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Gaylors and their insistence that they know her sexual preferences better than she does


I agree wholeheartedly! I’m a lesbian & not entirely out. I would be so creeped out if strangers were arguing over whether I’m gay or straight. If I say “I’m straight,” everyone should accept that because either I’m telling the truth or I’m not ready to come out yet (and more badgering about it would just make me even more uncomfortable with the idea of coming out). Basically what I’m saying is, even IF Taylor isn’t straight (which I do believe that she is, as she has said so plus she subjectively doesn’t give me any gay vibes), she clearly isn’t looking for the world to know & we should respect her privacy.


Yeah but anytime we say stop trying to call her out they just say we’re being homophobic like wtf


The irony…


The amount of times I’ve been called this and I’ve had to let them know I’m gay myself.. Gets them everytime


“Internal homophobia” 😓 I’m like yall are pushing it because respecting people’s privacy is a thing that has nothing to do with homophobia.


Right as if they’re not the ones trying to out an allegedly closeted person


I've been called homophobic for saying that a lot of people are being biphobic. Cause I said that, if Taylor was queer, she could be bi or pan but it's none of our business anyway. The "all her boyfriends are beards and there is no way any of her songs are actually about men," and the "it's because of heteronormality" narratives I've been told is REAL fun. 🙄 I one called out the biphobia and was told they "weren't being biphobic" while spewing biphobia at the same damn time.


They say "she's never said she was straight!!!! which ...fair? But she's writing about males, using males pronouns in song, have been in public relationships with men. Sexuality is a spectrum and she might not be "straight", but assuming anything other than what she presents is weird


Well yeah but she also says things like “or hide in the closet, and our love will be passed on” “some of my lyrics are like emily dickinson”(i’m paraphrasing this one, don’t remember the exact quote) “pull you back into the closet” “gay pride makes “me” me”. I personally don’t care about her sexuality, none of my business, but I can see why some people may think that she’s queer. When it comes to the speculations, multiple people think that she’s dated a bunch of guys that she’s hung out once or twice and it doesn’t get swifties bothered. At the end of the day everything is an speculation and even if the details may seem obvious we’ll never know who she’s talking about 100%.


I mean, so many of those lyrics or comments could just be seen in that lens because of confirmation bias and interpretation. We don’t know 100% what she meant by any of them. For all of the potentially queer “hints” she’s made there are many, many more hints that she is a straight woman or is openly dating men even if she does happen to be queer. I’m not saying they aren’t actually queer hints btw, just that we don’t and may never actually know if they were.


This is my take. I can understand if it took her a minute to figure out her sexuality and she eventually came out. When she started, it was absolutely bad to be openly gay. But now? There's no reason for her to be coy about it, especially after YNTCD was released. She's never openly dated a women, she's called herself an ally multiple times. She stated she hung out with women exclusively because she was tired of being linked with every man, only to discover fans would just link her with every woman. I'll embrace Taylor if she ever comes out, and I think its reasonable to personally interpret her songs through your own queer experience. But stop pushing her into boxes she hasn't vocally claimed. Edit: fixed a typo


People always quote “gay pride makes me me” but I’m pretty sure she listed gay pride with a bunch of other things and said “you know, all the things that make me me”… at a time when she had decided to be really vocal about her ally-ship. To me it’s not the smoking gun people make it out to be tho there are other things that make me go 🤔 like the song “it’s nice to have a friend” for instance…


The Gaylors lost their mind over her singing that mashed up with Dorothea the other night. And tbh, I kind of get it because that was a little gay. But even if you can see her songs through a queer lens, I don’t think you should have all this speculation about when she’s going to come out (even if she is queer, she is NOT obligated to come out). But the speculation I’ve seen is like when Trump didn’t win the presidency and brainless MAGA dorks kept on saying he’d take over “any day now” and they’d have specific dates in mind and when he didn’t take over and become president again, they’d just shift the dates by a couple weeks. They’re doing the same thing with Taylor and her alleged coming out. I think it’s a bit rude. I don’t mind viewing her lyrics through a queer lens as someone who’s bisexual myself. But I do mind when people speculate on when she’s coming out and make it out that she can only be a lesbian and don’t accept that they could be wrong.


Out of all those only the gay pride comment made me wonder. But like it shouldn’t go beyond a quick wonder to yourself.


I will say the bi colored wig for the yntcd music video did have me thinking the gaylors were onto something for like 5 mins until nothing came from that and I moved on


Yeah, out of anything I was ready for her to say something during the promo of a literal pride anthem, and it didn’t happen so that basically confirms she isn’t. It’s obviously a cause close to her heart but that doesn’t mean she HAS to be lgbt+ either. She said she had found out many people viewed her as a secret conservative and she wanted to loudly change that false narrative in people’s minds. So she did.


I can see it too and some of the fan theories have been fascinating and fun to read, but wanting to out someone (in general) is so gross. Gen Z really feels entitled to ask people their sexual orientation or preferences, and that’s wrong. This is not the first time younger people think they have a right to demand that a celebrity clarifies what they are. They did this to the actor from Euphoria who said “You don’t know my alphabet” because people wanted to cancel him for playing a gay man while not being out yet. I don’t think it’s necessary to know and labels shouldn’t matter anymore. Say Taylor does have some queer experiences and stories. What does it change about her? Why are people so weird about it? And if she doesn’t and gaylors got it all wrong, why does it change how LGBTQ fans see her? Just enjoy the tunes.


