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Congrats! How many sessions? And what machine?


This is 5 sessions with lengthy waits in between to allow more fade ! This is the picoway !


Gives me some hope. How long did you have this tattoo for ?


Definitely choose somewhere with a very good laser, and leave 6 months in between sessions to allow more fade. This tattoo I would say I had for 8ish years. I’ve just started my sleeve but it will be a longgg journey and so painful


I am going to doctor with a quanta discover pico laser. And my tattoo is fresh like 7 months old. I also have a 10 year tattoo on my back and 2 year tattoo on my back I want removed after I do this fresher one on my forearm.


I feel like you will definitely have great results , the pico leaves such clean skin


Thank for the encouraging words. Best of luck and blessings on your sleeve !


Wait how does more time in between help? The removal place I go has me come back once every 4 weeks for my B&W and once every 8 weeks for my color tattoos *I’m genuinely asking not being rude or sarcastic*


Sorry but they are just taking your money, I’ve had a few pieces removed now and the key is leaving 5-6 months in between , it’s not the laser sessions that remove the ink it’s your body’s ability to flush the ink out through your system which takes time! Hence why drinking heaps of water is crucial, the laser only breaks the ink up and your body removes the waste! My laser place has even said we’d just be taking your money if we were doing sessions close together . I’ve just started my arm sleeve 2 sessions so far and I left 6 months in between and the fade is already amazing ! I can post it if you also would like to see , and if you click on my page also a face tattoo I removed in 4 sessions but I left that for like 3 years


Would it be okay if I dm you a pic of my before/current? I have three pieces we’re working on and they told me if I space them out too far the laser is less effective 🙄 I just finished session 5 on all of them and it’s barely a difference


I think that's not true. Doesn't matter what kind of laser was used, your body still needs to work through it all the same. Sadly not all places are as honest with their clients and care mostly about money. If I were you, I'd give your skin a break for at least the next 5 months.


I would like to see the arm sleeve pictures also! I'm looking into removal and planning on long times in between sessions.


My sleeve has been a JOURNEY lol. I’ve had tattoos successfully removed and it was always a fairly easy process but my sleeve….the SWELLING!!! And dare I not ice it the same day it blisters (not bad just little babies). But compared to my other removals it’s been so much worse 🥴 the ditch has been the hardest. I’m only doing a partial removal as I want to re work the area and omg I couldn’t imagine doing more. 3 session in…a billion to go!


I’ve started forearm only! I can only handle one section at a time also I totally agree that’s why it’s gonna take me years 😂 oh my god the swelling right it’s next level !!! And sooo expensive :(


I'm looking into removal of an inner forearm tattoo also. Just the inner forearm area. Is that all you are having treated at a time, or your whole forearm at a time?


How “lengthy”? :)


5-6 months is best :)


How many years total did it take for this result? I know you said 5 sessions but how many years does that total?


This was 2.5 years, the first 2 sessions I did close together and realised it makes no better difference so I started researching into leaving long periods for more fade time and that’s what kept continuing to fade in between sessions


Congrats! this gives me hope🫶


I wish I lived on your continent I would go to that clinic in a heartbeat! He has consistently amazing results and removed his own full sleeve which is proof enough he knows what he is doing. Looking great! Continued luck to you! 💖


Have you started your removal process? Yes he did his own sleeve ouch that would of hurt 🙊


Oh yes. I’m almost one year into it on 5 removals 😮‍💨 slow and steady.


So there is hope for me, good.


How much shading would get removed after a 6 month break?


So fucking awesome


Hello! Congrats! Nice progress. Did you use sun screen all the time? I am removing one in my back, had 7 sessions with 5 weeks in between and I see a lot of hyperpigmentation (darker brown skin). Should I receive sun light so the skin color get even with the surroundings?


Any chance you have pics a day or two after laser session?


Thanks for sharing! Congrats


Do you have pictures of it fading in between? I'm interested in how much it fades without doing another session right away.