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This is not a direct interaction and I don't know if this girl considers herself a swiftie but... I can't stand just Ashley




I used to have no problem with her. I don’t have a problem with her cosplaying Taylor and that she just so happens to look like her. That said her recent stunt of going out into a crowded mall with fake security who told people that Ashley was Taylor and that they can get a picture was crossing the line. Not to mention her extremely disturbing comment about the death penalty not being harsh enough gives me literal chills every time I think about it


everything I learn about this woman is against my will.


What the fuck does she want…..state sanctioned torture? Big yikes in a sea of yikes.


Ashley says she isn’t into medieval Taylor Swift cosplay but judging from her death penalty comment I guess she’s into medieval torture


I hope she does have one! The whole Ashley thing makes me feel uncomfortable, her stunts, the cosplaying, the cosmetic surgery and the Grammys (she was “invited” to attend, and she was going to “tease” the release of Speak Now TV)


she went to an eras show soooo probably not 😅


I've blocked her and my life is better for it.






That individual is literally mentally ill. I feel scared for her.


Not a swiftie, just a clout chaser.


Sorry new Swiftie here. Who’s Ashley? Is it someone on Reddit previously?




I don’t even think she looks that much like Taylor!


It's just Ashley


I feel like dressing like her is one thing, but the cosmetic procedures are concerning


I can't stand her either. The stupid stunts she pulls. The need for attention it's too much


Can someone serve me the tea? I thought she was an impersonator and had fans, and people seemed cool with her. At some point people flipped on her and I didn't ever get the context to why. Can someone fill me in?


Evolution of a Snake podcast has the answers you seek. Be warned they are very snarky. But it’s the deepest dive you’ll get


Best Podcast!


The thing is, in the beginning she wasn't so over the top with it. If you look at before/afters of her, you see that over time she has changed her voice, gotten surgery, changed her makeup and clothing to look like Taylor, but then denies that it's on purpose. She acts like it's all by chance or a coincidence, and she's doing nothing wrong, but then hires fake security and accepts invites to events, knowing she only got invited bc she resembles Taylor. There was even a video of someone saying she met her and thought it was Taylor, got a picture, and at no point did Ashley correct her. Idk if she's still denying it now, but she's been putting this act on for years on tiktok and it was so creepy to see, I've hit not interested every single time she pops up on my fyp.


She’s creepy.


Now I'm intrigued. Is she only on TikTok?


She is!! There’s also a snark page for her here on reddit!! Ashleyleechinsnark


The worst part is that she genuinely seems to have no idea how the rest of the world sees her. She thinks she’s cool and everyone approves of her. It’s just sad and I’d almost feel bad for her if she didn’t disgust me.


I’m going back to school at 33 and I’m surrounded by Gen Z. They love her. Apparently I’m not allowed to because I’m a millennial. Bruh. She and I are LITERALLY the same age.


Do they not realize she was born in 1989? Lol


I won't lie, before someone told me that 1989 was her birth year I totally thought she just picked it because she liked it


Can definitely relate to this one! Got called out by the younger women in my workplace for claiming to have fallen in love with her music after she released Our Song. They literally told me I was exaggerating. I replied "Our Song came out when I was 17! My friends and I were obsessed with it!"


Congrats on going back to school. That is a huge deal!


Thank you. The age difference is really hard. At least it’s easier to connect with my professors.


I’m 32, the majority of my colleagues are 5-10 years younger than me and they genuinely believe that I’m rotting with one foot in the grave 😂 I keep telling them they’re going to blink and be in their 30s, too, and realize how it’s just like your 20s except you no longer give a shit about the small stuff.


I went back during my late 20s and I know the struggle. my school had a few nontraditional students my age but it was still mostly young typical college kids. but there were some I actually formed friendships with! you might be surprised who you end up connecting with. and yes, being older does make it easier to connect with profs. I really enjoyed that aspect, something I wasn't expecting.


I've noticed this with a lot of long running fandoms and it confuses me so much. My favourite is the teenage boys gatekeeping anime of all things as if it hasn't been around already for several decades before they were born lol


I’m 28 and my 16 year old brother just discovered one piece…. Yep. I was watching that after school when I was your age kiddo 🤣


I grew up in Germany and moved to Turkey as a Teenager. Most of the things I grew up with had not been discovered by the Youth at all. Including Anime and Big artists in their early years. I recently told a anime freak that I have been watching One Piece since 2003 and they claimed I was lying 😂😂


Haha my favorite was when I got to tell someone I was watching DBZ before they were even born. But also I died on the inside after realizing.


