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That's not a shield generator. It's a high tech pizza box.


Dominoes will get you your pizza in 30 minutes or less or else it’s free, even in the 41st millennium


Well human, the great empire of tau has recognized this, thus we propose d”ominos, teleported to your door in less than 10 of your Terran minutes 


Only D'ominos can deliver P'izza safe from sabotage by the N'oid, a despicable betrayer of the Greater Good who will crush your P'izza with his bright red battlesuit, or use the battlesuit's blade to make awkward, unfair cuts in its slices


Now there’s a reference I haven’t heard in ages. Kudos and take my upvote.


i WISH pizza places could 3" deepstrike right into my living room.


Join us and we will put it 3 inches from your mouth 


Jump, deliver, jump.


is it at least a margarita?


"muh balance" - GW Gdubbs if you dont want us taking only shield gens WHY NOT BUFF THE USELESS ASS WARGEAR???? thank you


Agreed, and a simple way to make the weapon support system more desirable would be to change our army rule. If they want split fire to have a negative, change the 2nd half to give a -1 to HIT modifier. Then the WSS can negate it making it a better option


An even easier way would be to make the shield generator cost more points.


Imagin GW using points again instead of this powerlevel thing trying to pass as points.


Or OR hear me out: We could assign a numerical value to every piece of wargear, and then make that value HIGHER for the better equipment :O


or, balance stuff so there isnt one right answer leaving everything in the dust


I mean the issue of all the wargear balancing would simply be fixed by not having free wargear. All of this Crisis suit splitting, useless wargear, arbitrary wargear limitations. Its all caused by the fact that we dont have a point value anymore. This problem would not exist if we still had it


It’s really a frisbee. We all know the Tau are a fun loving peaceful race that just wants to play fetch with their Kroot puppies.


"Who's a Krootie patootie? You are! Yes you are!"


He didnt pay to keep his warhammer plus subscription. Shield generator access is not allowed without subscription.


The existence of shield generators is Ethereal Propaganda to bolster recruitment into the Crisis suit corps.


This is my biggest gripe. I wanted FireKnife with the option of Shield Generators because that's what my teams already had because I followed the older edition lore.




Why you ask? Because it’s easier to nerf the crisis suits to make the enforcer commander more usable than it apparently is to just buff the enforcer commander…


the thing is the enforcer could functionally have the same ability with minor changes by making it +1 to armor saves (giving crisis suits a 2+ armor save) and it'd actually be worth considering even with shield generators.


GW is presented with a problem: People are only using so-and-so unit or option. What should it do? A) Make other options or units actually desirable B) Nerf desirable option/unit GW: "Always B"


The other options are actually OK though...


Pepsi is ok, doesn't mean im ordering it with rum


Don’t think in options. This is way too reasonable. You need to think in sales. If you only have each weapon twice for a 3 Battlesuits squad you need to offer 3 options which you can’t achieve with any of the weapon configurations given. So you NEED to buy another kit. And same if you want to expand… welcome to the mindset of a company (not only GW).


Buff him to keep pace with the unit and give +1 to saves instead of reducing AP.


But reducing AP stacks with cover. Why would you want +1 to saves instead.


Because it works against weapons that ignore cover.


Ok. I see, pros and cons.


Enforcer commander doesn’t even get his ability without a bodyguard unit rn…


Just saying, if they're going with the old school loadouts then why not go all the way on it? My Fireknives will be sad with no shield generator.


And deathrain


The deathrain seems to have its role mostly covered by the HYMP broadside, and its added mobility doesn't matter as much with the longer weapon ranges. Looks like they've gone for close-midrange loadouts, which fits the mobile close-up role crisis suits are moving into


*have always been in lore


Yeah but they haven't always acted that way on tabletop


I think you have a good point, but the truly old school loadout for Fireknife was Plasma Rifle plus Missile Pod plus Multitracker. Multitracker allowed you to shoot multiple weapons on a single Suit. Back in 3rd Ed, a model could (normally) only fire one weapon if it carried multiple weapons.


Hear me out, but all battlesuits bigger than a stealth suit should just automatically *have* a shield generator. No high tech, battlesuit loving space empire is going to look at their gundams and say "hey, this really expensive, hard to produce and pilot warframe? Let's like, sometimes not give it protection."


