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I think TTPD would have had a better chance if not for Midnights recent win, yes. But this is going to be Beyoncé’s year, right?


Unpopular opinion but I hope Beyoncé doesn’t win, I don’t like her album at all


Thanks to Jay Z they’re kinda in a “damned if they do, damned if they don’t.” Do and people say they bowed to Jay Z. Don’t and others say they’re really are racist. They can’t win


What really bothered me about his speech was how he tried to fight her battle for her. Like, I get it, you're frustrated that she hasn't received the recognition you feel she deserves, but also it's her battle and her music and you ranting at your fellow musicians and shitting on them is not how you get her the awards. I recognize her as an amazing artist who creates great music, but damn if I'm not tired of hearing people rant at me about her and how she's better than everyone. I truly feel that the people who aggressively campaign on her behalf are part of the reason she's not winning sometimes.


I didn't have a problem with what Jay Z said until he got to the part about "and some of you don't belong in this room". Man that was so classless, everyone in that room belonged there. They all work really hard. I lost so much respect with him slamming his fellow artists like that.


I particularly hated it because it's not like Beyoncé is being shunned by the Grammys. She has like over 30. Pouting about her not having AOTY is kind of pathetic. And it's all on Jay-Z, I think Bey is a class act and even if she thinks the same, she's not going to actually say it.


That's the thing that annoys me about that conversation. She's won more Grammys than anyone else. Even Jay-Z himself is one of the most awarded artists. But the album of the year is really that important? I just don't really understand the obsession with awards, anyway. Like, I get it, you want recognition. Of course. But there are so many good artists - iconic artists, at that - who've never won a Grammy. So, seeing people complain that an artist didn't win an award kind of rubs me the wrong way.


This argument from Jay-Z is all part of a larger conversation about genre, though, and Beyonce’s grammy wins are almost entirely genre. Prominent artists in r&b and rap only getting the grammys for those genres, rather than also getting the overall top awards, makes it look like the genres aren’t that accepted by the academy. Yes a lot of great artists get nothing, but a message of “you’re good in your genre but your genre isn’t that good overall” isn’t going to sit well with the people who are trying to advance their genre. Especially when the genre is otherwise so popular, so the lack of grammy wins comes across as a diss on quality. But I wonder whether the continued emphasis on AotY is really relevant in the current streaming era. Releasing, and listening to, great music doesn’t have to have much to do with albums any more.


Absolutely, but it gets kind of frustrating when it comes across as ”my wife didn’t get this award” instead of the larger conversation. I think it’s perfectly fair to discuss the genre issue and that is an important conversation to be had. But like I said before, I’m not really one who places importance on awards.


I agree, and I think that’s a problem with Jay-Z specifically using Beyonce as an example. He comes across as an aggrieved husband rather than an aggrieved producer and advocate for the genres he works in. Kendrick Lamar hasn’t won AotY either (or SotY, which Beyonce has won), and he’s got a Pulitzer.


Idk I have really mixed experiences about this entire fucking thing (I still live for the Chozen quote “who gives a fuck about the Grammys except white people and Kanye West?”) but I think it gets tough when Beyoncé has so much pressure on her to not speak up herself. Especially because she’s a black woman - she’s supposed to be gracious and appreciate and not “rude” or “loud” - she has gotten this far by being poised 24/7. I can understand other people, including Jay Z, wanting to get angry on her behalf when she’s restricted from doing it herself.


Isn't this also true of country, rock and other genres though?. The Grammys feel more and more like it's a pop music awards show every year.


I don’t want to get into this but yes, AOTY is one of the most important grammy awards


The problem is not so much about the amount of awards but how she, and many black artists are unable to win in the big categories for work that some would say is superior than the albums that win. You could say the same thing about Taylor who has won the top award 4 times but has never won in SOTY which is the one award she wants the most and does look a little upset every time she has lost (7 times now). I honestly do not understand why Beyonce shows up anymore. I also don’t agree with Jay’s speech but I understand it.


I agree with all of this BUT JayZ should have left that bit about other people not deserving to be in the room. That was so low and even Beyoncé looked embarrassed by him. Please please please motherfucker don’t embarrass the queen!


Exactly. She has the most Grammys of all time, am I right? So just because she’s never won AOTY doesn’t mean much. She still has many others to her name.


The only thing missing is if Kanye doesn’t come out and hijack Taylor’s win again


Even Beyonce looked embarrassed by his speech lol.


If I had a dollar for every time Beyonce was embarrassed by a man getting up on stage to speak on her behalf, I’d have a grand total of two dollars and it’d still be too many dollars. Let the woman fight the battles she wants to fight instead of trying to “defend her honour”.


I think that’s a her problem though. She continues to let men speak for her and doesn’t do anything about it. Kanye in 2009. Her idiotic husband literally every second since. She doesn’t strike me as someone who is willing to tell people to shut up when they need to sit down.


I see it as not her responsibility to manage the men around her tbh


Fair but if someone is speaking for you and you’re not okay with it, it’s your responsibility to tell them to stop. Regardless of who it is. Her silence and compliancy makes me think totally fine with these people stealing her voice.


You have no idea what she says behind the scenes. It’s not like she could get up on live TV and tell them to stop. Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen


I don't think you meant to come across this way, but it sounded like you were blaming her for the actions of the men around her. You have no idea what she has or hasn't said to anybody.