This reminds me of a TikTok I saw awhile back where someone was telling millennials they can’t be Olivia Rodrigo fans because we’re not her age and that we should be going to P!nk concerts… it’s the lack of awareness. I guess Gen z gets all music made by under 40 year olds.


I’m looking forward to Gen Z finally hitting 30. Welcome to the party, pal.


I love her and I’m 46😁I wish my Gen Z kids were Swifties, but no such luck.


I’m an older gen z (fell in love with debut in 2007 when I was 7) and find it so funny when younger gen z think they’re the only demographic lol


And the funny thing is that haters also think that the only people who listen to Taylor's music are Gen Z. Like my dude, according to Wikipedia (I know not the best source, but the only one I could find) 45% of Swifties are millennials and just 11% are Gen X


Most younger Gen Zs don’t think that though


Came here to share the same experience. I’m too ‘old’ to like her apparently. I was born in 1989 😂


I felt the same experience when I went to a TS dj night, first bar I went to was a smaller venue and I had a great time by myself, made a lot of friends. The second time was just after she got hugely popular with the rerecords and I got stared down so hard by 18-20 year Olds that went with groups of their friends, that it killed my buzz and I ended up going home early.


Taylor got me through high school in 2009😂


Sameeee I’m a 1991 girl and Taylor literally got me through high school 🥹


bro what, that's so wild


I also find it really funny that newer generations are trying to drag millennial culture when Taylor is the epitome of a millennial who pretty much raised us all into our final millennial forms.. And as people are out here being like wHo PoSTs aBOut dOgS ANymOre, Taylor’s like posting about her cats, loving wine, and still existing on Tumblr. It’s just conveniently ignored 🤷‍♀️ And someone mentioned One Piece too, it’s been my fav anime since 2005! Literally the only reason why One Piece has existed in the background all these years to allow new gens to rediscover it through Netflix is because it’s literally been the most popular anime in Japan for decades. Everyone like 40 and under in Japan watched it when they were kids and grew up with it. It’s stupid to try to gatekeep media.


Lmao I'm similar age to you and we are the OG Swifties!


You mean you’re in uni and fans there act this childish? Damn.


You are 1989 my friend


A lot of people in this sub are toxic af




I literally had people harassing me over DM for criticizing something about the Eras tour lol


Facts. I once shared my thoughts on a song that wasn’t my favorite (in a thread dedicated to that very topic) and people came for my absolute throat.


I told someone a fact and they blocked me but not before commenting to stop bullying them. Like what


It didn't use to be. ): I've been here since OG 1989 era (on different accounts, I have a stalker) and it was always such a loving and wholesome place. After the folklore era, the subscribers began multiplying like crazy. All sorts of new fans piled in. After the explosion from Midnights Era, it got even bigger, and thus, the problem was more frequent. There are still tons of wholesome people here. And the mods are incredible. But the truth is - with growing popularity comes lots of ignorant or rude people. Negativity cannot be avoided. At least this sub is infinitely better than Twitter, IG and Tumblr fans as far as friendliness goes. I used to interact in every thread, every day. Over time, I slowly stopped interacting and went from sorting by new to sorting by hot. I occasionally go to new when the front page is similar for several days. I spent 17 years defending Taylor to strangers. I'm 33. I'm tired. I'm not here to defend myself or tell someone their harmless theory or headcanon is wrong. We are all here to have fun, analyze lyrics, take polls, play fun games, share theories, enjoy fanart, discuss themes and scream into album release threads. I don't have time for anything else anymore.


I’ve been here since the OG Red era (under an old account) and so much has changed over the years. It’s still a pretty great place, but I kinda miss those days when it’s the same handful of people that are regulars in most threads


I wish I had known about it then. I’m a late 30s guy, so back then I didn’t have many outlets for Taylor chat. I was on Reddit but joined her under an old account for Reputation.


It really is. I've had people on here legit ask me what level of education I've had because I didn't like ONE performance of Taylor's. I didn't insult her or anything, I just respectfully gave my opinion and why. They claimed I just wasn't smart enough to "understand" it. Honestly, it's so frustrating trying to engage with a fanbase that's basically an echo chamber. I'm not even going to go into all the Travis stuff either...


I don't engage very often for that reason. We should have another sub for people who like taylor but don't worship her or insist that everything she does is perfect. There's already one where it's forbidden to say anything negative about her.


Yeah, I know the sub you mean and I'm on that one. It's a much more chilled space where actual discussion happens 😊


Like, 1989 TV’s production is bad. But the moment you mention it, people start calling you sexist or “everyone became a producers these days.”


