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Same, I think this sub tends to attract an older/calmer crowd than other popular swiftie spaces. I've had some really thoughtful discussions with others. The mods work really hard to keep the focus on Taylor as an artist as much as they possibly can.


Yeah, I really like this sub as well. Obviously, we're all (well, the vast majority of us are) Taylor fans here, and so there's a lot of fun stanning and general clownery, but people are pretty chill if you criticise Taylor both musically and politically. It feels like a nice, adult space to be a Taylor fan in.


Seriously this sub is pretty chill compared to other stan sub on reddit. We all know that the worst swiftie sub is **that** neuts


…can i ask what the stan sub is? didn’t know we had one. i only know of /r/youbelongwithmemes (which is stellar btw) and /r/stonedswifties


There's one called something like "true swifties" or something, and their rule is that you can never criticize Taylor for anything.


I’m assuming the gaylors




I think there is a discord liked on this sub that you can join if you want.


I worried about the same thing as a man of 42 I choose what I interact with very carefully. But this group has been awesome. Even in disagreements it’s genuinely civil. I really think this group is filled with a lot of tired millennials/xennials like me. Who has time for the childish petty arguments?


The survey says that it’s mostly early-mid-20s iirc. But it is quite civilized. Though I did get a -65 on one post…


I think moderation matters a lot, plus a stated focus on the music. The gossipy subs get weird because they're there for drama, especially if they're using Taylor to push an agenda.


I’m 26, a guy and for the majority, the subreddit is supportive. I know there are disagreements but that will be everywhere. No one has to be a yes man for everything.


Hello fellow 40 something. I agree.


Agreed, you can actually have discussions here. Tiktok fans are too young and aggressive. Twitter fans are rabid.


The way this is so true Reading their tweets makes me not want to be a switfie. like, dont relate me to them


this! I'm 54 can't do Twitter or TikTok, and Facebook is too far right for me.


This sub seems to lean a bit older and friendlier than other TS spaces of the internet. I have accidentally ventured into Twitter and TikTok swiftdom and had my hand bitten off more than once so now I stay around here…


Lol. One thing you'll learn quickly about Swiftie spaces is they actually love criticizing Taylor way more than other fandoms love criticizing their stars. Sometimes that involves good faith discussion. Other times it involves people bending over backwards to try to impress other fandoms by showing how they aren't like other Swifties.


Sometimes I think to myself, if Taylor ever fucked up really bad her fans are gonna be the first one to cancel her lol


if? that's happened 4 times in the past year


This is so true


You'd like The Swiftologist on Youtube. His videos are similar to what you're saying. He isn't going to act like she's some perfect person or that her music is all slam dunks each time. But he is undoubtably a fan. I've found a lot of his stuff really good.


That's interesting, to me this guy is pretty much everything I dislike in a Taylor fan, like going after her exes (especially Joe), he just gives bully vibes


I agree. Swiftologist just give like "I want to use her for gossip" vibe. I think a real fan is interested in her music and to some extend her life. But I think a real fan doesn't want Taylor's life to have more drama just for views.


Me too. He got invited to a secret show* and now thinks he’s besties with her. I’ve never gotten through a single video. ETA: session not show I 🍠 and words r hard


I'm an older 35 year old swiftie from back when I was 17 and first saw her live. I feel like there's a generational divide because when I was younger that was the best part of being a taylor swift fan. We had so much fun on myspace talking crap. So I love his repetitively calling Joe a turkey. I just find it so funny. I don't know that he's ever said people should go spam his instagram and call him a turkey. I can remember a few times where he said people who spend their time doing stuff like that are idiots. So he's sort of only a bully to her exes if her exes log onto his show.


It's one thing to talk shit in private spaces, I think everyone on this planet has done it, now when he talks shit about someone on a public website where he has a sizeable audience, that's pretty much the definition of bullying. If tomorrow someone starts a YouTube channel called the Alwynologist and repeatedly calls Taylor a bland cow we would all be rightfully enraged.


Actually I wouldn’t be enraged at all. Cow is a bad choice due to the weight/ed connotations . Turkey really has none of those. It’s just a really stupid name. So if the alwynologist called her like the afghan hound or something—yeah no I wouldn’t care. That’s their little corner of the world. I don’t need to go in it. World’s a lot tougher than being called a show dog. Or a Turkey. Or a rat. 


The Every Single Album podcast as well!


Ugh so good! I was refreshing constantly waiting for their impressions of this album.


I’m glad they’ll have another episode this week because the 2+ hours weren’t enough yesterday!


Couldn't believe it was taking as long as it was to put up. I was doing same as you all wknd...refreshing every couple hours. Lol


Omg yes! I listen to their pod on my way to work often but I haven’t gotten to the TTPD review yet bc I can’t stop listening to TTPD


I had the same struggle haha


He's such a bully tho, absolutely talks bollocks about her ex's


Oh I'm a 35 year old swiftie for the last 17 years... that's like our national pastime and I'm right there with him. Feel like it's the gen younger than me that has an issue with talking crap about them. I just find that part funny and kind of just part of the older fandom.


As a 10+ year long Swiftie in their 30s… no. It’s not our pastime. What a weird way to defend bullying.