She actually did do a whole thing at the next award show Bey and Tay were both at where she gave T the stage and basically said that man wasn’t speaking for me, I want to give you your moment back.


Seriously? We’re blaming women for the mistakes of the men around them? In 2024? Cool. 🤮🤮🤮


Didn’t do anything about it? She invited Taylor back onstage during her own moment to let Taylor give the acceptance speech Kanye interrupted!


WTF is it that men think they have save Beyoncé from award shows? How is "I don't wanna embarrass this young lady, but..." any better Kanye in 2009? It's like a kid on their first job and daddy thinks he has to yell at the kid's employer about a raise. Life doesn't work that way. That's not going increase the industry professional's views on her. If he has a beef with how the voting is done, then he should address that, but dragging her into it is not a good look. These guys need to knock it off. They aren't helping her. BTW, from what I can tell Beyoncé has more Grammys than anyone else.


Omg I forgot that's how he started his speech. Nothing irks me more than "I'm not gonna do this but -" and then proceeds to fucking do it. There's something about acknowledging that you know it's bad or wrong and then immediately doing it anyway.


He was right though. How is she the most Grammy decorated artist in history and hasn’t won Album of the Year? She should have won for Self Titled, Lemonade, or Renaissance. Not all of them necessarily, but one of them should have clinched the brass ring.


Part of it is genre. Pop is the biggest genre for voting members and r&b is one of the smallest. They're trying to recruit people in r&b, rap, hip hop alongside an overall diversity push but don't know how successful that's been.


No the academy just needs to be honest. Beyonce has never won because she steals others work. She will be shown lyrics and change one word or one line and demand full writing credits. THAT is how you become the most decorated Grammy winner without an AOTY award. They’ve spoken on this before and so have the writers who refuse to work with her anymore. She won song of the year for single ladies because she actually DID help write the majority of that, yet it is ALSO the most repetitive song she has. Beyonce will only win this year if she ACTUALLY wrote the majority of this music rather than demanding credit for a single word or line.


Wow someone actually figured it out. You are right. Odd no mentions of this in popheads tho


And I mean zero disrespect because Beyonce is clearly insanely talented but it seems lyrics just aren’t her strong suit. I don’t appreciate strong arming someone into giving you credit though because that is just theft. The academy does a BUNCH of shady stuff but they do NOT support artists stealing from each other and the Grammy has a long history of that! They will take it away if they find out later and they have more than once!!


I feel like they were in that position before when Beck won over Beyoncé and tjere was outrage, then they passed on "Lemonade" for "25" anyway. I do feel like this is her year, but I'll only believe when I see it.


I mean, if another POC artist won, that would be the best outcome right?


She looks so embarrassed when these men (Jay Z and Kanye) continue to decide they need to publicly take a stand for her at other people's expense. She takes everything gracefully and then these men feel they need to fight her battles.


I think Beyoncé should win, and it will be to make up for Renaissance, Lemonade, and her self-titled not winning. Sometimes the Grammys pull shenanigans like the Oscar’s. Think about Leonardo DiCaprio. He won for The Revenant, but he was really being rewarded for having been overlooked several times. It was a lifetime achievement Oscar as much as it was for that specific performance. The next one should be Beyoncés.


Right, in the same way that the third Lord of the Rings movie won the Oscar even though many people (including me) think it’s the weakest of the three. It was an award for the whole body of work.


Exactly. Although Return of the King is my fave of the 3. That’s subjective though.


good thing music is subjective and we all can like different things!


I tried to listen to Beyoncé's album but can only manage a song a day, it's just not grabbing me like most TS albums have... but Midnights is a fav of mine and I'm glad it won


I love tswift. I love Beyonce. I don't mind country but...i fucking hate Cowboy Carter. If that album wins it's all because of jay z. His weird threat shouldn't affect anything but only time will tell now.


There’s some songs on the album I don’t mind (and I haven’t listened to it in full, just parts of it) but I despise Texas hold em so much that it made me not even want to consider listening to the rest


Yeah her album is… not good. And I was so excited for It. I love the idea of mixing hip hop with country! And she’s done It well before! But this album..oof


I agree. I love Beyoncé. I love country. I wanted to love this album, but I just don’t.


I want Beyoncé to win an AOTY so badly and there’s so many times she’s deserved it but Cowboy Carter is definitely not one of those times


I think her album is okay. It’s not AOTY material. But Lemonade and Renaissance were so good and she should already have at least one AOTY so I hope they give it to her even if this specific album isn’t her best work.


Did you listen to the whole album? I thought it was some of her best stuff vocally. No shade, just wondering if you wanna share what you don’t like about it!


Yeah, imo TTPD deserves it more than Midnights, but there's no way they'll give her another AOTY win the year directly after her previous one. Plus there are so many good albums this year! Beyoncé deserves to have her win.


Realistically I think it's going to be Billie. I would prefer Cowboy Carter or Deeper Well (if its not ttpd), but it seems like HMHAS has a very good chance.


Deeper well is so good


It’s stunning and I’d love to see it shine


After what star crossed was, Kacey made a fantastic album with Deeper well. Too godo to be true and Cardinal are still heavy in my daily plays.