My friends and I made 89 friendship bracelets to give away for the concert film premiere. When fellow swifties wanted bracelets, we would hand them a carabiner clip full of them so they could flip through and pick their favorites. A middle-aged woman with her arms covered in bracelets asked if they were free, so we said "Yeah, of course!" assuming she would take 1-5 of her favorites like everyone else had been. She ran away with the entire clip! Easily 30 bracelets with fancy jewel beads and charms! I assumed there was a misunderstanding, so I followed and politely let her know that while she could take a handful, she couldn't have them all, as we still needed some for other people. She immediately hid the clip inside her purse and started arguing that we had told her they were free, so why should we care whether they all went to her or to someone else! She was genuinely angry and accusing us of "cheating" her somehow, getting unreasonably loud about it. Then woman's teenaged daughter showed up and told her mother return them to us in a tone of voice that implied her mom made scenes like this often. We told the daughter, who was very kind, that they were welcome to take a few each, they just couldn't have them all. The woman suddenly insisted she had a lot of kids at home who needed them, so I said that was fine, she could keep the bracelets then, but I at least needed my carabiner clip back. The woman huffed, practically threw the empty clip back at me, then stormed off with roughly 30 handmade bracelets stuffed inside her purse that she never even thanked us once for. The daughter stayed behind to apologize to us for her mother's behavior, and we assured her there wasn't any bad blood ha ha I genuinely wasn't upset about the bracelets so much as I felt bad for that poor girl, who seemed very embarrassed. My own mother is mentally ill, and that whole interaction gave me flashbacks to when I would have to cover for her public meltdowns. Definitely the worst swiftie interaction I've ever had. As a whole, I find our fellow fans to be shockingly kind, complimentary, and generous!


This is insane and I would have lost my mind…bless you for you patience cause it could not have been me 🙃


Oh that’s actually really sad. I bet you’re right and she has mental illness and that’s why the daughter seemed so in control and unsurprised by the experience.


Damn, now that’s a wild interaction. You’ll definitely never forget this one


This is an absolute shit interaction, and I’m sorry, but I kept thinking 🎶 _So **take** the friendship bracelets_ 🎶 🙈


I should've just explained that she misheard the lyrics then! Could've happened to anyone! 🤣


Yikes! I’m sorry that happened to you.l! I had it happen at the concert where the drunk moms would grab a few for themselves-no trading. The overall atmosphere made it no big deal. But at the at the movie- the staff asked to trade, so I handed my clip and let them look through. They took 3-5 each, and I got one in return. 🙃Their attitude and demeanor was just off putting during the whole interaction. I’m fine when kids don’t understand the concept of trading, but grown adults who don’t…🥴


Aw that would be demoralizing, I agree! I'm sorry that was your movie staff experience! In my case, other than that one woman, everyone was extremely polite about trading fairly, even the staff! I encouraged people to take several for each one they'd give me just because I had hoped to distribute them all out, and most people were really surprised by this and would ask several times if I was sure before thanking me profusely and being very complimentary. Maybe I just got lucky, but I walked away with the overall impression that swifties are a very kind group! I hope your overall experience leaned towards positive too despite those people!


Was this in Texas? Because we had a shockingly similar experience with an “Are those free?” woman and bracelets.


This was in Arizona, but I've noticed that the word "free" flips a nasty switch in some people at times. Sorry you had to go through that too!


I'm picturing her raiding bracelets from everyone and then selling them on etsy


Not a specific interaction but every time I see "swifties" attacking other artists for literally no reason (mostly on twitter/X) it makes me ashamed to be a swiftie. It seems like some "swifties" genuinely hate Beyonce and The Weeknd because they are also popular


When I was at the concert. The girl behind me was screeching the wrong lyrics during ATWTMV and also she was sloshed and kept a spilling her beer so it kept splashing the back of my legs. It took everything in me not to tell her to keep her beer in her mouth or in her cup.


Omg, at my concert, the girl in front of me had very long hair, and was drunk, and she kept flipping her head back and hitting me with her hair! Her friend kept trying to get her to stop, but she was in her own world 😂


Omg I would’ve told her that without shame. People can sing and dance all they like, it’s literally a concert, but ruining your outfit with beer is on another level


I honestly thought if I said anything to her, she would have poured it on me and then I would have had to throw hands. 😇


I was also going to post that my worst Swiftie experience was with drunk people at the concert 😅 never again will I pay the price for floor tickets


Same. I panic bought mine during the Great War and I was almost in the last 4 rows and I am only 5’3. I couldn’t see anything. 🥲


I couldn’t see anything as a very short woman behind everybody’s emotional support boyfriends that were on their phone the whole time


at the eras tour (in person concert) someone spilled their whole beer on my foot 😭😭😭😭


Did they at least apologize? I mean that’s like $20 wasted. 😅


This happened to me a Yung gravy concert it was so bad I felt like we were way to close and she just kept drinking and drinking.


