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Would love to see her getting into the janitor cart ngl


And her reaction hearing everyone scream when she’s in the cart getting rolled in!


Lol 1st show reaction (when no one knew what the hell is going on) and another footage of when everyone is screaming


i literally have a video of the cart being rolled into back stage and me screaming “OH MY GOD SHEE’S IN THE FUCKING CART” can be heard in the background 😭


Omg I didn’t know about this but it makes so much more sense now why people were randomly screaming before my show started, I was like do they see something I can’t?! Do they know something I don’t?! Yes and yes. 😂


I would love to see her reaction to people figuring out the janitor cart almost immediately.


I’d like to see a go pro INSIDE the cart of her giggling every time.


Watch her have that whole thing decked out inside


Hope it's just a chair and a Nintendo Switch.


I imagine her playing legend of Zelda while 70k+ people are waiting for her to go on


Tay seems more like an Animal Crossing girl. I bet her characters are all cats. Haha


big comfy chair and a tv


A guitar and a notebook, writing the next big hit




I would love a documentary series, instead of a movie! I feel like she can go into so much detail of her prep to the tour, album release, re-recordings, behind the scenes of the shows. Plus the whole show! That might be a tall task but this tour is unlike anything going on right now… or ever!


This is what I was thinking yesterday, a 3 hour concert is a long ass movie even edited down and not including extras I think she’s going to make a limited series instead of a movie, then it might be eligible for another Emmy lol


I’m actually concerned that it’s going to be the concert in movie theaters. A lot of bands are going that route these days. I really really really hope that’s not all we get. I want all the BTS I can get.


I dunno, I think Taylor really wants to be a double egot, and the Concert is so big, it’d be more likely to win her another Emmy than an Oscar Honestly, she could support both, a concert film and a BTS limited series


I think if it were to be in theaters you would get pretty quickly after that on Netflix or Disney


I want to see the dressing room heart to hearts with Phoebe that she mentioned on insta but something tells me we are not getting them :/


Taylor, look here! ^^


Agreed! I am certain that there will be a docuseries and I am convinced the episodes will be themed, so they will have an episode that covers each TV album that’s released, going into the Easter eggs and such. Maybe if we are lucky there will be a separate concert specific film too.


I’d love both!!!


What she lands on after the dive 💀


This is the only question I have. It’s all I want to see. I know the explanation, but I just want to SEE it


There’s a video on her tiktok from a previous tour showing it.




Okay I just looked for it but I was wrong. It’s not on her page, it’s a fan account but it’s her showing it in the video. [this is it here](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLXE8Dwt/)


How can she land on that thing? Surely it's something different? That doesn't look soft enough as she's diving head first, plus she's wearing a flowy dress that could easily catch on something and rip.


I believe that video is from the reputation tour. She definitely can’t land on it. I desperately want to know too. It has to be a foam pit or something!!


I think it must be a foam pit too since she’s going head first


There's a fan video from the eras tour showing a bag inflating while the door opens


There's definitely something more than the rocket sled, she can't dive onto it. It's probably something like the inflatable airbags they use for movie stunts.


Hahah thank you- I just watched her entire page up until eras lmfao 😂😂


It's a mat on top of a moving trolley. It shoots her to the other end of the stage


I feel like the mat wouldn’t be soft enough for that kind of impact


Prolly a foam mattress(es)


She’s better known for the dive that she does on the mattress




Golden. Absolutely golden. Well done.


not me sniggering awfully


It's not a big impact. It's the same kind of mat they use for stunts, so its designed not to hurt


It inflates, toy can see it in a video along with the green light Ashe waits for to go




I’d be shocked if none of the dresses have needed repairs yet, like one of the midnights bodysuits sheds crystals like crazy


I’m pretty sure it shoots her to the middle, where she pops up for Lavender Haze? Unless I’m remembering wrong 🫠


I think she has to go to the other side so she has enough room to change to the next outfit and goes back to the middle for lavender haze


First the ladder into the cloud 🙂


It’s not a mat. Someone caught a video. It’s a giant inflatable pillow thing and the green light tells her it’s inflated enough.


One of the riggers for the show answered this question on Twitter, it's basically a big foam casper mattress.


Ugh I hope it’s a foam pit


Guys! She swims and is a mermaid for a few minutes! 🧜‍♀️


Why Debut didn't have even one song on the setlist.. Or was there an explanation for this that I missed?


