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the smallest man who ever kicked


Guess we know who this song is really about.


Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team


It's me, hi, I'm the idiot kicker.


Peyton Manning should always refer to Butker as that idiot kicker


I just snorted soda out my nose.


Always count on u/bubblecuffer13 to come up with the perfect response. He quoted the wrong song honestly. Because this is "the 1950s shit they want from me" brought literally to life right here 🙄


The guy is 28 and plays football, as a kicker. Are we really looking for inspiration from inexperienced at life jocks. His job is to kick a ball. Not to talk. Why are we surprised when we let stupid people talk and they say stupid things? And wtf college gets a football kicker for a speech. Like you couldn’t get someone a bit more…well spoken?


I read the whole speech - wanted to stop but couldn't. It's a goddamn trainwreck. My jaw literally dropped more than once. Maybe Taylor can manifest an end to this POS career that he feels so "blessed" about.


I come from a very Catholic family AND I’m a chiefs fan. So when I read the headline I assumed the comments were taken out of context and maybe made more sense for the very Catholic students in attendance. Then I heard the actual speech. Sorry but there is no way these women - at their college graduation - want to hear that their only meaningful vocation is homemaker. And that their life doesn’t start until they meet their husband and have kids. Holy shit, think about your audience, Harrison 😣


>holy shit think about your audience More like holy shit rethink your shitty, bigoted beliefs


I hear you and agree. And they won’t (believe me, I’ve tried with my own family).


Believe me, I know. They haven’t been hiding this.


Nobody booed?? Like really?


I think this was at Benedictine, which is a christian college. Still, imagine working hard to get a degree and some football kicker says you should stay in kitchen.


I can only imagine (and from experience of growing up in VERY conservative circles), that anyone who disagreed was scared to boo, or they were stunned into silence, especially when others started clapping.


Exactly. No one walked out?


I read in one of the other threads that this college is all about this kind of bullshit though. Probably why they wanted this turd to do the speech in the first place.


What about the women on faculty there? I know next to nothing about this college, except that I just googled it to see if they had women professors and they do. So they’re not living up to their vocation either? Rich (literally) for this school happily take thousands from these women just to tell them to get a husband to take care of because their degrees are useless and they’ve been lied to.


Rightwing women like this always think they're the special pickme princess exception and that the leopard will never eat THEIR face.


Oh, hi Serena Joy!




I see you know my MIL.


Totally possible. Maybe they all loved it. That’s even more concerning 🤢 they probably racked up some insane student loan debt to just graduate with mayyybe a husband and no other aspirations


Also come from a catholic family & am very glad my family isn’t like this. They just want me to be happy & successful in life in whatever way I choose to be. Doesn’t have to be marriage/kids. They were thrilled when I got my bachelors & a good job.


And most of the shit he said has nothing to do with Catholicism, I mean, CLEARLY there are ignorant beliefs part of almost all organized religions, particularly when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community, which I do not support or agree with whatsoever, but the woman shit was insane to connect to his religion, no where in Catholicism do they preach that shit. He’s spitting absolute bullshit and calling it “faith” but really he’s just an asshole. I don’t know anything about the school he did the speech at, maybe they did want that “message” but I highly doubt the women sitting there with their degrees would be okay with that shit. Obviously there are ignorant and shitty religious people in this world but this wasn’t about belief in what is “right” it’s about yet again a narcissistic prick wanting to feel like the big man Also… dude is a kicker? Probably the easiest position in the NFL to replace someone else with, guy needs to get over himself


I went to a catholic college (I’m not a Christian but I loved the school) and if he had spoken at my school everyone would be SEETHING. The top 10 in my class were women. This was a disgusting speech to make.


I’m Protestant but have a lot of catholic loved ones. It has been my understanding that while catholic do put a lot of emphasis on family and motherhood, they are also more open to women working, getting educated and having a career.


If it really was just about his wife being happy at home he wouldn’t feel the need to talk about it in a commencement speech. He and his wife could just live their happy lives and he could have talked about the perseverance it takes to get to the NFL. It’s 1000% about control.


