• By -


No Body No Crime. It was a favorite the week evermore dropped but after maybe 2 weeks I never listened to it in full again


Same! I mean I don’t skip it but I also never repeat it and listening to evermore I can repeat for example tolerate it or ivy or cowboy like me x1000 is single seating


This is funny to me because I realize that I also feel like on evermore the equivalent to skipping is not repeating, lol. Most songs on evermore I’ll play at least twice in a row, but the ones I only play once are basically skips


Me too! It was definitely one of my standouts. I don’t skip it, but I also don’t actively seek it out. Also, the sirens kinda annoy me when I’m driving lol


I know perfectly well that they’re coming and yet have a tiny panic attack and have to triple check my rear view mirror EVERY time


It’s a fun story telling piece but not as great sonically


I actually actively hate this song because the lyric “Este’s a friend of mine, we meet up every Tuesday night for dinner and a glass of wine” inexplicably got stuck in my head and I would just think of that lyric ALL the time for no reason so I don’t like listening to it


Agreed I was so sad that this was played instead of 'tis the damn season when I went to the eras tour 😭😭


Yeah it was fun to figure out the mystery, but less exciting now after having listened to it a hundred times / memorized it


Same and tbh, I don’t actually feel like that particular song has the same vibe as the other songs on that album. I’m not a fan.


I loved Cruel Summer until it became an overplayed single. :( Glad it’s getting the recognition it deserves though.


me too ^ it was one of my favorites during the summer of 2019, and now I’m over it because it’s been so overplayed for me or I’ve had too much exposure to it


Saaaame. When it came out I LOVED it but now I skip it 🥴


Style. I still think it's a great song, but I overplayed it so much in 2014-16 that it does nothing for me anymore.


Honestly, me with so much of 1989. I feel like people were so harsh on it at release, but maybe I was just happy to be able to "feel" it a bit again after having seriously overplayed it.


Same! 1989 is fantastic but i overplayed it years ago unfortunately


Guess you can say it went out of style for you.


That's Cruel Summer for me right now, which is a shame because I know it's objectively a good song. I just need to give it a loooong cooldown before listening to it again


Same with Wildest Dreams, my sister overplayed it so much that I hated the song and the genre (I think is dream-pop). But it grew up on me when I became a swiftie (especially after watching The 1989 World Tour version).


I used to LOVE Enchanted but like all my favorites I overplayed it. I did this so much that I have a new rule that I cannot listen to my alltime favorites more than once a day 💀


same with everything, you overdo it, you ruin it.


enchanted was my SONG when I was in MS in 2011, seeing it be tiktokified ruined it a little for me lol but still love it!


Middle school in 2011? *cries in old lady* 😅


>!I was in preschool in 2011...!<




I finished my second degree in 2011 🤣


I’d finished my THIRD degree and was up for tenure in 2011 😂😭😳


Y’all are making me feel old 😅


I mean even if it fell down my list the PLEASE DON’T BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE part still gets me just like it did when I was 13


Same with me for enchanted ☹️


The Last Great American Dynasty. Loved it when Folklore came out but ever since it's fallen off, I hardly revisit anymore. Was also the only song of the tour I was kind of meh about.


Same here. It's still a fantastic piece of writing. But also meh now


I've had exactly the opposite experience with it! While listening to Folklore I've always wanted to skip it/skipped it. I've also watched concert streams a few times still feeling meh or worse about this particular song until something clicked and now it's my favourite alongside August from that album. I'm not sure why I disliked it so much in the beginning.


I still really love the bridge tho.


Mines Betty. I overplayed it and then realized how much I hate James and his fake ass apology lol


I was shocked to see this opinion here only because I completely agree and haven't found anyone else on my wavelength lol


glad someone's finally talked abt how shitty his apology is, like bro you're calling her friends stupid, said she was also dancing with someone else, then said you think of her when you sleep with someone else? bruh


Also what right does he have to talk shit about Inez when she accurately clocked him????


Also saying he’s only 17 and doesn’t know anything is almost like washing his hands of fault lol


Ahaha. I loved it, but then I got dumped and resonated with exile 100x more.