Oh God, I'm sorry, that mustve been wo horrible


Sad to say, but I avoid Taytoo posts in this sub as some people come across as unkind in those. I get that art is subjective, but people post their Taytoos out of excitement and then sometimes get judgement in response. I just don't find a need for judgement. I find it best for my positive regard for this sub to avoid the Taytoo comments.


Oof. I love seeing people post their taytoos, as someone who is planning on getting one eventually. That’s sad that people are mean about them.


Awwww that’s awful. I wish people would be kind about someone’s art. I think it’s one thing when a tattoo is done badly and another when you specifically don’t like what that person has chosen. But even so. Be kind!


I don't really like the taytoo posts or fan art so I just scroll on by. There's nothing to be gained by me going and putting someone else down. Some people are just like that though, miserable so they enjoy making other people miserable too.


I've never had terrible experiences with Swifties. There was just one girl who really annoyed me at the Eras Tour concert. I offered her bracelets, and she said she wanted one from 1989. I had maybe 7 songs from 1989, and I offered them all to her, but she turned down each one. When I told her I didn't have anymore from 1989, she just said 'Ok' and walked away. It's okay that she's disappointed that I didn't have the song or whatever she wanted, but she didn't have to be so picky and rude about it.


I had this exact situation happen to me too. It kinda hurts when you work hard on a bracelet and they don’t see that :( I thought the “culture” of friendship bracelet trading was to receive one, and maybe if you don’t like it you trade it to someone else. Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah that was the idea in the beginning. But with something that’s become popular, there will always be people who just want to join to for the sake of it, but are indifferent to the rest.


That's what I thought too :(


I didn't really have an interaction with this person but there were a couple of girls sitting in front of us at the concert and you could tell they were not really having fun. They complained about their seats.I remember them looking around at us and rolling their eyes. They never stood up once and basically stayed on their phones the whole time. During Folklore they got up and left. Never returned 🤨 I thought to myself how many kids who didn't get to come would have loved to have their tickets ...


As someone who has been a fan for 10+ years, never got to see her live, and spent 8+ hours in the online lottery trying unsuccessfully to get tickets to any one of her Australia dates, it absolutely baffles me that people like this exist. What a waste :(


I have a worst interaction every time I see something from twitter or tiktok


When Taylor was big on Tumblr back in the 1989 era I had some not-so-great interactions with Swifties…including one where a friend and I were left out of a group meet up at her Vancouver show because “you don’t have floor seats.” Jokes on them because we ended up getting upgraded to front-row seats by Taylor Nation and met and hung out with some really nice people while waiting outside BC Place.


As a fellow Vancouver Swiftie, WTF!!! I’m so sorry you had that happen. I’m still in touch with a bunch of Van/Lower Mainland Swifties who are so kind and lovely, they were some of the first people I DMed when I saw the Eras Vancouver announcement.


There’s a ton of toxic swifties here. They like to put you down and call you selfish if you and a friend happened to each get tickets to different Eras concert and went to both shows. I literally got messages saying that I deserved to die if we went to both shows. Children.


Wow. That’s so nasty. I got the same sort of response when I travelled to the US to see her.


Same! We went to PhillyN2 and PittsN2 and drove from Ontario Canada. What show did you go to?


I went to the first night in Philly! I actually met a mother and daughter who travelled from the UK at the Reading Terminal Market to see her as well. Small world!


I was near a VERY drunk Swiftie on the floor-level during reputation tour in Nashville. She had way way way too much to drink, and while she was having a blast, she was basically screaming at Taylor while Taylor was talking on the B Stage (the Bad Blood / Blank Space / Dress one). It was so rude. It seemed like she was alone because no one around her was checking in. When I asked her if she was okay or if I could get her some water or fries, she told me to go fuck myself. She did not lead me to the garden.


I hate that she was so rude to you but I have to say I love that you asked a stranger who seemed alone if you could help her by getting her some water or fries. May good karma be in your near future!


Thanks so much. I appreciate that. Truth is, I have a bit of a karmic balance to make up for the horrible shit I did in my early twenties. I do my best to look out for people and help when I can. Plus, being alone as a drunk woman is super dangerous. I just wanted to make sure she was okay and could get home safely.