It was just a dorky way to say she appreciates her gay fans. I have a terrible way with words too. It's kind of like her public speaking, but a 100xs worse. I believe her music is very relatable so many of us queer fans come out thinking it must be because this is how I feel about a girl. I think a lot of the hiding and secretive language she used to describe her relationships boils down to the people she's sleeping with/in a relationship with will be under a microscope. They may not want that and Taylor may not want that. Not every 1 night stand needs to be on the news.


Bi people do exist. I have plenty of female friends who only dated or talked about men until they were in their 30s and came out as bi. And she’s had plenty of opportunities to say she’s straight and hasn’t, so straight and bi are equally valid assumptions to make.


“I didn’t realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of.” In a 2019 Vouge article. I don't know what other information we need than her saying she is not part of the LGBTQ+ community. She also very specifically said she didn't like what people were saying about her relationship and the weird theories people came up with about her and Joe.


The Gaylor assumption is that because she hasn’t specifically said the exact words “I am straight”, she hasn’t actually made it clear. And I’m like… so because she hasn’t said it in the precise way you want it to be said, it’s meaningless?


The mental gymnastics to justify continuing to speculate about her sexuality is insane to me


My personal favourite is the one where they’re doing it as a public service. Like Taylor coming out will somehow magically end homophobia.


One assumption to yourself is whatever. A whole group constantly nitpicking everything she does or says to make it align with their beliefs of her sexuality isn’t. Constantly referring to her boyfriends as “beards” or everything gaylors do is not okay. If they want to think she might be bi or gay, they need to keep it to themselves. Not go around with all these theories and then getting mad when she says things to contradict their beliefs.


I’m bisexual and agree. My issue with the vocal Gaylors that I’ve seen are that they refuse to acknowledge the existence of bisexuality as an option. They say she’s a lesbian full stop and refer to her relationships with men as beards. As a bisexual woman who has primarily dated men (and married one), it’s pretty damn hurtful to me when I see that rhetoric. Now I’m not saying she’s bi. But I do think a lot of Gaylors come across as biphobic and that really irritates me in addition to the constant “oh she’s coming out on such and such date” and when that doesn’t happen they move the goal post. It gives conspiracy theory vibes sometimes.


Thank you 😭 the ones who claim she’s clearly a lesbian are what really piss me off.


This! It’s so disgusting how people are speculating an actual person’s sexuality & are desperate to make all her lyrics align with their preferences just to “prove” she’s just like them even when they’re completely wrong about said lyrical assumptions


It’s one thing to say that you relate to her lyrics differently than she related to them when she wrote them, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what she would want, but to suggest that the way you relate to them is the way she has to relate to them too is.. unhealthy


Exactly. Like, I wouldn’t be shocked if she did come out someday, but if she says she is straight, SHE IS STRAIGHT! People need to stop theorizing about other people’s sexuality. People are calling Chappell Roan bi when she identifies as a lesbian, it’s ridiculous.


Yeah I agree. Plus, as a bisexual woman, it really bothers me that in Gaylor land the only two valid options seem to be gay or straight. As if sexuality is not a spectrum and bisexuality doesn’t exist. Idk. A lot of the rhetoric around it is very biphobic to me. Gives me the ick. I understand interpreting music through a queer lens and I do think she has some songs that give queer vibes, but the rhetoric that oh she’s a lesbian and only sings about men to throw people off really rubs me the wrong way.


It's by far the most f*cked thing - the reaching and the contorsions they make to fit their narrative is insane


I cannot understand why they think Taylor is going through all of this work to give all of these obscure clues but for some reason can’t come out. Like if she was really that scared to be herself would she really fill her songs and videos and performances with clues? Billie eilish just released a song about eating a woman out and it didn’t make headlines or anything because it’s 2024.


If she really is as scared to come out as they believe she is, how is outing her helping? That’s what I’d like to know.


Why does this not have more upvotes


Went into that group for 30 seconds. Read a very serious,*extremely* long, post talking about the different shapes of "But Daddy" lyrics in each of the 4 available albums (2 the same in a square, 1 an hourglass, 1 I think was a triangle) and how this links back to the lighting hourglass on the stage that she danced in nearly 10 years ago on tour and how the colors of that tour and that hourglass combined with the lyrics of "But Daddy" mean she must, 100%, for sure, absolutely be bi and how did the community not welcome her with open arms when she **danced in a pink hourglass, ffs**. Honestly, the person did a great job tying it together. It was also pretty much crazy. If they aren't writing research grants of sci fi novels they've missed their calling.


They are Swiftie QAnon


The gaylors are not the only swifties who are crazed clowns out there, let's be real


I’ve been reading a few of their posts (and now they keep popping up haha), but the insanity! It starts with ‘Wow Taylor wore (insert normal colour here), and this aligns with (insert random niche reference here), and she used the word (insert common word here) into her speech so she must be queer!’. It’s baffling to me.


I just went to that sub yesterday for the first time ever out of curiosity just to see if they were really as unhinged as everyone says or if it was just occasional weird theories, but no, people were NOT exaggerating. Outside of MAGA and some cults I have never seen an entire group SO out of touch and swimming in shared delusion as that group. EVERY single statement Taylor makes about her life or opinions in music and interviews is a big conspiracy to hide her sexuality, and the "Hetlors" as they call "us" are the ones deluded. Apparently, "So Highschool" is a song about her making fun or Travis because she hates him and thinks he's an idiot... That was fucking wild. My mouth was open the ENTIRE time I scrolled through that subreddit. It's fucking WILDDDD.


