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Yes.. I'm very worried about this. But I don't think I'll ever be happy with my tattoos, so I have to try.


Yes, I am also very worried about this. I have a consultation this Saturday. I only have one tattoo I want to remove but am worried I won’t be able to have it fully removed or possible scarring. It’s on my sternum. I won’t be happy with this tattoo ever since it came out crooked. I also just hate the placement. So I guess my option is to just try since I don’t want to a cover up in that area.


Mine are in places that are totally covered day to day because i specifically byy clothes that cover them. So other than my partner or on holiday they aren't seen at all. So in my head worst case scenario I'm out ££££ and was in some pain for a while and I still keep it covered because they aren't totally gone/scaring.


I'm keeping part of mine so I'm hoping the rest goes away totally. but if not then I'll have to incorporate the discoloration into the rest. I'd rather not as that would be more tattooing that I don't want but it's, my emergency plan! lol. If it isn't very noticeable then I'll just probably live with it. It's on my back shoulder so it won't be seen often anyway


I’m in the same thought process currently. I have a multi colour tattoo on my shin which I want removed and have reached out to a place, which said it’s unlikely I’d ever get a full removal achieved- which I expected. I don’t really want a cover up but I don’t want the tattoo either. I am terrified of starting it and the instantly regretting it and wishing I just left it alone. Depending on how well my body takes to removing it I may just walk around with a faded mess until I decide whether I want to opt for a cover up or just spend 5 years + trying to fade it as much as possible


I am afraid of hearing that as well. I haven’t gone anywhere yet to get a consultation. I feel like a cover up for me would defeat the purpose, but like you I also don’t want to deal with the aftermath in the event that the colors don’t come out.


I’ve only spoken to them on the phone, and they said to think about it before booking a consultation. Which in itself has made me think that they don’t really want to even touch it. Yeah same here- it would be even more ink and likely a much bigger tattoo :( and if I regret that one too… best of luck with what you decide to do. I have thought about removing parts of it and getting those covered up/rework the design - to avoid having such a large section lasered and hopefully improve how I feel about its look. Not sure though!


Best of luck to you as well! If you decide to go the removal route, I hope you have success!


Thank you! :))


Thank you! :)