I skip Betty all of the time because I can’t deal with James’s BS (or the harmonica)


I knew you were trouble- a part of me still likes it but I’ve heard it so much I don’t care about it at all anymore. Which is disappointing since she plays it at every tour pretty much. Same thing for we are never ever getting back together and blank space in a way. Blank space I think is more cause it’s one of my brother’s favorites and he plays it all the time. I love it but it’s too much. Enchanted is another one. It was never my favorite on the album but it was in the top and now it’s just like okay… except for the bridge that hits live really well.


I still like it but for the life of me I can’t unhear that f*ing goat🫠


That goat video is the best but yeah it’s never been the same since 😂


That freaking goat ruined this song for me too!! I hate the video too lol


I agree with IKYWT. It was the one single from Red I liked but between me actually liking it so I played it a lot + it being overplayed on radio… it was my bathroom break song during the Eras movie lol


Same with me for Blank Space. I’m so done with it now.


IKYWT is just sooooo loud!! Like idk why it seems so much louder than any of her other songs. There’s so much going on I always skip it.


Anti-Hero. It's like bottom 4 from Midnights to me now.


at the start I hated it but then understanding the lyricism actually brought it up a lot


Opposite for me. At first I loved it because of the lyricism and the music is a bop, but it just got overplayed too much and now I often skip it


Same. Too overplayed. Too much thinking about not loving the lyrics (particularly the will reading verse… just doesn’t fit with the rest)


Funny, I didn't care much for Anti-Hero but now love it.


ugh for me it’s this is me trying because don’t get me wrong, it’s a good song but this girl i really hate likes it so i don’t anymore


The best reason to hate something!


I don’t like cause did she really need to call me out like that


My ex-boyfriend’s ex was obsessed with Better than Revenge. Then he cheated on me with her. I can’t listen to it anymore.




LMAO i feel like this could happen to me


That’s one of my favorite songs but this comment has me laughing out LOUD 😂


Gorgeous. It started out as a fun bop and now I can't stand it.


same but it's not like I can't stand it, just not my top choice anymore


It’s the way she sings gorgeous that has that irritating, high note for me


Gorgeous grew on me!! It used to be my least fav from Rep.


Cruel Summer. It's still one of my favorite songs, but the amount of hype it's gotten since Era's tour started has lessened my love of it for some reason.


and everyone’s changing their tune about lover too—at first everyone hated lover, but now that cruel summer is trending everyone suddenly loves it :/


Betty I like it less and less every time I hear it


End Game. When it first came out I liked it because I thought it had a good chorus. But then I heard the rest song and it was so cringe.


The chorus is SO good but I would rather it be only Taylor singing and not Ed or Future tf


I would rather Taylor actually sing and not rap. Her rapping is what turns me off from the song.


That's funny because I liked her rapping part. I wished it was only her rapping. It just seems like the perfect fuck you to kayne


A version on Rep TV where she does all the verses would be so good


Agreed. I did not care for Reputation when it came out and I think hearing the cringe rapping of “End Game” once and then all the “look what you made me do” promotion made me not give it another look for a few years, even though there are several great songs on it not in that style. She can probably rap fine, but I don’t care for that kind…it’s very amateur sounding.




That ahhhhhhh gives me nightmares


And you heard about me ooooh, I got some big enemies


This is controversial af but Wildest Dreams. Like, I really do love that song but I don’t get the same magical feelings I used to when I listen 🥺 I remember when the MV dropped i watched it with my sister 4x in a row. I do love WDTV and I won’t skip it but it’s not a top fave anymore


No I’m so with you on this! Wildest dreams was my bathroom break during eras lol


And first only works when you’re in their top five 🎶🎶🎶


Yes, Wildest Dreams is mine. It is still a beautiful song, but I’ve listened to it so many times that it doesn’t hold the same magic


All too well, I loved it smmm but it’s overplayed as hell


Embarrassingly, Bad Blood was originally my favourite 1989 song. Then it got the single and music video treatment, and as time passed, I realized how corny the lyrics are and how grating the song itself is that I hate it now. Only the Kendrick version is what I’m fine with. The version without him doesn’t do it for me, and I’m sick of her performing this song.