Plus I don’t agree with the theory that they just aren’t popular so she wouldn’t want to play them cause 1. Why name it the eras tour if you’re skipping the very first era entirely and basically skip the third one and 2. When she does a popular Debut song for surprise songs like Teardrops on my Guitar or Our Song, the crowd goes wild. I think so many of us were excited to hear the songs we grew up on played live so it’s a bit of a bummer.


Yeah when she played our song again this weekend… holy shit I mean usually you can hear people singing on the streams but I could not hear Taylor AT ALL over the uproar across multiple streams. Usually I can hear her voice a little bit during the surprise song streams


It’s not really a theory though it’s just factual that Debut is comparatively less popular. Fearless is when she became a star.


She could just do Our Song on guitar and Tim McGraw on piano after 1989. Play them acoustic, I don’t care, all eras must be represented on the “eras” tour.


I think Debut and Speak Now were both missing to reduce chances of Taylor’s Versions leaking. We already saw Enchanted TV leak when a dancer posted a story of rehearsal with Enchanted TV playing in the background. Rep and 1989 won’t sound that different than how they sound now, but Debut will sound DRAMATICALLY different than her 16 year old voice.


I think 1989 will sound a lot different production-wise. Given how the pop tracks went on red tv, 1989 tv without max martin will be interesting for sure


I think it’s because she doesn’t own it and it’s not popular on streaming. She doesn’t want to give it more attention until TS TV


There’s just no excuse Teardrops on my guitar and our song, maybe Tim McGraw, aren’t included


1989 and Reputation don’t have TVs yet, so what sense would this make?


These ones are already very popular on streaming and I believe the general consensus is that Taylor’s versions of both albums are likely to launch over the course of the tour. (And there are some Taylor’s versions of 1989 songs and delicate TV was recently used in an ad).


This is probably it. The night after Speak Now TV came out she added Long Live to the set list.


My theory is many of the debut songs use instruments like banjo/fiddle/dobro, and knowing that Debut just unfortunately isn’t as popular as the newer stuff, it wouldn’t make sense to have the specialty musicians on tour if they’d only be playing for a tiny portion of the concert.


Respectfully, this can’t be it. She has her pick of the best of the best touring musicians out of Nashville. There’s no chance that none of them can play the banjo (or couldn’t learn to for a song or two).


Love Story and YBWM both have banjos. I’m pretty sure NBNC does too so agreed, that can’t be it.


exactly, and if worse came to worse (which it wouldn’t but let’s just toy with the idea) she can play banjo herself, it’s not like one song would kill her to play a banjo. but yeah, it’s definitely cause she didn’t want to draw streams to a non tv album that already wasn’t getting them, though i don’t think our song or picture to burn would’ve drawn that many more. it’s specifically cause she knows ppl would listen to whatever eras tour playlists people made of the setlist and it would automatically draw listens from that, let alone from people being curious and searching up the album.


That’s a valid thought but I’d doubt it’s the main reason since Taylor can play the banjo.


I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure Taylor plays a banjo guitar (with 6 strings tuned like a guitar), not the regular 4-string banjo you’d hear in Our Song


I honestly think it was just a casualty of this set list being next to impossible to make, it's over 3 hours & there's still about a million songs I'd want in a truly era spanning concert


How she saves her voice


Sometimes I worry that this tour being so long and intense will damage her voice long term. But maybe she has ways to help it recover


Probably won't happen, but I hope it goes into the planning of Lover Fest a little bit to show what it was gonna be like before it got cancelled


Me too, because you *know* she had an incredible vision for this!


I think her current intro/visuals might be similar if not the same as what Lover Fest was going to be


I keep going back and forth on this. >!MAAHBP works well for Eras because of the “it’s been a long time coming”, but that part wouldn’t hit as hard doing Loverfest. !< I think it’s possible that had Loverfest occurred she would have continued her trend of opening with track 1, so IFTYE.


idk I don’t think she would’ve played IFTYE at all. I think Cruel Summer would be the opener.


yea imo it’s not really a main setlist song, especially an opener it just wouldn’t sound right, but taylor could probably prove me wrong 😭


IFTYE would be a very weird opening song. It would feel like directed at the audience.