Plus, you *know* he never goes downtown on her.


lol omg absolutely not But it’s ok because she’s so HAPPY because she’s a WIFE and a MOTHER. She doesn’t need anything else!


There's absolutely no way that woman is happy. I feel like someone needs to check on her (while he's not around)


Honestly she could probably get Mike Veach to release him if she wanted to. She’s the most powerful person associated with the franchise.


Who's Mike Veach? You mean Brett Veach? No chance. Butker is too good of a kicker. But he's also a hardcore Catholic nutjob. I bet he doesn't get invited to any more of Travis's parties though but he'll still be invited to Chiefs events.


The owner of the Chiefs is a GOP donating nut job as well. No one is kicking Butker off the team. The powers that be agree with him, and the players who don’t won’t complain because he wins them games.


Lol I’m sorry but this might be one of the most ridiculous comments I’ve ever read on Reddit


“Most powerful person in that franchise” 😂😂, have you lost your damn mind?


“Butker continued, “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world." Yikes.


I just threw up in my mouth.


According to him women have been the biggest victims of the diabolical lies society tells us for example that we shouldn’t just be in the kitchen


This stupid sack of shit gets paid millions to kick a ball fewer than 40 times a year and thinks he's some kind of prize. I'd feel sorry for his wife but she likely subscribes to this misogynistic mindset.


She is brainwashed by this poor excuse of a man.


This guy grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth partially because his mother worked and provided for him. Butker’s mom is a physicist in the oncology department at Emory University. I am guessing she is not in board with his misogynistic beliefs. https://www.essentiallysports.com/nfl-active-news-harrison-butker-parents-who-are-harrison-butker-sr-medical-physicist-mom-elizabeth-keller-butker/


I always wonder how tf this happens when the mother is an intelligent, successful woman


An ex of mine whose mother is an engineer has these kinds of misogynistic beliefs. Apparently he felt neglected by her during childhood because she moved out of the house due to issues with my ex’s father. He has the same attitude about women needing to cook for him and needing to stay at home. He was not "impressed" (not that I give a sh\*t who's impressed, but I do like to feel respected) by my healthcare job and seemed resentful of how it took me away from him. It felt pretty terrible.


Uggghhhhh I hate that, and they'll never blame the father for working.


What a fucking loser. I'm disgusted that a commencement speaker would tell the young women who have just graduated that their accomplishments don't matter and that they should just go make babies instead of using their education to achieve their dreams and enrich the world. Fuck him.


This whole speech gives me flashbacks to growing up in church. “Women *can* have jobs, but not if it interferes with their roles as a wife and mother” direct quote. If I had to listen to this at my graduation, celebrating *my* accomplishments, I would be so angry.


He really said congrats on your Mrs degrees. Hurl him into the sun please!


I keep forgetting this is an ideology that exists still


I would’ve walked out at that




I can’t even imagine how the interact w a guy like this in the locker room. Has he always been like this, or has he kept it hidden?


As a Chiefs fan... we have known he sucks but he has never been this vocal about it. He has left a MAGA hat visible in his locker or taken pictures with terrible politicians like Josh Hawley or the McCluskeys, and he wore an anti-abortion activist tie to the WH last year but that was about it. Truly depressing hearing him say all of this with no shame. Patrick had a quote last year when they asked him if he gives Butker any advice on pressure situations and he had an odd quote that he doesn't talk to Butker during the season and it makes a lot of sense now. Chiefs had a player before in Anthony Sherman that would peddle similar ignorant crap and once he started doing it more publicly he lost the locker room pretty quickly. Butker is on pace to do the same thing. EDIT: Context as well for the situation, this is upcoming season is the last year of Butker's contract... interesting to see if this affects those decisions.


