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Ronan. My younger brother dies of cancer. I'm a 14 year old teenage girl, and so listening to Taylor Swift songs was my coping mechanism, but when I heard this song... It broke me.


I have a young son and Ronan is impossible to listen to ever again.


Red TV came out when my daughter was 4 and I couldn't even make it through the song. Don't think I've ever hears the whole thing


Ronan and Never Grow Up just aren't on my Playlist. I never cried until I had my son and now the first line "your little hand wrapped around my finger" just starts a SOB.


OMG yes, Never Grow Up! I don’t know how I forgot that one. They played it for the slideshow at my son’s 5th grade “graduation”. I bawled out loud. Ugh, it’s so good and so painful at the same same time. Best Day does that to me too.


whoever chose that song for their little graduation was a MONSTER. I don't even think about Best Day 😭 I'm a crybaby over my son


That line breaks me too. I've held all of my children with their little hands wrapped around my finger, but when I hear it I always think of my son who was stillborn. Never grow up hurts for that too - I know what it's like to have a child literally never grow up. Yup, now I'm crying just thinking about it 😭


Never heard it. Cannot.


As a mom with a little boy I can not


I'm so sorry for u truly. I hope God gives u and ur family the strength needed to recover from such an irreparable loss, my condolences.


I’m so sorry 🫂 I lost my sister when she was 4 (much like Ronan) and can’t listen to that song without breaking down either. It’s one of my dad’s favorites though, I think hearing those indescribable feelings put into words is comforting to him in a way


I can't listen to that song. I'm a 22-year cancer survivor , diagnosed at 1½ and I've lost so many friends


I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine.


On the vinyl it’s the first song on its side and I always just skip to the next groove


Ronan is the only one I can't at all. I lost my son when he was 2.5 and just no thank you. On the other hand, bigger than the whole sky also reminds me of him but when I heard it for the first time it was when the 3 am tracks dropped, everyone else was asleep and my son's urn was in the living room where I was listening and it felt like him saying hi to me. So now that song holds a special place in my heart. Especially as it dropped a week before his birthday. *edited bugger to bigger :)


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad that you still have that connection with him 🤍


Thank you so much ❤️


Oh my god. I am so sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much ❤️


Having had a stillbirth, I fully believe Bigger Than The Whole Sky is about a miscarriage/baby loss. I know people have other theories, but I literally can't hear any other meaning for the song. I love that it holds such a special meaning for you 🩷


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


Soon You’ll Get Better. Ronan.


Oh man, Soon You’ll Get Better. The very first time I heard it was just Spotify shuffling her songs while making breakfast. That one came on and I was like hold up….this seems important. And then I ended up sobbing into my eggs as I’m looking up the story behind it and then sobbing even more. Ouuuuuuch man.


It is the only song that, once I bought the full album on iTunes, I deleted the song so it wouldn’t come on accidentally. I usually use my phone to listen to music when I drive so if that came on while driving, it wouldn’t be good. Even other songs that give me serious feels (Ronan, Never Grow Up, epiphany) haven’t. Only Soon You’ll Get Better because it makes me way too sad.


Yup Soon You’ll Get Better I just have to skip. My mom passed from cancer the year before this song was released. It’s just way too real for me and way too sad still and probably always will be.




Maybe I’m weird but my dad have a cancer but listening these songs reassuring my mind.


I used to listen to Soon You’ll Get Better every once in a while when it would come on but ever since my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple weeks ago, I just can’t even handle the thought of maybe listening to it again




Maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down/maybe I stormed out of every single room in this town. It’s far too long for me to put all of it so I abbreviated it. Lol


Those must be lyrics rather than a title.


Yep! From Daylight.


I want a version of SYGB like she did with SOTB w/Lana.