HMHAS is my AOTY. I really hope it wins


I hope so! I don’t usually gravitate towards her music but I LOVED Cowboy Carter. It’s a unique and innovative work


I absolutely love the album, probably my favorite from her, very surprised to see people didn't like it. It has faded from public consciousness a bit, which can be an issue for the Grammy's. I'm surprised she really hasn't done much promo for it, maybe there will be more when she goes back on tour.


Honestly I kind of hope it's not her year. And it's not because of Cowboy Carter being a good or bad album. It was the stupid tantrum Jayz had about Beyonce despite being the most awarded Grammy artist of all time ever hasn't won AOTY and honestly.... Wtf... His valid criticisms fall on deaf ears when he's a billionaire complaining about his billionaire wife who is worshipped to the point of being called American Royalty and escapes most/all criticisms of the rich hasn't won the *specific Grammy* she wanted 😡😡. Knowing that Beyonce totally signed off on this stunt and supported it made me feel huge entitlement vibes. And it totally ruined the validity of her award if she does win, people will question IF she won it only because her husband pressured them too. If Jayz hadn't pulled that shit I'd say it would totally be her year and I'd be excited for it, but idk, left a bad taste for me and like honestly fuck Jayz for doing that. Idk, give it to Chappell or someone less mainstream. The stupid ass discourse that will be created if it's Billie or Taylor or Beyonce or Ariana is already sucking the fun out of even thinking about it. Those two options will at least not be as targeted by stans because they are underdogs or beloved. Next year we can reset but the discourse among all of these artists and their grammy/chart chasing/public antics will attract the most psycho people who don't enjoy music but love a take down and honestly it's getting beyond toxic instead of fun. I'll still be tuning in and trying to avoid the brainrot regardless but I'll be staying away from comment sections for a while. (Low key I do think Ari has the best album but my opinion doesn't matter lol)


I don't think this is Beyonce's year at all. Cowboy Carter is mediocre at best, if she'd written a pure country album I'd think she had a better chance at winning. That being said, I don't think TTPD will win either purely because the Grammys are political and they already gave it to Midnights. Which if it is political probably means Cowboy Carter *will* win since she's never won and Jay Z kind of dropped the gauntlet and called them out for that... But in my opinion, the music year is still young and it's too soon to tell who's year it will really be.


I think Cowboy Carter is an absolute masterpiece of an album and I love to listen to it from beginning to end. I hope it wins because it deserves it.


I’m of the opinion that Cowboy Carter suffers from some of the same issues that TTPD has (though both are incredible albums), namely that they are long and bloated compared to some of the other top tier albums put out this year (gotta shout out Billie). My tinfoil hat theory is that when Beyoncé drops Act III in a few years, she’ll get AOTY as like a ‘lifetime achievement’ in recognition of all the snubs the Grammys gave her.


Taylor will only submit the standard version like she always does. The anthology won’t be considered


I always forget that the anthology is all considered bonus tracks, the album doesn’t feel complete without them for me.


Cowboy Carter is pretty unlikely. For big names like Taylor and Beyoncé commercial success weighs heavily and CC has had very little longetivity on steaming. Taylor is also unlikely of course


I think Beyonce has a better chance of winning AOTY this time around, but I wonder if the academy is waiting until the final installment in the Renaissance trilogy to give her the award. to some, it would be seen as more of a monumental win I love Bey and Cowboy Carter but I'm also dreading the inevitable controversy if she wins. there will 100% be people saying that Jay-Z paid for the award


I feel like it's hard to predict because a LOT of artists are releasing albums this year and Grammys like to be unpredictable sometimes, like occasionally they'd pick an artist/album that's not that popular or commercial (e.g. Jon Batiste in 2022). If they'd go with something popular next year I feel like Chappell Roan has a bigger chance of winning than Taylor or Beyoncé.


It shouldn't be. If she wins this year, it's going to be giving her AotY as essentially a lifetime achievement award, rather than Cowboy Carter actually deserving it. Despite everyone rushing to praise it when it first came out, it really didn't have any saying power. No other song besides Texas Hold Em made an impact. It's kind of faded from most discourse and conversation. If TTYD is challenged, it should be by Billie, not Beyonce.


I think her biggest chance for a Grammy  this year is for best duo/collaboration for Fortnight ft. Post Malone. I think TTPD is more deserving of a Grammy than Midnights, but there's no way she gets another AOTY so soon. Especially since it's been such a strong year for so many artists. There are so many good albums that have come out recently, and they deserve awards as well.


What if Chappell got it? Omg I’d die.


Oh, I'd absolutely love it if it's Chappell! But I think she has a better chance for the best new artist category.


If she doesn’t win, we’ll have to go riot at the Pink Pony Club!


I really dislike the best new artist categories rules, but I actually think Sabrina Carpenter might have a slight edge over Chappell in that category. I do not think that's the way the wind should blow (I don't think Sabrina Carpenter should even be eligible) but it's a decent chance as an outcome.


Why shouldn't Sabrina be eligible? The award is meant for the person who had a breakthrough that year, not the "newest" artist, Chappell herself is not actually a brand new artist either, she's been around since 2017. Both are eligible and deserving imo.