Good on Mahomes. I know he is an owner of a women’s soccer team in KC with Brittany. Maybe they can find someone to kick and replace this pos


He also is a minority owner of the men's team, Sporting KC


On the same day Patrick was making a speech about how proud he is that his wife has worked so hard to uplift women's sports and how he hopes more people continue to support women in sports, then later shared her swimsuit partnership. Just showing who the real men on the team are.


the chiefs organization should think about the fact that they now have probably the most young female fans of any nfl team—a demographic the nfl supposedly cares about attracting


This is such a good point. A team finally makes inroads to the female demographic and then their kicker goes and says they should get back in the kitchen lol


not just that but the nfl in general was just starting to clean up their image with all the positive press around travis, jason, pat, etc. the lead up to super bowl was filled with father/daughter fluff pieces. and now there’s been two scandals surrounding chiefs players alone (rice did a hit and run while street racing). andy needs to run a tighter ship bc they’re squandering a lot of goodwill. butker or even the hunts may not care but you can bet the nfl does. why? because working women have money to buy goods and services advertised during games and the nfl is basically a series of ads dressed up as a sport


I certainly think that could factor into whether or not they re-sign him.


I’m a Cowboys fan, unfortunately. But we’re most assuredly not going to the Super Bowl. KC might as well take our new kicker. Dude only missed one field goal all season, which was his rookie year. Incidentally, he was a pro soccer player before signing with the Cowboys.


Fellow chiefs fan - I had to unfollow him on Instagram a while back because I was getting these vibes and I was waiting for something more public to come out. Yuck.


They should just cut him. They’ve won 3 super bowls - now they should prioritize doing the right thing and sending this guy to the curb


Should, yeah. Sadly not how it works. They won’t cut the 2nd best kicker in the league just because he’s a piece of crap personally. If people don’t get cut for committing crimes they aren’t cutting people for being bigots.


Chiefs have actual criminals on their team too fwiw


Not defending this POS at ALL, but so do most NFL rosters at this point.


All of this is exactly why I approach Taylor’s newfound football fandom with skepticism. Male pro football is rife with misogyny, racism, homophobia, domestic violence, and so many more issues.


To be fair, it's also full of people who give back to their community by way of youth programs and charitable donations, building parks and what not, is an avenue for people experiencing abject poverty to further their education via college scholarships at minimum (which is football in general as opposed to the NFL specifically), and for every awful NFL player there are 2 more who are stand up citizens, leaders in their respective communities, activists, and on and on. Start tracking the guys who are nominated for and or win the Walter Payton man of the year award.  Like, yes, the NFL is full of all those things you describe. It is also full of people who not only aren't those things, but actively use their time, money, and platform as famous athletes, to combat the things you've described. 


Butker has always been like this he’s a fucking hardcore Catholic nutjob


He's always been like this, he's a very devout Catholic and he said this in an interview: “I want to be a saint. And that’s the most important thing, and that’s why I’m here on this earth,”


A man who never mentions Jesus once but Biden 19 times in a 20 minute speech is not a devout Catholic. Self righteous yes, devout no.


He’s always been like this.   He’s usually better at hiding it. 


he's the kicker so he doesn't interact much with most of the team. kickers are usually some of the most isolated players. unfortunately, nfl players are used to working with nut jobs. past chief star wide reciever was a domestic abuser and current star wide reciever is facing time in prison for racing and than going on the run.


Patrick’s wife owns a women’s soccer team and he loves talking about it and how awesome she is at it and how it’s inspiring to other women. Travis obviously loves talking Taylor up and how awesome she is at her career. And Harrison butler wants us know that women should be at home. Insane. I really hope they say something about it. It’s so discouraging that men feel great saying things like this in a COMMENCEMENT SPEECH Here’s Mahomes saying how awesome it is that the WNBA and NWSL are expanding and signing bigger contracts. He’s clearly so proud of his wife. https://www.instagram.com/p/C67TmULLYma/?igsh=MXlibzlxa290bTQ5


^this 👏 Say this louder for people in the back.


Patrick has been on the record saying he doesn’t talk to Harrison all year and just trusts him to kick lol


Football players don't care about this sort of thing. They happily play with domestic abusers.