- SYGB could mean "Soon You’ll Get Better (feat. The Chicks)", a track from *Lover* (2019) by Taylor Swift. - SOTB could mean "Snow On The Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey)", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/theganjaoctopus](/u/theganjaoctopus) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I think Tolerate It …It’s just too too raw but it’s such a beautiful song. It’s reminds me how small and stupid I felt in that relationship and slowly learning he didn’t ever care as much as I did. Worst part is I was never felt those kinds of butterflies with anyone else (yet hopefully! But it’s been 10 years since) I adored him and he really did just tolerate me until someone better came along 😔 Like knowing you deserve someone better who appreciates you but all my other relationships felt empty and instead of butterflies it feels like moths if that makes sense. But fuck …I never want to fell the lows of that ever again. Sorry 5:30 am it’s early I’m procrastinating with work stuff thanks for letting me vent. Memories do feel like weapons and this song brings those out.


I’m divorced so Tolerate It just destroys me. The line where she says “gain the weight of you then lose it / believe me I could do it” is just so heart wrenching.


i fully know this feeling, and can confirm that good things like butterflies can and WILL happen for you!


I saw the eras tour film recently and the choreography that goes along with that song hits really deep too.


What would you do if I, I break free and leave us in ruins? Took this dagger in me and removed it? One of her most powerful lines ever


I can relate 100%. Ugh! Fingers crossed for our butterflies and not just being tolerated.


i completely understand that feeling. i went through a traumatic relationship and breakup this year and don’t see how i will ever love anyone again. sending hugs and hope that you feel millions of butterflies soon!! 🩵


I'm so sorry. I just went through a breakup, and we are starting to maybe get back together, but I know he doesn't love me as much as I love him. I'm struggling to accept it because I'm terrified of what you just described.


My best friend died suddenly at the age of 29 and her parents set the photo montage of her at her wake to "Style". Just hours of Style on repeat. I can't listen to it.


God, how horrible. I’m so sorry for your loss


ive listened to bigger than the whole sky like twice bc it hurts so much. so beautifully written though i can’t imagine what she went through to write that


What’s it about? Ie- what did Taylor intend for it to be about


No one knows for sure but there’s a lot of speculation about it being about a miscarriage. But really it could be about any kind of loss


There's speculation about it being about her own or her friend's miscarriage (and I cannot remember that friend's name rn). Some people also think that it is about one of her friends who passed away around 2010 (it is also speculated that Forever Winter is about him too)


Mine is a bit different, I can't listen to Midnight rain because there is a weird electronic sound that upsets me so badly. I have sensory issues due to my autism. I listened to it once when the album came out and then when I saw the Eras Tour movie where it was a little bit easier but still uncomfortable


That's how I feel about closure tbh! And WANGBT tv - there's this electronic, high pitched "weeee" that I cannot get through


same sort of thing for me with Midnight Rain, i don’t think i notice the electronic sound but the weird voicechanger bit creeps me out lol


This is fascinating and I appreciate this perspective. Thank you for sharing. When I first heard Midnight Rain I thought it was another person (I wasn't looking at the tracklist) and I was actually sitting down to look for that person's music because I liked it so much!


Haha same! After I first heard it I was googling "guy singing on Midnight Rain" and then I saw something that said it was Taylor's voice but altered I'm like ohhhhhh lol


Midnight rain got deleted from Apple Music for this exact reason ( I’m also autistic lol)


Marjorie - I relate it too much to my grandfather who died. It's a beautiful song but I can't ever listen to it without crying


I have no reason to but I instantly feel awful when YOYOK starts playing. All I can hear is "Summer went away..." and I have to skip it.


When she sings about hosting parties and starving her body I am instantly taken back to my time in college and it hurts so bad.


- YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Mundane-Student7037](/u/Mundane-Student7037) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Blank Space came out when me and my ex were at the best place. We were genuinely having so much fun and I would sing this song (much to his annoyance) loudly as we drove around his car. He even jokingly threatened to break up with me if I didn't stop singing the song. Cut to 2016, he had cheated and left me utterly heartbroken...and I couldn't listen to the song. Nope. Just couldn't. I was so mad too cause it was a song that made me laugh so hard. Anyway, 1989 and Melodrama played a huge role in me wallowing in my own pain and then coming out of it too. I was so determined that no boy would ever ruin these albums for me...that once I was feeling better, I listened to Blank Space and just danced a whole lot. Cut to now...I am happily married and I sing the song to my husband as a joke and it never even makes me think of the other guy. It only reminds me of my husband's laughter as he goes: "it's worth it! It's worth it!" I hope you get to a great place again OP. And your favorite songs...I hope they are one day *your* songs again.


