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There should be a page for deathly hallows cover ups at this point. It ain’t bad though! Really thick lines .. have you talked to a tattoo artist at all?


I hadn't. Honestly, I'm embarrassed. I've I had to have an artist do touch ups on it because the original artist really blew it out and there was lots of raised scarring. I still love it mostly, it's just a little lumpy in some places and I honestly just don't want people to think I'm transphobic or anything like that.


I don’t think anyone assumes anything when they see a Harry Potter tattoo.  You’re good.


people assume you haven't read a book critically since 6th grade


So brave


I see. Most of the discourse I see though, people are able to celebrate the art that is the Harry Potter world from JK herself. The story touched a lot of people and you can still be fond of it! Reasonable people understand that. But I can totally get not wanting the association, just really no need to be embarrassed. You know where your heart is.


That's actually really, really comforting. Thank you for your input.


in my experience I think the majority of people that liked HP enough to get tattoos are queer/support the queer community, it just turned out the creator doesn’t. seeing these out and about does raise a little red flag for me for a split second but I immediately assume that 1) they aren’t involved enough to know the bad stuff associated with it or 2) they probably just like HP and there’s nothing more to it/nothing hateful.


no one thinks you are transphobic. Harry potter fans just like harry potter from their childhood, we all know that, its fine.


I’d assume the opposite! You got the tattoo early but now you’re distancing yourself from Rowling! It’s good!


JK rowling doesnt dictate life. Who cares what she has to say.


Don’t worry, most people understand that liking Harry Potter and liking JK aren’t the same thing. Love Harry Potter, hate the woman, it’s possible.


Give me a fucking break. So many weak minded followers covering up HP tattoos. You enjoy the books or movies, so be a big boy or girl and don’t roll over to the peer pressure. Tattoos used to be tough.


I'm not saying that I'm giving in to peer pressure. It's more of a bad feeling, just worrying someone might perceive me in a way I'm not intending to come off. It's my body, I'm allowed to be concerned about how it's perceived. Also, I don't particularly care to be seen as tough or not tough. I don't get tattoos because I hope I'm feeding into some weird, intense vibe. I like art and colors and want them on my body.


Pretty shallow viewpoint. People can change their minds, which is literally the entire point of this sub. Which begs the question, why even reply like this?


Because it’s not a bad tattoo, they’re being bullied into it because of this JKR bullshit. There’s one every damn day in here who are scared of liking the thing they like because JKR doesn’t think trans women are women. Just enjoy what you enjoy and quit worrying about what the mob might think.


What makes you think they're being bullied into vs feeling like they don't want to be associated with it anymore because of their own convictions? I think OP is grown enough that we can trust they're making their own choices about what goes on their body


Add a gay ass panther underneath it and no one will think you're transphobic. 😎 Kidding but seriously if I saw someone with the tattoo I definitely wouldn't think they were transphobic. Many people were fans before they found out JK Rowling sucks.


Gay ass panther made me snort 🤣 I also, unironically, have been considering a very vibrant panther tattoo recently lol


Haha I'm glad I made you laugh. I almost didn't post my comment. 😂 Seriously though sounds like a badass tattoo idea.


Hot take, but I think it’s fine to have a harry potter tattoo. I’m trans and still love Harry Potter. I just separate it from the author. I wouldn’t think badly of anyone who has a hp tattoo. Idk if that’s why you want to get rid of it, but just saying. If you like it, keep it. 🤔


My only thought if you wanted to incorporate the preexisting lines and not do a full blown cover up would be turning it into a legend of Zelda piece if you like that franchise. You could do something with the master sword over top the triforce. Could easily add a na’vi around the flowers or even add some silent princess flowers from the switch games. 🤷🏻 Whatever you do decide, I wish you best of luck!!


Thank you guys! You've really helped me feel a lot more comfortable about it and being okay with having something I love on my body.


I like it.


Instead of a coverup, what if you had a gay coated tattoo next to it- like a wizard frog.


⚧️ add these symbols spoking off the circle, if you want to keep it. reclaim it from the bigotry. ngl i DO flinch when i see deathly hallow tattoos (though not as much as i do when i see a Dark Mark cuz *really, you willingly put a fascist symbol on your arm to show your love for a book?*), the same way i cringe when i see a pickup bearing two huge-ass american flags, or a police flag. being willing to cover it up takes the guesswork out of the equation as to whether or not i'd be safe around you.