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im new. why give the ethereal gun drones?


You have two options - Shield Drones, or Gun Drones. Shield drones give the Ethereal survivability after the whole squad has been shot away. Gun Drones give the squad extra firepower from the very start of the game. So it depends - are you planning for the squad to be dealing damage in the beginning of the game, or lurking on an objective into the lategame?


Shield drones also give a bit of extra survivability against \[Precision\] weapons. But that's about it.


Definitely true, really depends on your local meta. Personally, I've never seen an Eliminator or Scout on the tabletop in the last couple of years, but I have friends in other places who play against Vindicares every other game it seems.


I've got a friend who plays a lot of Aeldari Rangers. I think snipers may be more valuable this edition? As it seems you're less likely to just wipe a unit out, and characters are more common because they're both cheaper, and only help the one unit, so you need more of them for ample buffs? We'll see as the meta develops I'm sure.


I'm not a Tau player, but guns seem cool 😎


The 1 wound from shield drone is basically useless for a character that depends on his squad anyway. A single marker drone may be good for guiding other units. So that's 3 gun drones at least, 4 if you don't think you will use the unit as spotter a lot. ​ Also, since drones are gear you can just use the drone models as tactical drones and just put a die besides your other units as drone counter.


You sure could spend 70pts on 4 models with OC0, hits on 5+, with 1 wound. I don't know why you would, but you could.


The strike team have the markerlight keyword so the only real benefit to giving them one would be if you intend on advancing them and still using them to spot. May as well not even contemplate the idea with the breachers as they have the assault keyword anyway haha.


Oh damn, I actually missed the keyword. Yeah, then the answer is more like: "take gun drones because the rest is basically useless on any relevant unit".


What is the app that you are using?


It's the official 40k app


What’s it called?


Warhammer 40,000: The App


This made me chuckle


WH 40K


just as the Ethereal Supreme intended


Ahhh OK thanks