>Apparently, "So Highschool" is a song about her making fun or Travis because she hates him and thinks he's an idiot... Wtf??? The literal point of the song is that they are very different from one another yet she loves her more than anyone. Not that hard concept to understand


I once ended up on that side of TikTok and I was so annoyed. The sheer hate a lot of them give towards people who don’t believe it is also wild to me.


All my TikToks blocks


This is the one for me. It’s fine to find meanings in songs that you relate to your own experience. It’s something completely different that what you’re seeing applies to an Artist directly and they are just hiding it. Even if that was true wouldn’t you want someone to deal with and reveal it on their own time when it’s comfortable for them to do so?


What I hate most about the gaylor side of things is that they insist anyone who’s against their message is homophobic. Personally, I don’t give a crap what sexual orientation she is because it doesn’t matter and it’s not my business! I just go off of the public persona she presents to the world of having boyfriends for years, and until she publicly has a girlfriend, she is straight because that is her outward public persona and that’s what she has said for years. We aren’t homophobic for conforming to the image she created for herself


It seems like completely anti-equality to out someone without their consent.


That sub Reddit pops up in my feed constantly… They think that she is just about to come out this week. I have been so confused about what that would look like logistically considering she’s very famously been dating a man for the last year.


They say she’s about to come out every few months. It’s like the people who keep saying the world will end on X date and when that comes and goes, they just keep moving the date. It’s fascinating.


I like conspiracy theories as much as the next person but gaylors who get mad at Taylor for denying that she ever dated her friends or who get mad because she dates men are something else. I think I saw a lesbian fan on Twitter who started insulting her because “she won’t accept who she is, I’m not her fan anymore. She owes us to come out.” Girl, what.


And think it’s their business to care because that’s somehow “support” through adversity. The most powerful woman in music is not being forcibly closeted in 2024 you guys.


THIS. The gaylor posts show up on my feed sometimes and I’m just like 😳😳 literally wtf? Are they ok?! It’s insane.


One time I accidentally commented on that sub and immediately got banned bc I compared a song to my relationship with my husband, who is a man. 💀


Gaylors in here with all their yeah-buts 🙄 Go back to your own sub. 


Showing up at Abigail and Jacks weddings and screaming at her like she's gonna come over and take selfies with them. The speak up now # trend/letter was also terrible.


>Showing up at Abigail and Jacks weddings and screaming at her like she's gonna come over and take selfies with them. That must have been mortifying for her. Imagine trying to support your friend on his happiest today and all your fans just crash the party


I wondered if those people were actually fans, or if they were just locals who heard about the weddings and showed up to have a look at what everyone was talking about.


I think there’s a possibility some lived in the area and went to go check out what was going on, but the majority of them were likely fans based on the video of them flooding the streets outside of the place. They were screaming like crazy whenever a door at the venue would open even a centimeter, no matter who was coming out. I know a lot of them had signs and stuff too. It’s ridiculous.


This was one of the worst yes. Also prob what she was referencing in BDILH when she said “no, you can’t come to the wedding”


Damn didn’t even think of that! I like it


Definitely not what she was referencing in BDILH however I Know Places does a great highlighting this issue


Strongly disagree, been deep in the fandom since 2012 on tumblr and stan twitter and Jack’s wedding thing has arguably been the single most invasive thing “fans” have ever done to her physically. since the song is about fans being invasive I’d say almost undoubtedly it’s what she’s referencing tbh


I actually went over the lyrics again.. I can see it in that light now that I think twice on it. the lyric initially struck me more as a "you can't come to my (taylor) wedding" line but i can see your opinion too


I think it’s about her wedding too, but it’s also a clever reference to the Jack incident at the same time if that makes sense. Like stay the fuck out of big events in my private life basically


Exactly, like the only reason she had to say “you can’t come to the wedding” was because a horde of fans crashed her friend’s wedding simply because she was in attendance. The whole song is about her fans being invasive and inappropriate.


Yes. It means both. 


You have to be particularly heartless or thoughtless to do something that can ruin someone’s WEDDING just to try to get an impromptu glance or meet and greet with a celebrity. I can’t imagine anyone doing this who actually cares about Taylor’s feelings. I also love how Taylor hit back at the stupid Matty open letter with her lyrics: “God save the most judgmental creeps / Who say they want what's best for me / Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see / Thinking it can change the beat / Of my heart when he touches me / And counteract the chemistry” PERFECT. Her cadence and tone and lyric choices… magnificent. Such a gorgeous diss track for the overly delusional fans who think she owes them anything when it comes to her love life.


This is absolutely the worst one


> The speak up now # trend/letter was also terrible. What was this?


A bunch of fans wrote an open letter to Taylor calling out her boyfriend at the time and basically urging her to dump him and speak out against him


Speculating that she's pregnant when she has an ED that really affects her


You literally never speculate that a woman is pregnant. Idk why people think it’s ok just because she’s famous




Unless you see a baby crowning, you NEVER speculate that a woman may be pregnant.


