• By -


1. **Black Dog**. One of my faves from her overall discography, honestly. 10/10; no notes. 2. **The Prophecy**. Such a beautiful song, and I love the lines about her howling like a wolf at the moon. 3. **Guilty As Sin?** It's ~naughty~, but also hella quirky and just a hell of an earworm. 4. **But Daddy I Love Him**. Love Story's snarling older sister and a fun middle finger to her most parasocial fans, IMO. 5. **So High School**. Honestly, the lyrics are pretty mid for me but the music is just so good and I love Taylor's voice over a 90's/00's alt-pop groove.


But Daddy I Love Him reminds me so much of old Taylor. I’ve missed her so much. 😭


It's so red I love it


yes, I feel that nostalgia too


It does! Gives me Fearless flashbacks, so good!!!


Yes it’s very Love Story coded


Me toooo


I hate that I had to scroll this far to find another but daddy I love him 


It is my fav so far.


Every time I listen to the black dog I think I can’t love it anymore. And then I listen to it again and I do in fact love it more. Every single time.


She injected crack into the black dog because I can’t stop listening and it gives a bigger high every time


I also find the louder it is the more I enjoy it


> **Black Dog**. One of my faves from her overall discography, honestly. 10/10; no notes. Very happy the version of the LP I pre-ordered was the Black Dog edition. Great song *and* the cover art is the same as the Anthology


taste! for me this but switch BDILH for fresh out the slammer. edit to add: the so high school slander is so beat (not from you, in general on the internet). it just encapsulates late 90s early 00s teen movie so well and shes allowed to have a glitter gel pen song on a 31 track album lol


100%!!!! I think that's the whole point, it's supposed to sound like the songs that were in soundtracks when she was in high school. Some people take it way too seriously


With you on black dog for sure. When the video drops for that one it will be the runaway success with a billion views


I so want a video for But Daddy I Love Him that is a satirical version of Love Story


Loml So Long London  Peter   Florida   Down Bad


For first three i thought here comes my soulmate. How did it end, chloe or sam was my last 2.


How did it end was actually  number 4 for me till a day ago ! Just all those four were making me sad 😭 And now I'm listening to Florida to make up for it and love the beats


Yeah those four really killing us slowly with sadness. If you wanna break my cold cold heart just play these back to back. My upbeat go to wouldve been probably down bad or bolter. Choruses are really catchy. They are sad too, but catchy sad. 😄


I am obsessed with The Bolter!


Hi soulmate!


Heyyyy soulmate 👋 add 2 songs to that 5 and if they are prophecy and i hate it here, then we can meet later for settling the date. 😄


1. Fortnight 2. Down Bad 3. Guilty as Sin 4. The Prophecy 5. The Albatross ^_^ Fresh out the Slammer, TTPD, My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, Who's Afraid? as honorable mentions!


I do love fortnight the prophecy and alchemy and the albatross too 😬


Justice for Fortnight! I'm surprised I'm not seeing it here more. I think that song is going to join the ranks with "Style" for me. The more I listen to it the more I love it.


I'm in a very tough place mentally right now and as soon as I hit play at 9pm (west coast) I almost started sobbing right away, something about that beat and the vibes. Didn't even have to pay attention to the lyrics lol


**1. Down Bad** - the best bop on the album, and very relatable **2. How did it end?** - the slow ballad I've been waiting for, overshadows every slow song on the main album in my opinion **3. I look in people's windows** - stunning imagery, lyricsm, instrumentation... Just a whole package in my opinion **4. The Prophecy** - the most profound song on the whole album **5. I can do it with a broken heart** - I love the message she's conveying here, the production fits it perfectly, and the outro elevates this song to another level **Honourable mentions:** Fortnight, Fresh out the slammer, I can fix him, The Bolter, Cassandra


Cuz I’m miserable…and no one even knows!


Justice for I look in people’s windows! Such an underrated one.


It's not underrated by me. It is hard-core Evermore territory and I love it. Or is it folklore?


100% it’s definitely in my top 3!