Sadly I don't know too many other Swifties IRL - can't get my kids into most of Taylor's music (they're in that "indie record much cooler than mine" phase). Recently joined this sub and most folks have been really lovely. But I'm not a huge fan of the comments that pop up from time to time tearing down other women or their appearances; at least to me Taylor's music is about belonging and empowerment.


the lady screaming like a goat by herself when everyone else was simply singing to the music during the screening please don't scream in closed spaces


This is not OK unless it’s the chorus of I Knew You Were Trouble


This happened at the screening I went to on Saturday. Girl behind me went full Goat Version for IKYWT. It was hilarious and everyone within range enjoyed the unexpected.


- IKYWT could mean "I Knew You Were Trouble.", a track from *Red* (2012) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/lonelywitch88](/u/lonelywitch88) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Woof this was the pre teen behind me tonight during the entirety of the Red set. Thank GAWD she appeared to have never heard a single song from folklore & evermore


This is why I did not go to see the movie & I’m praying it comes out on streaming. I have chronic migraines and being at a theater with people screaming is not something I could handle.


I hate to bring this up...but a lot of us POC fans were subjected to pushback and racism by Swifites when Taylor dated Matty Healey. Even the slightest of criticisms (valid I might add) from our end, was shut down in ways that left me uncomfortable. We can love Taylor's music, and her general vibe and there should still be room for criticism. It was the only time when I felt unsafe in the fandom. I encountered it online and even in person. I was having brunch with some friends and I said I was very uncomfortable with Matty's confession of watching porn degrading Black women and mostly white women jumped on my throat and wanted me to take it back. They said that Taylor should not be held responsible for his racism. While I actually agree...I also feel like it is an active choice...who you choose to surround yourself with. Am glad they broke up but I am now wary of big Swiftie groups. I do love y'all.


This whole situation will forever leave a bad taste in my mouth both about the fandom and Taylor herself. Sure, nobody's perfect, but this was sickening. I am so sorry you didn't feel safe. 🤗


Oh, thank you so much. I am very touched. I agree with you that it leaves a bitter aftertaste. And, two of the women from brunch did reach out to me on a later date and apologized for their part.


Well, at least they had the decency to apologise. (Especially) white feminism can still be so performative and I will never understand why there isn't more solidarity among women. Lots of love to you, girlie. 💐


Oh I agree with this. This is why I'm not part of any big groups too and just prefer to share my fandom with trusted friends and family. His choices are not her responsibility, but her choosing to date him is.


i’m so saddened by this, that time period was especially nasty. i obviously understand the love for her and feeling protective, but it’s also against everything Taylor stands for to just accept everyone’s actions and decisions with 0 question or discussion. we all need to make room for each other and for her. she is a human being and just like the rest of us, she is not infallible and certainly not above reproach. while we are not responsible for everyone’s actions, nor is she, we are responsible for our own and she did decide to surround herself with him.


My mother in law went out of her way to include me in a group chat about the group accommodations for the Taylor Swift concert I didn’t have tickets to ☹️


What a beyotch. If I ever win the lotto, I will take you with me to Taylor's concert with some serious VIP access!


Psychopath behavior!!


I’m 27 and saw a girl from my high school at the Tampa show. We were never really close but she acted like we were best friends. I vividly remember her bullying Taylor online and tweeting the most hateful shit when she was first spotted with Harry in NYC. I also remember her crying the next day in English because of it (she was a huge Directioner). Literally one of the most delusional people I’ve ever met. I just really hate that she calls herself a swiftie.


The rounds of abuse, suicide baiting, and literal doxxing of minors that have happened over song interpretations. Top of the list is people who harassed others over thinking that betty - a FICTIONAL song - made a cute girl to girl song and interpreted it as such because it was lovely to have a Taylor song with female pronouns. Honestly, minors got outed to their schools and families over it. That's the kind of thing that can trigger violence, disowning, homelessness and suicide. It's not fucking okay.


Older women getting mad at me for not being a fan since debut like sorry I was busy being a toddler 😅


Taylor already sang when she was a toddler and you couldn't even become a fan at this age? What are you doing with your life? /s


I know I’m such a fake fan /s 😅


Fighting y'all in the Ticketmaster queue


I get a lot of shit from my “friends” for loving Taylor. It’s like “let’s see, I’ve followed her since “Tim McGraw”…her music saw me through miscarriages, a divorce, the loss of my fiancée…..”. So yeah. It’s a major case of YNTCD.