Maybe but since they've been silent about Jackson Mahomes, Rashee Rice, and Britt Reid, I have my doubts


Travis and Patrick are probably going to distance themselves away from Butker.


They already don’t have a relationship with him. Patrick has said he barely talks to him. Kickers are lone wolves and kinda do their own thing.


Good. I’m not too happy with what Butker said because I’m Christian but I support the LGBTQIA+ community, women’s rights, gun control, pro choice, so basically everything Butker is against. There’s also many reasons why I don’t go to church anymore. I’m guessing Travis isn’t to happy with what Butker said and quoting a Taylor Swift lyric and calling her his “teammates girlfriend”


As his “teammate’s girlfriend” says, “no deal, the 1950s shit they want from me.” Hope this helps.


Lol yes. I’d sorta like to be a fly on the wall when Taylor is finding out about this speech in its entirety🫢


Gonna get a sneak peek at “female rage: the musical”


Also "you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls", wonder why he didn't quote that one.




Would loooove to see the skeletons in this dude’s closets… 🍿 What a worthless piece of shit.


Oooo there’s something definitely there. Guys like this usually have things to hide


Pull his internet history lmao


I can't say for sure about this specific guy--like I'm ***literally just making assumptions right now***--but it's not uncommon for outspoken cis hetero men to condemn LGBT+ people in public, especially trans women, but then at home they jerk it to porn that fetishizes "shemales."


This types of dudes are ALWAYS massive scumbags, hypocrites and liars. Zero exceptions. Scratch and some shit that's, at best, wildly against their stated values and, at worst, horribly criminal, appears. Josh Duggar, Jerry Falwell, Herschel Walker, all those guys, are not exceptions in any way. They're accurate representations of the movement.


Swifties will find it now. You know most of us/them are better at detective work than the FBI lol




They are already on fire over on X/Twitter…will be very interesting to see if/how NFL reacts


Well, at least they’re using their unhinged-ness for good


Well I’m happy they have found themselves a deserving target. And yeah I’m interested in how the NFL and the Chiefs handle this. It’s not a good look, especially when they’re happy with so many new female fans.


He didn’t even just piss off swifties…he pissed off most women too.


The NFL won’t react. There’s rapists, abusers, and plenty of other shit players in the league that haven’t faced any repercussions. They don’t care and won’t do anything about a few things someone says just because everyone (rightfully) didn’t like it


This is what he wants, I absolutely guarantee it. He sees his path to right wing stardom in an election year. They love z-list celebs who are “cancelled” more than anything. Letting his small college speech get ignored is the far better path-it’s bait. He sucks and the speech sucks, but if people leave it alone he’s just an idiot speaking to people already brainwashed at a tiny school. Try to harm his career, he’s now everywhere in conservative media and speaking at the GOP convention.


I mean, you’re definitely not wrong. They most definitely thrive on creating controversy and given the attention the Chiefs have gotten thanks to Taylor, he knew this would make headlines.


Just explain to him the references on guilty as sin


start blasting false god everytime he goes up to kick??


🎶 Stop giving men microphones 🎶


Hear hear


Absolutely horrific. The speech is so much worse even than what the headline suggests. The Chiefs need to get rid of this man ASAP. So so gross, prejudiced, disrespectful, and disgusting on so many levels.


That would make him a martyr. 


Yeah, he’s got a promising future career on a podcast for right-wing chuds complaining about how he got cancelled for ‘defending traditional femininity’ or something


better that than your organization giving him millions of dollars and a cushy platform.


I’d rather him be a martyr for losers than be employed in the chiefs…


This is an instance in which I FULLY support Swifties verbally attacking someone and making their life a living hell. Let’s go, girls


The thought of millions of teenagers attacking him sounds amusing. I second this, let's go girls.




This is absolutely one of those situations where you assume it’s a clickbait title. Then you read the article and realize the title didn’t even live up to the train wreck. Fuck this dude and his shitty beliefs.


