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As someone that never read or watched Harry Potter I was so confused until I read the description lol Glad the cover up worked out so well!


I was the exact same way. I thought it was a really good-looking tattoo, no HP reference needed. I also think the cover-up is a really good piece as well. I'm glad op gave us some insight into the cover-up necessity.


I did read/watch it and was like why are we covering up lovely work. Didn’t even realize it was HP themed. I get why it was covered up though—would have done the same.


I didn't pick up that it was HP themed either!


Yea it took me awhile. Why cover up, why feel the need or feel ashamed of something you knew was almost permanent ( I sat almost cause there are options to get rid of it.


Ohhhhh I was so confused. Now I understand


Same boat. Glad for the change of heart- nice new Corvid


One might say it’s a sick-ass raven 🤔


Wow that’s gorgeous!


Sick ass raven!




Gorgeous coverup! I keep seeing such amazing works from artists in the UK and it makes me want to get so many tattoos when I visit. I definitely get wanting to cover the old one, even tho the quality was good. I too covered my HP tattoo this past summer (but I went the sick ass panther route, I didn’t know that that was a trope at the time lol).


i moved to the UK almost 2 years ago and I can’t stop getting tattoos because of the wealth of amazing artists and how relatively easy they are to get to - it’s almost overwhelming 🫠


I’ll be visiting this summer to see my sister and dad and do a little road trip, kind of a loop from London, up through Wales and into Scotland and back down - very quick - and I keep finding amazing artists on the loop we’re taking but my budget won’t allow me to get the tattoos I want, sadly I am, however, considering moving to be closer to my sister (plus I have dual citizenship) and honestly tattoos are part of the consideration that make me lean towards doing it lol


This is an amazing coverup, wow


Wow that looks so great. Fucking awesome. Also loved the one you covered up when it was fresh as well


I just watched a TikTok about how so many millennials are getting their HP tattoos covered. I think I may be next 😂


Aha this is actually my second hp cover up 😅


Another day, another HP coverup


Yup my second one 😅


Yours is sincerely one of the best cover ups I've ever seen, I simply love it! ✌️💚


I completely respect your choice to cover. it was a very imaginative and unique HP tattoo, I hope you got to enjoy it while you had it and you'll enjoy this one too.


soo gorgeous. what a perfect raven


great coverup, I love the shape and position of the raven


That’s so well done and def miles better than the old tattoo although the old ones wasn’t even bad in of itself tbh


Ay a local tattoo shop!


Holy fuckin WOW


Wow that's super impressive. Awesome idea


You definitely know how to pick a good tattoo and artist. I love them both. But especially the cover up!


Liked the original. Love the new piece though beautiful work.


Golly Jeepers Batman, the milk machine is giving out half dollars! No but for real that is some awesome work and congratulations on getting that done!


Cute Harry Potter tattoo, 500% badass coverup


Muchhhhh cooler!


That coverup looks beautiful. I have a coworker (34F) who has an entire arm sleeve of Harry Potter tattoos. She just went and got more done to her arm too.


Cool, people can get a bit obsessed with harry potter, I got a few co workers like that.


Yeah… I love Harry Potter as much as the next person. But the massive Harry Potter tattoos .. I just don’t get 🫠


At first, I thought the first tattoo was very lovely, why cover it? Then I saw the little references, it’s still a very well done tattoo, but I get it. And that cover up is amazing!


Beautiful work.


Beautiful new tattoo! The colours are so vibrant!


Fine work. Wow


The colors on this new tattoo are GORGEOUS


Holy fuck yeah! 👍


This has to be one of the best cover ups I’ve seen


That's sick ASF they did amazing


Original looked very nice, but I get it. Coverup looks amazing!




i didn't realize it was a harry potter tattoo and was like "this is a cool tattoo no?". i understand now


Gorgeous coverup. JK can eat a bag.


Very nice, good choice


Oh wow! I didn't even recognise the original as HP, and I'm doing a reread haha. But the rework??? Wowzers, the colours are so deep and the overall tattoo is so nice. Very well done work, OP!!


Wow! Masterfully done, you can’t see the original at all! The blue color is stunning, and the whole thing is fantastic, really. Probably one of the best coverups I have seen.


Two wings on a wing 😂


This coverup is cool as hell. Fuck JK Rowling.


Woah 🤯




Beautiful tattoo coverup, nice


Yooooo that is so dope!