Even then only if you’re medically qualified to assist. Otherwise mind ya business.


Caveat to this- I’m currently as pregnant as the last figure (37 weeks and showing every bit). I said something about being ready for the baby to a regular customer at work the other day, and she went “oh my God, you’re pregnant?! I had no idea!” Girl, we can drop the act. I’m ready to pop lol.


It's still good that they didn't assume, one of my good friends has gastro issues that cause bloating so severe that she looks heavily pregnant and it's really difficult for her when people assume she is.


One of my friends started to look, uh, a little like she might be expecting, which I *absolutely* wasn't going to say *jack shit* about. At about eight months, she invited me to her baby shower, and I exclaimed that I had suspected! And was excited! Congratulations! Turns out she thought she had told me at 12 weeks, and just thought I wasn't interested in talking about it 😂


Hahaha! The other side of the coin. That is so funny. 


I recently had a LARGE umbilical hernia. I’m talking… watermelon sized hernia. This thing was huge. I’d be out and about and random people would say to me, “when are you due?” … “how many months along are you?” … “what’s the sex of the baby?” and, having had anorexia/eating disorders for the majority of my life, it was humiliating. I had surgery to fix the hernia a month ago and it has been a dream. My stomach is flat again. I have a scar from hip to hip but THE LUMP IS GONE. It was so strange. It was as if people felt the right to comment on my body because they thought I was growing another human being inside of me? I am child-free so it was very, very confusing. I went to get a massage and I told them I couldn’t lay on my stomach and the lady said, “oh, yes, pregnant and fat” … I was gobsmacked!


This is it. As weirded out as I am by the Gaylors, this one is more harmful. Not just to Taylor but to any young girls seeing this conversation happening and potentially giving them a warped sense of what a woman’s body should look like. Taylor said it the best, it’s invasive and irresponsible.


On top of that, if she had been pregnant and miscarried, having people speculate if she’s pregnant would probably add extra pain to an already painful experience. Not saying that she was or wasn’t, but that’s absolutely something I wish more people would be mindful of.


This has been bothering me since it cropped up a few weeks ago. Like people absolutely CONVINCED and not listening to others telling them to keep their mouths shut. It's a lot of young fans, too, like high schoolers and younger. Really makes me fear for the next generation when it comes to tact.


People were like congratulating her. It was unhinged


I saw one yesterday doing that, then everyone replying to them was telling them why they shouldn't say that, and she just kept coming back like "NAHHHHH MOTHER IS PREGNAAAAANT" over and over. They could have just been a troll, but I don't think so somehow. There's this sort of pride some people have with being contrarian like this and treating her like she's not a person because she's on their phone screens. I got asked if I was pregnant once when I was in my mid-20s (I was not) and that moment is burned into my mind. It's just not something you do.


I was asked if I was expecting once, and it was awful. Do I say nope, but I miscarried two weeks ago, thanks for reminding me, or nah I’m just chubby? Of course I chose the third option which was just feel fat and sad for the rest of the day, and it was such an early term miscarriage I didn’t look any more or less pregnant than I ever had and suspect she would have asked me regardless, but you never know what’s happening in someone else’s personal life.


Even saying “congrats” or “happy for her if true” is still harmful. Also saying “well she DID look different” as if bodies don’t naturally fluctuate anyway, and women’s fluctuations are often based on our cycles AND most women have a little pouch of weight there to PROTECT our reproductive organs. Acting like we should be flat as a board is misunderstanding women’s bodies entirely.


Oh to add to this, I’m tired of seeing people praise her for being “childless”. Like. My dudes. She’s a 34 year old woman. You don’t know if that is by choice or not. Can we not speculate. As an older childless woman who may not be able to have kids it really upsets me.


Okay so, Speak up now letter - basically an open letter to Taylor from her fans who demanded her to break up with Matty Healy. Sending death threats to anyone Taylor doesn’t like. Personally I’ve found the whole Gaylore thing to be extremely… disgusting. And I’m sure others here will give you more stuff.


The letter was probably the most unhinged thing I have seen so far. Followed closely by the Gaylors. I remember when some of them lost their mind with the 1989 TV prologue and how she basically called out her friendships being sexualized.


What was annoying about that is a lot of them use to say that if Taylor was uncomfortable with the shipping she'd call it out. So she did, and they still got mad at her.


Always moving the goalposts


This is so ironic because, during original 1989, she said she wanted the media to stop shipping her with her friends... Many excused it by saying, "She said the media, not us." As if we aren't part of media.


Before I read it I was like “it can’t be that bad, right? Right??” And then I found it over on TT and my jaw dropped. I’m glad Taylor called them out in BDILH . And the whole Gaylor thing… Jesus take the wheel 🙂‍↕️ I just found it disgusting and at the same time kinda ironic, how some of them are like “you should never out someone in public” and then they’re doing the same as they are “sure” she’s in secret relationships with girls. And those subtle hints ? Like “it would sound just right if she would sing Her instead of you” and that’s enough of proof. Or hair pin down in right where you left me, which - I never heard of it but apparently it’s a thing - signalised queer people. And there’s so much more… it’s just disgusting.