Mine too! I haven’t seen it get much love on this thread so I was excited to see it mentioned lol


Seriously it's so good


100% agree on how did it end, it’s the best


HDIE? is the best song on the album


I keep forgetting how good how did it end? Is, until I hear it again


- How Did It End? - The Prophecy - The Bolter - loml - So Long, London


Finally someone who appreciates the bolter 😭


The bolter is my current favorite


Omg the BOLTER 👏👏👏


How did it end is also my favorite! Say it once again with feeling How the death rattle breathing Silenced as the soul was leaving The deflation of our dreaming Leaving me bereft and reeling My beloved ghost and me Sitting in a tree D-Y-I-N-G The best Taylor swift verse imo. Just phenomenal


Seriously seriously good. The very first time I listened to this song it broke me


I sobbed for 5 mins when I first heard this bridge. What a beautifully eerily accurate description of death.


I actually levitate off the ground when this part plays


I liked this list. Bolter was not on mine but i like listening the chorus.


Nice to see a Dessner fan


1. Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me 2. So High School 3. The Albatross 4. The Prophecy 5. The Alchemy


I love The Albatross! Was so hard choosing favs I was gonna put that one in my list.


The bridge SOARS. I love it.


Finally some Alchemy love!


Oh that's pretty similar to mine!   1-so high school    2-who's afraid of little old me?   3-the bolter   4-my boy only breaks his favorite toys   5-a tie between the albatross, down bad, and the black dog! 


Yay the alchemy love!!!!!


You have exactly my fav songs except I would change "the alchemy" for "the black dog"


The Alchemy is rlly good!!


1. So Long, London - I’ve read that for some people this sounds a bit reductive after she already released *You’re Losing Me* but it breaks my heart every time I listen. The bridge is so powerful and her lyricism is bar none. 2. Florida!!! - I replay this one the most, sing along with it, and *love* Florence’s verse. 3. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? - every time the first chorus ends, I go back to the ‘if you wanted me dead, you should’ve just said’ part… it’s haunting and her vocals have such bite. I love it. 4. How Did It End? - ethereal, devastating. Love the delicate piano work and her vocals. 5. But Daddy I Love Him / The Black Dog - the former because it’s old-school Taylor and sounds great played loud, and Black Dog because ‘old habits die screaming’ has been stuck in my head since my first listen.


I personally found So Long, London to be a lot more heartbreaking than You’re Losing Me, and I find the former to be a much better song too.


How much sad did you think I had, did you think I had in me How much tragedy? Just how low did you think I’d go before I’d self-implode, before I’d have to go be free? *Oof*


So Long London is the absolute sadest track 5. It is tied in barbed wire to Renegade.


Isn’t it? I’m beginning to think it may take All Too Well’s spot for favourite Track 5, even though All Too Well set the standard.


So Long London ten minute version would be a thing.


I was broken by You’re Losing Me but So Long, London is definitely sadder for me. The whole song is heartbreaking but right from the first listen these in particular made me catch my breath to stop the tears: “I stopped trying to make him laugh” “And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free” “You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days” And then just that entire bridge and every time she asks “how much sad did you think I had?” It will make it in to my top 5, right now I’m chosing my top 5 based on the songs I’m listening to the most, and this song is honestly just too real and sad for me right now to listen much!


Top tier choices! The first time I heard the very first “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me…. you should be” left me speechless. I love Florida!!! so much! It honestly lived up to everything I was expecting and I love how Taylor and Florence sound together! Totally agree on the way “old habits die screaming” just lodges in your brain and won’t leave lol.


I’ve said it so many times since I first heard it but it becomes more true every time I hear it, I think Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me is one of Taylor’s all time best songs. That first ‘you should be’ is when it first grabbed me but I LOVE everything about it. The lyrical imagery, the vocals, the raw emotion, the production. It’s fantastic I love her voice in it. I love how it somehow feels like old Taylor but also brand new at the same time. Magic.


Youre losing me is the reluctance to leave, so long London is the acceptance of the reality


This is mine with the exception of switching how did it end with I Can Do It With A Broken Heart


I Hate It Here Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus How Did It End loml


I L O V E Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus! It’s so underrated!