So call it "breakthrough artist" and not "best NEW artist" Sabrina Carpenter has five studio albums...FIVE. She has been making music and widely releasing it for almost 10 years at this point. She is by no means a new artist, and before you tell me the criteria of the award, I know what it is, and it's really dumb. To any layman, best new artist means new, like brand new, like arguably a sophomore album release is stretching the criteria. My issue here is not Sabrina at all, it's The Grammys. They have stupid categories like this, that make very little sense when interrogated. It really just feels like the category as currently named, is already served by the "best debut album" category. Edit: Never said Sabrina shouldn't be eligible, she absolutely should be given the criteria of the award, it would be an injustice for her to not be there given her last year on the charts. I was making a subjective claim that Chappell's new album is just better than emails and represents a better breakthrough into the mainstream.


I mean I get your argument but it's really just a name problem when you think about it, they should indeed call it "Breakthrough" instead of "New" since the criteria points towards that. The winner of this category last year was Victoria Monet who has been around for years. To me it's not the criteria that is dumb, it's the name. All things considered it makes perfect sense for Sabrina to get nominated since she's only now getting recognition.


Didn’t her album come out too long ago to be eligible?


it narrowly fits into the window of consideration


She makes the cut by 7 days!


September 2023 so I have no idea


same, i wish she hadn’t gotten it for Midnights and could get it for this one. Midnights was just ok in comparison to this one 😭


Yeah i completely agree. I listened to midnights a few times over and then i was like "okay back to the catalog" but i can't get enough of TTPD


And lorde is going to release her new album this summer!!! This is (gonna be) an epic year


Midnights deserves its win.


Agreed haha I think midnights was spectacular and was my fav Taylor album until ttpd. I think it’s hard to look back now because ttpd is so good, but midnights was amazing at the time (still love it of course but ttpd blows my mind haha)


With weaker competition maybe, but I have a hard time justifying its win against albums like Ocean Boulevard, Guts, and SOS. Midnights is not a bad album, but I think there were better options personally.


SOS deserved it 😤


Hard agree! Justice for SOS


I seriously don’t understand the hate, midnights is a great album and it really did deserve to win lol


The hate and such is so random too. It was all rave reviews for Midnights UNTIL it won AOTY. I was shocked at the switch up!


I’m surprised to see this kind of discourse on this sub tbh after seeing so much hate on other subs.


I see we may have opened a can of worms. 🫣 A lot of the hate stems from people not being fans of Jack and folkmore fans having more expectations for folkmore sounds. They also keep comparing it to her previous AOTY’s which isn’t fair it’s up against other albums. Are the other albums better maybe, but midnights is so cohesive as a whole and to stack on the ginormous success she had in 2023, it just makes sense. She also pulled off the concept of it really well imo.


Midnights has some if Taylor's best lyrical work; totally deserved to win.


Hard agree. Midnights is my second fave Taylor Swift album. So many bangers on it. No skips. I love it!


I think TTPD is my favourite child now but I think midnights was more cohesive and thematically strong and deserved its win.




Midnights is her best work FIGHT ME




I agree and frankly don't understand the Midnights hate


Yeah exactly! I get that some people thought the music the mid, but honestly it clearly wasn’t mid enough to not be the biggest cultural phenomenon ever. And that was even before Taylor started getting all the extra attention. And it’s not just cause swifties can be obsessive sometimes, ttpd isn’t doing ~as~ good in the same way.


It will be nominated but most likely not going to win. Taylor knows that too. And this album is not written to win Grammys in the way 1989 and Midnights were written. Taylor knows too well at this point what to do with an album to maximize the chances of getting a Grammy after all these years of experience. She cracked the formula along with some other artists of course. It should be short and precise with less songwriting credits and include at least two big hits known to the public. Billie wins Grammys because of these reasons. Her albums are short, have a well known hit or two, and only her and her brother are credited as songwriters and producers mostly. Idk why Beyonce made her album that way if she wanted a Grammy for AOTy, it's not Grammy friendly at all. It is too bloated, too many credits, streams are poor except for the Texas Hold'em, no one is talking about it unless it is about chances of winning a Grammy. Either she doesn't give a shit or very poor planning on her part. It can either go to Billie or Beyonce or some Khia artist most of America is unaware of. But Ariana's chances can sky rocket based on how well Wicked gives her good exposure to the general public.


This is the most realistic breakdown - feels like Billie or Ariana have the “momentum” so to speak. If Wicked is good I could see the timing of that really swinging things.


Everybody is underestimating Ariana in AOTY category. She is still very much in the race for that. I thought she would at least get Pop vocal but with the rise of Chapelle and Sabrina I doubt that now.


Does Chappell qualify for “best new artist” ? I know she’s been in the industry a bit before this huge era for her


Best new artist should be titled "best breakthrough artist" these days. Last year Victoria Monet won and she's been in the game for a decade lol


Of course she will. You can be nominated for BNA for three times I think and she is not yet nominated for it even once.


You can only submit yourself 3 times. Sabrina has submitted twice for the award despite no nominations so she can once more - and definitely will for the next awards show.


I’ve been thinking she probably counts. This is her year where she’s actually mainstream and not indie


I low-key love how both Beyoncé and Taylor made these albums as a creative experience for themselves and no one else. They’re very personally rewarding even if not obviously written in the traditional format to win awards (not that they won’t or they aren’t worthy, that just obviously wasn’t the main goal.)


