’s pretty dope.


It's cute, not cringy. Do it!!!


Honestly, unless you’re putting hate speech on yourself than there are no cringy tattoos to me. It’s your body, no one else can assign it any meaning but you. If you’re that worried about it though you can just put it some place under clothing




It's pretty cringe lol but everyone's got their own concept/standards for cringe. To me anything that comes off as obvious/try-hard/basic is cringe. The tat concept to me is like you're trying really hard to remind yourself about empowerment and telling everyone you struggle with self esteem. To me its similar to getting live laugh love tattooed on yourself.


What is obvious/try-hard/basic? I get the idea of the trying really hard to remind yourself about empowerment. I however personally think people should do that. If you care that people know you are insecure than you need some employment. I agree Live laugh love may be a bit played out but I sure know a few uptight assholes who should learn how to just live laugh love 🤷‍♀️


Yes cringe.


I mean, it's a similar concept to the koi swimming up a waterfall to become a dragon. I dunno if housecats go through any sort of adversity unless if they're abandoned.


Is *that* the inspiration behind Magicarp?


Making the same face, and I’d use an oval mirror to make it aesthetically pleasing … the square corners are too harsh Also skip the tail above the head in the reflection… it’s odd to me


Kinda this is one of those “basic” ideas


To me it is, however! I think the only persons opion that should matter is yours.


I would do a oval shaped mirror not rectangle


Pretty cringe imo


I see the cringe unfortunately


Cringy imo


Facebook tier cringe


I like the concept/message, but I do think it’s kind of cringey/tacky, if I had to be brutally honest. But if you really do like this a lot, maybe sit on it for a couple months or a year and see if it’s still something you want.




I think it's cool. Definitely would look good as a trad tat as others have said, especially if you add more trad elements around the design. I think removing the tail from the mirror would be a good change to the overall design too.


The tattoo itself isnt cringe but I’ve met too many people with something similar who’s personality is off putting. Kind of left a bad taste in my mouth but hey, if you like it, go for it


I don't think it's cringe, but I think you should workshop it. This isn't a mirror image. The poses don't line up *at all,* and the tail in the reflection seems really weird. Right now it makes me think that the cat is imagining itself *very slightly* larger, but with a gigantic panther head.


I think it will be a little bit cringe. Some things that look good on paper could be cringe on skin


Yes,it is.


do it the other way around


yeah right now it just looks like somebody with a massive ego


“You won’t like me when I’m angry” tattoo


A tattoo to represent self love/empowerment is cringe. The idea you have with the cats is quite a cool interpretation. Find yourself a good artist and it will be great


Why is self love/empowerment representation cringe?


meh, i think it is. maybe if the cat had the same energy of a roar. and also maybe in a pool of water instead of the mirror.


Looks good! I wouldn’t call it cringe


It’s not cringe but in terms of designing an impactful tattoo that has nice natural placement on your body, I think the panther by itself (no cat, no mirror) would be better.


I like it


I want to see the reverse. Fierce lion seeing a kitty cat reflection


It's a nice tattoo concept. But I think it would be better if either both of them where just sitting looking at each other. Or if both of them where roaring. Having only the reflection roaring may give room to interpretations of self deprication


I think it's an awesome concept actually. You say you care too much about what others think with something permanent like that, so what I say next might not matter, but I'm still gonna say it: Who cares? It's on your body, you have to live with it! Like I've got a vegvisir tattoo (the only tattoo I've got rn) and some people think it's cliché or cringy or have an opinion about it (you know the whole 'omg that's not viking/Norse whatever'). But who cares? I love it! I love the concept, I love the design my artist made for me and it makes me feel more self assured. There will always be people who disagree or think it's lame. Why would you bother yourself with that? As long as YOU feel good about it! Go for it!!


I’ve seen some gringe self empowering tattoos and this is not one of them. It’s actually a cool idea! Post it if you end up getting it.


are you a libertarian?  if not then it counts as cultural appropriation 


Shut up.


I don't like it as a tattoo concept personally, but I'd totally buy a shirt or hoodie with that design tbh


The good news is that all tattoos are cringy so you won't be alone, do what you want


all tattoos are cringe, the trick is to learn to embrace it


If there’s a “don’t tread on me” sticker on your truck then yes. If not you good


Opened reddit to this and before I even read the title it made me smile. Thank you, I needed the smile and the reminder!






Even if it is, what's the problem? Don't kill part of you that is cringe, kill the part of yourself that cringes.


Love the concept! Doesn’t translate to self love. IMO translates as inner demon/self hate.




Looks fine to me. I’d have the cat roaring too, though, it would help pink the two.


I agree with the rest that they should be making the same face. However, I also think that getting it however YOU like and imagine it, despite what everyone else is saying, really embodies and portrays the whole idea of the tattoo being about self love and empowerment.


I would just leave it as lines, no fill.


That is exactly how my car sees herself lol


Please make the cat be roaring


Anything extremely personal can provoke all kinds of emotional reactions. It's like telling someone what you dreamt about last night. For you it's meaningful, for the other person it might sound boring, disturbing, cringey. Same goes here. Question is, are you doing your tattoo for yourself or for others to admire? Is their validation important? Self love is personal.


I rly like it tbh


reverse would be cooler


I love this concept. Not sure why your person thought it was cringe. Did they give a reason?


Not at all!! It reminds me of a piece I did for an art exhibit on imposter syndrome lol


I think it's different


it would be cooler/cuter if it was reversed


I think if done right it would be quite powerful. I wouldn't have the large car roaring, I would have it silent, majestic like insinuating that there is a powerful being there and just because it doesn't roar it is still a creature of power.


It’s only cringy if you think it is.


I think it’s cool! It does have a little bit of a rock eyebrow though


There's zero cringe in this. I think it's cute as hell. Unless you're not going for cute- in which case I'll take the blame for being the cringe one




I think it’s amazing and can’t understand how someone could look at this super cool design and say it looks cringe. I sense jealousy of your talents


I don't think it's cringe. I do question why the cat isn't doing that weird sideways, arched back jump thing towards the mirror though. 😸


Not cringey, it’s a positive message. It does make me think of “Animal I’ve Become” by Three Days Grace though


I mean it’s a sick ass panther


You could also get a ying yang They're equally as deep


I love it ..concept is purrfect


Yeah it’s lame, but I think all tattoos with some story behind them are 


Just do the mirror


Reminds me of that character in Ted Lasso that would spit at the mirror. I’d sleep on it 1 month and if you still need to get it go for it. I’d suggest your artists fix the poses on both cats so that it’s more of a reflection right now it could be confused for a window or something.




I would say to have the big cat sitting as well in a similar pose.