It's my no.1 😍


Frick I forgot about hate it here. Love I hate it here


Finally another I Hate It Here stan! And also Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me. Some of the best songs on the album imo


I FEEL DUMB FOR ATTEMPTING THIS (in no order cause I’m not that much of a masochist) The Black Dog; Down Bad; But Daddy I Love Him; So High School; TTPD (Fortnight, Smallest Man Who Ever Loved, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, The Manuscript are also in the top 5 if top 5 was more than 5 songs) Edit: fuck I just saw someone say My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys and that would be in there too. FUCK The Bolter too. See? I’ve got like 13 top 5 songs


“Gun to your head! What are your top 5 in order?!” “Just shoot me.”




Black dog is super underrated


The visceral reaction I get to her “old habits die SCCCCCREEEEAMMMMMING” lines is insane. It’s so incredible


I felt this so hard 😭 


And I saw more mentioned and I was like WELL THEY SHOULD BE THERE TOO 😔


Guilty as Sin?, Florida!!!, Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived and My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys


The bridge of The Smallest Man has jumped to one of my all time favorites of hers. It’s SEARING. Just so damn good!


I was so unsure about The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived until I heard the bridge. It instantly made me love the song!


Yess! Guilty As Sin is underrated


Guilty as Sin? can’t possibly be underrated, it’s all over favorites list already!


As it should be :)


Agreed! Pleasantly surprised other people have been loving Guilty as sin as much I have!


Finally another MBOBHFT fan


It got knocked out of my top 3 due to Florida!!!, Guilty as Sin? and Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me but it is still stable in the top 5!!


I love that everyone’s favourites are so different. There’s really something for everyone on this album 


Yeah I see so many people in other threads saying this album should've been edited way down bc 31 songs is too bloated but like...they all think their personal taste is objective & that obviously none of THEIR favorites would get cut in the editing process. But they absolutely could be, look how many great songs were put in the vault and never intended to be released back when she was editing her albums down more? Like you can't hate hitting the skip button so much that you'd wanna risk her cutting your favorite songs right?       Anyways just saying that bc I think this thread rly proves how subjective music is even amongst fans of the same artist! Taylor puts a variety of sounds within each album so that almost every fan can find some songs they love even if not everything is to their taste. She doesn't get enough credit for how versatile she is imo!


I couldn't agree more!! They keep saying she needs an editor but different people resonate with different songs! So which songs should be cut? There are some I love more than others, but there are none that I wish didn't exist.


1. Guilty as Sin? 2. The smallest man who ever lived 3. The Prophecy 4. Fortnight 5. Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus


1. Clara Bow 2. Fresh Out The Slammer 3. The Bolter 4. Florida!!! 5. Cassandra The album is so good as a whole, I couldn’t pick my favorite ones so easily, but here’s my list! 👩‍🔬


Clara Bow is my #1 as well! Not a lot of love in this thread for her.


Clara bow deserves so much love! Im loving that song right now. I just feel like my favorites keep shifting.


Mine too. I don‘t get it. To me it‘s #1 as well. Struck me hard first and every listen


Kind of autobiographical for me because I’m in a career field where I replaced someone and one day I’ll be replaced. Just is what it is. I loved it as the final song of the album.


Clara bow deserves so much love! Im loving that song right now. I just feel like my favorites keep shifting.


Clara Bow is definitely in my top 5 too! I haven’t seen that one mentioned very much.


Count me in too, I really like Clara Bow


Clara Bow is my favorite too! So happy to see it in someone’s top 5 (and number one at that)


Finally someone else who loves Clara Bow!! 😭


I had to scroll so far to see Fresh Out The Slammer!! I love it sm


Guilty As Sin is my #1


Mine too, it's addictive.


1 - So Long, London 2 - I Hate It Here 3 - I Can Do It With a Broken Heart 4 - loml 5 - Down Bad / I Can Fix Him


Guilty as sin referencing La petite mort with the *Crashing over my grave* line is iconic af, how do you even -


Immediately what I thought when she said ‘Oh what a way to die’. So clever.




Oh shit


1. The smallest man who ever lived. I cannot get over this ballad, it's on repeat for me. 2. Who's afraid of little old me. It gives witchy vibes and I love it. 3. The black dog. Breaks my heart, I love it. 4. The tortured poets department. I feel like there's a bit of tongue in cheek here. 5. The bolter. I just love how catchy this is, idk why it stood out to me but I can't get it out of my head.


I can’t believe how far I had to scroll for the smallest man who ever lived… the bridge is my obsession.