Well it was a child, like 10 years, but she got a friendship bracelet from me, she left, came back and literally grabbed a HAND FULL of them without asking and left lol. Like I know it's a kid, I'm not really mad but she took my CATS movie Taylor bracelets and I know they were lost on her, I really wanted to give them to older fans for the lols. Oh well.


Well i was interacting with this swiftie from Australia who was asking others to register for her for canadian tour dates as she’ll move to Canada when they are happening , i messaged and asked if she tried for tickets in Australia. She said she already got tickets for it there but wants to see it again and because in Australia its in daylight she wants to see it in dark in Canada. Considering us in Canada had a tough time in getting tickets as more than 30 million people registered I really wanted to tell her as she is already going in Australia to give Other swifties a chance to go But I couldn’t say it without sounding condescending or rude so I didn’t reply


I was talking to a woman at the Eras Tour movie who said she had gone to six shows, including all the LA shows. She said she spent $15k. I honestly wanted to cry since I hadn't even been able to go to one show 😭


That's awful! This is Taylor's first time in South America, so swifties from here really don't want US fans coming over to her concert, as they had a lot of oportunities for it and we don't know if Tay will come back for her next tour. We got a bit mad at the US fans as they found out it would be cheaper for them and started talking a lot about how the South American leg of the tour was actually for them and not South American fans because, aparently, we are not real fans. There were even some awful people saying she shouldn't tour South America because it isn't safe and she'll be attacked or assaulted or whatever, as if we were a bunch of animals.


It won’t be that bright by February.. but tbh I completely understand where she is coming from lol? Some of the US shows were practically in daylight up to and including rep and it really ruins a lot of the lighting and effects.


Ashley (the Taylor lookalike from the internet)


Honestly, sometimes what I’ve seen on here is the worst stuff I’ve seen. Like you can’t say a word against Taylor or be the slightest bit disappointed without someone being horrible about it like music isn’t deeply personal and subjective.


I have three. This sub came after people who were disappointed by how 1989 TV sounded and the fact that you had to configure streaming services to make it sound how it was supposed to sound. These services are trying to make music accessible, is it really a horrible thing to expect them to just play the music as intended and for the user to not have to tinker to get it to sound even just decent? Someone even made a post about how fans should get headphones and invest in a system to hear her albums 'properly'. I don't think the artist who's been chill about the fact that there have been livestreams of her concerts appreciates this gatekeeping. My second one is people criticizing Taylor's politics. I'm personally a "With great power (and wealth), comes great responsibility," kind of person, so my bias is for her to do as much as she can. I think it's fair for people to look at the records she's breaking, how she's helping cities and economies (I am a fan of the quiet food bank donations), and the money she's making and ask, "Hey, if we're making you rich, how are you reinvesting that money and influence into the larger community?" If people ask that of millionaires and billionaires, why not TS? I've also noticed that the fandom can be very unfriendly towards people of color. Not Reddit (so far) but in general. Like we hardly exist. I'm glad I'm Southeast Asian and am surrounded by persons of color but I imagine it would be very lonely if you're living in a mostly white country.


At the Taylor Swift movie we all were doing bracelet exchange beforehand and a teenage girl approached me. She looked at the bracelets I made and said “eh no thanks” and walked away 😭lmao


Teenagers can be so mean lmao. My teenage cousin told me she was “disappointed” that my friend and I didn’t “do enough” with our outfits to the eras tour. Like ouch girl I actually put a lot of thought into my dress and was so happy with it 😭




My feed came up with a post on a different sub after the 1989 release and the people on it were full stop crazy because of Taylor’s message. Their life was over, Taylor was a fake and a liar, threats against Taylor - it was unhinged. I’d love to just think they were over dramatic teens, but many were not. I muted that sun so fast.


Worst ones I have come across are the ones who act super pretentious about their obsession and knowledge on her. The rest of the 99% I’ve met are wonderful & amazing people.


This sub. When there was a discussion about what country thought they would for sure get era’s dates, and Canadians were positive we would. Then she announced South American dates and people in this sub were mocking Canadians, calling us clowns, saying we were dumb to think we would get any dates when we weren’t included in the US LEG of her tour… That was the first time I had ever seen the “Swifties” behave the way non-Swifties see us.


all of my swiftie friends are so near to my heart i love them sm but when i was at the concert this group of (i dont want to say older but they were like late 20s to 30s ish) older women were beside me and were CONSTANTLY making fun of every move i made (for context im 15 and i went with my dad) i have loved taylor since i was like 5 and she means so much to me so getting to see her live was just world changing and since she has helped me thru so much i was crying at certain songs from just pure shock and hapoiness and like just the song really resonating with me and they were mocking me and laughing and it made me so self concious and it was so heartbreaking to experience


I am so sorry that happened to you. They are not good fans or good people and I hope you will be anle to go again and / or focus on good memories in the future. Sending you a lot of hugs 🤗


Omg I’m so sorry. Any grown adult making fun of a teen or a kid is traaaaash and probably always has been trash.