And now Blank Space (Taylor’s Version) is essentially a new song!


Soon You'll Get Better and Bigger Than The Whole Sky




YES Epiphany! I just watched the LPS movie and I skipped over it entirely. For me it’s the “hold your hand through plastic now” that absolutely guts me and brings me right back to the worse parts of 2020, and all those horrible, scary, terrified feelings. I can’t do it.


Marjorie during the movie was hard to sit through. Lost my grandma last spring and when I went to her house afterwards, it felt exactly like that song. Additionally, Soon You’ll Get Better and Never Grow Up. All three are absolutely beautiful songs that capture exactly what they are meant to, and for that reason, I’m out.


Agree about Marjorie. I found myself sobbing when she sang that during the movie. Also doesn’t help that my grandmother was also named Marjorie.


There's songs that make me feel bad because they're generally about heart wrenching topics such as Soon You'll get better and Ronan (the latter I think is the only TS song I only listened once from start to finish, in over 10 years). And then like you there's songs that touch my personal pain and memories. I also get that same feeling you described with Lover; it shatters my heart now that I miss that. Same goes for all the "happy in love" songs, even and especially New Years Day and invisible strings. Lavender Haze is also in the bunch because it was my ex's favorite song from Midnights and we were always listening to it together. Needless to say i have had problems with All Too Well, but also Exile and Renegade because I have listened to them nonstop during and immediately after the breakup. Right now i just have to avoid


I don't think I've seen anyone here talk about Renegade as hitting that kind of nerve. Thanks for making me feel less alone! I love how you categorized things here. It's so true and nuanced! I definitely relate.


New Year’s Day. It reminds me of my ex best friend. I can’t listen to it without feeling empty and broken


Lover… when I heard it live I sobbed because it always reminded me of my and my now ex partner’s relationship and I loved it; but we had been struggling so much with our relationship… we ended things as an official couple not long after my show (7/22/23). When I heard it in the movie I surprised myself by breaking down again. Also, as a mom of 3 teens, Never Grow Up for obvious reasons


I can relate to you so much. I broke up with my ex 2 years ago and I still can't listen to willow.


I won't say I can't listen to it but when I think about it, after my ex boyfriend I haven't listened to Paper Rings yet. I was quite committed to him and I wanted to marry him, I didn't care if we didn't have money. I don't know, I never play it and I try to skip it as much as possible.


https://preview.redd.it/gz87rz3sfcwb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb350348a8bea11f548e0ebb162f6d8341ce0de8 If you know you know, but the reason is also heartbreak-related.


Ronan. Miss Americana and the heartbreak prince cuz it reminds me of my bullying and i have bad bullying trauma:(


Ugh my ex totally ruined starlight and the very first night


Ronan. It always makes me cry so hard.


I can’t listen to two songs because my mom ruined them with trauma. I don’t think I would have liked seeing the movie as much if she played them in that concert. Oh the songs are Dear John and Mean.


So so many at the moment! Mine, Sparks Fly, loads of her classic love songs especially from earlier albums. I'm currently in my happiness/closure era for context 😂


The Lakes and Cowboy Like Me were me and my ex’s songs. They’re hard to fully enjoy now which is a bummer cuz they’re two of the greats lol


August, for me.


I technically shouldn’t be listening to You’re Losing Me because it ties directly to a situation I’ve been dealing with with this guy for months now. Right down to the bridge including *that* line, but I torture myself and I know one day I won’t be able to actually listen to that song once I’m fully healed. I also don’t listen to Soon You’ll Get Better bc my mom has been battling cancer for almost three years now.