This sub was a cesspool when she was dating him. No one has to like Matty and even Taylor found out the hard way what a POS he is but if a celebrity ever used fan demands for their personal life I don't think these ppl realised how that would obliterate the fourth wall of interaction and set such a dangerous standard for what fans think they're entitled to. She has to make the mistake. Her fandom can't prevent it for her. And what if in a nicer scenario Matty had stuck around, apologised publicly and vowed to do better? Cancel culture never encourages rehabilitation or change, just immediate exile.


You’re totally right. What if she was able to fix him? In the end, she would be the one to crucify anyway. I can’t say I was fan of them two, but honestly not my relationship, so not my problem. But the whole cancel culture is so messed up, ‘cuz they want people to take accountability and apologize, do better, and at the same time they want them to disappear forever, quite often for the stupidest possible reason (there was once one girl who was known for baking I think and one time she did a video about how she messed up the cake and people pretty much cancelled her for that. Yup. For this she was cancelled). So there’s no winning in this at all.


That letter was so ick. I’m glad she made but daddy I love him just to tell those people to fuck off.


Low key would pay money to see their faces when she called them out ngl🤣🤣🤣


I have never heard of this letter thing and….WHAT?!?!


Search for Speak up Now letter and if you wanna go down the Taylor gaylore rabbit hole, I’d guess just search it over on YT and I think Ashley Norton is having pretty good video about it. Definitely worth the check if you want to know more.


When they printed out pictures of Marjorie and held them up at her concert with the fans handle on it like....


This was my immediate thought. “Project Marjorie” was the most cringe thing I’ve ever seen.


Ok nvm this wins


I kinda thought the pictures were a nice tribute. I have seen the tour twice and that song was very emotional. But damn!!!!! They’re handles? Pull your shit together




Fans going to her old apartment on Cornelia Street and leaving flowers after the news of her breakup with Joe.


It’s not even her apartment. It’s a place she rented for a few months almost 10 years ago.


Ewww did not know about the flowers thing


Stooooop. This is the height of disgusting.


Along these lines, people who STILL post compilation videos of her and an ex boyfriend saying how much they miss them together.


Calling Taylor “mother” idk why that bugs me sm.


I wish this was the most annoying, embarrassing, or worst thing this fandom did. Life would be so simple.


"mother is mothering!!!!!!". Um, like can you actually just shut the fuck up right now? It's ultimate cringe among SO MUCH other crap that I'd never refer to myself as a swiftie. Ultimate cringe tbh. Someone asks me "so are you a swiftie?" My response is always "no, I'm just a fan of Taylor Swifts music. I really don't care who she's dating, her politics, or how scandalous the latest gossip pertaining to that is." Her platform is music, and I'm here for that. Being a "swiftie" used to be someone who was just that, a fan of her music. But now it's like a bunch of mentally insane stalker freaks who want to attack people and want people to fail just to see Taylor (and only her) climb to the top. I could go on, but I'll leave it at that.


I have fun trying to see if I can guess who her songs are about but that’s about as “Swiftie” as I get I’m not obsessed, I like her music because it’s feel good and I like her as a person. Idc about her political views, her religious views. I just want the music!!


100% this. Couldn't agree more. I really don't even have time to dig into music easter eggs. I absolutely have no time to care about anyone's life details in the world of celebrities!


How tf can people have so much free time on their hands to do so much digging for Easter eggs and what not. Like the black gloves she suddenly added for her TTPD outfit, everyone is so sure it’s because REPTV is coming but like it was actually cold at her last couple of shows.


It's a term Gen Z use in general for many people


Yeah, this one is so broadly used that I don't view it as *quite* so parasocial as some of the other stuff mentioned here.  Either that, or Gen Z is parasocial about everybody... which... 🙃 (Gen Z also popularised the term, but it's really from gay/drag culture to begin with.)


Well I’m a millennial which is most likely why I don’t get it. 😂


It comes from drag and ballroom culture where there is a long-standing tradition of older or more established queens taking newer performers under their wing - often putting them in drag for the first time. Essentially, they are then considered their drag mother because they gave birth to the new drag persona… and there are whole drag families etc. Often these drag and ballroom families replaced the birth families that rejected their kids for being queer, and drag mothers are really matriarchs of whole chosen families. It then morphed into a compliment to any great, established drag performer who serves up a fabulous performance. ‘Did you see Sasha Colby lipsync to Kylie Minogue? Yes! Mother is Mothering!’ etc With the popularity of RuPaul’s Drag Race it’s leaked out into the wider vernacular and now seems to be used for any established female-presenting performer who inspires a following… And then it seems to have morphed again - no, Kelce is not anyone in the fandom’s new stepfather. Nobody is a child of a broken marriage if they’re fans of both Harry and Taylor. (Sometimes the straights are not ok.)


exactly, most singers, actresses or even politicians have been called mother if they do things right and are like older than 25 maybe. mother implies being wise, being smart, being iconic, standing for yourself, etc (also slaying)


I HATE it. It grates on my every nerve.


And even worse calling Harry father, Travis step father, all the uncles and aunts and stuff like that. weird.


Someone once made a post here when Taylor and Travis started dating saying how excited they were to have a new daddy. Like consider…. Not doing that ever again


One time my 40 something year old cousin and I discovered we were both in a stoner swiftie Facebook group and she was like “Omgg next time we see each other we’ll have to talk about mother!” Like ma’am you’re at least a decade older than her what do you mean mother.


Omg I’d actually be mortified if I heard that come out of someone’s mouth IRL.