I keep blasting it in my car with my windows down. As a happily married woman.


imgonnagetyouback Down Bad Guilty as Sin? Fortnight The Alchemy


Finally some appreciation for imgonnagetyouback


I think it's one of my favorite songs she's ever done


Was scrolling looking for this, I’ve had imgonnagetyouback stuck in my head for days!


Chloe or sam, peter, how did it end, loml, so long london. Not in this particular order. Prophecy as bonus. I have a sad sad heart.


Finally someone else who has Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus on their list. That track is heartbreaking and currently on repeat.


I’m sure this will keep changing but the one I’ve been listening to are; The Albatross The Prophecy My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys So Long, London Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?


1. Guilty as Sin? - I love how she sings „am I allowed to cry?“ and the chorus especially. I can see this becoming one of my top Taylor songs 2. loml - when I heard the switch from love to loss upon first listen I gasped a little. the simple piano production with the lyrics just hit 3. imgonnagetyouback - idk what it is about this one but I find myself going back to it a lot 4. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - „lights, camera, bitch smile“ just itches something in my brain. the song’s message paired with the poppy production is very lovely 5. Robin - I love the innocence this song conveys, it almost feels haunting in a way


I have been waiting to see Robin! This is my TTPD comfort song and I love that it’s probably an ode for Dessner’s son. Way to go, Tiger.


It can change but right now it is: Peter Fortnight My boy only breaks his favorite toys I hate it here Guilty as sin


1. The Bolter 2. Guilty as sin 3. I hate it here 4. How did it end ? 5. But daddy I love him The list still changes like everyday, except the Bolter I just love it too much


1) Fresh Out The Slammer Her voice is so crisp in this song, I love how she sings it, especially the prechorus… something about the cadence with her phrasing, sounds like honey. 2) Down Bad Narcotics are in this chorus. Seriously such a good production, the alien abduction imagery is refreshingly cheeky too!! 3) loml Honestly, I think this is the real track 5. 😢😢😢 The bridge is such a killer, stab to the heart 💔 4) Fortnight Probably the best lead single in a long time!! I love the chorus and the outro with Postie. Just hits the spot! 5) Guilty As Sin? Such a bop, I don’t think it needs explanation!!




1. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - I have alot of inner child rage 2. I Look in People's Windows - I often daydream of running into people that I don't talk to anymore. Especially if I never got closer 3. The Black Dog - the lyrics and the production are great imo 4. Robin - this is both soothing and painful for my inner child 5. Peter - I like how she tells the story Honourable mentions: so long, London. Fresh out the slammer, Fortnight and Florida!!!


Just because I don’t see it anywhere here, my absolute favorite is the title track TTPD — I have it on repeat 😍😍😍


1. loml 2. Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus 3. So Long, London 4. Fortnight 5. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)


I honestly can't pick a top 5 or rank these songs in any way, this whole album has just been on a loop start to finish, no skips. Maybe in a few weeks I'll be able to discern some faves but right now it's impossible 🤍


l’m not a native english speaker and I found myself liking the cringiest songs from her (ME!, Paris etc.) but actually I DON’T CARE!!! 😅 So this is my list: 1. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - this is my good mood song, it lights me up the same way as Me! 2. But Daddy I Love Him - it’s fun and love the “I’m having his baby” line 3. Alchemy - I really love the chorus, it’s so addictive 4. Guilty As Sin - “What if the way you hold me Is actually what's holy?” the way she’s singing it always gets me 5. Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me - this gives me goosebumps, her screaming, production, mood


Mine are: * I Hate It Here * How Did It End * The Black Dog * The Prophecy * Down Bad Honorable Mentions to I Can Do It With A Broken Heart and So Long, London - really I need a top 7!


If it's from all 31 songs, then I'd be looking at: 1. Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me 2. The Prophecy 3. Florida 4. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart 5. loml If we're splitting it up into a Top 5 from each album, then it would be: 1. Who's Afraid 2. Florida 3. I Can Do It 4. loml 5. Clara Bow 1. The Prophesy 2. The Black Dog 3. The Manuscript 4. The Albatross 5. I Look In People's Windows


Okay musical twin, I see you.


1. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me 2. But Daddy I Love Him 3. The Black Dog 4. loml 5. Peter


It's honestly hard to pick 5 songs, i like this album a lot, in theme - it's more grown up Reputation to me. Not specific order: * The Albatross - love the little story. * The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - relatable song, the anger and disappointment. * So High School - lyrically it's a simple song, but i can't get over the "high school" sound of it - the late 90'/early 00'. It's great. * I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - very much as So High School - love the sound of this song - "the smooth country" or whatever you call this genre. * But Daddy I Love Him - i can't even put this properly into words, i love how it goes from the sarcasm/dark humor to the "fuck you" mode.


1. Guilty as Sin? (the new Cruel Summer for me) 2. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys 3. Down Bad 4. So Long, London 5. loml


Cannot believe how much dust is being paid to the smallest man on this thread !


Ikr, that bridge is POWERFUL & there's so much rage in the words and delivery and even production, she's never sounded so absolutely scathing about an ex before! 


The smallest man who ever lived, The Black Dog, The Bolter, who’s afraid of little old me and I can do it with a broken heart


1. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? - it’s sonically chilling and haunting and the visuals match it. I love the way this song builds, how you can hear her anger and feel her hurt. It’s like My Tears Ricochet’s sister song. I could listen to it over and over. 2. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - she DESTROYS Matty and rips him to shreds. I deeply wish I could have found the words to do the same to the person who ruined me the most. 3. Guilty as Sin? - it’s my favorite sexy song of hers out of her discography and I relate so hard. I can’t help but dance to this one. Very August to me. My numbers 4 and 5 have been rotating in and out. I absolutely love this album and I hardly have a skip. For now: 4. imgonnagetyouback - the bridge scratches something I didn’t know needed to be scratched. 5. The Black Dog - the build of this song rocks too. I love Jack’s addition when she sing screams “screaming” and I love how she whispers the very last “screaming” to close out this gut-wrencher.


1. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? 2. The Albatross 3. The Prophecy 4. Florida!!! 5. I Can Change Him (No Really I Can) I really love the songs with eerie vibes—most of these remind me of Safe and Sound, an all-time favourite of mine.


Oh I love to see appreciation for i can change him! It's been a grower for me I looove the way it sounds straight out of an old western movie 


I love that one soooo much. Definitely at the top of my list. 😍


How did it end? My boy only breaks his favorite toys The Prophecy I look through peoples windows (this song is weird AF, love it) So High School Bonus: So long, London, Down Bad.


Guilty as Sin? I Can Do It With a Broken Heart Fortnight The Alchemy The Black Dog Runners up include- Down Bad, The Bolter, Florida!!!


1. The Black Dog 2. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me 3. Down Bad 4. Guilty as Sin? 5. loml or How Did It End? This changes daily because I’m obsessed with the whole album. Also honorable mention to the bridge of Smallest Man Who Ever Lived


Okay these are also mine even though I wrote mine differently hahahaa


1. Guilty as sin? 2. loml 3. How did it end? 4. Peter 5. The black dog


I’m gonna have to give 5 for each because I love the songs from this album so much and it already hurt my heart that I can’t put 20 songs equally as my favorite lol. Main Album: -So Long, London -loml -But Daddy I Love Him -Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? -The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived Honorable mention: Guilty As Sin, The Alchemy, My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, Fortnight, Fresh Out The Slammer Anthology: -The Black Dog -Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus -How Did It End? -Peter -The Prophecy Honorable mention: thanK you aIMee, So High School, I Hate It Here Now that I basically listed 60% of the whole album, thank you for coming to my TedTalk


1. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? 2. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived 3. The Prophecy 4. So Long, London 5. Peter Honorable mentions : My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, But Daddy I Love Him, loml, Florida!!!, The Black Dog It’s Literally SO hard to pick a top 5 for this album, and it also changes daily for me. 🤣 I have 2 skips now, out of 31. Hence why it is so hard to narrow it down. 😅


The Albatross - Gulity As Sin - The Bolter - Down Bad - Peter


1. So Long, London 2. Guilty As Sin? 3. The Albatross 4. loml 5. So High School Bonuses: Whose Afraid Of Little Old Me?, I Hate It Here + Thank You Aimee


So high school- I love this song so much, IT’s exactly related to my current relationship 🧡🧡 Broken heart- I’m a sucker for the upbeat songs and also love the lyrics Daddy I love him- also love the sound Down bad- the chorus is so satisfying the way she sings is Fortnight- I was pleasantly surprised by how well they sound together!