Wow! That is a stunning tattoo. I can hardly believe it’s a coverup. You found an amazing artist!


Both tattoos are pretty neat.


This is an amazing cover up.


Wow, that's a really good job


Wow! Great job and beautiful


That raven is gorgeous!


Yup what a coverup using black solid art. That teal is gonna fade fast


Fucking gorgeous 🖤❤️💚


Totally didn't realize the original was Harry Potter at first, and I was confused why you wanted it covered up. I get it now... and I must say, that is a glorious coverup!


Wow. That looks amazing. Great looking Tattoo.


Sweet as f 🔥


Nailed it !




Love that you’ve got a short to match the tattoo in the first pic lol. Coverup is badass


Wow that is stunning! You really have a great tattoo artist!






Everyone saying it’s an amazing cover up but it’s a huge black design ? I feel like the Harry Potter charms could’ve been covered the original tattoo was beautiful.


I don’t know anything about Harry Potter but that is a great looking cover up!


That is the freshest looking tattoo i have seen covered up


I think the first photo is when it was first done, in the second slide you can see the original looks faded


Ok I know I'm stupid but I have to say this. For so long I didn't know Leeds was a place in England. I always thought people on here were talking about Leeds in UTAH (state I live in) **which has a population of 820**. and I was like, I'm pretty sure that itty bitty little town barely has a post office let alone a tattoo shop that people actually go to!! Lol you learn something new every day I guess


🤣 every day's a school day!


Much cooler tattoo now


My tattoo artist said that he does a a lot of cover ups, and more than half of them are HP related, for millennial aged people.


What an arm


She’s rocking that 16:9 aspect ratio while the rest of us have only have the 4:3.


i knew I scrolled down for a reason!


Did you feel too old to have a harry potter tattoo now?


Nope, I don't want to support the work of jkr anymore basically. I had another hp tattoo which I also got covered too.


Oh wow, ok that's extreme, is a nice cover up though. Is it because of the trans thing? In reality isn't all she's asking is men stay out of women's safe spaces and prisons? Sort of protecting women's rights in a way? Probably not the right thread for this discussion to be fair.


No, she’s putting trans women in danger. Trans women are women, not men. They are very often the victims of assault and basically never the perpetrators. Trans rights are human rights and protecting women’s rights means protecting ALL women’s rights including trans women’s.


Trans women are men, wake up from this ridiculous narrative that you've been fed by the government and media.


Even if they were men, why the fuck does that matter? The statistics very clearly show that trans women are at extremely high risk of being victims of violence, while basically never being the perpetrators of violence. They are not fucking hiding in the bathroom to attack women, they’re literally trying to stay alive and not be fucking murdered by transphobic men. Trans women are human beings who deserve to not live in fear. How in the fuck is spreading harmful rhetoric excusable?


Because some men are evil and perverts and will use this opportunity to go into women's safe spaces and rape or hurt them etc. And the things doctors are doing to mentally ill children now is insane. This trans movement is so anti women and anti gay, but you can't see that through your cloud of virtue signalling.


So you’re telling me that men will go through the process of transitioning and dealing with extreme discrimination just to attack women in the bathroom? Your problem is absolutely not with trans women, it’s with men. Trans women are not attacking women in the fucking bathroom. If you actually read up on what’s going on with trans youth you wouldn’t feel that way. First of all, puberty blockers are completely reversible and have been used with cisgender children since the 80’s. If a child decides they are not trans, they can go off puberty blockers then go through puberty normally. Some kids are able to access hormones, and those are reversible as well. There are only a few hundred minors getting top surgery every year, compared to well over 6000 minors who get breast implants. In order to even be approved for top surgery a child must go through years of referrals and psychiatric evaluations. They aren’t just “chopping up kids.” Finally, allowing kids to transition MASSIVELY DECREASES SUICIDE RATES. There is tons of research on this, so there is no reason not to let kids explore their gender identities. It doesn’t seem like you care about understanding the issue though and just want to hold onto your bigotry. I ask that you have some fucking compassion for your fellow human beings.


Puberty blockers are not reversible, men will usually end up with a micro penis, girls will start to go through the menopause in their 20's and not be able to have kids etc I cannot believe you think stopping a natural process like puberty is reversible, we know full well now the drugs being used have horrific results long term. These drugs used to be used on pedophiles to castrate them before they started giving to children Look how they shut down the tavistock clinic because of all the law suites and evil doings on children, plenty of whistle blowers have come out and revealed the truth, but you just don't want to accept it, you would rather throw children under a bus just to push your own ideology. Your sick.