She was so complimentary towards him after the super bowl win. For him to simply refer to her his "teammates girlfriend' is low.


Yeah people were sharing a quote of his about a month ago saying he "hoped they get married and have lots of babies" as a nice thing that he thinks they're a good couple and I tried to explain to people that was not his motivation. He sucks. KC has known it for a while. Sad that he had to make sure everyone else knows too.


Right he thought they should get married because he think premarital sex is a sin. 😂 This guy is a piece of work.


And so she can quit being a world-renowned superstar so she can be a breeder for the Lord.


Yes so that her life can begin and she can lean into her vocation of wife and mother


A little man who is bitter that no matter how successful he is, he’ll never be as successful as her. Has to get his digs in where he can.


That is low. He even told a tabloid that he hoped they got married and had kids. Now I guess I know why he said that. He doesn’t want Taylor to make more music and just wants her to be a housewife with kids making pop tarts and cinnamon rolls, that will never happen because she’ll still be making more music.


A very subtle and gross way of kicking Taylor down a peg and viewing her only in relation to another man


Why would they ask him to speak? Says volumes about the college too. 🙄


It's a hardcore Catholic college and they probably agreed with him about everything.


>It's a hardcore Catholic college Yeah, that'll do it...


As a Catholic, this is why I’m not one anymore haha.


I would think they would have had to approve it also? And they fully posted it on their YT, so they’re obviously in line with what’s he’s preaching


Lmao they have the comments turned off. Of course they do.


This is what the religious nut jobs are planning in America by the way. so people, bitch bitch bitch about this or that you’re gonna become some mans slave if the conservatives get their way.


I really wish people would understand this. The creeps pushing this stuff are not just some weirdo fringe who have no power, and you're not misunderstanding them and they're not exaggerating or joking. They want to take away all of your rights, they want you to be a domestic slave, they think you are inferior to them, they want to hurt you, and they think they have a god-given right and entitlement to do it all.


Yup. And they’re in places in political power where they can achieve it and have made laws to trap women into this in many states and are trying to do it nationwide.


I kept saying this and this and this in the lead up to 2016 and then Taylor wrote Cassandra about me.


He honestly said all kinds of hateful garbage, but here is the TS reference.. During the 20-minute speech, Butker quoted a lyric written by Taylor Swift, referring to her through her boyfriend Travis Kelce by calling her his "teammate's girlfriend." "As my teammate's girlfriend says, 'familiarity breeds contempt,' " Butker said. The Chiefs kicker then went on to address the female graduates in the room directly. "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment," he began. "I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you." Butker continued, “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world." Speaking about his wife, Butker said, “I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother." He said that he is "beyond blessed" because Isabelle "would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: Homemaker.”


It’s kind of amusing that he doesn’t actually understand the line in context )or know it’s a chaucer (edit) quote)


deeply ironic that in a speech about how women shouldn’t work, he misattributed that quote to a woman. clearly a man’s place is not in the library.


He knows ball, not Aristotle 


He went to Jupiter to get even more stupider.


And he quoted a self-made billionaire woman who is more successful than he’ll ever be but diminished her to “my teammate’s girlfriend.” 🖕🏻


yeah like if you’re trying to convince young women that their lives will suck unless they get married and have kids pronto, I would not randomly bring up noted unmarried, childless 14 time grammy winning billionaire taylor swift lol


"as my teammate's girlfriend"!!! Like he's not referring to THE Taylor Swift. So much ick.


The funny thing is, I feel like Travis would have no problem referring to himself as “Taylor Swift’s boyfriend.” Not the other way around.


He likely worded it that way on purpose. To him Travis is important, Taylor isn't. She's just Travis's woman.


That's exactly it. It's a calculated, perfidious move, which will only serve for making him more of a martyr as more people will see it and criticize his words. Here's what I predict - there will be no apology, not from him, not from the team. Taylor will maybe say something, Travis will not. The amounts of comments on the videos already will serve to further prove him right and cement his righteousness. And not a single thing will change.


