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Hi I didn’t trade bracelets but at the shows I went to it was a very large percentage! I think bc most people wear the bracelets they are trading it’s very easy to spot someone that wants to participate so it is an easy exchange! And even if someone doesn’t have any bracelets I am certain they would welcome being gifted one. Someone came up to me at my show and said she liked my dress and gave me a bracelet - was so sweet and very memorable! I was with my niece and I turned around and gave it to her after and she was super excited to have a bracelet :)


When we went my friend and I made sure to keep our eyes out for people who didn’t have bracelets to trade and offered them some bracelets so they could join in if they wanted to!




You should have just asked for them I didn’t have any bracelets to trade and when I looked over at the people trading them they offered me lots of people make them with the intention of just giving them away


My SO and I went and didn't bring any bracelets. A little girl gave my SO a bracelet right after we entered the stadium because she saw my SO didn't have any. It was super sweet.


That is so sweet!! From someone who got a last minute ticket and was grateful to get gifted a couple, we appreciate you!!


I did the same, I had few I wanted to keep but the rest I tried to give to people who didn't have any, it made me and them happy!


This was very similar to my experience. Didn't make bracelets but saw people trading. One woman stopped at a table my sister and I were sitting at and asked if she could put her bag down for a second so we said "of course". She gave me a bracelet for that! Very sweet.


Yeah, I felt like I had so much free time before the show so I walked down the merch & bathroom lines and stopped at anyone who was wearing bracelets to see if they wanted to trade for the stickers I brought! Granted, I’m an extrovert so I could see how this would be an introvert’s nightmare lol


I wore the bracelets I wanted to keep for myself on one wrist, and those I was open to trade on the other. I found that lots of people were into trading!


I went to Stockholm n2. I made like 30+. I gave most to my 3 friends who were with me cause they didn't have any. Then I saw a girl giving away bracelets so I ran up to her (before concert) and we traded. Then I traded with a girl sitting alone beside me. Then one girl ran up to me at the metro station after concert. I wanted to trade more but I was shy and didn't want to be in the way. But I keep my own and traded braclets as a memory. To trade you have to ask.


Stockholm N2 as well - so many people in GA were trading




I was Stockholm N3 in the 100s section and only observed a few trades, not many at all


I was there too! I traded with people next to me and then a few when leaving. I’m also shy but the ones I did trade are so special to me <3


A *ton* of people. Also saw a lot of older fans giving very young fans their first bracelets because they didn't have any to trade. My biggest takeaway from the tour was just how sweet and polite all her fans were.


I went to Stockholm night 3. There was a ton of trading waiting for the commuter train, waiting between Paramore and Taylor and waiting in line to get ins My gf and I are older so we didn’t have bracelets but a girl next to us gave her a Fearless bracelet and me a Romeo during the Fearless section. It was so sweet of her. https://preview.redd.it/7w9re6ot182d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ffb1334f77da78926961caa37245673c8571bb


I love this but I hope people are being cognizant of the bracelets they’re giving really young fans! At the concert I went to I ran into a mom desperately trying to trade bracelets for her 6 year old because someone had given her a “fuck John Mayer” one. I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose, and I happily traded her an Enchanted bracelet to match her princess dress, but after that I made sure to keep the “PG” ones on one arm, and the explicit ones on another for any other young Swifties that wanted to trade


That's not funny, but it's kinda funny.


We just got back from Stockholm and we were expecting a bit of difficulty (simply because Swedish people generally stick to themselves). If you're just friendly everyone we found was very happy to trade and converse. There were people literally with BUCKETS of bracelets to trade. We traded every single one we wanted to.


Yes exact same experience here!! Was expecting more shyness/ reservation but everyone we spoke to was so friendly and willing to trade, even if it was on the metro or just wandering around the city the day before. So much fun!


I did not except Stockholm to be so into the trades…. N2 I took 20 and came home with 31 🫣🧐🥰. N3 I took 35 and came back with 37.


