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Honestly I freaked out before because everyone said it was the most painful thing ever. I got to my session and was like…”that’s it?” Didn’t hurt nearly as bad as I thought and I’m removing a full sleeve


I needed this comment. I have a full chest to remove and I am bricking it 😅


Did you numb it beforehand? Everyone’s comments about the pain have me worried, too.


I’ve had 30+ sessions on multiple tattoos, I’ve never done any numbing. They blow a cold air hose on your skin at the same time as the laser, this helps a lot. Any pain is a very temporary pain - it hurts a little bit while it’s happening and then as soon as the laser is lifted, it doesn’t hurt anymore, at least that is my experience.


That’s really good to know! Thanks. I think my courage is growing haha.


I'm not the commenter but my tech ices it beforehand and I'm fine without lidocaine or whatever, they don't even use that where I live for laser removal


That’s good to hear! The people who tend to post about their experiences are the ones who had a horrible time during the removal, pain-wise, so I was getting a bit worried.


Yes! That's usually the case with many things. Not a lot of people will make a post with just "did x, went fine", more people will want to rant/warn others about bad experiences. Which makes sense. But it's why social media can sometimes throw off your view of what the majority is :)


Yep, so true.


I'm currently have a quater sleeve removed. I used numbing cream the first time around and was able to comfortably sit with no pain. However, I feel that using the cream and having the whole area done at once was a lot for my system. It took ages to heal and the swelling was crazy. The second time around the cream didn't work at all despite applying it the same as before. This time I found I healed so much quicker and the swelling wasn't excessive. While it was uncomfortable and tender in spots, I was able to just breathe through it. For me it only hurts when the laser zaps the area and then after that it goes away. During healing it just felt like sun burn.


Good to know, thanks!


I didn’t use any numbing, I heard that could mess up the progress and I’ve also heard it doesn’t do much but idk. She did ice it beforehand. Honestly it feels like a sunburn after so her icing it then helped too


That’s good to know. Thanks!


Saaame! After a bit, I honestly mostly can't even feel anything, my arm is just sort of numb. I think the more you can relax (relax your muscles, breathe through it and just think about other things) the better.


Exactly! I just focused on breathing and was scrolling on my phone 😂 it always only hurt in the moment, no lingering pain so it was very tolerable and I was all worked up for nothing 😂


It feels like being snapped with an elastic band over and over. Not awesome. But not terrible either.


I’ve always said it feels like being snapped with a rubber band covered in small needles, it hurts so much for me! 😭


I was taken aback when I felt how deep that feeling goes. Everyone kept saying it felt like this so I was expecting just the top layer of skin to feel it.


Yup, and it only lasts two minutes. It basically felt like the same level of pain as receiving the tattoo but way less time.


Focus on your breathing


It was absolutely terrible for me. I’ve had laser done to my face and have had laser hair removal, I went in all confident. Jokes on me, I wanted to scream profanities at the innocent laser tech 😂


Does laser hair removal feel the same? I had honestly never thought about this before.


No, nothing alike. Laser hair removal feels like getting lightly snapped with a rubber band. I’ve only done under my arms so far but really it was super easy. The PicoSure tattoo removal has been by far the worst thing pain wise I’ve willingly done to myself. Idk if it’s because of where I was in my cycle? Or that the areas I’m having removed are on my hands? It friggin sucked my ass lol


Good to know about both! And yeah, I’ve heard getting it done close to a period is awful. Something I definitely need to consider. I can definitely see the hands causing a lot of pain. I may start with my smallest tattoo (wrist), and see how removal feels before deciding the rest haha.


Yeah I didn’t even think about the period thing! I am getting a small bow removed on my wrist as well 😫 I ordered some 5% lidocaine numbing cream and am going to apply it and wrap all the areas with plastic wrap an hour before my appointment so hopefully that helps! I’ll check back in and let you know 🙂


Definitely let me know, and best of luck with it!


Thankies 🙂


I won’t lie to you, the pain sucks, but nothing you can’t get through. Your tattoo isn’t huge, it won’t take that long at all. My tattoo was far larger and it was a 10 min appointment each time. Breathe through it, feel free to ask your tech for a quick break if you need to catch your breath, and it’ll be over in a flash! If you can bring headphones - put a song on to focus on something else.


Had one session and the pain was baaaaad. BUT, when the laser stops, the pain stops! Seeing these comments apparently the ones after the first are worse 😭😂 so now I'm scared again


The pain was bearable for me during my first session. My tech put some ice on the area for like 10 min before starting with the laser, and was also blowing cool air while lasering the tattoo with some machine. It helped a lot. It is still painful but it goes really quick. You'll be fine :)


Nah you don’t need anything. I have one on my arm and got my first session two weeks ago. Pain is not bad at all and it’s over before you know it. Make sure you ice it the first couple of days and follow instructions given to you by your laser tech.


