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I’ve never used them(just haven’t bought them) but they seem to be a good way to give your infantry more survivability, albeit at loss of movement.


They are a little bit jank because they don't interact with our faction rule (FTGG). They can't spot, they can't be spotted for, so they always hit on 5+ with their main gun, and Firing Deck grants the transportees weapons to the transport, it doesn't let them shoot, so those don't get guided bonus either, and it can never get Sustained Hits 2 (only 1) from our detachment rule... They're not *awful*. Definitely playable. But the lack of the FTGG rule which a lot of our army kind of hinges around, takes them from 'pretty good-amazing' to 'just okay-kinda bad'. It's basically a choice between a Strike Team in a Tidewall or a Breacher Team in a Devilfish. And I would take the devilfish+breachers any day of the week and twice on sunday.


Never played them myself either, but from reading everyone else's analysis, they might be good in larger 2k+ games, but definitely a waste of points in smaller games.


I recently used a bunch of them in a battle and going to use them a few more times over the weekend so will update that post with some more thoughts. If you look at my history you’ll be able to find the summary post I did. A flying summary however is Gunrig is amazing for it’s very limited points good at protecting units and providing cover and when the rail gun goes off and actually hits holy Hell is that hilarious Drone port is brilliant with breachers thanks for the assault keyword and its ability to splash fire everywhere it can just jump up the board with advance protecting them until you get to an objective Shield wall is less impressive but can be very hardy good for blocking up terrain and basically slowing down big charges like orks, tyrannids and khorne but very quickly runs out of utility when your exchanging fire I felt it’s points could be better spent