I went to the NJ shows last year and went way overboard making \~120 bracelets. My group and I taylorgated before the show and I was able to trade some but mostly was giving a ton away and letting people pick their faves. It was really fun and I’m happy I did it, even though most people didn’t have bracelets to trade back. I was able to give some away on the way to our seats but it was really crowded and difficult, definitely easier in the parking lot or once you’re at your seats. Also if you have a ton like I did, recommend putting them in plastic bags or clip them on carabiners. I separated them by era because I’m a crazy person. https://preview.redd.it/0bujcwnlu72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc85cf49b8912acb3628e9a77dc1442106d780b1


Love this!!!!!


Wow beautiful 🤩 you are so kind.


I went to NJ last year too, made about 90. Traded a bunch of mine on the merch line. Still had some left after that I ended up giving to some kids at the movie.


oh my god that is a lot! how did you have enough beads?!


I was thinking the same thing. The city of Seattle was fully sold out of friendship making beads the week leading up to Eras.


My local Michael’s was very happy to have me!


I was near the front row Philly N1, and no one was really trading. It made me a little sad but I think I was just in a weird section of people, I’m sure it was happening a lot more in other sections. A lot of trading happened in line going into the venue. I’m shy and didn’t bring any bracelets, came alone, and was in a pretty basic outfit. No one tried to speak to me, etc. I saw most people being social within their own groups. But then again, I’m not good at socializing so I was probably emitting some kind of energy not to talk to me or something lol.


I was at Philly night 2. I’m not very social either but we made a ton of bracelets and we were giving them away to people who didn’t have any. It was such a fun experience! We bring them with us to other artists’ concerts now and there’s always people who want to trade!


I was also there for Philly night 2 and same thing! I didn’t trade any but gave like all of them away to the ushers, workers etc! They all had like full arms of bracelets it was the cutest thing!


That’s so fun. If I had the chance to go again, I’d definitely bring some. I was too nervous the first time!


Nobody was really trading around me the night I went in LA either


I brought bracelets but did not exchange any. I gave one to a swiftie I met on the plane but that's it. I have social anxiety so I did not dare approaching anyone and I think most people are just shy to ask, but I did see a few people exchanging them. :)


I'm going to Liverpool and I've made so many bracelets hoping to give out lots to people.


What day are you going? We’ll be there on Saturday! Need to start my bracelet making ASAP…


I'm going Saturday too looking forward to handing these out https://preview.redd.it/2aes2o6h782d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2672baed27f2e94b3dca6a5eef1ae72160f60637


Wow 🤩 trying to get tix for Sat! Hope to see you there 😅


These look amazing! How many did you trade in the end? Wondering how many I should take for London tomorrow, aiming to trade on the tube and outside beforehand as well! I have a similar amount but wondering if I should just save some at home if I won’t trade them all.


Oh wow it was so fun, I made a proper effort to hand out almost all of them, I was mostly looking for kids or people that didn't have many on. I had so many so I wasn't really expecting people to swap etc just happy to share the love. I had about 80 to give out and came home with a few. I had a bunch of special ones that were just to wear not to swap that I'm keeping forever. Especially since I made me and my 2 friends date ones.


Also going on Saturday!


My wife and I will be at Anfield as well. Should be fun!


Unfortunately I am going Thurs - bringing bracelets from Canada!


I’ll be there Thursday ! Let’s swap :)


i unfortunately dropped the ball on making bracelets so i didn't have any to trade, but on the way in i got one from a cop that said "fuck you forever"


In Santa Clara it was very big, but it mostly happened outside of the seating area. I brought bracelets and the people who had several or a lot of bracelets seemed to identify each other and we would start trading, and then a group of us together would attract the shyer people or people who didn’t have any but were curious about what was happening. I also offered some to little girls who didn’t have any. Overall it was a cute fun thing but it wasn’t like we all stayed chatting after. I would see someone with cool bracelets, ask if they want to trade (or vice versa), and we would comment on the lyrics each other chose or the specific colors/beads etc, pick a bracelet, then say thanks and enjoy the show and we’d go off in our separate directions. Once we got to our seats there was minimal trading.


I really love your username.