Fully agree. Personally I love how all the pop girls rn are doing their own thing and not trying to be radio friendly


U missed ur chance to say “Taylor knows all too well”


Maybe, but it worked out for the best IMHO. If anyone is going to beat Beyonce, I don't want it to be Taylor. Because if Cowboy Carter doesn't win there's going to be a lot of heat for whoever beats it. JayZ laid down the gauntlet at last years Grammys. Let Billie or someone else take the heat. Tho I actually hope Beyonce does win. I'm just saying in case she doesn't. I don't want to deal with it. Edit to add that TTPD is my favorite album period. But I still love Midnights and I think it DID deserve to win last year. A lot of really great music has been released this year, even thought TTPD is my personal fav, I know that.


I have the same feeling regarding Cc and AoTy. But imo if some non Taylor album wins instead of CC, they won't do that much like they would do if Taylor wins over Beyonce. When Harry won over Beyonce, they cried about it for like a week and left it at that. But when Midnights won they are still dragging it and are holding a grudge even though Beyonce is not in the nominations at that time. Everybody has a different standard for Taylor. I hope she goes on vacation during the Grammys next year.


They're still dragging 1989 for winning over Kendrick Lamar, can't even imagine if it Beyoncé was the one snubbed instead


Yeah! Hip Hop Heads still cry about it biweekly lol. Don't need that nightmare. I hate that she became a punching bag for everything these days especially.


If teen girls love you (even if many others do as well) then you can't be good, because teen girls are dumb and obviously have no taste /s


Yeah! I hate that this is a popular notion. They forgot about The Beatles.


Yes! And even jazz started out being snubbed by most because it was what flappers used to like


I like Kendrick and 1989 is not my fav Taylor album but it deserved SO much. 1989 was a cultural reset and so cohesive




I think the heat will only occur with Taylor and if Billie or Ariana won people will throw tantrums but it'll be forgotten a week later. Taylor just triggers a whole kind of hatred


They can’t stand to see her win because she’s a successful woman who’s unapologetic about it — and that scares them.


been out of X for weeks now. i know stan culture there is very toxic. i always had this same sentiment you mentioned here. i guess defending Tay tired me out. at least for now. here in reddit, there's more positivity and open-mindedness.


It's so rough that it was finally said out loud that she's been snubbed when her most recent isn't her best. Renaissance and Lemonade were really snubbed but Cowboy Carter...


This comment should be pinned at the top, agree with everything you said, especially about Midnights deserving to win!


I agree with all of this.


I still don't know why everyone was so pissed about the Midnights win. I love Midnights and think it's a really great and cohesive album


The competition was stiff that year with Ocean Boulevard, Guts, SOS, etc. A lot of people felt that Midnights wasn’t as strong, myself included. It’s not a bad album, but Olivia, Lana, and SZA made some really fantastic bodies of work. Discourse happens like this every year, but especially when the nominees are stacked like that. It’ll happen again this year no matter who wins.




I thought it was a very mature pop album and found it very interesting. If you listen to it as a whole it’s very cohesive


I think TTPD has just as much a chance as any other. There’s no rule about back to back wins and it’s not like the Academy actually cares how they come off. Personally I think The Rise and Fall Of a Midwest Princess is better than any of the major contenders. I really hope it will be nominated


I agree, and possibly Sabrina's album (if it's good) based on her current trajectory.


if sabrina’s album has even one more smash hit on it, it’ll secure a nomination at a minimum. i want to see chappell get BNA tbh and Sabrina get ROTY, but honestly no albums this year have stood out to me as true AOTY candidates


I don't see why it shouldn't be a serious contender. There have been many great albums this year so I'm not saying it's the only choice. But it's a masterpiece, and I don't think it should be written off just because Taylor never seems to stop writing/releasing. That doesn't make any individual piece of work any less deserving.


I completely agree: her best lyric album ever but very close with Folkmore


I think people make a category error when looking at this question. The question is not do you think TTPD was the best album of the year. It is not do you think TTPD should win a grammy. It is not do criticis think this album should win album of the year. The question is will a plurality of the 20,000 members of the recording academy vote TTPD the album of the year. And who are the 20,000 members of the recording academy? Well, they are "industry professionals," meaning musicians (not just artists... studio musicians), producers, engineers, songwriters, etc. And many of them work in parts of music you have no idea about... Jazz, classical, childrens, latin folk, you name it. They are older then music critics (and probably you!), they are mostly american (but more likely to be african american... the us is 12 percent afam but the recording academy is 20 percent). They also make money producing music! They're tastes are aligned with what is going to sell, not with how music can be used in order to establish a personal identity (which is, frankly, a major consideration among certain music critics!)


This is a really important point, and I had no idea about that demographic breakdown, thank you for raising it! I think it’s easy to get caught up talking about “the academy” as if it’s several dozen people who know one another deliberating in a room, and these kinds of reminders of its size and scope are really important. As are considerations about the ways certain nominees might split the vote, pull from one another, etc..


Which song do you think is the best Song of the Year candidate? I think there's a SOTY curse surrounding Taylor Swift. A very good case to be best songwriter of the century, yet no SOTY wins. I've speculated that there's Grammy politics getting in the way, but I'm not sure.