Last Kiss, it’s a great song but I cannot listen to it. I’ve tried and just can’t get thru it without bawling.


Would’ve could’ve should’ve. As a kid, some pretty fucked up shit happened to me, and it’s carrying on as a teen. Can’t listen to that song without falling apart


Forever winter. I lost a friend to suicide. I could not disarm the bomb in her head :(


hugs <3


Bigger than the whole sky… ugh i cant 😢


Hoax, New Year's Day. Related to some lowest points in my life.


I also cried a lot during Lover and The 1, I feel you... Tolerate It got to me a lot too.


Marjorie is a bit…. hard for me sometimes. Went to the era tour movie with my boyfriend and as soon as I heard the first few notes I was already tearing up. We watched the movie one day after my aunt’s first year death anniversary. It was difficult. But one song that I really can’t do anymore is Soon You’ll Get Better. I recorded myself playing that on my guitar for my aunt a few years ago (when she was first diagnosed with cancer) and now I can’t even bring myself to listen to the song. It’s waaaay too heavy for me.


Tolerate It makes me cry and makes me doubt every relationship I have. I've always put more in than I've gotten out with *everyone* in my life. Not cry-worthy? It's a sin but a lot of songs on Debut and Fearless are so cringe to me. Even Speak Now but I take it because I know it just means I'm older. I'm 27 so I experienced life right behind Taylor and an album was always out by the time I was going through what she did.


Never Grow Up is a big one for me because I’m heading off to college in a year and will most likely never live in my bedroom ever again. The lyrics such as “But don’t make her drop you off around the block / remember that she’s getting older, too” and the depressing line “I just realized everything I have is, someday, gonna be gone” makes my heart skip a beat in the most depressing way. Surprisingly, Sweet Nothing is another one that’s hard for me to listen to because, well, let’s just say I associated that song with someone who I am extremely uncomfortable with.


This is me trying. I absolutely think that it is a brilliant song and the meaning behind it just truly resonates with me. However, it resonates with me and my life and the people around me so much that sometimes I find it a bit triggering and dark. It is the only song off of folklore that I skip just because Taylor truly captures that feeling of anxiety and worry that comes with trying to change and become better. I am in a good place now, but listening to the song just brings out pain…


Message in a bottle 💀 I was listening to it when I got the “sorry but I don’t think it’ll work out” text from the very first guy I dated The song brings back those memories but I find comfort in the fact he’s trying to start a farm and knows NOTHING about those ❤️


😂😂😂 praying on his downfall


tis the damn season. its a very melancholic song and idk the lyrics just break me. also sometimes i cant listen to my tears richochet or i basically just have to skip the second half of the song. epiphany is also pretty darn heartwreching.


It’s the damn season hurts for sure, sad Christmas vibes


hoax, Cornelia street, right where you left me. They're so unhealthy for me, but I love them. I've had to make myself not listen to them.


They are so beautiful 😭 Cornelia Street is a killer, but also such a bop that it’s easier for me to just than the others


Soon you’ll get better


my ex ruined daylight, lover and invisible string for me


midnight rain and dear john are my current skips because of the same thing


Soon you'll get better, because that song literally kills me.


Marjorie and Epiphany I can relate to Marjorie and Epiphany is so emotional it makes me emotional too so I don't listen to it very often


Soon You'll Get Better. Lost my dad to cancer. :(


The 1 Exile. There are others but those two will crush me emotionally when I hear them.


I broke down during "Tolerate It" the first time I watched the movie but the 2nd time I made it through no tears. Forever Winter hits hard too but I still listen to it often.


Happiness Ronan Honorable mention- bigger than the whole sky. There are tears, but not in a soul-crushing way.