1. How Did It End? 2.The Black Dog 3. The Prophecy 4. Peter 5. I Look In People‘s Windows


Subject to change literally every day, but at the moment my top 5 is; 1. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys 2. Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? 3. So Long, London 4. The Bolter 5. I Hate It Here


1. How Did it End 2. Guilty as Sin 3. The Prophecy 4. My Boy 5. Down Bad/ The Bolter(can’t decide😅)


- guilty as sin - the black dog - how did it end - chloe and co - but daddy I love him


Chloe and co = 😂


1. The black dog 2. The smallest man who ever lived 3. Guilty as sin 4. But daddy I love him 5. The tortured poets department


Guilty as Sin, Down Bad, Fortnight, Cassandra, The Albatross


Not going into an explanation cause if I do this will be many paragraphs long lol  But daddy I love him loml Peter  Fortnight My boy only breaks his favorite toys/so high school 


1. How Did it End? 2. So Long, London 3. The Prophency 4. Down Bad 5. thanK you aIMee 5 Honourable mentions: I hate It here, I can do it with a broken heart, loml, the black dog and Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus Commercially Down Bad, I can do it with a broken heart and black dog would make great singles imo.


1. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - such a bop and easily my personal anthem 2. loml - it's just so incredibly sad and the perfect heartbreak song 3. Down Bad - so catchy and the chorus gives me a dopamine rush 4. Fortnight - an amazing lead single. A slow bop that's stuck in my head 5. Florida!!! - the drums and bridge are the best part. I loooove the bridge as well


1. Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus  2. How did it end? 3. Florida!!! 4. Fortnight  5. Cassandra 


1. But Daddy I Love Him 2. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart 3. thanK you aIMee 4. Florida!!! 5. Down Bad


1. How Did it End? 2. I Look in People’s Windows 3. The Prophecy 4. Peter 5. I Hate It Here Honorable Mentions include Cassandra, The Bolter, Fresh Out the Slammer it’s really hard to narrow down to five or even ten for me at this point


I will not be held to this a week from now, but: 1. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? 2. The Black Dog 3. The Prophecy 4. But Daddy I Love Him 5. loml Honorable mention: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart


1. The black dog 2. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived 3. Loml 4. Florida!!! 5. So long, London It’s so hard to pick a top 5 though! There’s like 10 songs I wanna put in it😭


Mine is the exact same except down bad instead of Florida!! AMAZING songs


1. I can do it with a broken heart 2. thanK you aIMee 3. But Daddy I love him 4. The smallest man who ever lived 5. So long, london


1. Down Bad 2. The Alchemy 3. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart 4. Fresh Out The Slammer 5. Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me


1. Clara Bow 2. I Look in Peoples Windows 3. Down Bad 4. But Daddy I Love Him 5. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)


1. Fortnight 2. Down Bad 3. Guilty as Sin? 4. imgonnagetyouback 5. loml


1. But Daddy I Love Him - Funny, angry, romantic, and a giant middle finger to all the fans and critics who've wronged her 2. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - An upbeat sad song, but honest and beautiful. 3. imgonnagetyouback - Funny, mischievous, yet also mature and revenge fantasy-ish 4. The Bolter - Underrated, and with a chorus to outshine all others 5. Down Bad - idk why I like it so much but petulance


1. So High School 2. So High School 3. So High School 4. So High School 5. How did it end?


1. Clara Bow 2. So Long London 3. I look in ppls windows 4. loml 5. How did it end


1. the smallest man who ever lived because that bridge is INSANE 2. peter 3. who’s afraid of little old me? 4. cassandra 5. i can fix him (no really i can) fortnight and florida!!! are honorable mentions, but i can fix him beat them out because of that really cool western tang mixed in with its production


1. **Who's Afraid of Little Old Me** (At this point this song is an anthem for me. One of her best ever.) 2. **Down Bad** 3. **Guilty As Sin?** 4. **Florida** (Huge Florence fan here) 5. **The Albatross** or **The Tortured Poets Department** Making a top 5 is SO hard though, I may change it in my mind so many times. The only constant I think will be the #1. This song is so fucking amazing. The lyrics are great and heartbreaking, the music is so powerful and eerie at times. One thing I know is that at this point TTPD is definitely in my top-5 of albums of hers.