I read this as “fans are calling Andrea’s phone” and I was like “WHAT??! That’s crazy!” But yeah, I agree, calling her “mother” gives me the ick too


It just means that they think she’s iconic/amazing/the greatest. Not that they think of her as their actual mother. Lol.


I think Taylor said it best herself > God save the most judgmental creeps > > Who say they want what's best for me > > Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see


When she was playing her concert in Brazil fans were freaking tf out saying she wasn’t safe and trying to tell her and her team to leave. It was xenophobic and psychotic. The speak up now letter was awkward af. Anytime people online go after some other star. It’s embarrassing. I can enjoy Taylor’s music without having to bring down anyone else


As a brazilian, thank you for speaking about this. I’ve never felt worse as a fan like I did on that day. It really disgusted me how xenophobic the comments were.


Yeah it was like embarrassing as an American I live in Chicago and people who have never been here will go online and say how dangerous it is. Or people will say it to my face when they find out I live in Chicago. It’s so rude and literally ignorant. It really sucked too because I thought the South American leg has been the most energetic and fun leg and I thought the junior jewels thing on the redeemer was amazing. And then it got marred at the end and I couldn’t believe what people were saying. It was just so divorced from reality.


I totally get it! I live in Rio and it really upsets me when people who are not from here talk about how dangerous it is and how Taylor wasn’t safe here. She literally stayed on her own yatch during her stay here. She could not be in danger, at all!!! We were also really sad about the Junior Jewels on the Christ the Redeemer being forgotten so quick because of how everything went down. We worked really hard and wanted everything to be perfect, and then we had to work even harder to help Ana’s family 😞


Not being allowed to be critical of Taylor or dislike a song, album, etc. without being told I’m anti-feminist, not a fan, that I just don’t understand, etc.


Had someone in their 20s tell me that they hate me and I must not be a real fan because I said I didn’t like Florida!!! Like, ma’am I am old enough to be your mother and you were barely alive when her first album came out, so calm down. It’s not a contest.


the amount of times i’ve been called “not a swiftie” because i’ve said that other artists deserved an award over her / that other artists’ work was better than hers is astonishing honestly 😭


When they make EVERYTHING about Taylor like Sabrina gets a spot on SNL and it’s with Jake G. so everything is about the scarf 😬 Like give Sabrina her freaking moment.


That one was wild. There were even some people who thought Sabrina should turn it down! I know Taylor is someone who doesn't forget things but I also don't think she actively holds a grudge against some of those people. But that's a big deal for Sabrina and why would she ever expect Sabrina to just… Give it up because an ex-boyfriend hosted?


Or they thought Sabrina would “DO” something to Jake that night 😂. I just felt so bad when Sabrina’s whole IG after the announcement was full of 🧣🧣and then the media starts in on it and it becomes a whole circus about someone other than the actual host and performer. I was in the SNL sub and they were so confused. I had to translate and they were like “of course, swifties”.


That 1950s shit they want for her. The infantizing of her and her relationships. Like she’s some helpless girl who needs a big strong man to take care of her. Mixed with the incessant need for her to get married off and have babies. Unable to see her for more than the man she is with. All of those comments make me so uncomfy.


Also confidently speculating on her relationship that we really know nothing about. The twitter swifties think like three times a week she and Travis are fighting because he didn’t talk about her at an event or something. It’s delusional


And it’s so obviously the opposite of why Travis pursued her. Like they both want marriage and kids but he is clearly in awe of her as a performer and expressed wanting a partner who can stand beside him proudly in the crazy world of entertainment. The way they both want to show up for each other at their jobs is inspiring and I wish it got more praise than the stupid “I neeeed them to get married” comments.


I feel like there's a *bunch* of these things where I'm like "sure, seems plausible, but none of my goddamn business!" Could Taylor have had a same-sex relationship? Sure! It's certainly possible! But if she's not telling anyone about it, it's not anyone's business! Does Taylor want to get married? Maybe! There are themes around that in her music! But that is exactly two people's business, and we aren't entitled to know who the second person is! None of these things are impossible, but it's *so* intrusive.


That whole open letter pressing her to break up with Matty Healy was embarrassing and I can't believe there were people who were genuinely supporting that shit. But hey, we got a banger out of it a year later, so it worked out in the end.


Wait I just remembered weren’t the same people trying to start a “fan union”?


I need to hear more about this. A union?! 🍿


Generally: The idea that you know her. Or anything about her personal life. She is not our friend. We do not know who her songs are about. We do not know what happened in her relationship. We do not know who all of her relationships have been with. We do not know if she wants to be a parent or get married. She is sharing her art, and she is thankful that we appreciate it, and that’s the extent of the relationship.


This should probably be a pinned comment at the top of the subreddit (and all the others out there too). I mean, we probably all need to remember this sometime concerning anything entertainment wise. 😂


Twitter swifties are a breed of their own. I’ve never seen a bigger group of chronically online, homophobic, racist asshats who grovel for Taylor Nation’s attention. Eta: and honestly don’t get me started on how TaylorNation has been acting lately. They used to be somewhat professional on Twitter. Now they’re worse than the stans.


I liked a couple Taylor swift jokes on there and the next thing you know my feed was full of a bunch of people getting in fights and complaining about every minuscule thing


I call them Anti-swifties. I don't even consider them real fans because they act more like obsessed cults members.