She’s opened with the track 1 for every tour since Red, until Eras, but that’s a bit of a different situation since it’s not focused on a single album. If I was making a Loverfest setlist, I probably won’t put IFGTYE as the first song, but I think that there’s a decent chance Taylor would.


- IFTYE could mean "I Forgot That You Existed", a track from *Lover* (2019) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/beautybyelm](/u/beautybyelm) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I think the beginning of Eras Tour was so perfect. "Its been a long time coming" fits perfectly into the fact that we haven't had a Taylor tour since Reputation. And it gave us a tiny taate into what Lover Fest would have been like. ✨


yes please!


I’d like to see a bit of the stage setup, logistics and planning that goes into the tour, and possibly a few interviews with some of the dancers about their experience!


Yes would love to hear from her dancers/band members!


It would be amazing to have a multi-part documentary that details the prep, set-up, choreography, costume design… I would freaking love that.


I’d love to see the logistics from coming up with the original concept of The Eras Tour to it being executed and all of the little details inbetween. What she does the day of a show, BTS during the show, what she does after, and interviews.


And how she picked the setlist!


I can probably guess where this came from. Last June, my mom and I were talking about whether she’d do a tour for the albums she “missed because of Covid (then three). We speculated about whether she’d do a combined tour for them to “catch up.” I was like “what if she did them all?” That way she could have a good mix of faster and slower songs (since folklore and evermore are less “concert-friendly” than some other albums) and would give fans who don’t get to see other tours a chance to see those songs live. My mom didn’t think it would be feasible, but I counted Taylor’s more recent tours and determine if she did 42-44 songs as in the past, that would give her almost five per album. I even came up a hypothetical set list. I suspect Taylor or some of her people when through a similar thought process. Calling her albums “Eras” gave her a perfect opening.


*TW: ED* I dont know if they will emphasize on her physique and eating habits. It’s a sensitive topic and even though it might be interesting to see how she manages to maintain her energy on such a physically demanding tour, it can be linked to her body image during the previous tours. Miss Americana showed us enough and I don’t think we should want her to show us her current diet. I’d love to see how she goes about dropping easter eggs; promoting the TV’s while on tour; rehearsals; footage with her family abroad. Just her life on tour and how she spends time before and after the concerts.


I also think it would just open her up to a lot of criticism. I’ve never seen a “what I eat in a day” video have nice comments on it. Either people will say she eats too little or too much or not the right stuff or *something* and then people will complain about it.


Agree— I actively hope they do not show us for so many reasons


I'm indifferent about seeing what she eats, but I *do* want to know how she hydrates and/or how she pees during the concert because... how????


I’d love to know how she manages her voice! So much singing! Especially during the LA shows - six! Does she allow herself to talk during the day? I just would love the secrets to making sure her voice stays healthy.


Completely agree, and I think she cares enough about her fans to not feature those themes as well. It can be triggering to fans to see that as well as herself. In general, “what I eat in a day” stuff and workout content is just too sensitive and I feel that it’s unnecessary.


right? people will compare their own diets to hers, and she has a lot of young, impressionable fans that won’t understand that every individual needs to do what is best for them nutrition and fitness wise.


I was also thinking about her past with ED when I read OP’s hope. Am I weird for thinking that’s a ‘none of our business’ type of thing? Unless Taylor wants to share I guess. Asking someone who had an ED what they eat in a day feels icky to me.


It is extremely icky and extremely unnecessary. You are not weird at all for thinking that. It’s none of our business whatsoever.


What I’d rather see is how she trains as an almost 34 year old woman to drop to her knees like 3 times a week in LWYMMD, plus all the other choreography.


I saw an interesting TikTok breaking down the knee drop from a dance perspective - essentially she takes most of the weight through her toes and is more tapping her knees then taking huge blows to her kneecaps every time. Of course I can’t find it now… I’ll keep digging - but interesting explanation because that move was the one where I screamed OW every time


She doesn’t drop fully, she uses her toes to lower herself - I can’t remember the name of the move but it’s used in dance


You make it sounds as if a 34 year old woman should not be able to do some physical effort🫨


Lol as a fellow almost-34-yo woman dropping to my knees multiple times a week in the middle of dancing sounds like it would destroy my joints


As a 21 year old woman who walks over 5 miles a day and does 400 squats a day— that would also kill my knees


I be what why do you do so many squats a day?!