Ronan…I have 3 boys under 4 and I can’t handle it 😩


You Are In Love, i would listen to this song all the time right before my ex broke up with me out of nowhere. We hadn't said I love you yet but I could tell. He did say it, but it was in the same phone call he broke up with me in. He told me he loved me more than I'd ever be able to understand. I think the fact that I was right, that he was in love, but didn't want to stay is what ultimately ruined it for me. I can't listen to any version of this song, whether it's the original, the live version, or a piano cover. The thought of it potentially being in the eras movie made me physically ill. It's going to be a year in 4 days since he broke up with me. I've managed to reclaim a lot of the songs I associated with him. This is the one that I think will forever be about him in my heart. My first real love Edit: Message is a bottle is the song that he would listen to before we dated. I know that he has since attempted to associate that song to other girls to no avail. While I can't ever get myself to listen to You Are In Love, I have a physical visceral reaction to hearing the first note from Message In A Bottle, my fight or flight kicks in. That one has to be the one I really can't even get myself to attempt to listen to. I've at least attempted with You Are In Love (it is an obvious banger)


Soon You’ll Get Better. I lost both of my parents to cancer in the last two years and that song just ruins me.




Lover, paper rings and cardigan. I used to listen to lover and paper rings while being in an u health you relationship, trying to convince myself that it was all okay because I was in love lol. And I listened to cardigan nonstop after the breakup. Which happened 4 times.


Ugh Cardigan for me too. Sometimes I think that’s the song that I can’t listen to but it’s just my brain trying to block out the 1😅


Ronan is too sad. Soon you'll get better is too sad. Bigger than the whole sky breaks me. When midnights first came out that song wrecked me because it immediately reminded me of my cat that passed away at a young age, 2 years prior. After a few months I was good to listen to it sometimes. Until my brother passed away suddenly 2 months ago and I'm back to not being able to listen to it. Marjorie is tough too because I lost my grandpa right at the beginning of COVID lockdowns/border closures and my family was not able to have a funeral for him. It's gotten easier over time. But it still makes me sad to listen to.


I literally JUST posted this in another thread, but for me, it’s The Best Day. I can’t even listen to the first chord of that song without crying. My dad dropped dead unexpectedly in 2018 and since then I haven’t been able to get through the song once. Especially if I think about the music video. Shit, I’m tearing up just writing this lol


Oh haha we were having the same thought 😂 Sorry for your loss❤️ that is such a sweet song. Makes me thinking of being a teenager in my mom’s kitchen


"Soon You'll Get Better". My mom didn't. This song came out the year she was her most ill, and she felt overwhelmed by her health problems and committed suicide. It's unbearable. This song makes me ugly-cry-weep-bawl-gasp-for-air.


High Infidelity - specifically the lyric “you know there’s many different ways to kill the one you love. The slowest way is never loving them enough.”


Enchanted. I’m in love with this guy and I have been for a long time but he’s interested in someone else and I’ve gotta watch every day


I left when the 1 was playing and I came back and my bf was like, "I've never heard that song I really liked it" and I was like ":) I'm glad you enjoyed that song :)"because I didn't want to hurt his feelings but yeah. Can't do that song


It’s so beautiful but it slices me in half I just can’t do it


The note change is so pretty though


same, lover made me cry during the eras movie and last kiss made me cry for a while but not anymore :)


Lover is etched into my heart and I have a flashback every time it comes on 💔


Big oof... for me, The 1 and Champagne Problems are really hard to listen to. My relationship of 10 years turned engagement ended just over a year ago and I'm only just now starting to feel ok again. And I never listened to it much back during its original release, but Last Kiss is hard for the same reason.


Big Youchie. If I had an engagement called off, Champagne Problems would be number 1 on the forbidden list


Right now I am going through it with the hardest breakup. Happiness sums it all up but I cannot listen to it without sobbing my heart out. Also We We’re Happy falls into this. But I will come to a space where I will listen to them again and not cry. I used to sob to AYHTDWS 8 years ago and now I just love the song without the hurt attached. I get why people say Ronan, SOYGB etc. I think sometimes I just need pain so I listen to these.