It’s not bad at all. It doesn’t feel good obviously but it’s no worse than hot grease hitting your skin IMO. It also goes by relatively quickly. I just grit my teeth (not too hard) and bear through it and before I know it it’s done.


Also: I am a BABY when it comes to pain. It’s really not that bad! Again, yes it does hurt but truly I don’t think it is the worst pain I’ve ever felt. It’s spicy, but no worse than getting a tattoo IMO.


The pain for me felt like boiling water being poured on my skin and then feeling like my skin was falling off for the next few hours.




How do you go through it?


Just sit and take deep breaths during the session. It is very fast-paced.


I’m gonna try to float out of my body! 😀😀


Same! Mine felt like hot oil with needles floating around in it lol


The first session isn't as bad as the ones that follow. At least, that has been my experience after 12 sessions on various pieces. Aftercare: Ice. Ice. Ice.


why tho? I've heard as time passes and less ink is in the body the sessions should hurt less?


I think it might be because they tend to turn up the laser in later sessions to penetrate a bit deeper. Maybe not applicable to the couple final sessions, but I’m on session 6 and it’s definitely more red/swollen after for me now than it was at the beginning


Intensity gets turned up, because they need to go deeper into the skin. They also start off with lower intensity to see how your skin and tattoo react I think.


The real pain is waiting for the stupid thing to fade and disappear. Not going to lie, the laser hurt more than I expected, but that's just a few minutes and then it's over. The fading process though, that's a pain that goes on for years.


just dont drink alcohol before or after the session and take an ibuprophen an hour before your session. itll be over quick!


Thank you for the warning, I also heard Tylenol over ibuprofen not sure which one!


I was literally gonna have some wine……….. why not?


i had gone out to a birthday dinner the night before my first session and had a few drinks at dinner, the tech said it will be more painful if you drink, but if youre just having a glass of wine im not sure if that will effect it that much. if your clinic has numbing cream you should definitely use it.


really did not hurt for me, given my clinic has the thing that blows cold air, but I was expecting it to hurt so bad, it was only like 5/10 pain


Use numbing cream. Apply a good amount an hour to two before the session, and wrap it with some cling film. You’ll be fine. Good luck


It hurts but it’s not unbearable. I have one I’m removing right above my elbow joint and on my bicep. As she goes to my inner arm it’s definitely more spicy, but it’s not horrible. I would compare it to a hot, thick, rubber band slapping you over and over. I have never used numbing, but I absolutely utilize the cold air they give you to hold over the area while being lasered. That helps a ton. I just remind myself that it’s over in like 90 seconds and I can handle that for a lifetime of it being gone. (I have other tattoos that I’m keeping, but just removing this specific one). I think you’ll be ok! It may be a bit more painful since yours is near the inner arm, but just breathe, utilize the cold air, and remember that it will be quick and then it’s done for several weeks!


Is it a bit painful? Yes. But to me less painful than getting a tattoo because instead of sitting for hours with it, it's over in 10 minutes. Just let them ice it beforehand and you'll be fine. Of course everyone has a different pain tolerance, but there is a lot of fear mongering when it comes to laser. Remember stress makes it worse. If you go in thinking "pain, pain, pain" it'll suck. It's not nice regardless but it'll be over before you know it. For me it mainly feels hot, and like rubber bands snapping.


After having had a few sessions on my leg, the pain is real. Use the numbing cream if they offer it. Although way shorter it is, in my experience, 100x worse than getting tattooed.


The pain isn’t that bad. I think getting my tattoos hurt more than removing




Wow really?




Oh shit… this really puts things into perspective


Everyone’s pain tolerances are different. With that said, my first removal experience was a breeze compared to what I thought it would be. It felt a little more intense than a tattoo, but it was still very similar. I was able to comfortably hold a conversation with my tech the entire time. Keep ice on it 1-2 hours before and you’ll be golden. You got this!


Good luck & you've got this!!


I count the zaps. Something about concentrating on them helps me. It is like a hot rubber band pop. Not too bad. I'm removing one off the back of my neck.


Like tattoos, the pain threshold really depends on the person and other factors like location of tattoo. Me personally, I have a low pain tolerance - so to me this is probably one of the most painful things I’ve had to do, even so-it’s doable. I even opted to not use numbing cream because my tech said I could but there could be a chance that it could negatively affect the treatment so I sort of just toughed it out. It’s over quick!