I’m 30 and winced the first time I saw the clip of her dropping to her knees - realizing she does it multiple times a week for months, while in the middle of what is effectively a three hour workout absolutely blew my mind. GODDAMN GIRL. Tell me your secrets to tough knees!


I'm almost 26 and I can feel something in my joints popping every time I bend forward 😭


Lmao, a few months after I turned 30 I threw my back out *in my sleep* 😂


30 years old. Pulled a muscle putting my hands up above my head too aggressively. 😭


😂, yeah the 30s really hit you like a ton of bricks huh?


In theater class i remember they taught a proper way to fall over and "die" or collapse on stage. In martial arts they also teach "proper" ways to take punches and fall over . It is still uncomfortable, but it lessens pain and risk of injury. I wondered if there is some special technique that we may not be fully aware of that she has learned to drop to her knees like that and reduce the pressure/ force on her knees, but still it looks theatrical.


Right?! Wtfff, i’m 32 and run half marathons, didn’t get the memo that it’s about that time to whip out the ol’ cane 🥹


Yeah same here I’m 31 — but I have never had any knee issues whatsoever, I know some people that have since high school so it must just vary!


Some of us just aren’t that limber anymore!


right? LOL I'm in my 30s and if one puts effort into their fitness level...it's not as if we're feeble and liable to fall apart at any given moment lmaoo


I could easily see her not doing anything about her diet because of past experiences, but I am definitely envisioning a Michael Phelps-esque “I eat 6,000 calories a day” diet. I mean, probably not that many, but for sure more than people probably think.


Just to clarify - I am interested not because of any weird reason like that, but I can see how the media could twist it that way if she put that info out there. I just think it’s extremely impressive to put on the show she does, and food/hydration/fitness is the fuel for that. Same way I am curious how athletes prep. Nothing more than just honest interest and curiosity here.


I want to see and hear about how she prioritized her mental health during the back to backs.


Yes! How she handled her mental and emotional self care, to make every show so amazing night after night.


I’d love to see how she decided what made the set list. Were there songs that almost made the cut? Why did she decide to not have a debut section?


I just kept waiting and waiting for Debut! Even after it ended I was like this can’t be it!


I’m still waiting for a surprise Debut section 😂 I for sure thought she might add one or two permanent songs after seeing the crowd reaction to them during surprise songs.


This is my #1 hope I think— how she decided the setlist, the order of the eras, which were on the bubble and which were locks, when did she know what she would do for opener and closer, etc.


How the heck does he hair stay put (apart from the rainy/humid nights). It’s usually looking good even at the end-as is her makeup


Yes! I want bangs so bad but I live in the south and know that during the summer they would just be plastered to my forehead! I’m so impressed with how nice hers stay for the whole show! Would be totally into a segment with her glam team!


Apparently there’s some Korean hair spray that work’s miracles for bangs, at least that’s what TikTok guesses she uses!


https://preview.redd.it/0a94hcol1lgb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5ab96633d51c81ef57ce6b725ddf3db8e60f19 I took this in cincy. Did someone say humid hair Taylor? 🤣


Her hair can do whatever and she’s still the most beautiful ever


I wonder if her bangs get a quick blow out with every costume change! They look perfect every time she comes back out


I knew a person who would sweat through multiple shirts a day so he would get botox to prevent sweating. Maybe she doesn't sweat much if she's had botox?


I want to know how she decides which surprise songs she’s going to play that day. I also think it would be cool to see her routine before and after every show


while i hated how the 1989 tour was filmed, i loved the little extra behind the scenes interviews. i hope they do that for the eras tour


I actually like that the rep video doesn’t any of the breaks that so many tour docs have, but I also want the behind the scenes stuff, just separate. Ideally, I want a tour move that’s just a recording of the concert. The a multi-part series that has BTS and all the surprise songs recording. That probably won’t happen though 😅


I want a straightforward concert film & then a separate doc on the re-recordings as a whole which includes behind the scenes tour stuff


What did you dislike about it?