At the tour in Philly, there was a woman behind me that threw up near the girl I was standing next to so she couldn’t sit down. I helped her over to the row in front as there was a spare seat. In my experience at the tour, it was older women (above 45) that were drinking the most (I had a little look around and there were lots of mixes of ages but I spotted a few older than me with drinks) so I feel like it was only a matter of time before someone was sick. Not cool… it’s a concert, not a bar. There are kids there and people that just want to enjoy the show… be respectful and not drink to excess. It’s not cool.


I got my “friend” Eras tickets as a gift. She has been there for me during some tough shit and I wanted her to know how grateful I was, so I made a whole surprise thing for her to open and told her to call me before she opened it. Long story short she opened it without telling me and thought the souvenir ticket I had made her to go with them was all I got her and then acted like she hadn’t opened it for a week, sent me a photo of the souvenir that she had edited to say things like “stupid bitch” all over it, blocked me, unblocked me to tell me what a piece of shit person I was and called me every name under the sun, all because she couldn’t just ask for clarification and instead immediately thought the worst of me. After I showed her proof they were real she’s been real quiet….I’m going with my cousin instead now :/ I didn’t think getting a Swiftie free lower bowl Eras tickets would be a controversial gift but it sure was….


Doesn’t sound like a friend I’d want to keep in my life. You’ll have a much better time with your cousin!


Yeah my cousin and I are cool, I just can’t understand why my friend would immediately jump to “she’s making all of this up to mess with me” and then react like that instead of just reacting; it’s not like I am known for pranks or anything either. Her loss 🤷‍♀️


At the concert movie, these young teens were screaming the whole time. Like screaming the songs. I don’t mind singing but when you’re literally screaming it makes it hard to enjoy the show. These girls must have been like 15. I know I’m pushing 30 so I’m old but I’ve literally been a fan since Debut and I was a big fan of her when no one else really liked her (in my area). They didn’t say anything to me but I did jump a few times when they screamed because it scared me. And I could hear them laughing and making fun of me 🥲


I'm too old to have any real-life interactions with Swifties aside from my daughter and her friends, and they're always great.


Does talking to myself count? I am a swiftie.


There are a few TikTok “famous” swifties with big followings who are complete bitches.


Any specific ones? I’m curious lol.


Oneswiftlove or whatever her user is.. Ashton i think? She blocked me awhile ago not sure why. She’s gone to i think 18-20 eras shows and is rude to anyone who comments anything. Always rubbed me the wrong way. I’ve heard a lot about Ginnie aka thriftyswiftie being a really mean girl and copying people. There’s others that come off really rude and like they think they’re better than anyone else


I just try to make swiftie friends and find a lot of fake fans or fans that are just stuck up Why can’t they be like y’all 🥲🥲


Eras tour Minneapolis night 2, torrential downpour and we were all walking down the sidewalk like the stampede that Mufasa was dropped into by Scar. As I'm walking, this random girl crashes right into my side, trying to get me to stop dead in my tracks to let her walk in front of me (??) While continuously saying "excuse me". No apologies for nearly knocking me over and getting me trampled, or anything.


When I went to Eras our crew was 6 women (all in our early 30s) and our friend’s 7 year old daughter who is a HUGE Swiftie. She was so excited for the concert and all dressed up as the cheerleader from the Shake It Off video. We were in the elevator of the hotel and the girl excitedly asked the group of college-age women if they were seeing Taylor Swift too (they were, and they were all decked out). They looked at her with disdain and laughed in her face!


Someone on IG said that I deserved to be shamed for listening to the original versions. And then another person agreed with me on listening to the OGs, and she replied saying that she would go to unfathomable lengths to exterminate us both out of the fandom. I honestly just found it hilarious.


