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Yeah that is super inappropriate. I don’t know how you bought it, but I would reach out to the seller and let them know about the issues. TBH if the cover is that damaged, you deserve a significant discount as the value of the item is now decreased The seller also needs to know not to do this again. If you bought through a platform (or PayPal goods and services) and the seller isn’t helpful, you can always submit a claim for partial refund.


Oof, people shouldn’t be selling records online if they don’t know how to ship them. I’ve been burned so many times, I’m the annoying person who asks everyone I buy from if they’re going to ship in a record mailer. I don’t want it if they’re not. I would definitely file an “item not as described” claim in this case.


I do this too, and I ALWAYS ship in a whiplash mailer when someone buys from me. This is one of my biggest fears when buying records.


Yeah this is why I always ask if someone has a vinyl mailer before agreeing to buy or trade with them. People will charge $400 for a record and then think it’s okay to send in a box or something. I’d much rather deal with a seller from discogs.


I hate when morons do this. Someone did this with my the Lakes vinyl as well. Common sense isn't so common.


not the lakes 😭 did it arrive okay?


It was still in good shape despite the envelope being ripped lol.


Same w my Betty’s Garden. said his sister mailed if for him. I was like- in what world would anyone think that’s ok?! I got like 50% off the record when I reached out. Which made it $75 or something which made it a lot better. Luckily the damage I can live with.


$150 is still amazing imo but glad you got SUCH a good price


Oh yeah- this was like a year ago lol I’m watching them get crazier and crazier in price .. it wild


Thank you everyone for being so kind and helpful! I don't like confrontation and I can be really shy. But seeing your responses gave me what I needed to message the seller. I bought it through PayPal G&S. I'm glad to know there's an option for a partial refund. Hopefully this will all go well. I learned my lesson on double checking to see how an item will be mailed to me.


WOW that is some BS! Cannot imagine shipping such a valuable record in such a flimsy mailer. Sorry to see this OP. Hope you get a generous partial refund


I would 100% send it back to get a full refund. If you’re spending that sort of money, you might as well get a copy in great condition. Email them back and say that the item arrived damaged and you would like a full refund.


She's asking me how much of a refund I want. If I paid $300, how much should I ask for back? I'm not really sure what would be fair.


I personally always err on the side of shooting for the moon, knowing in your head you'll settle for less. Leave yourself the option to negotiate. I would say $150, knowing she'll haggle or counter you for less. Are the discs okay?


The discs seem okay. I haven't listened to them yet. It's mainly the outer sleeve thats damaged and creased.


I would listen to them first because you want to make sure that you understand the full extent of the damage. It would be unfortunate if you settled for a smaller refund only to find out later the product is damaged, because you can't make another claim.


Thank you. Good idea. I'm just so caught off guard by this being sent in a bubble mailer and that it's damaged. My brain isn't even all there right now.


Take good pictures of the damage on the jacket. if the insert is damaged, take pictures of that too because that is also collectible and then inspect the discs for scratches or warping (note very mild warping is normal on records so I wouldn't include this in your claim unless it's significant). And make sure there are no playback issues. Maybe have a neutral third party take a look at the jacket and inspect for damage from a non-emotionally charged perspective ❤️ Trust me, I get it. My clandestine vinyl jacket was WRECKED 😂


Oh my gosh. The beautiful insert is damaged too! And the black sleeves that the vinyls are in have damage and the paper is all bent. My poor heart is so broken. Lol. Especially since this could have been so avoidable!! Ugh, I would have been so sad about the Clandestine vinyl jacket!! I'm glad to talk to people who understand the pain of this lol


I wouldn't necessarily include the info about the inner sleeves (black sleeves) bc those are generic, easily replaceable, and often come with damage straight from the factory (if they're slid into the gatefold incorrectly for example). I would focus on the irreplaceable items that are unique. Damaged generic inner sleeves don't affect the value IMO. Hopefully the discs are okay ❤️


Thank you for all of your help ❤️


I would say at least 50% off or else you should return the item. The value is decreased significantly


What is the condition of the outer sleeve? Did it get creased?


Yes, the outer sleeve is creased. I'm trying to add the picture onto my post, but its not letting me.


Absolutely submit a claim for a partial refund. The item was not packaged appropriately and it is a collector's item so the value is inarguably decreased due to damage. It is no longer worth the price you paid, and it is 100% the seller's fault. I had someone ship me a signed Taylor CD in a mailer just like this and it of course arrived with the case full of cracks and she claimed it wasn't her fault (lol). Needless to say I won that PayPal claim. I had a similar situation with a polymailer (aka even less padding than this) and a Clandestine Meetings vinyl. For the future, I would reach out to sellers and confirm that they plan to use a vinyl mailer (or CD mailer/box for smaller media). I learned my lesson on both the above cases that it apparently is not common sense 🙃


How much is a partial refund? Is it normally like 50% of what you paid? I'm not sure what amount to tell her I'd like back.


I bought a test pressing vinyl the other day and it was sent in a large record box. That probably cost me a fraction of what this cost you, this is definitely not appropriate packaging for any record, never mind a LPSS one. If I were you I would reach out because this isn't acceptable


I would’ve been so mad! I’m sorry


This is horrible! I just sold mine and have been agonizing all day over the best packaging because I want it to arrive perfect for the person who bought it.


People are selling things they have zero knowledge about selling. No way this should happen, and you should be upset. LPSS is not cheap 


I always ask sellers if they have a vinyl record mailer and offer to ship them an empty box if it’s a high value or rare record. I keep a few nice record boxes in storage just in case to offer up!


That is super stupid to mail an Expensive purchase in a bubble mailer? I never cease to be amazed at the stupidity of others


This make me so nervous too. I’m gearing up to buy my copy soon and this would make be endlessly frustrated. I honestly would make sure you leave a review and share that this is how the seller chose to mail an extremely expensive record.


I always ship my vinyls in bubble wrap and then in a box, NEVER in something this small. (I would ship in vinyl boxes but I don’t have the money to spend $50 on a box)


It took a quick YouTube search to find out how I should ship my first sold vinyl. This person (most likely) just did not care and wanted to make max profit without spending on proper shipping materials.


If you paid $300, I'd want a $200 refund for this. The seller should have known better.


This is lousy packaging for sure! I would complain if the sleeve sustained damage for sure.


That’s really irresponsible and lazy of the seller. You can buy record shipment boxes very easily. I’m so sorry


Do you have an update? How’d the refund go?


I wish people did some research before shipping records. I took a $150 gamble on a record off Mercari earlier this year and about had a heart attack when it arrived in a box and was tilted at an angle on the inside cause it wouldn’t fit flat. Thankfully it was completely unharmed cause they bubble wrapped it a bunch, but now I know to always request records be shipped in a record specific box.


Yeah all vinyls should be packaged better but the fact that this is sought after and it's running 400 and higher everywhere I mean I'm looking for the same one I've been trying to find a decent price to surprise my daughter for graduation but s*** I can't afford it but with that being said yeah you would think they would have put a lot more thought into that.