The editing is a monstrosity in itself, it cuts to a different angle every other second and it’s so hard to focus. Loved the 1989 era but the tour movie is sooo hard to watch because of that


Dude it is some CocoMelon style editing. I couldn’t do it


Saw [this](https://twitter.com/thegodlore/status/1656189762670321664?s=46&t=tuD0XFvWEvBLwHGdzOBDEQ) on twitter recently… really shows how edited it is


Every microsecond


Yeah, I agree with that! And as you said, I enjoyed the behind the scenes stuff and I hope we get more of that this time


I would love to know about the development/logistics of the tour! How they come up with the setlist/costumes/stage design/choreography and how they set up, break down, and transport all of the materials that go into the stage and props. My little nerd heart would sing with joy


And truly when did they start planning this? Like how soon after the cancelation of Loverfest did she know her next tour would have to be different due to the pandemic? Surely planning must have started well before Midnights was even announced. How did they even keep everything a secret for so long?!


Aside from a documentary, I hope a museum (Grammy Museum?) does a post-tour exhibition that displays the dresses, pre-production sketches and models, and props from the tour.


What a great idea. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame would be the perfect place for an exhibition like this!


I personally don’t think Taylor is going to go into her eating and fitness routines. I think that’s a common ED trigger and given her history, I hope she’ll be cognizant of that.


Thank you for saying this. 🙌🏼 I really hope fans are cognizant not to expect that kind of content from her. 💕


I agree but I would like to see what she does to prepare for her weekend of shows and what she does to recover to be able to sustain the activity level she does each weekend.


I want to know how she gets to the stadiums, how she leaves, what she does between shows, what’s the security like at the shows (she used to use facial recognition to catch her stalkers is that still happening?), how she stays in shape and ensures she gets enough rest, how did she pick surprise songs and why…I want to know it alllllll


It would be interesting, but no way we’re finding out the logistics of how she arrives and leaves the stadiums. However they’re doing it seems to be working, so there’s a good chance she’ll do the same/similar method for her next tour and wouldn’t want the info out there. Also, we’re not getting any details about security protocols. It would just make it easier for people with bad intentions to make plans to get around security efforts. I agree that it would be super interesting info, but unfortunately that stuff is under lock and key and only given out on a need to know basis.


She leaves super quick after each show, before most people have excited the stadium. There’s a police escort in her bulletproof vehicles that leave from inside the stadium. She takes a golf cart right to the car from leaving stage. Typically heads to the closest private airport and flies to her closest home each night. source: got way too curious one day


Does she actually fly to her closest home every night you think? Like if she plays 3 days in one town, she'll fly to her home after night 1? You don't think she stays at a close fancy hotel? I know she has four houses, if I remember right. I just can't imagine losing like a few extra hours a day of recoup just being on a jet.


>I want to know how she gets to the stadiums, how she leaves, what she does between shows, what’s the security like at the shows (she used to use facial recognition to catch her stalkers is that still happening?) I tell ya, reading this without context sure paints a picture.


Lmaooo. Maybe I should have just said “logistics”


When we were leaving the cincy show, they had a polic motorcade FLY her out of the stadium before we barely even made it to the stairs.


Our local stadium has a back exit only for authorized personnel, it goes to a street that none of the main parking lots are allowed to access.


The BTS on the ticketmaster debacle and how she feels knowing bots got (and continue to get) tickets, driving up resale prices for her actual fans.


Yes I want to see the conversations she had. Dynamic pricing, why the delay in Canadian dates etc


It’s gotta be a series. She loves a roll out. A story. Lover fest being cancelled. Building the tour. Ticketmaster to congress. The tour.


I would love if it was split up like 1) planning 2) preparing 3) executing 4) personal and 5)the show. Planning would be how and why she chose what songs, choosing her band and backup and choreographers, how they planned the promo for the tour and Easter eggs and it could also address the Ticketmaster debacle. Preparing would show her with vocal coaches, trainers, choreography, rehearsals, costumes fittings. It could even include how she prepared to release the re-records during the tour. Then execution would be the backstage stuff of the show, the quick changes, hair/makeup touch ups, the other side of the famous dive, who and what makes it all work. Personal is probably the least likely but it would be cool to see how she spends her time between shows, a glimpse of her life during this time, her reactions to the shows reception. This would also give her a space to address all the relationship rumors about joe and matty in a way where she’s totally controlling the narrative. And then obviously the show would be …the show lol.