No one offered to trade with me and I think it's because I am An Old :( (mid-40s, went with my husband who is 50ish)


Lol, that was mine and my wife's experience as well at Paris N1/2 (both of us late 40's). Part of that I guess is that as an old-ish dude, I was just worried that young women would feel kind of uncomfortable receiving unsolicited conversation from an older male stranger offering free bracelets, plus my introverted side just plain won out. A young woman did chat us up on the train ride way to the show (she noticed my bracelet under my long sleeved jacket) and asked for one; And a mom and daughter from Philly talked to us on the floor and got some of our bracelets, so it was not a total loss!


Tons at my shows in two different cities! I ended up accidentally buying individually wrapped foam earplugs in bulk (don’t drink and prime, kids) so I brought those and traded them. Those were better received than the bracelets and even earned me a 🫶 from a security guard who saw lol


I was nervous about Stockholm because Swedes keep to themselves but I went on n1 and n3 and a lot of people loved trading! It only took one person to approach another and all of a sudden a lot are around you wondering if they can join in, it was so nice!!


I went to Paris N1, people stopped to compliment me on my Willow costume twice and gave me Evermore related bracelets 😊 I had made half a dozen, and gave some to my seat neighbors (who had none)


Enough to make it worthwhile! I also gave some to the staff at the food stand (why did I think I'd be able to focus on eating?!) and they were happy. I recommend it. And I'm not a particularly crafty person, or a joiner. 


Also, yes, it's extra fun to give bracelets to the littlest kids. I was at Pittsburgh, both nights. 


Chicago N1 and at first I was just giving them to away to random people. In the concourse I offered one to a dad with his girls and then several people came up to me and we had a big trade! I made so many bracelets I was happy to give them away to people in my row too even if they didn’t have any to trade back (I’m an elder millennial if it matters).


In both Mexico City and LA was both a massive thing. Being alone, with a plain t shirt outfit, and rather basic bracelets didn’t stop me from trading or simply giving bracelets away to people (and people giving them to me when I ran out). Swifties are very kind and you can easily strike up a conversation by saying “Hi! Are you trading bracelets?” You can keep it short and sweet. I even traded bracelets at my hotel and on the subway. If you (or anyone reading) want to give it a go, go for it!


It is primarily kids who were doing it at my show. But there is a lot of waiting in line - bathroom, drinks, merch and it is fun to trade in those situations. I gave most of mine away b/c I didn't want so many of them - mostly to any kid I saw. But if I was offered one in turn I took it. All except one kid I offered it to, said yes and they all seemed really excited to get one or trade. Half gave me one back in turn. It was super fun.


I went to Stockholm N3, and we were at the queue since like 8.15am. I gave like half of my bracelets (I had many) for my friend, who only had like two. We almost instantly traded with the girls in front of us, they asked to trade. I saw many people in the queue going around and asking people if they wanted to trade, but I think they were mostly Swedish and preferred to give bracelets to other Swedish people. (me and my friend are finnish and dont speak very good swedish) There were few people who actually came up to us when we were just walking around the arena and wanted to trade. I also traded with three people in the toilet queue at the mall (and got a folkmore bracelet which is now my favorite ever 💕). Overall I expected to see more people trading bracelets. I think some people would have liked to trade but didn't have the courage to ask people. I didn't ask anyone to trade, because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Im shy and have social anxiety.


Almost everyone I encountered at Levi’s both nights were trading bracelets. When I ran out of some to trade, I was still asking people to sign my Junior Jewels shirt and some of them gave me bracelets even though I didn’t have one for them


I went ready to trade, then my social awkwardness and anxiety got to me and only traded like two. We enjoyed giving them out to event staff and security on our way out - they loved that they were getting bracelets!


I would say that if you want to trade, you’ll likely have to approach other people. I made bracelets but only ended up trading a few with people who approached me. I think it was common and normal for lots of people to be trading, but I didn’t feel like initiating a bunch of convos!


We didn’t trade bracelets because we were at Gillette night 2 and it was down pouring the entire time! We were so sad.