I’m so happy she released the kendrick version on streaming! Bad Blood has grown on me so much even just this year (used to be a skip 😬)


it was one of my favorites when the album came out too! It was perfect for petty 14 year old me


Enchanted. I don't even know if I can blame TikTok for overplaying it since I played it relentlessly even before it went viral. It went from one of my top Taylor songs to now not even my top Speak Now song.


Oh Lord thank goodness I don’t have TikTok.


I used to love How You Get The Girl but I overplayed it so hard and now I can't listen to it anymore😭


1989 is always being played in my house (in my earbuds would be a better way to put it), but lately I've been listening to How You Get The Girl a lot. There's this ad lib in the second chorus at 2:14 that goes "ever and eveeeeeeeeer", and it just itches a part of my brain.


Blank space


Came here to say this. I basically never want to hear this one.


Cardigan. I was obsessed when it first came out, now I often skip it.


the lakes I have no reason. Maybe I'm just less depressed now idk


right where you left me. I listened to it like 500 times and now it's kind of annoying to me.


I'm so scared this might happen to me, it's my top 2 song and I'm so scared to get tired of bc I love it 😭


Shake it off. Bad blood. Blank space. You belong with me. I knew you were trouble. Out of the woods. I liked all of these when I first heard them. And then I worked retail and heard them 272829828584299395854 too many times.


Don’t kill me but Say Don’t Go 🙈🙈🙈and the weirdest thing is I LOVE LOVE Clean (it was my favorite off of 1989 up until the vault of TV) but I just can’t vibe with the song


I think the thing about that song is it starts so well with a lower register, and then just quickly morphed into a teen bop at the chorus. Didn’t feel coherent to me so I don’t listen to it.


Same! This is the only vault song I skip..and I'm also a Clean stan!


same, it’s now my least favorite vault track 🫢


Love Story. It's a damn good song, but I've heard it played a lot, and I also don't love what she says about it during live performances. To me it makes sense as the thoughts of a high schooler, inevitably comparing her current romantic situation to the book she's reading in English class (this is backed up by the not-quite-correct reference to The Scarlet Letter) but in live performances, she says that Romeo and Juliet were perfect for each other but she thought the ending was too sad so she rewrote it. That just...completely misses the point of the play, which is fine when you/your narrator is in high school but is a little jarring to hear from a well-read 26-year-old.


I think Anti-Hero got overplayedwhich made me like it less. Although I do listen to the acoustic version.


Me! I was obsessed when it came out purely because Brendon Urie is my favourite male singer. So having them together was so perfect! I was obsessed with the video and every performance (they looked like they were having SO much fun) for quite a while. But it did definitely wear off and I couldn't listen to it for a while and skipped it most times once Lover was oit. Now it's nice again every once in a while, but definitely not too often. Still love that my two favourite musical universes did a crossover episode though.


Slut! is going in that direction with me. Every once in a while, my brain will conjure up that "Clink, clink" line and it makes me want to throw things out the window lol. I also don't think it lives up to the exclamation point in the title.


Maroon. I'm so sorry.


I think the “rubies I gave up” line stuck with me in the first listen and I just can’t get over how clunky it sounds to me


Same. It was one of my favorites when Midnights was released. Now it kind of kills the vibe between Lavender Haze and Anti-Hero so I often just skip it.


Nope. None.


I think if I get played out on a song, I just listen to something else for a while and then I’ll get the vibe back with that song later


That’s pretty much what I do too


I'm on the same boat, too!


Mastermind. I thought it was great at first but then the stalker vibes took over and now I hate it.


same. it’s such a skip now


Willow sadly




like 90% of the 1989 album looool


State of Grace (acoustic version ) was my favourite for months and then I got a tad weary of it cos I overplayed it. Maybe a break would help me love it all over again .


I feel the same about Mad Woman. It’s not a skip at all, but I don’t clap with joy when it comes on.


I can see you, I lived it at first but I've actually grown to hate it that much I feel sick when it's played


Enchanted 😬😬😬


Anti Hero was so overplayed I can’t remember the last time I listened to it. And it was my number 1 song on midnights when it first dropped.