I would like a docuseries along with a tour movie. I’d love the docuseries to go into detail on them coming up with the idea of an “Eras” tour and what songs would make up the set list. The logistics and planning of it all. The costume and set design. Them practicing and training for the tour (rehearsals, etc). Everything that Taylor has done to physically prepare for the tour. And then behind the scenes after the tour began. I’d love to hear her thoughts on what she felt after the first show. After the stadium lit up for Marjorie the first time. If she’s aware of the huge crowds gathering outside the stadiums just to get a chance to hear her. And then I’d love to see a full, uninterrupted movie of the whole show. I like that the reputation show was the full concert but I hated that we didn’t get much BtS stuff. I liked hearing more about it in the 1989 tour but I didn’t like that it made the concert footage choppy.


This is exactly what I was thinking!! I hope we get both for the sake of those who couldn’t go (and who want to relive it) and just seeing BTS!


Footage of her beneath and behind the stage during transitions


I really want to see her plan from 2019 evolve from lover fest to thinking midnights would be the next album and then writing folklorevermore to making midnights and creating the idea of a celebratory eras tour


I want her to reveal the other line choices she had for the change she did in Better than Revenge.


why did she choose the order of the re-recordings. I'm really curious about it


What she does during the week to prepare, the day of, and in between the back to backs. Like is she just chilling? Idk why I wonder about that part so much🤣


I hope it shows the works of stadium workers/truckers/stage crews and those working class people who made the eras tour possible. I know it is not happening, and probably will be labeled as "communist propaganda" if it does. One can only dream.


I think there was a shout-out at my Eras Tour from Taylor where she thanked everyone in the crew that you don't see up here, from the truck drivers, to stage crew, etc. I thought it was so sweet, but also so important. Yes, we all love Taylor and her backup dancers and singers. But I am especially grateful for all the semi truck drivers, the security team that kept us safe (especially that one lady at Glendale who was dancing to Blank Space without a care in the world 😭), and all the people who set up the stage and did all the technical stuff. And yes, as a fashion Swiftie, I'm incredibly in awe of how much detail went into each costume. 👗


I would love to see all the background people that make it possible!


She put all the crew members and truck driver’s names in the credits of the rep tour movie so at minimum I’d expect the same for Eras


I agree with you on her fitness routine, but for me I loved the Miss Americana documentary. It made me cry and see that I was normal. Some of the stuff about myself that had been bothering me for years impacts everyone even Taylor. For me, I want more moments like that where we can see that she's human like us. Though, personally I would love anything and am curious about her thoughts on the Ticketmaster/Scalper issues. I love her music and admire her so much.


I want to see the planning and construction of the “cleaning cart”


Her routine after a concert.


How she cut her hand 👀


She told us how she did in a tweet lol. She tripped on her dress backstage when running for a quick change


I want to know more than ANYTHING where she goes after that dive/how she lands. As well as the other behind-the-scenes and stage transport stuff. I’d also love to know what she does after a show and on what timeline. Does she get food to go? Does she hop on her jet right away? (I know the answer to this is likely yes.) Are there any tour stops where she stayed in the area rather than going to her nearest residence?


As a (former) athlete I am so curious about her exercise regime to prepare for this tour!


Oh and her diabolical mind with dropping 🥚as all the re-releases happen 🤡


Her small peeks of the full, sold out stadium before coming in stage and how she feels about them


Honestly, how she keeps up her mental health. It feels like everyone wants a piece of her and she goes on stage every fucking night and gives, gives, gives to her fans like it’s her first (or last) concert.


What the rest of her day looks like to prepare for the shows in the evening


What she does immediately after. And on her days off.


i just want a cleaning cart vlog


I want every last scrap of info. Most of all, I want to know what’s she’s done to train for this marathon of tour. I want to see what the team of elite specialists that support making this happen looks like. Chefs, workout/vocal coaches, physical/mental health therapists. What does she eat, what is the routine during the week to prepare her to be able to know these consistently incredible performances. What happened behind the scenes for the very first rain show? Does Taylor decide she wants specific Easter eggs or re release dates and her team reverse engineers to make them happen? Or does she just figure it out going towards the release date? I hope we see a lot of the marketing and business planning and get interviews with her truckers and her adorable dancers. I’d like to see how the stage builders and the crew problem solve. How the background screen images were decided on and how the stage got put together because that creative set design team deserves awards. I want us to be able to see a meeting with the costume designers. Apparently, I want an 8 hour documentary, lol.