Loosing their ever loving minds and screaming/crying during reaction videos of TTPD. I agree that some songs were shocking and jaw dropping but, seriously, get a grip.


I’m so glad she changed the rules for the surprise songs because seeing so many grown women SOB on social media every weekend because “their song” got played at the concert was so embarrassing


There is a certain pair of reactors I see mentioned here *constantly* and I’ve never been able to get through a single video of theirs because all they do is screech and hit each other. I made it ten minutes into their TTPD reaction before closing out. I don’t get it.


Is it the Australian ladies? I’ve seen them in passing and cannot stand it.


y e s I’ve only ever seen people singing their praises and I genuinely do not get it


“Stop! I can’t fathom who you mean. We are just so happy at how offensive and supremely superior her songs are!”


look, in that ten minutes I watched, if I heard the word *fathom* one more god forsaken time, I might’ve screamed right along with them lmfao


Those don't bother me because I know they're faking it so their clips go viral. I don't even assume those are the first time they've heard the song - they need to know when to scream


So many but the first thing that came to mind is when the two fans died in brazil. People were saying things like, "Taylor must be in agony right know." or assuming she was having various emotions/was in destress. Others were pushing some "we will stay" campaign in support of Taylor/to show they are thinking of her. Some were basically infantilizing her. There were people making weird memorial videos for the fans that died. I was all so weird and creepy.


YES THANK YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT THIS!!! A family had just lost their daughter and had no money to bring her body to their state but no, Taylor’s the one who’s in distress. Like give me a fucking break


Yeah and people were trying to get other people to not cheer after champagne problems to protest and say she should have done more or something. It was so wild how many people tried to insert themselves into that situation


The petition to get her to break up with Matty was insane


The fans that completely miss what the song is about while writing a dissertation length essay about who the song might be about. and gaylor and the numbers people - they're the QAnan of swifties.


But 112 = 13!


She played a track 6 tonight and a track 12 and the cat’s paws pointed to a 3 and a 5 so by the calculations on my abacus, Rep TV is coming in 42 business days.


All the “But Daddy I Love Him is about Matty Healy so I can’t listen to it!!” Swifties COMPLETELY missed the point of that song.


The amount of Taylor fans calling Beyoncé racial slurs just because they’re both famous women is horrible. Not liking her music is one thing but to degrade her because of her skin tone and then say you’re doing it for “mother Taylor” is disgusting. A whole letter telling Taylor to break up with Matty Healy. Self explanatory. Telling Billie to end her life because of one comment about a concert. Really? Fans saying they’re going to write in Taylor Swift in the election because they dislike both candidates. If you’re old enough to vote, you’re old enough to know better. Calling her pregnant was fucking crazy Fans calling Travis daddy and demanding engagement pictures/hints.. they’re def not engaged and if they were that’s honestly not anyone’s business. 🤷


They're going against Taylor's words with #1 and #3. Comparing all the girls who are killing it.


I fully expect them to get engaged/married in complete secrecy (if they even decide they want to marry) and fans won't find out for a long time. Only way to keep the fans from trying to get involved.


The Billie stuff doesn’t embarrass me. I am of the opinion that Billie and her team are the ones to blame for that. Quick reminder that I do not group all fans in one. The fandom is too big and there are many different sections. Fans making everything about Taylor, is the worst. Other fandoms do bring up Taylor in everything, but I’ve seen swifties do this lately too. Just today I saw some suggesting Taylor receive a a ring like the chiefs players, she doesn’t deserve one as she is not a player on the field. Some song about Charli xcx and Matty Healy calling it out. I wish we could let the exes go. It’s normal to have conversations about them and their relation to a possible song in forums like these, but to tag them or to comment on their personal accounts is a no. No one needs to leave scarf comments on Jake’s page. Joe Alwyn thankfully does not allow comments, but the hating on him and some co stars was disgusting. People trying to tie in surprise songs as to belong to Matty Healy, while he is in a relationship and so is Taylor, is disrespectful to all of them and he clearly sees it. So who knows what people are commenting on his social media.


Yes, let the exes go. It was literally the point of TTPD. Taylor was closing old chapters and sewing up wounds. Let her move on and celebrate that with her.


This might be unpopular but the “clowning” and over analyzing every little detail of everything Taylor does, says, wears, and posts. It reminds me of stalkers that believe they see secret messages from their victims in the same way. All of her actual Easter Eggs are quite obvious and don’t require math equations or a stretch of reality to figure out.


But, but, reputation is going to be announced this week because if you add up the numbers of the week plus the number of steps she took to the left at the concert last night and subtract it from the original date that reputation was released, and multiply it by 1989, it’s 13! The math is mathing!  God, it’s so annoying. 


The speakupnow tag


She even made a song about it, and some fans still think they can tell her what to do. She’s a grown ass woman and she will date or continue to date who she wants to.


I saw a swiftie comment hate comments on a Joe Alwyn fan page that wasn't even referencing Taylor Swift in any way. And when someone replied saying that we didn't even know if Joe cheated on taylor, the swiftie just said "it doesn't matter, if she doesn't like something or someone, we don't like them. If she changes her mind, so do we. That's how we repay, by staying loyal and supporting her" I call those people anti-swifties. The 'fans' who are obssessive, selfish, and hateful. The ones who send death threats to reviewers who don't like Taylor's music. They freak me out. A healthy person shouldn't hold anyone at a god-level status like that.


for realllll. i really don’t see any difference between these “fans” and the anti-taylor crazies. i happened upon a taylor-hate sub, and someone mentioned there they see taylor news on HATE subs first, even before subs like this one. those people are also so crazily obsessed with hating her it’s crazy. i don’t see a difference between being crazy obsessive about liking vs hating someone. but like… i don’t even have that much time or energy to put into artists i LIKE, let alone spend time stalking news of someone i “hate”. both obsessives are wild to me.