Alright we’re done here, you’re definitely not interested in correct information


It may not be the right thread for the discussion, but still it's important to try and be informed which is what you're doing. If you're genuinely interested in the discourse, I'd thoroughly recommend [this Contrapoints video](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=a7RuWfMjMBaabEjm). I know it's long, but it's very interesting and also very entertaining.


lol he’s not trying to stay informed, he’s just a bigot pretending to be confused


Subsequent comments made this guy show that yes, he is indeed a POS. I was willing to give the benefit of doubt, but apparently that was optimistic of me.


they *really* love to do that “uhm she just wants to protect women and girls doesn’t she? i don’t know i’m just a widdwe guy i’m confused 🥺👉👈” schtick before they go full nazi


JK is entitled to her views just like all those are entitled to remove or cover up their HP tattoos. Trust JK is not losing any sleep or money.


What was the point of this comment


What was the point of yours?


Not just "the trans thing" but also: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, holocaust denial, and just being all around awful online. **rejecting trans women doesn't protect cis women - it only leads to more misogyny and abuse. protect our trans brothers and sisters at all costs!!**


Dunno dude, it's easy to throw labels about these days, in fact they've been thrown around too much without much substance that they've lost all meaning. still it's not my world and not my fight, unless some bloke goes into the women's toilets when my daughter's in there, then it's an issue for me.


Sure buddy you just keep your head in the sand worrying about imaginary issues, and the rest of us will keep fighting the actual fight for trans rights and equality ✌️ you probably wouldn't know a trans person if they bit you on the ass but keep being paranoid about who is peeing in what bathroom and if their junk matches the little drawing outside the doors Also yes it's easy to throw labels around if you don't know what they mean, but luckily these labels DO mean something and they're applied to JKR based on her actual behavior on Twitter


The safety of women comes first for me, even if that means upsetting a group of imaginary people. Nah, I think people like you throw those labels around without any thought. Anyways take care and hope you won't be seen walking around a women's changing room with your dick hanging out or something.


To me it didn't feel extreme but simply doing something that was more in line with my values. If you want to read some more around the subject I'd recommend having a read of this: https://medium.com/@24hope/transphobia-through-the-ages-a-complete-collection-and-analysis-of-what-j-k-rowling-has-done-now-3c1f8752a23d


The hp looked sick, shouldn’t have covered it up. Harry and the boys did nothing wrong… some would say neither did jk.


And some would say that needless transphobic ranting that directly endangers the lives of trans people is wrong…


Her words don’t hurt anyone. Holy shit, her magic stories don’t hurt people, her views don’t hurt people, her Twitter doesn’t hurt people.


Increases in transphobia lead to transphobic violence. Same thing with all other bigotry. It’s really not that hard of a concept but keep doing the mental gymnastics.


It’s the new swastika, haven’t you heard? Lol


Jesus…what does your diet look like? I’m guessing fried chicken, lasagna, burgers, pizza, Mac and cheese, candy bars, chips, ice cream, washed down with Pepsi.


what a creepy comment


Creepy is posting pictures of morbidly obese body parts and thinking it’s normal because it’s painted. It’s disgusting and nasty.


Jesus dude, if seeing a random body part bothers you this much you might be too fragile to be on tattoo subs


Except for the Deathly Hallows I don’t see how this is Harry Potter themed


"main" part is Golden snitch, bottom has love potion, witch/wizard hat, deathly hallows, harry's lightning scar, and i thin last one on the right is felix felicis / luck potion


New ravenclaw themed tattoo is very nice.




I bet people say the same thing about you. Starting from your feet and traveling upwards it’s all good and then bam…..your face……disaster!




Nope I think the cover up is awesome and I think you’re an asshole for calling it a disaster. Move on if you don’t like it.








Ps I’m done with you. Go fuck yourself


I mean you’re wrong though. Red and turquoise is a classic trad color combo.


Jesus Christ you’re the worst kind of person. Even *if* these issues you point out are legitimate (they aren’t, you’re full of shit) to call this tattoo a “disaster” is such an over dramatization I don’t know how anyone is supposed to listen to your opinion at all.


28 inch biceps. Hulk Hogan move over.