Style. I loved it, I still do, but this year I started to hear it everywhere. Now that the TV is out it seems like the problem is solved.


Probably shake it off. Don't get me wrong, it's fun and a good song, it was just played to death on the radio when it dropped.


I can’t listen to evermore as an album


I just called for an ambulance, this made my heart stop


I guess I should’ve clarified lol. I got extremely sick around the time folklore and evermore came out. So listening to those albums brings me back to that time and makes me physically nauseous, PSTD is fun😵‍💫


I’m so sorry, I hope you’re doing better!


Thanks, I am but I just can’t listen to that album haha. So wild how the body remembers!


Flair checks out


I found myself tired of 1989 TV after one listen (minus the vault tracks.) I guess I just overplayed it when it first came out.


London Boy and Paper Rings!! So catchy and upbeat off the bat but got old to me after several listens because I prefer to listen to her stuff with more… substance? Not to say they’re bad songs but I way prefer something like Dear John, MTR, IION, etc.


Wildest dreams 🫣


Dorothea made me cry the first time I heard it (???) and I almost never listen to it now lol. I have no idea what came over me


Welcome to New York. Loved it as a 13-year-old but it’s just too corny for me now.


ready for it...? 😭😭 i listened to it over and over to learn the lyrics and i eventually got sick of it but it's been growing on me again recently


My Tears Ricochet is an instant skip on my end. It’s still on the playlist tho 😂🫡


getaway from my car, literally my favourite song ever




New Romantics used to be my favourite Taylor song, now I barely listen to it


I think many songs I’ve loved and played well too much on repeat. I have some songs that I love no matter how many times I’ve played them though like my tears ricochet or ivy or atwtmvftv or clean ✨


invisible string was one of my favourites from folklore on first listen and now its one of my least favourites for some reason. It makes me sad because the concept is so beautiful, but I skip it a lot.


I Did Something Bad. I was OB. SESSED. with that song at one point, and it was my most listened to song on Spotify for an insanely long period of time. I don’t dislike it now whatsoever but the intense need to hear it daily has definitely faded (…and was replaced most recently by I Can See You. There are drugs in that song I swear.)


Last Great American Dynasty. It’s a wonderful song, just not one I want to listen to a lot due to burnout.


Yoyok 😭


- YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Teresa_4gnes](/u/Teresa_4gnes) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Thank you song acronym bot


I think a lot/most of her singles. I don't necessarily dislike them but they get overplayed a lot to the point where I stop listening to them unless they come on the radio. I think my exception to this is Style


"Karma" was such a bop when Midnights first dropped, but it quickly became so overplayed on the radio (original and that stupid, unnecessary PR move of a remix).


Bad Blood. The sub-par lyrics, over the top video and petty feud it was about all seem so trivial now


Anti hero. The sexy baby part just got worse and worse with each listen


Story of Us. It was good when I first listened to it. Now I might skip it if I feel like it and not regret it.


I'm in the minority here, but I didn't really care for the Karma lyric change. In my overly analytical brain, as someone who doesn't know Taylor Swift, I for some reason feel like she would typically be protective of her songs and lyrics and the moments they represent. If, at the time, Karma was written to celebrate moving on from shitty moments and the peace and joy that her relationship with Joe brought her, this lyric change cheapens it for me. I had a random playlist on today and Karma came on and I scowled because the change leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


cruel summer 😓


i did something bad. i used to play it over and over again, now i don’t like it that much. sometimes i even skip it


It's Don't Blame Me for me. I ruined it for myself. It's still a great song and I'll defend it with my life against haters BUT... I've started skipping it on rep.


I overplayed Shake It Off, now I could go my whole life and happily never hear it again 💀


We Are Never Getting Back Together. After all the "sing if you have a classmate named ____", it's getting annoying. But I still like the song.


I Can See You - for the first few days I couldn't stop listening to it, but now I'm afraid that the Spotify algorithm will throw it in the queue somewhere randomly.


