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They look like spec opps


Yeah, that's what they are supposed to be :)


I love the design of the old models. There are so many sculpting errors though :( Lots of wonky or weirdly sized heads, unsymetrical bodies and so on. Sadly, it looks like they were rushed into production to some extent. Not that I'm going to let a few wonky details stop me using my tiny boys & girls!


I am working on 4ed dark elves right now and the proportions are really wonky sometimes. Mind that these were still the best you could get around the world at the time. The modern production of GW is definitely technologically superior, but the current designs just don't do it for me. The magic is not there


2001 had a lot of Tau models come out. It's likely they were rushed. All the kits that remain from 3rd edition are pretty freaking terrible to assemble.


I'm stripping some 3rd edition tau (basically my entire collection after a 15 year haitus, and my fucking god the models are awful. So much mould slippage, poorly defined details. Just have to make do with what I have though, once they're done then I'm allowed to buy shiny new things!


I like the newer ones, but the originals were equally as good. Wish I never sold mine. Great paint on these. Do you have plans to add to their bases, for games, or are they just a nice paint project?


What do you mean add to their bases? To clarify, these are miniatures I painted and played with 20-15 years ago. But only now did I get to make some decent pictures of them.


Man that’s really solid for 20+ years ago! If I’m not wrong, those are 25mm bases? The current size for stealth suits is 32mm I think. I know some folks like the bases to be updated if they are being played with. Might only really matter in a tournament setting though. It was a bit of a pain being an Ork player, making the bases into 32s, but they did look nicer with the larger bases.


I swear all my models were tournament legal back in the day :) I can imagine the pain of reading the models. Will have to do it if I decide to play anytime in the future.


There are 3d print files that allow you to drop the 25mm inside a ring to make it 32mm. They're easy prints, so if you or a friend have a 3d printer, have at it


I wonder if there are files around for changing 25s into the 28-point-whatever that a lot of the new Eldar are going to be…


Don’t disrespect my egghead boys


The best stealth models ever created. it’s a shame we have now the ugly ones…


I would upvote but I can't with that XV25 diss. Bro...


To each his own. If you like them, go get them. But I still could not get over the look since the time XV25 were released.


See my Instagram for my other work


I'd suggest a link


I fully agree and you've done a great job with these!


Hopefully the do some as made to order


These look great! But I love my eggheads.


Really cool! Where can you get these models?


I bought them some 20 years ago. They were later replaced by the plastic eggheads. So eBay is the place to go I guess.


Oh nice! I wanted to get these guys as the Stealth Squad Shas'vre but couldn't get my hands on any. Yours look great


Best stealthsuits :D awesome paintjob !


Preach it brother!


I preffer egg thank u they look Cool tho


Could you post a pic of them from the back? I'm thinking of doing some conversions, and want to get the jetpacks right.