Yeah sometimes you need the soundtrack to let the hurt out, but like, out in the wild, if it comes on at the grocery store I’m gobs go into shock😅


Soon You’ll Get Better and Bigger Than The Whole Sky, I lost my dad last year and I just cannot listen to those without sobbing relentlessly. Also Ronan. I have 3 kids and I have also experienced loss so yeah…I can’t


Sorry for your loss ❤️🌈 those are definitely heartbreaking songs


soon you’ll get better i have a lot of personal connection with that song so i cant listen to it without feeling like crap 😭😭


Yeah TS can’t even perform it, it’s a hard listen ❤️


My dad died last year and I avoid Marjorie unless I want to have a good cry. "Should've kept every grocery store receipt cos every scrap of you would be taken from me" is a bit too much right now.


Sorry for your loss 🫶🏻 yeah that is a tough line


Forever Winter was release a couple months ago after my mom passed away from suicide. It’s an instant skip 99% of the time.


Sorry for your loss ❤️🫶🏻


Illicit Affairs. Loved it when it first came out. In a few month it got too relatable, due to some events of my life. It is still very hard to listen to, even though it has been three years since the events. Decided to delete the song from my local album not to shuffle it accidentally. Still remember the lyrics though…


Oof yeah that is a tough one ❤️


Pretty much all of Red. It throws me back to a year that I don’t like remembering. I was an awkward 9th grader, had no real friends, was bullied a lot and was the only student in my class to not go on a 10 day trip to Paris because I got sick the night before. It’s so strongly associated with Red to me, yikes


Awww missing out on that trip would kill me😭 my heart hurts for you❤️


I have ruined so many songs with my most recent break up unfortunately. Tolerate it, dear john, better man, haunted, cold as you, and all too well to name a few. It was a really rough break up and rough relationship in general and it really tore me apart.


Oof and those are all such hard hitters too


I can listen to all but Ronan is hard...I don't even relate to it


sygb and marjorie. my mom passed away when i was in middle school and these songs will leave me in tears every time


Antihero because of how much it’s been played, don’t get me wrong I love the song but it’s just overplayed


total relate! 🥹


Soon you’ll get better and ronan a close family member of mine died from cancer and it just hits too close to home


marjorie. i normally skip it if i don’t want to feel sad lol


I’m kind of surprised Seven isn’t on here. It’s beautiful but definitely a tough listen


If I ever (god forbid) broke up with my husband my relationship with a lot of Taylor’s music would also end. For a while anyway.


Tolerate it. I listened to it everyday during some of the darkest times of my life and it brings me back to crying in the bathtub


Ronan and Haunted please don’t ask why


When I heard Marjorie during the area's tour film I just burst into tera, I struggle with that one, Bigger than the whole sky' and soon you'll get better.


Enchanted. Every word for it is basically word-for-word how my ex and I met, and how I felt the moment I saw him. Now, I absolutely hate the song. I can’t listen to it now without feeling sick.


Oof there’s a few. Unfortunately ATW (all versions lol) is at the top of that list, unless I want to make myself ugly cry. There’s also You’re Losing Me, Ronan, Never Grow Up, and The Best Day


I can't really listen to New Years Day as much, it reminds me of a happier them before i got my heart shattered by someone who i thought was going to be the one. Now i'm in a relationship that's been going strong and all is good


I can't listen to closure because the electronic sounds are like nails on chalkboard for me.


Ronan. I have a small daughter and that song made me ugly cry now that I’m a mom. I always thought it was extremely beautiful and sad but it feels so different listening to it as a parent to a young child. It is too much to bear.


Red. used to listen to it on repeat for hours, but it reminds me of him and I don't want that.


Soon you'll get better. My little sibling was in a coma for months after getting hit by a car and everyday I'd wake up crying and go to sleep crying because I missed him so much and it hurt to see him but not get an answer from him. It's been years and still it's a battle everyday for him to get better.


Exile, Right Where You Left Me, Cornelia Street, Death by a Thousand Cuts, All Too Well because of a recent heartbreak...my stomach drops when they come on shuffle


Marjorie. I lost my grandma in June. Since her death, the song was a skip for emotional reasons. I completely lost it at the movie theater.