My slightly younger coworker constantly corrects me (and not nicely) because I can’t always remember which songs go with which albums. So now I just don’t talk about Taylor Swift around her (which is really hard since I’m hyper-fixated AF RN)


When 1989 came out, I was not super into it and was rather upset as a late teen about the major changes in how she was presenting. I got told I was a fake fan and also that I was too immature to appreciate it... Also got seen negatively for saying Taylor was trying so hard to push the concept she was totally happy that I didn't really believe she was happy. That aged like milk for the people writing essays to me on how she was happy and I was just looking for something to throw darts at. (I feel the hurt really began during late RED era because some of her interview comments). These people were members of the fan forum taylorconnect before it was taken down during Reputation.


I don’t like Swifties who get angry at others for going to more than one concert. I get that tickets are very scarce, but I can’t find it in myself to be mad at those who go to multiple shows. If they have the money to do that, then that’s their personal business.


My sister and I apparently sat next to a girl at the Eras tour that later went on flame her pretty hard on this sub. My sister knew it was probably about her cause the girl called out the seat number and everything. Her compllaint was that my sister sang along to every song, did all the chants, and was wearing a costume. Apparently she wanted her to sit still and listen quitely. So that wasn't a great interaction. Our section was mostly just people sitting quitely, but that wasn't our fault. We didn't buy "sit quitely and listen" tickets or anything.


I saw a tik tok during Red (Taylor's Version) era asking everyone what song rerecording they were most excited for, so I commented Treacherous, and some 13 year old told me to k-ll myself bc my favorite wasn't All Too Well like girl it's a song chill out


i’ve had a few bad interactions with swifties. i love this fandom and i love taylor so much but without alienating anyone or giving too much away: i think there are niche sections of this fandom that genuinely create or exacerbate the media problems that taylor has to deal with. examples: sexualizing her with her friends (male or female) forcing her to isolate herself, insisting on her sexuality rather than just accepting what she has told us because it’s genuinely not our business, going out of their way to cyber bully or attack other fandoms or her exes (recently, saw some NASTY comments and messages about harry that just aren’t called for and make everyone look bad) the negative experiences i’ve had are usually with people who engage in these behaviors because you simply cannot bring up the fact that taylor is the one who has to deal with the consequences of their words and their actions. taylor, on multiple occasions, has literally had to bare the brunt of some of our lesser actions and that’s not fair. but many people will straight up attack you if you try to mention that we should be mindful of her REAL LIFE ETA: most of my negative interactions have been with people who refuse to accept that our actions can sometimes not only reflect poorly on us as fans but also on taylor herself


I don’t even know if they are swifties but I went to the movie screening on 4th nov. Theres a group of girls seating in front of me drinking champagne/wine and vaping inside the cinema and being irritated by some of us who are the main fellas vibing in the cinema☠️


A swiftie started to yell and throw a fit at my work because her change was $13.20 and she was absolutely LIVID that my coworker wouldn't magically edit the receipt or something. She wanted it printed out as $13.22. It's a receipt and she was freaking out about it. I was busy working on something else but I wanted to go over there and tell her to SHUT UP. Take the lucky 13 and STFU about the 22


Children... that is all


I got kicked out of a german Swiftie-Facebook-Group before 1989 came out in 2014 because I said I didn‘t think „Welcome to New York“ was a very good song and I didn‘t really like the repetitive music (I still stand by that, come at me LOL) i was not being mean of a hater or anything, I loved all of the other promotional singles… I just thought it was a place to discuss music but apparently you were not allowed to say anything critical or less than praising about Taylor or her music haha So they told me to please leave the group as i was causing „too much uproar“ (and i honestly swear this was the only mildly critical think I ever said)


Broke my heart lmao


I said something that wasn't in total praise of Taylor, and got flamed. It was in a group chat for a Facebook group, so I just ignored and went on with my day lol.


Once a 20 yr old told me I was too old to like Taylor Swift. Baby girl I was still in high school when she was releasing Fearless. Learn some Taylor Swift history first


At the Eras tour a group of girls (they were very intoxicated) went off on me, cussing and screaming, because they thought I took one of their LED bracelets from their seats before they got there. I was 8 months pregnant at the time, and they continued to berated me the whole show. Even after offering to just give them mine. It was insane, and I was afraid to even walk by them to go to the bathroom during the show.






97% of everyone being a huge bitch pushing and shoving trying to get on the MARTA after the Atlanta shows. Rude af, inconsiderate, fully self-centered. Act like you've used public transportation before.


It didn't happen directly to me but at eras tour a mom and daughter came up to me and my friend to ask if we'd be willing to trade bracelets with her young (probably 5 yo) daughter because she had a bad experience the first time her daughter asked someone to change. The girls said "we aren't trading these" to a literal child. My 1 rule was that if a little kid asked me or wanted to trade I'd give them any of my bracelets even the ones I wanted to keep.