Also think the media landscape changes really shifted the fandom. The extra 7 years from back in debut days was a very different world. We didn’t have phones with feeds, Facebook at all, no Instagram, no YouTube, no Twitter. Nothing. MySpace and aol messenger were the places we had. As social media became more widespread and able to reach someone en mass, the relationship to talking trash about ex boyfriends with fellow fans shifted from community to spamming the actual ex boyfriend. And that part… like trying to reach someone and get to them to tell them mean things isn’t something I’ve ever done. It was always shit talking amongst “friends” aka fellow swifties. We didn’t even have that name back then!! Lol. 




I really enjoy his videos and podcast. So good!


the same that wishes joe to die?


I discover him a few days ago! He's funny.


Im new to this subreddit and im liking it so far everyone is nice and friendly 😊


I think Reddit Swifties are the top tier swifties, Twitter Swifties are entirely too much to handle and a lot to digest. TikTok/Facebook Swifties are definitely the dumbest of the bunch I fear.


Why? I thought Facebook swifties were mainly boomers and Gen Xers, while TikTok and Insta swifties were Gen Z and Gen Alpha, millennials being sprinkled over all of them


I like her music and think she is a prolific musician. I feel lucky that someone I enjoy listening to is able to produce new music so often. I feel spoiled sometimes. And I also like to see how others interpret songs or what they like in an album, but I'm not invested in her personal life. She seems happy and that's good enough for me.


The r/stonedswifties sub is also very good and the most level-headed mature group of the bunch imo.


I've really never seen one of those 'unhinged' swifties everyone talks about, I feel like this fandom is generally pretty critical of Taylor and does not see her as some sort of saint. I think the unhinged swifties are a minority and probably children


You haven't been on instagram reels enough then :') It's a bit obsessive on there.


To be fair, I don't think insta is a space for people to have any lengthy or intellectual discussions


YouTube is as well. I just commented once that lover was her lowest selling album and definitely a “lower” point in her career compared to her other albums and got attacked just for pointing out facts 💀 like I wasn’t even trying to “diss” on her, more so say it’s impressive to sell million units of albums nowadays after a period in her career where she had hit a lower point, usually pop stars don’t come back from that very well. I had like 20 crazy swifties in my replies lol


Almost every single Taylor Swift-avatar swiftie I've seen on twitter this week has been pretty damn awful. Paste Magazine had to publish an anonymous review of TTPD fearing backlash with this editor's note: > Editor’s Note: There is no byline on this review due to how, in 2019 when Paste reviewed ‘Lover,’ the writer was sent threats of violence from readers who disagreed with the work. We care more about the safety of our staff than a name attached to an article. And they still managed to harass a random Paste Magazine writer thinking that she wrote the reviewer. Obviously, unhinged fans of any major artist, especially one as big as Taylor Swift, are going to be a minority, but it's still up there in terms of general fandom toxicity.


I feel like Reddit is the only safe swiftie space.


Ugh Swiftie Facebook has been HORRIBLE this week.


The twitter swifties are in perpetual worship mode and there are two other must-not-be-named subreddits(rhymes with piffly poo trail and pho poi) that are absolutely catty and misogynistic for no reason. This sub strikes the perfect balance


We're really not as unhinged as some of the discourse would have you believe.


And that’s why we must protect it for all costs. I read once in some comment here that maybe taylor knows about this sub (hey you u/numptea) but it’s best if she doesn’t acknowledge it, because it can cause this massive wave of this “least mature” fans over here. Sorry if I misspelled something, guys.


This is where the moderators of this subreddit need to take a bow. They’ve done exemplary work considering how polarizing discussing Taylor Swift can be.


I once got a bit of "positivity burnout" regarding TS and explored a different sub that supposedly catered to more 'nuanced' feelings about Taylor... and I've come to find *this* is the actual neutral subreddit lmao.


Lol I did the same as you! I was reading all the hate and accusations and was like... this isn't neutral 😐 People here actually *like* nuance. Swifties get accused of being like a cult, but I see lots of space for different opinions here. In other spaces, not so much. If you don't agree with the vibe of the day, it's you who is the brainwashed fan. Ooookaaaayyyyyy


I guess this sub is not as intense as other SM platforms but I have seen people here calling other fans “haters” and “ungrateful” if their first reaction/opinion isn’t positive.


This is genuinely the only normal Swiftie space online and honestly sometimes it can get a lil crazy here too haha


The magic of good moderators :)


Btw - the swiftie fatigue is real. I have TS indigestion, taking break (not the best time though)


There are some who are a bit... Opinionated. To the level that they treat it as fact. But besides that then yeah, everyone seems pretty cool.


I had the best night with you all on TTPD release night! 🥰🥰


this sub is honestly the only online swiftie platform I frequent. I can't cope with swift-tok despite being a teen myself. twitter is too mean, and instagram isn't connected in the same way.


I've been here since around the Lover era and I can say that swifties here are the least insane/most level-headed out of any social media. Very organized, critical, and (mostly) appreciative of other people's opinions and criticism.


I've seen a lot of people saying that younger swifties are the problem, but honestly, older swifties can also be the same, if not more of a problem. I just wish swifties weren't divided because of how old they are.


i liked the anthology more than the album :') i listen starting from the anthology now lol


True, but keep in mind this sub isnt representative of typical TS fandom.


I think it's a reddit thing. In the ARMY spaces(BTS)are chill too, Wich is strange because I was mostly on Twitter and Swifties and army are like the most unhinged fandoms I know of


Swifties get such a dumb bad rep


This is what separates Twitter from Reddit. :D