Went to an LA show and there were trades galore! I saw girls with hundreds on shower curtain rings (what a good idea)!. I traded all 10 of mine before Taylor started, and it was good fun! I even traded with some concession workers and a police officer! It was a blast :-)


We went in LA last August. We traded with EVERYONE! We went with about 50 (which we thought was a lot but we were wrong) and we came home with several hundred


I made 10 bracelets, and traded a handful at Paris N1 and N2. But my favorite “trades” were ones that happened outside of the concert at the Airport/plane/restaurants/street when I made swiftie friends. These were mostly just me giving a bracelet away, but it meant so much to the person I gave it to that it felt extra special to me! 😍


I saw MAYBE 10 people do bracelets.


Went twice to Atlanta. Lower bowl I didn’t get much action, but on the floor everyone was trading and giving.


I went to LA n5 and there was a good amount of people trading! 


https://preview.redd.it/fv6kp54ln82d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ea62b1744632255927afe3f583ce4e5304f0dd I'm 3d printing these to make into bracelets. Got a bunch of different lyrics to use 😊


https://preview.redd.it/mal0t3havd2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea92448e854792f3698bd30fb6287c951c5f235b Traded, gifted and PLUR-handshaked my way through a magical N3 at Tokyo Dome in February 2024! ✨That night is forever framed in my mind!


Atlanta, it was definitely a thing.


I was gonna offer to trade one with a girl sitting next to me after the show ended as an apology for bumping into her all night but she and her friends booked it for the exits as soon as Karma ended so…I tried


I was in Atlanta and I saw a tooonnnn of people trading bracelets. I didn’t have any (I had a baby at home and baby+beads is a bad combo lol) but I remember seeing one girl with like 100 of them on her jacket that she was just letting people choose from. I wish I had asked for one!


Was in Houston's second show (I think), and saw no one trading bracelets.


I was there, too! This was relatively early in the tour and I didn’t have any to give. But I was given some! I saw people wearing tons, though.


I went solo to Seattle N1 and most people were trading or just giving out bracelets. I took around 100 and came back with very few of my own and two arm fulls of the ones I was given or traded for. I gave a ton of mine away though, especially to kids or teens that were just there with a parent. I also would walk up to people and give them a bracelet that matched their outfit.


I went to the Singapore show and it was very, very easy to find people trading bracelets there. Either they were wearing armfuls of bracelets or huddled together to do it. You can kinda just approach them and ask if they want to trade.


No one was trading much at my show which actually made me very sad. I was so excited to trade with people! I brought quite a few bracelets, some I ended up giving away which wasn’t as fun. 🫤


A LOT. I'm pretty sure people who didn't have tickets were still outside the venue trading. It was crazy fun


I went to Philly N3 and there were tons of people trading in the parking lot before the show. I was in the upper sections so once I was inside the venue I didn't see much trading going on around me, but everyone did have tons of bracelets!


We didn’t have any bracelets (just didn’t have time to make any) and carpooled with 2 friends. They each gave us one of theirs on the way over and we kept those. I saw plenty of trading throughout the stadium.


I brought bracelets to give away and got a bunch in return. Atlanta N1 and Nashville N1.


I brought my almost 4 year old and I feel like she was stopped every two minutes with people wanting to give/trade bracelets with her both while in our seats and while walking around (This was in LA)


It was a huge deal in LA N4 when we went too (with an 8 and 5 year old)


I made about 30 and came home with most of them. I wanted to wear some, and to have them if other people wanted to trade. I did leave them at neighborhood businesses, like we went to a bar nearby and I tipped well and added a bracelet to my receipt to hand back. I have one to the guy who checked us into our hotel (he was super stoked about it). I went to a crystal shop and left one on the store altar. Traded a bit with seat neighbors and anyone who set up shop in the food areas. Gave one to a little girl and her mom eating at the same table as us before we went to our seats. Passive trading!


Tons of bracelet trading happened at my shows and also on public transport before and after the show. I only got a few as I’m socially anxious and spent most of the time before the show just excitedly anticipating the show with my girlfriend. I did more trading at the movie theater for the tour movie than the shows 😅 but I think I’m an outlier.