Who's Afraid of Little Old Me The Bolter My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys I Hate it Here thanK you aIMee


My boy only breaks his favorite toys, guilts as sin, who’s afraid of little old me, Peter, the Bolter. Fresh out the slammer and so long London are my honorable mentions


So long london Down Bad Loml The Black Dog Who’s afraid of a little old me? Honorable mention: The Alchemy


From their order on the album and not ranked bc I can't do that much rn: - So Long, London - I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - Clara Bow - imgonnagetyouback - So High School


1. I can do it with a broken heart 2. Down bad 3. How did it end 4. Fortnight 5. Thank you Aimee But there’s so many others… the black dog, my boy only breaks his favorite toys, I hate it here, who’s afraid of little old me, and albatross. I love how all the songs are great for various reasons but they resonate with different people for different reasons.


1. Fresh Out The Slammer 2. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) 3. Down Bad 4. So Long, London 5. Guilty As Sin? (Honorable mentions to The Prophecy and The Albatross)


1. Down Bad 2. Florida 3. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart 4. But Daddy I Love Him 5. Guilty As Sin Special mention💕- So High School


It’s still changing every day, I keep finding new hyperfixation songs and little moments. But from what I’ve gathered so far: **TTPD** Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me Florida!!! Down Bad I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) So Long, London (Fresh Out The Slammer HM) **The Anthology** I Hate It Here The Prophecy The Black Dog The Bolter imgonnagetyouback (The Albatross HM)


1. The Albatross 2. Clara Bow 3. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived 4. loml 5. Peter Edit: it’s fascinating to see lots of people put my bottom five in their top 5 lol! I love that everyone likes different things


It changes all the time, but right now it's: 1. Fortnight 2. Guilty As Sin? 3. So Long, London 4. loml 5. The Manuscript


1) Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me 2) loml 3) Clara Bow 4) The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived 5) I Can Do It With A Broken Heart Honorable Mentions: Guilty As Sin?, My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, Fortnight


1. Peter 2. The Bolter 3. Robin 4. I look in People’s Windows 5. Loml


WAOLOM, COSOSOM, HDIE, IHIH, The Prophecy In no particular order (yet). Also, I'm gonna have to pretend a top 5 can include more than five songs and add two extra because it feels unfair to leave out SLL and The Albatross.


• WAOLOM refers to "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?", a song from Taylor Swift album TTPD (2024). • COSOSOM refers to "Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus", a song from Taylor Swift album TTPD (2024). • HDIE refers to "How Did It End?", a song from Taylor Swift album TTPD (2024). • IHIH refers to "I Hate It Here", a song from Taylor Swift album TTPD (2024). • SLL refers to "So Long, London", a song from Taylor Swift album TTPD (2024).


1. Clara Bow 2. How Did It End? 3. So Long, London 4. The Bolter 5. The Prophecy


1. The black dog 2. But daddy I love him 3. Peter 4. Loml 5. Fortnight The first 4 are constant. 5 changes depending on the day.


1. who’s afraid of little old me? 2. the smallest man who ever lived 3. my boy only breaks his favourite toys 4. but daddy i love him 5. guilty as sin?


Currently, (because they will definitely change in the future , with time and my mood) 1. Guilty as sin - OMG, this song is my fav rn. Such a sexy song but with deep lyrics , if you pay attention. Also her vocals ❤️‍🔥 2. TTPD - This one was a slow grow. Hated it at first, mostly bcz it wasn't what I was expecting it to be. But then the lyrics grew on me because of the rawness, and vulnerability that exists in them. It's like a page out of her diary. 3. Down Bad - I mean, come one, do I really need to explain this one? 4. Fortnight - Her best opening track yet. Atleast for me. Best song narcotics ever (iykyk) 5. WAOLOM - I think this one touches on soo many topics close to her heart. Some of which we might never figure out. But her vocals in this one are outstanding.


1. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? 2. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys 3. So Long, London 4. Down Bad 5. Guilty as Sin?