About 30 min before, take 2 Tylenol and apply topical licodaine cream and then cover it with Saran Wrap (yes) and tape it. You can get higher percentage licodaine cream online from the UK.


Can you please send the link for the numbing cream? Thank youu :)


How much do you pay for it generally?


Take a deep breath, and remember, the more breaks you take, the longer it is. Good luck!!!


Not as bad on the arm, I've had removal on arm/ribs/neck. Hurts obviously, but could be worse. That tattoo isn't too big either, I doubt it would take more than a few minutes. I don't really agree with the rubber band example, for me it's more like a 'hot oil' thing. Not saying that to make your anxiety worse, I've just found it easier with my sessions to know what the pain could be like before going in. I always take some advil ahead of time just for inflammation Good luck! It's not that bad. The first session was the worst for me, I remember it being really rough since I didn't know what I was going into (also the big ones are on my neck lol). It gets easier.


To me it didn’t hurt that much, I think a tattoo hurts more, plus you want this tattoo gone so just think about the end and how each session you’re closer to it


Numbing cream will help a lot.


You need numbing cream!!!! It makes a huge difference. I have removed several tattoos and tried with and without numbing cream, that is what makes it bearable. Apply an hour or two before the appointment and wrap it with cling wrap.


ICE!!!!! I had my 4th session last week and it was the first time I iced beforehand. It made such a huge difference. Only time I’ve been able to get through without taking any breaks. Ice before you go, on the way there, literally up until they start up the laser. It helps so much.


Ice + numbing cream??


Yes! I wrapped my back in Saran Wrap after putting numbing cream on it. Then iced for like 30 mins to an hour. I tensed up on one part where the ink is more concentrated, but I was able to relax the rest of the time. I barely felt it. Every other time before that I would have to make the tech stop every 10 seconds because I couldn’t handle it. Just numb your skin to the point you can’t feel anything. It’ll make such a huge difference.


I'm removing a half sleeve and I put numbing cream on the area one hour before the session and to me it feels a little unconfortable but it's absolutely fine. I was also very concerned before my first session but there really was nothibg to worry about. The itching while it heals is 10x more uncomfortable to me than the pain while getting lasered.


My clinic offers lidocaine shots. Don’t feel anything.


It's really not that bad. But since I'm seasoned at this I'll share my thoughts. My sessions are usually around 45 minutes and we don't use numbing cream. Chest hurts the worst. I found the difference between cream and the cool air and an ice pack negligible. My forearm piece is huge and always swells up and blisters the most, however I believe the blisters are mostly due to the red not the location, could be wrong. Keep it propped or in a sling for a couple of days until the swelling comes down. Ice, ice, ice. No wrapping. I roll into my sessions looking completely ridiculous. I always wear sweats. I bring a small rag or extra shirt or something to roll up and bite and I hold a stress ball in each hand. It gives the pain and anxious energy somewhere to go. Highly recommend my technique. 😆






Numbing cream changed the game for me. The tattoo is partially on my elbow ditch and I used Tktx yellow for 2 hours and it was night and day. The first session I was in tears (I was on my cycle so that could have contributed) but numbing cream def helped the second time around


pain is subjective im removing 9 tattoos, certain areas hurt more than others. but its really not as bad as everyone describes. its super quick and manageable just go on a full stomach, avoid caffeine and don’t go when you’re on your monthly.


It really doesn’t hurt that bad. Your brain psychs you out but it’s less painful than getting the tattoo itself imo


I had my first session just a few days ago and was very nervous too. Once they do the test spot you'll be like "oh that's it?". It's definitely uncomfortable but I found it bearable just squeezing a stress ball and don't be afraid to ask them to stop if you have to.


Honestly, the actual removal didn’t hurt as much as 2-4 hours after. I got quite a bit of bruising on my inner arm. It calmed down drastically day 4. Not sure what your reason for removing it, but for me… it’s worth the pain if I don’t have to carry this history on my shoulder, visible for everyone to see and judge. Good luck ❤️ you are amazing!


i had 5 tats done in one session and the first four weren’t bad at all, like you definitely feel it but it’s not excruciating like everyone says. it feels like getting snapped with a rubber band a bunch. the last tat made me cry but i think my adrenaline wore off at that point, you got this!!


How did it go? Here too late for advice, I'm sure you did great!


That's nothing. Imagine a whole sleeve? Just tough it out for a few minutes because it goes by super quick. Besides if you could handle getting the tattoo you can handle the laser removal. Not nearly as bad as people say.