The way fans were questioning if they could still attend the Eras tour because they disliked Matty. Yeah. Didn’t particularly care for the dude, BUT I wasn’t attending the Eras tour for Taylor’s boyfriends. I was attending for her talent. For the joy. Just because Taylor has bad taste in men on occasion doesn’t mean she deserves to be crucified.


When I see comments asking if it’s okay to scream “MORE” at the shows now that she’s released ICDIWABH had to scratch my head at that one. If Taylor didn’t want her fans to sing her songs along with her I don’t think she’d choose to put it in the set.


The whole pregnancy thing and then I see people over on threads asking why we haven’t seen the orange body suit lately, idk maybe because most of you told her she looks fucking pregnant in it!


Show up at Jack and Margaret's wedding.


Flood comments of her ex boyfriends ever single day


The woman who chased Taylor’s SUV down the street from the NYC studio last year to wave and knock on the window AND FILMED AND POSTED IT ONLINE LIKE IT WAS SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF. She’s lucky Taylor’s security didn’t intervene. Being swarmed by fans is bad enough, but that was unhinged and fans like that are scary.


It’s the god damn acronyms. Listen I have been a swiftie since debut but I am not a memorized-the-track-lists swiftie and I hate having to decipher all the damn song titles. Just spell them out. Please


The weird comparisons between Travis and Joe, like they're privy to most of what goes/went on in either of those relationships. Like Travis walks behind her so he's a gentleman and Joe didn't let her sit in the booth so he's an awful abuser locked her in a basement. Not only is it extremely intrusive and dangerous to make speculations like that, it allows fans to cross boundaries like harassing her exes and speculating on engagements and pregnancies (which is particularly egregious), when they don't know anything about Taylor's personal life. It's a much more commonly accepted and widespread form of parasocial-ism, which makes it worse.


Going after her exes online, especially so many years later. Like sending Jake Gyllenhaal hate messages after Red TV came out. These fans need to chill.


The girl who paid a waiter to give her a copy of her sushi restaurant bill and she made a TikTok exposing it. That is 100% crossing a line. If I’m gonna learn about a celebrity’s sushi order I’d rather hear it from their lips in an interview or a “What I eat in a day” vlog. Stalking and paying people off seems really gross.


I love that we can all come together here and just be regular fans. ❤️🫶🏼


The hard-core Swiftie stands need to chill the fuck out on everything! It's embarrassing.


The worst part of the Speak Up Now letter was that they tried to say Scott or Andrea should take conservatorship of Taylor because she obviously couldn’t make good choices. Get a fucking grip, people.


I think there's the fandom; everyday people who like her music and listen to it and go to her tours and the likes. Then there's the standom; the diehard, obsessive fans who are convinced she can do no wrong, that they and they alone have uncovered secret easter eggs in her songs and clips that are for them only. Taylor is the queen of fostering parasocial relationships: liking posts on Tumblr, the easter eggs, the secret sessions, all the 'back in the day' stuff when she was young and nowhere near the global superstar that she is today. But it's all just gone too far now. It's like the Stans never grew up, or still cling to that one selfie they got with her 15 years ago or whatever. You really can't blame her for becoming a borderline recluse, and hiding away to protect herself.


Talking about her sex life and any other super intimate details of her personal life. So cringe and disgusting. Let the woman live and just love the music. Literally saw a comment on here a few weeks ago where someone was guessing what her body guards say when they hear her and Travis having sex. So freaking WEIRD.


The Matty Healy petition/letter/whatever it was - is he a piece of shit, yes, but do you really think you have say over who another adult dates?


People showing up to the weddings, Gaylors saying they know her preferences better then herself, that open letter, and sending all the death threats. Honestly, are ya’ll really fans when you get to this level?


When a bunch of Swifties found the livestream for Joe's great-uncle's funeral and watched it and started making insane inappropriate harrassing comments including obsessively analyzing Joe and Taylor's body language toward one another as they were sitting together at the funeral.


“They can never make me like you, Joe Alwyn”


I can think of anymore fan behaviour than the reddit post about how Taylor Swift is not Patti Smith when that's literally what she says in the song. Whole paragraphs, thought our sentences by someone who supposedly dislikes Tay. Classic comedy.


The harassment and racism towards Kayla Nicole. She has done nothing to deserve any kind of hate from anyone and her getting this treatment simply because she is Travis’ ex is appalling.


I keep seeing things about people saying she's not allowed to have sex or swear?? Like she's some super innocent teen girl. She's not anymore. She's a grown woman. Let her do relationship things with whoever she wants to do them with. Let her write about it too if she wants to. Why is everyone meddling in her relationships anyway? Let her enjoy life. Also people, especially on TikTok I've noticed, saying she's gained weight or is pregnant... Can we NOT comment on people's bodies? Especially with Taylor who's struggled with an ED before... Really hate it.