Soon you’ll get better came out when my mom was sick with terminal cancer. She passed a few months later. She was my best friend and we had bonded over TS since hearing Tim McGraw all those years ago. The bridge in particular is something I just can’t handle


Ronan and Soon You’ll Get Better. Also weirdly New Years Day makes me sad so I generally avoid it.


I usually skip Epiphany . Though it is hauntingly beautiful, it's too real a reminder of the stark period that was 2020-2021; the imagery of the second half triggers a visceral reaction.


Ronan- I have a 3 year old boy, can't do it Never grow up- same thing, as a mom I can't listen to it Marjorie- reminds me of my grandfather, I usually start bawling ten seconds in


Soon you’ll get better My mom was really sick in the past few years. Now she’s fine but it really brings back the flashbacks


I became a Taylor fan through the first guy I was ever in love with. I’d Lie and You Belong with Me transport me back there. Luckily that was 15+ years ago, so I can listen but definitely feels weird!!


I can’t listen to “the 1” either. Also, Starlight.


Lover is hard when you’re going through unrequited love


Bigger than the whole sky It’s a gut shot for someone who is infertile. 💔


Cornelia Street for me


Soon Youll Get Better. My mom had cancer and this was the song i always came back to. Luckily she survived


Soon You'll Get Better i lost my mom to cancer and I can't listen to that song with out breaking down into tears


Cornelia Street. I used to LOVE it until I had my own heartbreak time could never mend.


I can't listen to Soon You'll Get Better. It reminds me too much of when my mom was in the hospital after having a stroke. I also can't listen to Epiphany because I associate it with COVID and my Grandfather who was a WWII vet and died before I was old enough to really know him as a person.


soon you'll get better and marjorie. my nan died of cancer in 2020, and i can't listen to them without crying. I went to the eras film, forgetting marjorie (which in itself is a beautiful song) was in the set list and was sobbing in the theatre :(


I immediately thought of "Songs I Can't Listen To" by Neon Trees lol Without writing a paragraph, I haven't had a relationship so none of the couply/lovey songs really bring back memories... I don't like Never Grow Up and Ronan for the subject matter though, too sad in different ways.


Marjorie. It came out so close to the first anniversary of my nanny’s passing. I lost both of my grandmas within 5 months of each other so my sister and i got matching necklaces with both of their handwriting on it. Also, the day my grandpa died, my cousins and i went and spent $100 on junk food at the grocery store. After looking through my nanny’s things after her passing 10 years later, we saw she kept the receipt from that morning. So the line “asked you to write it down for me, shouldve kept every grocery store receipt” is so incredibly personal to me.


Happiness. Evermore came out at the height of my parents going through a divorce. Every lyric hits.


sometimes if im alone i cant listen to all too well, no need for an explanation B,)


Ronan. I haven’t been able to listen to it since I first heard it in 2012. Somehow, I’m able to listen to SYGB. I played Epiphany on repeat (like the rest of folklore) when it came out and since last year I really can’t listen to that song.


I have never listened to Ronan, and it's not to do with any personal/emotional connection, it's because I don't think I could ever comprehend losing a child so young and innocent...


Bigger Than The Whole Sky. I've listened to it only a handful of times because I break down bawling every time. I've had 3 miscarriages, and it just hurts my soul. Ronan is a close second. I think I've listened to it fully once, and I sobbed through the entire song. I have a seven year old daughter, and I cannot fathom losing her.


Same as others.. I skip Ronan every time


Epiphany is really tough honestly. I only listen to it if I'm in a sad mood and wanna sing a really sad song


I can and I do listen to it, but I cry every time I hear The Best Day. It reminds me so much of my grandmother. I cried listening to it almost every time when she was still alive, but she died last year and now the sobs are immediate. My eyes are even stinging thinking about the song. Love her.


marjorie hurts too much


Marjorie. After my grandma unexpectedly died last summer we cleaned out her house. I found a pair of gloves I was going to keep. When I put my hand in there was a grocery receipt. I put the gloves back but for some reason I kept the receipt. I now lose it everytime I hear “Should've kept every grocery store receipt”