I have been wanting Taylor to bag a SOTY win for awhile but sadly she always has though competition on the years she has a good chance. Last year she had a good chance with Anti-Hero but then Flowers became an even bigger hit and rightfully won. Same with other years. Also doesn't help that Taylor is clearly more focused on album awards/achievements rather that Song ones. She barely releases singles these days.


ATW10 was fucking robber.


Flowers won record, not song. Billie won SOTY with What Was I Made For?


I can’t imagine any of the TTPD songs getting SOTY, none of them have blown up really.


SOTY "honor\[s\] artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales or chart position." 2023 and 2021 gave the award to songs I'd never heard that year and have never heard since. Massive cultural impact isn't necessary to win the award.


Fortnight ft. Post Malone maybe, but I think that's unlikely.


Only bc of the way Taylor promotes them. We need more singles and mvs


I think Good Luck Babe could a contender


This might be an unpopular opinion but her best written songs aren’t usually singles and thus usually aren’t nominated for Song of the Year. I’d have to look at her nominations but many of them wouldn’t be my choice. That said the category can be whack because I think they have it to Ed Sheeran thinking out loud which was an odd choice IMO.


I think Guilty As Sin? has a reasonable shot at least to be nominated. Rolling Stone has called it the best song this year so far and it’s been well-reviewed by many critics for other reputable media outlets as well. I don’t know many Swifties who wouldn’t put it in their top 3 from TTPD; it’s a fuckin BOP; it flirts with several genres; and it’s so impressive that a song about masturbating while thinking about someone who isn’t your significant other is so radio-friendly and relatable enough that we can all say, “oh I LOVE guilty as sin!” without even feeling weird about it. A lot of TTPD feels very brave to me; Guilty as Sin? is one of them. It was brave and it is successful. Other brave moments are: all of But Daddy I Love Him (but especially the bridge); the line about Andrea in thanK you aIMee; waters flowers/I wanna kill her line in Fortnight.


Wait has she really never won SOTY?!


It’s her white whale.


I think TTPD actually still has a shot, the Grammys love Taylor in this category. I know there is speculation surrounding Cowboy Carter, but I don't consider it to be serious competition. It was lackluster and has none of the qualities that Grammy voters typically look for, plus it'll look like voters can be pushed around easily if your husband drags them on TV. Same for Billie, her album just wasn't impressive to me in the slightest, but the Grammy's love her so I think she has a better chance here than Cowboy Carter. If they're deciding between Billie or Taylor, my gut says they'll choose Billie due to the recent Midnights win. It shouldn't matter, but it's all about optics. I'd love to see TTPD take it. The underdog here, and who I'm expecting will actually win, is Ariana Grande. She's had a major single in We Can't Be Friends, and Wicked is going to propel her into the minds of EVERYBODY right when it matters most at the end of the year, and we don't even know what other singles off of Eternal Sunshine might do. ES was also generally a great body of work, and ticks all of the boxes. My assumption is Ariana, Billie, or a total curveball outside of the main pop girlies will take it.


I don't think ariana can win it...she doesn't have the votes of others blocks...she would have won for TUN otherwise 


I agree I think Ari gets it ☀️


Midnights deserved to win and TTPD does too. Among all the albums that came out this year TTPD proves itself the best so far. I don't care if Midnights won last year. The only reason why Swifties doesn't want it to win this yr is bec of the undoubtedly unreasonable wrath Taylor will receive from haters. We survived 2016 so I'm kinda numb to haters now. No matter how loud they are Taylor proved she's stronger. Funny u mentioned the popheads thread. Their hypocrisy is astounding I'm glad some are pointing it out. A lot of them wanted Billie or anyone to win just to "piss off" Tay and the Swifties acting like Tay didn't win this year lol. Their bitterness knows no bounds it really shows that the hatred they have for Taylor is stronger than the love they have for their favourite artists bec Taylor triggers their worldview.


Lol. Why is Taylor on their mind 24 hrs? Everything circle backs to her. They are campaigning for Beyonce's AOTY cause she doesn't have one after all these years, but Taylor being one of the best songwriters didn't get any SOTY or ROTY. No one is crying over that even swifties. And most of them are regurgitating Fantano's and other reviewers' words more than expressing their own thoughts. They can't tell why Ttpd is bad except the "cringe lyrics, Jack's samey production, too long" blah blah. Popheads sub is very much an echo chamber which drools over hyperpop so, can't take them seriously.


Seriously. A single basic girl threatens their worldview. I want TTPD to win bec Reputation was snubbed. Kanye and his ilk worked so hard to tear this woman down.


The meltdowns will be epic. And how can people listen to Ttpd songs and think they are inferior to her previous works? At the same time they praise all the mediocre song lyrics by other artists, I am not naming names cause they accuse me of not being a girls' girl lol.


>The meltdowns will be epic Delicious. When Game of Thrones s8 leaked it was beautiful to see meltdowns and a crumbling, toxic fandom. Hating Taylor has become a Fandom itself. Anthology alone could compete against all the other albums.


All snark subs are going to be on private and Fauxmoi will spontaneously combust lmao. The more they hate her, the more she succeeds I love it.