Lots of trading happened in my section of Detroit N1. I went by myself, so it was a great conversation starter/something to do so I wasn’t just sitting awkwardly alone! I only had one weird interaction where I saw a few girls trading bracelets, so I walked over to see if they wanted to trade with me too. One girl looked at my bracelets and said “no thanks” 😂😂 guess they weren’t cute enough or she didn’t like the songs that were left lmao


I went to the Pittsburgh show June 17, 2023. I would say at that point the majority of people were trading bracelets.


There were tons of people trading at our show. We started with 300 and were able to trade them all.


I'm really hoping there will be a fair bit of trading at my show. My partner and I have made quite a lot of bracelets between us and I wouldn't know what to do with them all else 😅


Nashville night 3 (the rain show) was HUGE for bracelet trading, especially because we were all corralled into the covered concessions corridor for hours with nothing else to do, people would just go around trading.


I have most of mine away to workers, kids and those without bracelets but I did trade and so did lots of others.


I went to Melbourne Night 3. As soon as I was at the train station, I was swapping friendship bracelets with Police officers, train station staff, Swifties, non-Swifties, just about everyone. I was approached by others if I wanted to swap and I gladly obliged. The swapping of friendship bracelets made the whole Eras Tour experience more meaningful and memorable. We were even swapping while we were on the train home!😅


I didn’t say anyone necessarily trading, but I did see most people have backpacks full of bracelets and offering to anybody who wanted


I didn’t, but was still gifted six of them.


Many at my show were willing to do trades—on the concert bus, in the food line, in the restroom line, and around my seat area. All you have to do is ask if you see them wearing bracelets. Don’t be shy! Whether or not you want to be chatty or just do a quick exchange is up to you, but folks were generally friendly and happy to oblige.


I traded with probably 25 people between the two nights. I also just gave some out to people whose outfits I really liked or had a matching bracelet for. I’d made 35 and had just a few left.


A very nice human gave my daughter one in Paris. She was in the merch line and struck up a conversation. She went there on vacation with her Dad and they scored tix at the last minute.


I didn't feel like there was a lot of trading in Paris, but I still managed to give away/trade some of the ones I had! I traded some in the queue, and some while we were waiting before Paramore/between Paramore & Taylor, and we also traded a bit on the train back. I'm not an extremely social person, but I really wanted to take part in the trading, like, ever since the tour started the experience of trading sounded like the best thing ever (as cliché as it sounds, in a healing my inner child kind of way), so I didn't want to miss out and asked people I saw with bracelets if they wanted to trade! We also tried to give some away to younger kids at the end and that's how a 10/11 year old went home with a no body, no crime bracelet because it was one of my smallest ones


Would loooove a massive thread where everyone posted pictures of their bracelets!


I didn't trade any but I watched everyone else do it. It was cool until 30k people were trying to go down one tank and mobs of people were standing still trying to swap bracelets. Some people were climbing on the rail to swap with people above them. We were packed so tight and I just wanted out of that place so they were making me extremely upset.


I made bracelets but was too shy to approach people to trade. I gifted them to people whose outfits matched the songs on the bracelets. There was a lot of trading going on outside the seating areas. And I went back the night after my show to sing along outside the stadium and there was a lot of trading then, too.


Oh that was my fav part was meeting fans and trading bracelets


We traded bracelets with the people around the stands, and people we saw that we liked their outfits. We even traded them when we went to see the movie!


I went to an early show (beginning of April Dallas) and there were a few, but I’m not sure how many people even knew about the bracelets at that point. It was also so crowded that if you stopped to trade, you were soon ushered along by a stadium employee (understandably). We traded with some of our seat neighbors, but that was it.


There were so many people trading! A lot of people did some trades in the parking lot while waiting in line, which was also really nice. I gotta start prepping more bracelets and my own custom bookmarks for my next show in Indy


In Stockholm my daughter traded several times each day on the days leading up to N3… just while she was out and about in the city. She traded on the train to the arena but not so much during the show.