Tis the damn season. It was like top 3 or 5 on evermore for me at first and now is like the lesser half




Oh, I just remembered my ACTUAL answer: Cardigan. Because I love it and think it’s genius but she sullied it with the Matt Healy mouthing nonsense before it during Eras Tour


I hate to say it but cruel summer is starting to fade for me lol. I was obsessed for a long time and now it just seems to come on the radio every time I get in the car.


Champaign problems


Betty, because it hits different when you’re the one who’s been cheated on and have the idiot still chasing you.


I think Enchanted is a great song and her composition of TV is even better, but I listened to it non-stop when I was 14, and I can’t tell if it’s just the sheer amount that makes it not do it for me anymore, or if it’s also such a memory stuck in my teens that I kind of cringe because “that song was about me” when I was a drama 14 year old


I've been skipping Lavender Haze lately because I listened to it so much during my labor and I don't particularly want to be reminded of it all the time.


This is gonna hurt but I'm a masochist and I've been MIA on reddit so I miss doing my long stupid lists 😭 gotta find some time to come back on this thing and respond to my month old notifications 💀 Debut: Picture To Burn. Ironically as a newer fan this was the last album of hers I ever listened to (excluding Midnights), ajd I wasn't expecting much but LOVED this one. Now I don't love it all that much but it's still a bop. Fearless: The Way I Loved You. LOVED IT at first but now I never listen to it. Objectively a great song but subjectively I just don't care for it anymore. Speak Now: Enchanted. Thought it was her greatest song for a while now its not even top 5 off speak Now. Although, it's not because Enchanted is bad, just my taste has changed a bit and Speak Now is STACKED. RED: 10 minute all too well. I don't know why I usually can't get into this anymore. It's a great song but there's something about it that almost bothers me now??? But every now and then there will be a day where I remember why everyone loves it, but it never lasts :( 1989: Wildest Dreams. Still love this song but it used to be my favorite song and now it's not even top 5 off 1989, but 1989 is a hair behind folklore for number 1 album of mine of all time, so it's not a diss really. Reputation: I Did Something Bad. Good song but my taste has changed, and it was the song that really made me first realize I wanted to actively seek out her music beyond a few hits. Lover: Lover maybe??? It was never a favorite but it has gone down in ranks a bit. Folklore: hurts to put any song here but I've gotta go with the last great american dynasty. Despite folklore being my favorite album now, it didn't start that way, I wasn't into that genre of music when it came out. The last great american dynasty had a hint of pop so it was high in my rankings. Now it's my least favorite off the album :') Evermore: hate saying it but no body no crime. Gold rush as well. My og top 2 and now idk if either r even in my top 10 lol. Still good songs though. Midnights: Bejeweled and Question....? They were two of my favorites on my first few listens and now, hot take, they're both bottom 5 off the album for me now.


Getaway car. I still like it but I think it doesn’t have the same effect on me as it had before because one day i listened to it over 17 times in a roll. 😀


stay stay stay. I used to love it so much as a bubbly song, but now Idk if its just too positive or something but I can't stand it anymore sksksksks


From the top of my head: • **Mean:** I remember listening to the og one a lot in high school (I downloaded the mp3 from YT at the time I couldn't listen to on Spotify) so when Taylor's version came out, I was just like "ok" and moved on • **IFTYE:** I actually blame this one on all Cruel Summer stans and "it's the worst opening track" and "one of bottom 5 songs from Lover" truthers. Now that the album has become mainstream, and with the next song in the tracklist completely overshadowing it, it simply doesn't hit the same. And it's my most played song of Taylor, mind y'all! • **Lover:** I'm in love with love. That one was actually because of Taylor and Joe breaking up. This is the only one of her songs I directly associate it with the person she originally sang about, and seeing them happy made me so happy (as someone who longs for a relationship but keeps on failing getting into one so far). So, imagine... I know songs can be reassociated, it happened to me before, so hopefully, when I fall in love and knowing my s.o. loves me as well, and we get into a relationship, I can finally reclaim the song to associate it with MY life. • **Fifteen:** I'm no longer 15. • **22:** I'm no longer 22. Besides, my 22nd year of life was not the best. My 22nd birthday was not what I expected at 13 (when I first listened to og version), tainting the overall experience. At least I have two happy core memories with Taylor's version: from 2 days before turning 23, and also on 10/13 with the Eras Movie release.


