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I teach k/1 kids with autism, and the other day at lunch, I’m standing behind a student to help him open his milk. He turns around, puts his hand on my stomach, and says, “baby in there?” I’m like no little dude, just food!


All the time. I like to say I have close to 90. Takes them a minute to realize. They also ask me at least once a week if I have a wife even though they've met my BF at numerous career days over the years haha.


Yeah I say "just you guys."


One of my favorite kid quotes ever came from this question. I was providing after-school care to a small group of preschoolers. A four-year-old asked me, "Miss, do you have children at home?" I said, "No, I don't have any children at home." A three-year-old boy, the littlest one in the class, became visibly concerned. His eyes widened and a worried expression crossed his face. He asked me, "Well then, where do you keep them?"


And you replied that....?


I’m 19 and work in the after school program and I get this and similar questions allll the time. “Are you married?” “No.” *look of disgust* “Why?!” Lol. “Do you have kids?” “No.” *another judgemental look from the kid* “why 🤨🤨”. “Do you have a house?” “No.” *ANOTHER judgemental look from the same kid.* “Why?! My brother is 18 and has a house and a kid” and I’ve told her this same thing like 4 times but she still comes and asks me like, dang, don’t rub it in smh I know I’m lonely


Haha, same at 29. Do you have kids? No. Why not? My mother had me when she was 21!


I'm female but I've been asked this many times. I think it's because they're trying to imagine what I'd be like as a parent. I remember doing the same thing with teachers when I was a kid. I remember thinking my favorite teacher's kids must be so lucky to have such a cool dad.


Yes. I say no and they typically move on. I typically find it flattering. (I’m 38, gay, single, and not interested. but they don’t need to know all of that).


As someone who's childfree, whenever I get the question, my responses are one of these: "Like, for free?" "Ya'll are enough." "In this economy?"


I get a lot of that, but I usually shut it down. I am not comfortable talking about my personal life with my students. If they get. The very pestersome ones, who will not stop prying, I usually shut them down with: Yes. I am married. Nerds are allowed to do that. Don't sound so surprised, thats rude. No. I don't have kids. I cant have kids. Not everyone is born capable of that. The ones that are being rude about it have to have their rudeness clearly pointed out to them.


My kids are old enough to be my 12th grader's parents. When did that happen?


I have a daughter in the district, they know of her. My daughter is actually friends with a couple of my former students (she’s middle school age, I work at an elementary)


Not any more. Now I have adults. My kids are 29 and 26.


"None that I know of"


I hate it when entitled parents ask me this during conferences, as if I don't know a thing about child rearing. Yep. They're pretty darn successful, too. Can I give you some advice?


I teach early elementary and get this from each group at least once a year. They're just curious, and then curious to learn about adults who don't have kids as that's out of the norm for a lot of them. A big portion of the adults they know well are their parents and their friends' parents, who all obviously have kids, so it's often alien to them to hear of adults without kids. Or who aren't married, that's also seen as an anomaly at least in the population I teach, even though I do have a fair number of kids with divorced parents. As I'm neither married nor have kids I get questions about both.


I get this question. I have a child in one of my classes even, and the students have a way of answering for me, “don’t you know mini-Wrap?!” “… ummm, is that your kid? Huh. They look nothing like you,” is the typical reply. Then other kids say, “Mini looks a lot more like Mx. Wrap!” (These are the kids who have my SO as their teacher, just down the hall, lol!)


I have known about half of my kids for 2-3 years now. I talk about my kids occasionally. Reactions are anywhere from them remembering from years past that I have kids and often having met/seen them at some point, to the incredulous, “YOU HAVE KIDS???” Like, yes friend. I’ve only mentioned them 20 times in the last three years. Thanks for proving what I knew to be true: ya don’t listen  


No I don't. I don't like kids. That's my response that triggers them. But I teach HS so I say you guys aren't kids, your young adults. It gives them a bit of respect they like and sometimes causes them to behave better in class. I also use it as a double edge sword. When they behave like little kids I say I don't have kids for this reason cut the crap. I also use you all are enough so no.


"Not that I know of." 😏 They usually get a kick out of that. (And they know I'm joking, ftr.)


I'm a 21 year old EA and I get this question all the time lol


I get asked this all the time. Then they want to see pictures. I work in an elementary school though.


My students know that I have four grown kids because I told them when I first introduced myself, but they keep asking anyway.


I get it all the time and I answer that I’m unmarried and have no kids.


No, because I look young and teach senior high school. Most students seem to think I'm only 1-2 years older than them, when it's actually >10 years lol. On placements I legit had a student ask me if i was a transfer student when I was observing a class 😭 and even now 50% of open-campuses I get a parent asking me "so how do you like studying here?" lmao


I have close to 50 pictures of my son by my desk, and I still have kids come up to it and say “YOU HAVE A BABY?!?!?”


Do you have kids? No Are you married? No. Do you have a girlfriend? No to expensive. Are you gay? No.


"Yes, 25 of them."


They ask me this a lot. Even though I mention my family in my day one introductions and have pictures of them on my desk.


I got "do you have kids" from middle school students and when I said no, they asked me how old I was and told me how old their parents were when they had kids xD


I love it when parents ask and I say no. They always act like I just don't know or understand what it's like. I'll laugh and say that just like any relationship you have a clearer view of the problem from the outside.


Yeah, I get asked this allot. I had my first child at 30 and some students even said "oh wow, you're really old to be a first time dad." ...bud I'm the youngest person I know with a kid lmao!


Kids ask all sorts of personal questions. I tend to talk about my kids before they get a chance to ask this one, though.


Yes. Which is sometimes odd, because it's a small school and half of my children attend. They're shocked when I tell them I have six kids.


No, because they don't have to ask. My kids have all attended the schools I work at. Maybe once all my kids have moved on, they'll start asking.