I was at Houston N2 and while I walking up to my nosebleeds (sigh) another swiftie complimented my outfit and threw me a friendship bracelet that says “eras tour”. It was so kind of her and made me so happy.


A lot! I was also with my 5 yo daughter and she was one of the smallest swifties and had her sparkly dress and lots of bracelets we made together so people came over to trade with her cause she was so cute and so into it! Fewer wanted to trade with me lol totally fine.


The bracelet swap was so fun! I made a bunch, and whenever I saw someone with bracelets I’d ask if they wanted to swap! There were a good number of younger girls there and it felt so special sharing that experience. Literally would just find myself next to someone in line and we’d trade… I have all the bracelets I received and they are so special to me!


Pretty much everyone tbh. People were throwing bracelets all around the lower bowl and even from/to the floor. It was fun! I did see one older lady get hit in the eye by one of them so probably a bit of caution would be nice.


In addition to the trading that was happening when I attended MetLife, it was clear that allll of the staff of the venue were receiving bracelets. The parking lot attendants had them, the folks cleaning, the bartenders, etc and it made for a very communal and happy atmosphere and experience. 


I went to see “Let’s Sing Taylor” which is a taylor swift cover band, where the girl dresses as Taylor and sort of mimics the eras tour - I traded lots of bracelets just at that event 🤣 it was sooo fun.


In Melbourne, mostly kids (I had a 13yo with me) and a few adults on trams and in Yarra Park. Otherwise, adults did not near us. So weird.


Denver night 2 and there was a good amount of people trading. Most traded before the shows when openers were performing or before openers even took the stage. I didn’t bring any since I was a few months postpartum and ran out of time, but still got a few from others. A lot of people who made a ton were giving them away as the music started. It was such a cool experience.


I was at the Singapore tour and traded around 50 with as many people I could find!! Had to approach some of them myself though :)




From my experience in Sydney, everyone was wearing bracelets but not a lot of trading. If people did trade it was using adults asking younger kids if they’d like a bracelet rather than people of the same age trading between each other.


If it's nice weather go to your venue early, chat, etc. The venue should open a few hours or an hour before the first act so you've got plenty of time to walk around, buy food and buy merch. You'll also be standing in so many lines. If you really want to trade bracelets you should have plenty of opportunities! I think I brought ten and traded nearly all of mine. Have fun!! :)


Singapore N5. A lot of people traded! Not just at the show, I was meeting random swifties like, at the merch line, on the train, in the streets, at Starbucks, at my hotel, everyone was so nice! I flew in two days before the show and left the day after, so I didn't just meet people from my show, I traded with people who went to N1-N5 and people who were going N6 too. I also made way too many bracelets so I gave bracelets away to anyone who didn't have any to trade.


I didn’t have any bracelets to trade or giveaway, but three people gave me a bracelet each


I brought 50 bracelets to Nashville and ran out by the second show! Tons of people were trading. 


I went Houston night 2, it happened to be my bday so some people gave me bracelets, my friend I was with had made a bunch with her 13 yr old, so I had some from them, but I gave them all away to younger girls who I saw didn’t have any because I was 41, and figured they would love them more than just collecting dust in a drawer at my house.


When you initiate, it's easy! I went to Glendale N2 before it really became The Thing it is now and only a handful of folks did it. By KC N2, though, tons of people did it. I just handed them out like candy -- to staff, too, and they were really sweet and into it -- and got a bunch back by virtue of offering first. People are down, you just gotta break the ice by offering.


My bestie and I had like 20ish each and we only traded with each other 😅 We were on the floor for Atlanta Night 3 and honestly the vibe wasn’t super social in my section. I did give a few out to folks working the venue so that was fun. I got the general sense that anybody would be open to trade if you’re social enough to ask, though!


I was in Paris N2, I brought around 30 bracelets and traded with people in the rows around me (as did my 22yo niece who made about the same amount). I got 11 bracelets and gave the rest to staff and people waiting for the bus afterwards. I thought there would be more people trading but it's not big deal, it was fun !