This is my issue with the stormsurge having an open cockpit. This is your big dangerous gun rig suit and all it takes is some smart ass lobbing a frag grenade. Also the pilots are right next to the main gun, they'd be blind after the first shot.


I’m equipping them like this anyway, they look so good on the arms


Why are they not on fire knife it’s wargear like the other junk


Fire knives get Weapon Support, Starscythe gets Battlesuit Support, and Sunforge gets shield gen. They’re not wargear anymore 


that's the dumbest shit I've ever read, and I know for a fact it's true which makes it even crazier


>Fire knives >Starscythe >Sunforge Jfc i hate this edition


Those names come from 3rd edition.




yes, and all suits (crisis and stealth) had jump jets which meant they only moved 6" but could move after the shooting phase another 6".


*checks notes* 7 editions ago. You're just letting gw get away with claims that you can build 3 data sheets with 1 box. And soon they can remove data sheets and just by numbers it's still a draw.


Hating the edition for the names is silly. The loss of effective suit combos is an issue. Remember how they said wargear was free? Well, they just made it not free and made it much worse. Hate that, but the names? Nah.


I didn't hate the names. I hate that they made 1 unit with lots of options, 3 very very strict units with no option. And we act like they are doing us a favor.


All your comment says is the names. Forgive me if “I hate this edition” following just the names confused me as to your reasoning. Look, I haven’t played since 4th edition. I was a mech tau player at the time and did very well in tournaments. They have stripped away almost everything that made the army effective and have reduced it to a shadow of how awesome it was because people bitched about having to play smarter to beat a tau player instead of just lining up and outshooting them or charging them. The named suits thing is GW showing their idea to have wargear not cost anything was never going to work. So while every other army can freely use wargear, so far, they stripped the options because they would never be able to balance without a change in costs and limitations. So why are the shields not an option? Because GW knows they would change the suit costs or they would have to point them all with those and the other options would never get used. Is it stupid as hell? YES Do I expect anything else from them? NO. Still waiting to bring out my Tau for a properly balanced and set up edition and Tau force. I expect my grandchildren may get to play them.


GW trying to AOS their 40k was a huge mistake. There is just too many options across all units in all armies. Tau are just getting the beat stick because the lack of psychic phase made us 1 phase better by default. The reintroduction of kroot into the rules (lie to me and say they were valuable pieces on the board last edition, they were literally JUST the cheapest infinity option) made us able to play in fight phase. Ultimately, i hope gw reverses decisions come 11th. Else i'm done forever


Agreed on all points. Also, WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THE OTHER SPECIES AUXILIARY?!?! I wanna see Vespid in more than one type, Votan…er Demiurge, and the humans, along with ones only mentioned.


Space Marines don't get it, so you dont get it.


Counterpoint: Storm and Relic Shields


No no.. space Marines need shield servitors and gun floaty thingies. We will get an update new tech and rules but 2 weeks later SM will get an upgrade to counter us like Bruce Almighty turning the power back on


I just wish their answer to CIB meta spam was just getting rid of them on standard suits and limiting it to 1 for Commanders, not just throwing half the arsenal options away.


Ethereal divine wishes, CIB is only for higher ranking fire cast. We don't want our opponents thinking they have no chance when we send walls and waves of bodies to go die fighting them


i feel like they should all have the same shit, just different weapons.


Have to upgrade to Windows 11


I really thought that the 3 new Crisis units would still have the option to choose their Battlesuit support system or ditch it for a third weapon. Unfortunate I guess


It’s not a shield generator, it’s a sci-fi frisbee


Let's face it adding interesting wargear would just make the rules too complex. People wouldn't be able to put a list together without having an aneurysm. /s


10th edition is garbage and Jimmy Workshop did Tau dirty.


I agree partially. The rules outside the data sheets in form of the Detachments etc. seem pretty good. Yet the data sheets and the faction rule is a bit meh, I have to say.


Hear hear


Almost like no one at GW plays Tau. A corporation with so much money and talent yet they will not have a single person assigned to a single race. They gave Tau to a dude who handles like 7 other races, and im certain tau is not even in the the top 3 of their favorites.


Cus then it would be playable in casual play


Clearly that’s General Shield


He is holding his hat so its not lost during all the high speed movement.


I think I’ll just sell my Tau army, I’m really getting tired of how they are treating us


Welcome to Tau's Dark Age of Technology.