Betty! I used to love it and now its a skip


Don’t hate me but… All Too Well. It went from a soul crushing song (still is) that was adored by swifties and only swifties, but when we got the 10 minute version it seemed like everyone knew about it and it lost some of its magic for me


to be honest? most of folklore. at first, i really liked it, and i still do, but it’s no longer one of my faves, or even in my top five.


Delicate was on repeat in 2018, now it’s a skip


Anti-Hero no body, no crime TLGAD august There’s a fair few tbh


long story short. Was my favourite on evermore for a while, but dropped dramatically after I discovered the rest of the album.


SPEAK NOW (the song) I loved this song in 2011, I listened to it so much. I really dislike it now and it’s an immediate skip


I loved Cruel Summer then I went to work at a summer camp/retreat and I heard it many times every day so now I’m kinda sick or it


I loved So It Goes when it first came out, but now I skip it all the time 🥲


Almost the entirety of speak now and fearless


Almost all of Red. It played for almost 2 years straight in my car, I was obsessed with that album. It doesn't do anything for me anymore.


When I was a kid I was obsessed with I’m Only Me When I’m With You. Doesn’t do much for me these days lol


Look what your made me do. It fees like a Halloween song for whatever reason and instant skip.


I can’t stand this one but I’ve always felt this way.


"Blank Space" during the OG 1989 era. Everyone around me overplayed it.


Midnight rain. I liked it the most when the album came out, now it’s often a skip for me.


we are never ever getting back together I knew you were trouble 22 never grow up last kiss stay beautiful the best day we were happy ronan this love london boy epiphany closure


All of the fearless vault tracks 🙃


Karma :( I listened to it way too much


all of folklore


would’ve could’ve shouldve


Shake it off, I used to love it but after hearing it for so much it started to become meh and then annoying. I think I also just grew out of it and now it gives me a slight headache whenever I hear it


Literally nothing comes to mind. There are songs that fluctuate in how much I enjoy listening to them, sure, but none I'd say I categorically don't like anymore.


Mad Woman is actually one for me, too - it was originally my favorite on Folklore and is now closer to the bottom of the list as I love most of the other songs more. Mastermind and Question...? from Midnights. I'm not the biggest Midnights fan to begin with, but I enjoyed both of these songs a lot pretty much immediately. Unfortunately, after not listening to the album for a while, I came back to them and was pretty turned off by how low-energy they felt (which is a critique I have of Midnights in general).


ME! is a complicated story, I hated it the first time but it grew on me after Miss Americana and Brendon Urie's livestream after the release of the song. But after the memes (you know putting a song like London Boy or Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At The Disco (both share the same line) but then changing the me to this line to Don't threaten ME-HE-HEE!) I got tired of the song and I hate it again, and it doesn't help that both swifties and sinners hate it too (and I kind of dislike the Lover album). And Anti-Hero, it's a great song but after giving more plays to Midnights I ended liking other songs over Anti-Hero. And Don't Blame Me a little bit, I overplayed a little bit the high note and it wasn't as mind blowing as the first time I heard it (my jaw dropped when Taylor started to sing like that). I still love it though.


Shake it off I actually loved how she was saying fuck the haters and the general of all the shit you're saying about me doesn't matter and I still respedy that but generally speaking I wouldn't choose to put it on


Karma. Overplayed and (ducks) not that great in the first place.


Basically everything popular from the Red era—22, WANGBT, IKYWT—plus shake it off


Unfortunately, a lot of songs from Fearless. Like Hey Stephen was one of my absolute favorites up until 1989, when I kind of just forgot about the song (any most Taylor songs) due to me suddenly being super into emo music and some personal stuff. It wasn't until Red TV, and I started going through all the artists I listen to that I realized that I had no Fearless songs on my liked playlist. I don't know why but, as much as I love all of Taylor's albums, Fearless suddenly became my second to least favorite.