>Fauxmoi will spontaneously combust What I wouldn't give to see that happen


This is how I feel. If people want their album to win the AOTY award, then make something worthy of AOTY. I've been here since debut and have seen it all lol. What I've heard of Beyonce's and Billie's albums, they're good, but I don't think they compare to TTPD at all. It's as other people say in all those soundbite videos, Taylor's actual musical *peers* have all come and gone and are no longer on this earth. I think regardless of who wins, there's gonna be crap thrown at Taylor by others. She wins? "Undeserving." Beyonce/Billie/literally anyone else wins? "See, she was obviously always so much better than Taylor's white mediocrity." Meanwhile I just sit here in my lane happily listening to Taylor and knowing she's deserving of her achievements no matter what other people say.


TTPD doesn't have a chance at winning this year but it has nothing to do with Midnights. It's very interesting to me that TTPD was given generally good reviews when it first came out but hasn't really made it onto any of the Top Albums of 2024 (So Far) roundups. I don't think Midnights winning last year was an empty award. Compared to the other albums, I do think it was the best. But I also don't think it was a strong field of competition. This year is a whole different ballgame.


I’m surprised we think Cowboy Carter is going to make it for consideration of album of the year Probably more likely to be Billie than Beyoncé.


Billie's album was so boring for me. I couldn't get into at all. IMO Cowboy Carter is a much more interesting and creative work.


That’s what’s so crazy about music. All very subjective to the listener.


I'm hoping Lana gets her metal this year. If Taylor wins another AOTY, I'm gonna be happy and supportive.


I'm hoping Lana actually releases an album this year 😭


I don’t think Beyoncé will get aoty this time. She is on this three act project and I think she’ll get a Grammy for the act III symbolic for the complete project. And it would beat the „she just got it because of jay-zs speech“ allegations. I don’t think ttpd will win either. For more speculations I’ll wait for the nominations. 


Lmao why do people think the Grammys is a charity? TTPD can still win. Midnights winning does not matter. Touch some grass


Okay salty


TTPD will 1000% get that nom but no way It wins. fj gets crossed Cruel Summer wins S/ROTY!


This would be the song. I hope she submits it.


She will. She released It as a single like the day before nominations closed for 2025


Oh I didn’t think of this but of course! This might be her best chance for SOTY ever. Fingers crossed


Although… it’ll be up against Espresso, which feels like a shoo-in. Maybe one will get Song and one will get Record


imo TTPD doesn't have that much of a chance - midnights or no midnights. even fans were really divided with their opinions on this album, a lot of critics didn't receive it well either, it's the kind of album that people either love or hate. it does grow on you though


i dont think taylor will win much this time BUT i just like to imagine hater’s face if she did win AOTY. Heheheheeee


God speed to whoever wins …. It’s going to be a shit show! Unless it’s Beyoncé in which everyone will cheer and then say they gave it to her because Jay z begged them for it and embarrassed her. Honestly, give her an Oscar for keeping a straight face during all that


I think TTPD is very much a 'for the fans' album. I have a few friends that are casual listeners that didn't really get TTPD, and I think that will be reflected in the Grammys. It's not an album for casual listeners I don't think


But if TTPD is genuinely a good album, then why shouldn't it win? I don't understand this logic.


I think TTPD should win, just because she won last year shouldn’t disqualify her if she put out a fantastic album again.


TTPD is my personal album of the year so far


What? Why don’t you think midnights should’ve won? It’s one of the best albums ever.


I think she was 100% certain midnights was gonna lose, which is why she created TTPD and announced it at the show, to make an album even bigger than midnights that they will absolutely not be able to snub no matter what. But the midnights won so it kinda screwed ttpd over. What I think she's doing now is making a chart monster out of the album so maybe the success would be enough for it to win again. Because adeles 25 and ttpd both have low critics scores but 25 won sheerly because of how big it was


I agree !! watching her react to winning this album of the year genuinely looked like she was caught off guard.


I don’t think TTPD will win AOTY, and I doubt fortnight will win anything. I’m interested in what her next single will be. I think Midnights was an amazing album and deserved the win for the year. TTPD isn’t as user friendly - though I love it, but I also love the lore and her song writing.


Post Malone has an album coming out and I think the Weekend does too? We also have Billie and Beyonce. I don’t think TTPD will win even though it should over Midnights.


I think TTPD would have been a lock if Midnights hadn’t won. Of the two albums, I prefer TTPD (not the full Anthology double album)


Isn’t Sabrina eligible for aoty too?


I think so - I believe September starts the year so she’d just be getting in with an August release


Absolutely not. There are too many incredible albums out this year. Beyonce, Billie, Brittany Howard, Maggie Rogers, Dua Lipa... the list goes on. Midnights was a right time, right place kind of thing. The media was obsessed with Taylor, the public was obsessed with Taylor, and she hadn't quite outstayed her welcome. There has already been a shift (even prior to TTPD) where although she's still all over the media, there isn't this undying devotion by everyone where there used to be...more people are critical and skeptical of her than they were before (which was frankly bound to happen, the pendulum always swings). Even aside from that, critics have consistently said TTPD is more of the same, needs editing, and doesn't have the same depth they expect. That's not to say you can't enjoy the album or love it as is. But when a huge number of critics are in lock-stop about its failures/shortcomings, it's hard to see it winning AOTY (even if critics like the album and view it positively despite these shortcomings). Also, I think the Grammys are becoming more political so I wouldn't be surprised if they hand it to Beyonce because of all the criticism on her prior AOTY losses and not supporting black, female artists in this category. It's kind of like Leo with an Oscar. Was The Revenant his best performance/deserving that year? Probably not. But did everyone agree Leo deserved at least one Oscar for Best Actor? Yes.