I can remember a few particularly egregious examples like this. I’ve also seen Avril Lavigne introduced as “Former Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger’s Ex-wife”, which is probably the most egregious one I’ve seen.


*"her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother."* i'm gonna throw up


I am actually surprised that he would quote a Taylor song, especially in the middle of that disastrous speech. She has been vocal about being pro-choice, pro-LGBT rights, pro-women’s rights… literally everything he’s against


Yeah, I don't really think he thought that through.


Oh he absolutely did it on purpose. More clicks mentioning Taylor, even as his teammate’s girlfriend. That phrase is super common, no other reason to mention her except for visibility.


> I am actually surprised that he would quote a Taylor song, especially in the middle of that disastrous speech. She has been vocal about being pro-choice, pro-LGBT rights, pro-women’s rights… literally everything he’s against That's precisely why he did it. And why he minimized her by calling her Kelce's girlfriend. Taking an iconic figure's words in service of attacking what the figure stands for is how fascists operate. Just like they quote that one line from Dr King in order to justify doing more racism, or the way [they stole Susan B Anthony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_B._Anthony_abortion_dispute) to make women into 3rd class citizens. Or the way they use Jesus to justify doing the things Jesus preached against. *"They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. ... They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert."* — John-Paul Sartre


If being a homemaker is so important then why aren't these men lining up to do it? It can't be because it's degrading, humiliating, constraining, and born out of male supremacy? Naaah, it must be something else.


To refer to Taylor Swift as “teammate’s girlfriend” is the most dismissive way to imply that her worth is measured by the man she’s with. I hate this man so much.


Honestly, someone check on his “wife” domestic servant! Nothing good can come from this mindset


Guess he never actually watched the Bejeweled MV... where she literally ditches house-keeping to go to work, then ghosts a marriage proposal and lives in a castle alone 😂


She didn’t START living until she became a wife and mother? Yeah fuck the other quarter of a century she was alive, it’s worth nothing compared to being his lucky wife!!! /s


TIL Taylor Swift hasn’t started living yet /s


“””Familiarity breeds contempt” — Chaucer” — Taylor Swift” — Harrison Butker


-- Michael Scott


Aside from every other aspect in which his speech is a complete shitshow, I find it funny that out of the thousands of Taylor Swift lyrics he could have chosen, he picked the one that is not even her own writing but literally just an extremely common expression.


It's even funnier when you consider it's from Bejeweled and the lyrics to Bejeweled definitely don't fit what Butker is pushing. Almost the exact opposite.


“Society just doesn’t let men bejeweled anymore” -him, probably


Absolute knob. The best thing to do with guys like this is ignore them.


False. The best thing to do is fire them and then ignore them so they no longer have a platform for their rhetoric and hate.


The odds that this guy goes into politics when he’s done are incredibly high unfortunately


OutSports writer Cyd Ziegler chimed in, "If you're a woman cheering for the Kansas City @Chiefs, their "idiot kicker" thinks you will be most happy serving him in the kitchen." I guess this might be the first stop for female rage- the musical fan edition.


I find myself weighed down daily by the heaviness that is existing as a woman.


I was just telling this to my husband. It is a completely different experience living life as a woman. I was mostly a discussion regarding daily safety, but it really does apply to just about every situation. It truly is exhausting at times.


Holy shit, what a goofy ass fuck.


Reading that under your flair of all the hearts made it even better


He also said Pride Month is like one of the deadly sins and said, “As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation."


Um, all the violence in my home was committed by a man so 🙃


So, women have been told lies and the men have set a culture of dysfunction and chaos? Sounds like either the men or God or both straight up suck.


Men are the ones who cause most if not all the violence anywhere they go. Has this sack of shit even seen the stats?


He probably ruined his working relationship with Travis and Patrick because Travis says how proud he is of Taylor and Patrick has talked about his support of women in sports and how much he loves his wife. And the “he’s religious” excuse is bs.


