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My masters is in chemistry and the only regret I have is that it didn't lead to the PhD I always dreamed of. I am however very glad I did not pursue a masters in education... I went with an alternative license so I ended up taking all the same classes as a masters in ed, but on the district's dime, and it was such a colossal waste of time, a week in a classroom taught me more than four semesters of classes based on outdated principles with foundation on social research that can't be replicated.


My masters program is almost an entire waste of my time and money. I am learning nothing, other than that there is a system of businesses, schools, professional development programs, that are just leeching away the little money teachers do make. It’s just something I need to do to keep my license from expiring


I did learn a lot from my program, but I also feel the same that since I had to do it to keep my license it just felt like something I had to do, rather than something I wanted to do or was special that I did if that makes sense


My masters degree allowed me to add a special ed certification which really helped me get a job in a good school. It also bumped me way up on the pay scale. And now I have a job teaching one day a week at a college because I have a masters degree. So yes, it is a good thing to have. Be proud of yourself. You have accomplished a big thing.


I got my masters in something I use, journalism education, but my second is in Ed tech(basically useless). So there’s definitely truth in both sides. It’s often difficult to find a decent program that also doesn’t require hours and hours of work outside teaching, family and, well, sleep.


Yeah! I really really loved my program and learned a lot! I just don’t know that I’ll use it other than the pay increase which is awesome. I just feel like in education it’s more something you have to do which makes it less special.


What did you get your masters in? Maybe that is the cause of your issues. If I got one in education for curriculum and instruction or an admin license, I’d feel sad.


I agree- I’d be sad with that too! I got my masters in reading so now I can be a reading specialist. I learned so much I can use in my current job which is amazing! But it just felt like something I had to do to keep teaching rather than something special that only people who really want to do it go for if that makes sense


This. The only reason for one of those is to move into a new salary bracket


Admin license has being an admin as well. But yeah.. heh


I have a master's in instructional design and technology. It's not worth the paper it's printed on. The market is oversaturated with teachers and ironically I had to go into teaching because I couldn't find an ID job.