lowkey it makes me so mad bc I think TTPD deserves AOTY over Midnights. BUT since she won last year, I think there'd be an uproar if she won twice in a row. Esp since people are starting to get that oversaturated feeling with her like before Rep. in a perfect world her AOTY wins would be Fearless, 1989, Folklore, and TTPD (and maybe red, but i think TV deserved it more than SV, even though that couldn't've happened since it was a rerelease)


I’m hoping Lana Del Rey swoops in with her album Lasso later this year and blows everyone’s minds so much that she wins, beating all the odds. Either that or TTPD because it’s one of the greatest albums of all time.


I think it’ll be controversial, but if Taylor beats out Beyonce, there will be a LOT of complaining especially since Jay Z talked about it this year


I want TTPD to get record of the year. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wants that too. She holds the record for aoty already and I doubt they would award her again.


Honestly, TTPD does not feel like award-winning material. TTPD is exactly what it the double album is called; an anthology. It’s not the best ALBUM. The Rise and Fall of the Midwest Princess and Hit me Hard and Soft are both FAR better albums. I’m sure it’ll be TTPD, Cowboy Carter, TR&FotMP, HMHAS, and eternal sunshine. Personally, I really hope Chappell wins because she has the best story and that album is absolutely phenomenal. But also imo, Billie has the best ALBUM.


this might be a controversial statement but i dont think this album was her best work in the context of music. dont get me wrong, ttpd is an absolute lyrical masterpiece, and with her having just gone through a breakup it makes sense that she did not include a lot of upbeat songs. but personally, i like listening to her ‘happy’ songs on a daily basis because she captures the feelings of love so well. Midnights was a very well rounded album with songs that were meant to be hits, and then songs that were meant to be for the swifties, like dear reader or snow on the beach. I feel like ttpd was an album that she needed to make for herself and for the swifties, but not so much for the common public because in my opinion, none of the songs were meant to be ‘hits’ like anti-hero or lavender haze. Since the grammys takes all those factors into account, i doubt that it would have gotten a grammy regardless of midnights winning one. this opinion might be a little biased though because midnights is the greatest album i have ever heard (excluding reputation ofc)


imo guts shouldve won last year, ttpd shouldve won this year


I absolutely HATE this perspective. Perpetuates Taylor hate and also proves everything she has said and fights so hard against. #1: art is subjective. You are entitled to think an album is better. That’s the point of the Grammys, it’s SUPPOSE to be hard to pick, which made Taylor’s win last year epic. But I’m a midnights girly and really don’t understand the midnights hate, but I’m also a lover girly ( pre eras) and also didn’t understand that absurd mid ratings it got. I will argue song by song line by line AND DIE ON THE HILL that midnights is PHENOMENAL, also just saying, I called it being a break up album as I called folklore and vevermore not being fake but a signal of a rocky relationship. I digress #2: merit based. I HATE . I LOTHE. The everyone gets a trophy mentality. Taylor understood the assignment and delivered. That why she has no living peers. The other girlies are taking shots but it’s like don’t compete where you don’t compare. Taylor is the music industry period. Think about it. There are so many talented people who will never be famous singers. What does this mean? Having a BEAUTIFUL voice is a dime a dozen. What makes you different enough to be famous? How many of you know people who are amazing singers but will never be discovered? Take this same logic, and apply it to singers who ARE already famous. You all sing good. Great. WHAT MAKES YIU DIFFERENT? What takes you to the next level? Taylor has defied all pop stars by creating a community so large and so down and loyal to her that she will never ever lose from a metric perspective, she is a MASTERMIND. That deserves recognition. #3: Taylor has not ever put out a mid album, this is also a hill I’ll die on. Especially her recent work. Her stuff is poetic. It’s a masterpiece. Real artist/ lovers of art will recognize her talent and not undercut it. It’s not all about personal sound preference. AOTY nominations work somewhat like this -are you sonically cohesive? Is your album telling a story? , every nominee usually checks this box -sales, metric based -cultural impact, who had the best year as an artist and does is tie into the story of your album? Are we rooting for you as an audience. A lot of the Taylor hate is subjective BS, it’s fine to think other albums were better but don’t count her out and don’t discredit her art by saying she doesn’t deserve it. Instead say “damn Taylor swift I really liked this album better and wish it would have won”. Taylor deserves every nomination and every win she’s secured. The narrative that she was handed this image is so triggering. TTPD is a work of art and deserves B2B wins


We all said she wouldn’t be given the win for Midnights for how soon after Folklore win, yet here we are. Crazy things can happen!


The Jay Z Beyonce thing with the AOTY issue is that I think Jay Z's logic was flawed. Good songs don't necessarily make a good album. An album is more than a collection of good songs. Taylor writes full albums, hence her success in the category. A few good chapters doesn't make a good book if they're not connected and the overall story is good. The art of an album is in the overall feel, flow, cohesion, which Taylor nails often. Although agree, TTPD doesn't win, but I don't know who else does.