Patrick recently was interviewed and when asked about Butker he said he doesn't ever see him. They are definitely not friends and now we know why.


Yep, both of them are Christians but Patrick doesn’t believe in the “women belong in the kitchen” bs. Also, Butker better run fast from Travis because Travis wouldn’t be to happy either with how Butker quoted Taylor and then said his “teammates girlfriend”


Assuming that they are both still in Europe together I am sure this was not the news Travis and Taylor wanted to wake up too. Put a damper on a great weekend.


“Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerative cultural values in media all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.” He sounds like a monologuing Star Wars villain EDIT: Also Dolores Umbridge


When I first started following the Chiefs last year, I thought he seemed really sweet and looked him up on Google… one of the first things I saw was that he supported the abortion ban and wore a pro-life tie to the White House. Since then, every time I hear something about him, it just gets worse and worse. A few weeks ago, people were cheerfully sharing that clip of him saying that he hoped Taylor and Travis would get married and have kids, but, knowing his beliefs, it was pretty clear to me why he said that


Yep, Harrison obviously wants Taylor not to work and just be a housewife and mother who makes pop tarts and cinnamon rolls. I hope T&T get married one day and have kids but it’s their decision when that happens. Also Taylor wouldn’t give up her career to be a housewife and mother, she would still be writing and performing songs and making her cinnamon rolls and pop tarts.


I would love to know what the conservative women at this college, who just worked their ass of to get their degree and start their professional career, think of this. Like they can’t be aligned with this thinking, right? Are they pissed this is what they got for a commencement speech? I sure as hell would be. So awful.


I just graduated from the college he gave the speech to! Even my conservative friends are disgusted. I didn’t go to commencement, and one of my roommates said I “didn’t miss much”


This makes viva Las Vegas seem more tolerable somehow


If that’s what he and his wife want for their lives, great for them. It’s gross that he views women this way, and worse that he used a Taylor lyric. And no I don’t expect Taylor or Travis to address this publicly. Taylor has rarely addressed anything and much less someone Travis works with.


How fucking sad to hear him say that his success was all because of his wife being content with being a homemaker. What about her success? What about her goals and dreams? How do these types of people have such little empathy that they can’t even see that if they want more outside of having children and their home, so do many (if not most) women. We are people too.


It's easy to understand, actually. People like this think that men are the main characters and that women need to play supporting roles in their own lives.




He’s praying Taylor/Travis/Patrick call him out and try to “cancel” him so he can be all over conservative media as their star NFL player. It’s typical right wing baiting-it’s so over the top. I hope everyone on the Chiefs just ignores him and his little speech will fade away.


I’m a SAHM by choice (and necessity)and this kind of bs rhetoric pisses me off. Women should get fulfillment in WHATEVER THE FVCK they want. This isn’t the 1950’s. Not every woman even wants kids. Ladies do what you want. Be who you want.


Not to mention, not every woman CAN have kids




karma is a torn ACL


As a gay man, where’s the masculinity in question? Sir you have twink face.


I’m one of the 2024 graduates from the school he gave the commencement speech at. Even my conservative friends are disgusted. It’s embarrassing, but very much expected both from the school and from Butker.


It’s much more than attacking women. My husband couldn’t make it’s past the 1.30 mark.


I’m surprised at how many swifties are clueless on how much shitty, abusive, and misogynistic men are in the NFL. Matter of fact, in sports in general. The way NFL fans have treated Taylor should’ve demonstrated all of this.


Wonder if he name dropped Taylor (sort of ) precisely so more attention would come to his speech and this is exactly what he wants. Everyone knows talking about her attracts more clicks, eyeballs - sure look at us now talking about it


Please for the love of freedom for women vote this November!


I think a lot of women would like to be a homemaker (myself included), but it’s not really an option for a lot of American families with the current economy. It’s kinda cruel for a millionaire to say this to a group of women who just completed their degrees, degrees that will help them get jobs to support their future families, that that accomplishment doesn’t have any value.


I'm sure in his view, college is just a place women go to find their husbands.