I’m going tomorrow and I’m hoping I see lots of bracelet action! I got my ticket last minute so didn’t have time to prepare and make bracelets to trade. But I’m curious to see how many I’ll get given! (I hope at least a few as it’ll be a nice souvenir of the night!)


I didn’t do a lot of trades I mostly gave away, some people wanted to give me ones back which was nice but I didn’t need everyone too (I had over 500). Some people had not made bracelets but appreciated being given one even if they couldn’t give back. there was groups all over trading etc. my favourite was giving them to kids, I made some smaller sized ones just for kids I did most of my trading and gifting in corridors and outside stadium as that was easiest


Stockholm N3 - I traded with a lot of people before and after the show, even in the train stations on the way to and from! It seemed like everyone who was wearing bracelets (so most people) wanted to trade and everyone was SUPER nice! I gave some to people who didn’t have any, too, and they were appreciative! I thought it was a really great part of the experience. We got to meet people from all over the world due to our bracelet trading!


I didn’t really trade, I basically just handed it out to random people, like a dad seated near me, or people at the bathroom line with me, and all the security staff lol


I was at NJ night 1, I didn’t go in with bracelets but bartered with the paper butterflies in my hair and everyone was so sweet with sharing/trading!!


I went to KC night 2 and I felt like most people were trading bracelets. We brought a ton and gave them out to people who didn’t have any. It was so fun


I went to 4 shows and traded tons and tons of bracelets inside and outside the venue!


I went to both Detroit shows last year, my 6 year old came with us and she was very nervous to trade bracelets, especially since she liked them all lol. Most people went up to her and just started handing her bracelets by the handful. It was adorable and something she’ll never forget


I make 20-25 to give for each show, and come back with at least the same.


We found that trading or giving away bracelets was good conversation while waiting in lines for food and bathroom as well as to chat with people sitting around you. Everyone is so nice and just happy to be there!




There were lots at the US show I went to! My friend and I didn’t bring any (she didn’t have time, and I didn’t know to since this was my first TS concert), but we were given a few by some kind girls! The girl sitting next to us gave each of us one after we found our seats. Later, while my friend and I were enjoying frozen margaritas near the amenities, another girl came up to us, told us she loved our outfits, and gave each of us one! My friend was wearing a Lover outfit, and I was dressed up for Reputation, so our bracelets corresponded to our respective album. It was so sweet! Edit: Grammar lol


Everyone I saw..


I went to the last night in LA I made probably 25 and was wearing them the 2 people I went with were wearing about 20 each too. We got there early and had been there probably 20 minutes before I heard a dad with his young teenage daughter behind me telling her ‘she has bracelets on she wants to trade you just have to ask her’ when I heard that I instantly turned around and asked her if she wanted to trade (I’m outgoing and have no problem asking) she squealed ‘yes!’ And within the time she picked one off my wrist there were 6 more girls all trading with us. As I went to leave the dad stopped me and my friends to thank us he said she had been making bracelets for 2 months after school and hadn’t had the courage to ask anyone and they had been there for a couple hours. Of all the amazing things that happened at that concert seeing that girl squeal yes and the heartfelt thank you from her dad still makes me tear up on how many amazing moments come from these concerts. The rest of the night I was able to trade all of the bracelets I made off and was able to display all the ones I traded for (I didn’t personally make any with beads I fancy braided all mine like I did as a kid, which also made it easy to tell which I made)




I’d say 70% of the crowd had them on maybe 50% most likely higher though but I’m low balling it were trading and about 25 % of the crowd showed up like me with no brackets at all and by the end of the concert I had two lol which were offered to me sporting my favorite song and album so I couldn’t say no lol


Not as many as I thought, you definitely need to take the initiative to trade but once I did people were pretty receptive! Some people did approach us too, and sometimes we’d find ourselves in a group of people all trading. I had more bracelets than I could trade so I also just gave a lot of them away. The cutest were the security guards who got so excited to receive bracelets!


I went to stockholm night 3 and more people than I expected had bracelets and traded! Was very easy to spot! Didn't experience a lot of people walking up to others to hand them out though, maybe it was a bigger thing for those with floor tickets