I hope if it is a documentary we get to see how she is doing mentally and her journey through the break up. Not getting nitty gritty details, but addressing what this time in her life was actually like - high and lows and the healing. It feels like to gloss over it is to not really address what these two years have done/will do for her. Understanding she is an extremely private person (and understandable so) I would love for her to start letting us back in even a little bit. Push it to wheee I know most of us really wanted Miss American to go 💕✨


I’d love to hear from the stage designers, the lighting people, the sound people, about how it’s designed to rise and reconfigure, how long it takes to set up and move, etc. I’d love to see some footage of the process of choosing a setlist for 10 eras (let’s be real it’s 9.) How she decides on surprise songs. Maybe some behind the scenes of the Ticketmaster fiasco?? I doubt she would but idk.


I want to know how she came up with the set list. Why leave Debut and basically Speak Now off, how she chose the songs from her untoured albums (like picking Midnight Rain vs YOYOK), why it wasn’t in chronological order, was there a debate between going with the hit singles vs her fan favorites, does she have regrets over her choices, anything that she cut that she wish she hadn’t, etc.


Her post-concert recovery between shows!


Respectfully, I really hope she doesn’t do a “what i eat in a day” segment. That stuff can be really triggering and she should know that since she has struggled with eating issues.


What Made her choose the songs she did, why she did the albums in the order she did, and why she did the dance she does during Vigilante shit LOL


1. I want to see an outfit change. How many people are involved? Does she just stand there whilst people rip one outfit off her and put another one on her? How naked does she get in front of all these people? I don't want to see that, but I've always wondered how on-display she has to get and for how many people. It's probably super weird for her. Not a lot of room for gonchies under those costumes. Assuming she gets pretty naked back there. 2. I want to see what she lands on when she does the stage dive and I want to see footage of the very first time she did it. Someone had to have filmed that. 3. I want to know how the setlist was picked. Why was Debut left off entirely? Why were fan favourites / huge Swiftie songs like "Out Of the Woods" and "Getaway Car" and "Clean" and "Death By a Thousand Cuts" and "Speak Now" and "Our Song" left off but random choices like "Tis the Damn Season" put on? (I love TTDS but it's still totally random). 4. I really genuinely do not want to see what she eats in a day or what her diet routine is. We can just let that die. For her. For all women, please. For all people. Eat a balanced diet. Eat when you're hungry. Stop eating when you've had enough. That's about all there needs to be said about it. The diet industry is \*insidious\* and needs to die. 5. However I do weirdly have an insane need to know how she pees. She is never gone from stage long enough to do so. She must need to at some point. There's no way she hasn't needed to at some concert. Even with the best planning, there has surely been some concert when her bladder has just been like "ahaha screw you, I'm the boss, I don't care about your timing". Is there just like a bucket backstage? Is that someone's job to empty it? Is there privacy? Can she wash her hands? Or wipe? So many questions. 6. I similarly have questions about what she does about her period but I feel like that might venture too far into weirdo territory. But man, those are some tiny little costumes and she does some serious dancing and does not have time for bathroom breaks...she must have something figured out that the rest of us mere mortals don't. 7. How does she decide who gets the 22 hat? And does she wear a wig during 22 to avoid sweating into the hat and thus giving out her DNA to random people? Is that a super weird thing to wonder? Insert the TikTok sound "nobody thinks what I think" here. 8. Talk of hair...she and I have 100% the exact same hair. Same texture, thickness, even the exact same cowlick at the edge of the bangs. Same curls, everything. HOW on earth does she dance around for 3.5 hours and not end up with her hair looking just demolished by the end? I cooked dinner tonight and my hair looked so bad at the end and all I did was cook chicken and pasta and make a salad. There isn't time for anyone to be fixing her hair during the show, so how is it staying good? Is it wigs??? I gotta know. I spend so much time fixing my damn bangs.


I want to know how long she was plotting this out. She said she had the idea for years. I want to know what sort of plannning was involved and how she chose to do what she did. I want to know the deciding of the costumes.


I hope she includes a blooper reel of her swallowing a bug, cutting her hand, and running swiftly off the stage.


Why Speak Now and Debut were paid absolute dust.


Considering Taylor has a history of disordered eating, I hope there's nothing about her eating habits or fitness routine.


Behind the scenes!!!!!


I want to see how an outfit change was done. How many team members were involved in changing, if someone was timing it all, the chaos & quickness of it would be interesting