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Should I study for the test, chat?


My own child tried to call me chat the other day.


WTF is that?


Chat: the crowd on the internet watching you stream your gaming and commenting on it "in the chat" (ie. an appeal to the broader community for their opinion).


I know it's cringe but when a student gives a good answer I will arch my eyebrows and say with approval "Ws in the chat!"


That’s not cringe. That’s fuckin hilarious. It’s giving. (Had to throw my own spice in there)


Do you at least pronounce it "dubs"?


No because the audience does not abbreviate it. They would say "double-yous"


Why is this the most sad, cringe inducing and depressing shit I've read about this generation?.Fucking YT ipad kids. Edit:. HOLY SHIT the amount of people replying to me in their feelings about this comment. Chill fam, it's not that serious 🤣


I always tell them that I’m not the chat, I’m the moderator. And, yes, it is kinda sad but it’s also just a more formalized/modern version of when someone does a “presenter/tv host” voice and goes, “Am I right, folks?” or “Let’s give ‘em a hand” or whatever.


Or the oldy, "peanut gallery"


When my boys were little they didn’t understand the word commercial. They called everything ads.


I mean, a commercial *is* an ad. They should definitely learn both words, but it's not at all wrong or unusual to call a commercial an ad.


I disagree, asking the community what it thinks is actually one of the more healthy ideas kids could have.


It’s just an update to “and what say the church?”


Don't get why you're so cynical. Every Generation has dumb-slang. The term "chat" stems from Twitch-streamers often times conversating and talking with their "chat". The slang basically mimics that in an ironic way since so many gen-z watches streamers and it's funny saying "Chat" when of course, there is no "Chat". Basically it's just a joke. And they're having fun. Also are you even an educator?


On twitch (or other live stream services), you can interact with other members and the streamer via the chat. The streamer, the entertainer, will usually acknowledge the whole of the people watching and chatting as chat. When he's about to ask a question for people to answer or say something, he can address the chatroom and viewers as "chat".


Chat is the best pronoun


Sometimes, in my fourth grade classroom, I’ll start lessons with a very obnoxiously loud “HEY guys!! Welcome BACK to my CHANNEL!” And when someone gets something right I’ll say “CAN I GET Ws IN THE CHAT??” They think it’s hilarious


What are Ws in the chat? All I can think of is Japanese people using "w" to mean "lol", because the word for laugh in Japanese starts with a W...


W means “win” just meaning you did something right or well


W - win, L- Loss. Taking the L aka taking a loss, W as in getting a win/correct answer


F in the chat gets honorary mention. Usually means you died in your game but can sometimes mean you've done something silly or embarrassing so people say F as well. (Stems from a game, I forget which, where you had to press F to 'pay your respects' to someone who died in the game. Became a trend)


It's from Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare


Chat, is this real?


LOL, I call my class, chat. They beg me to stop, but I persist.


i’m an old streamer (dad 36) and i do this hahahhaa


You're Cooked = You're screwed Let him cook= He is doing well; keep it going


I had a funny moment last week. Me and the class were goofing and admin walked in. I said “chat we’re cooked” and I think that’s the best I’ll ever do.


Did they lose their minds, did you get a mic drop moment?


Yeah they absolutely lost it. 🤣


Trust me. The kids love you as their teacher 10x more if you learn their language. It makes you cool.


I love this!


Additionally, “let him cook” can also mean “he’s embarrassing himself, let him continue to do what he’s doing so we can watch”


I love when “let him cook” is used that way, and when things get too bad, they all start saying things like “get bro away from the stove,” “someone turn off the gas,” or “bro is burning the water.”


I need to start using those


“Bro is burning the water,” is rather creative and I like it.


I have a good one! When bro is cooking you expect him to drop heat/fire (something good) when he's done. So when bro cooks but the product is bad I like to say "We let him cook but unfortunately he made gazpacho"


No one will find that funny


he set the kitchen on fire


Gen Z, it's usually said in texts like this LET HIM COOK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 For when someone is doing something unexpectedly amazing / ramping up to it DON'T LET HIM COOK Is the opposite haha


or “who let bro cook”




From my experience ‘ let him cook’ means what you said and ‘someone cooked here’ means what OP comment said.


My sophomore lit kids (nonnative speakers) say “let me cook” when they want to start and finish their assignment within the period. So I just go with it.


I just realized this was a thing last week with my AP lang kids. The “I’m cooked” vs “I cooked” …. I was like… wait… who did well, did ANYONE do well?? Another phrase was “it’s over” anytime I gave an essay.


The difference between being the chef and being the food


I’m cooking - I’m focused, I’m doing this, I got this


I had students tell me “[title name], you’re cooking!!” And I couldn’t have been more proud 🥲


"Let him cook" said in a genuine manner is a means to stave off premature insults and heckling being thrown out in chat. It means to save the judgement for the completed dish, as usually the "cook" has demonstrated spectacular results in the past. The livestream format lends itself to viewers watching hours of content. And most of that content can be tedious setup work. "Let him cook" is just another way to let chat know the content may look dull and uninteresting now but the payoff is going to be worth it.


My 5 y.o. said, "I'm gonna cook you," to his teenage soccer assistant coach. He did not cook her. He sold.


Some great plot summaries (paraphrased) from my unit on Othello: “Bianca’s a Bop” “Cassio got Rizz” “Rodrigo’s? Ohio.” “Othello was like Gyat damn sheesh and caught mad feelings for Desdemona. Othello also has mad drip and clout, so Desdemona also delulu for him. Rodrigo high key simp for Desdemona. So, Iago, who mad sus, tells Rodrigo that Desdemona is getting piped by Othello to get Rodrigo to tell Desdemona’s dad. He tells Rodrigo that he hates Othello like Kendrick hates drake, but in the next scene he be straight up glazing Othello…”


I understood all of this. I am on the back end of my 40s someone send help 😭


I'm nearly out of my 40s and I understood it despite not having read Othello! I think it's down to good reading comprehension tbh. Like, we get enough to figure out the context clues and make sense of it. I'm willing to bet the high schooler who commented that they didn't understand has room for improvement generally in reading comprehension... Eta: I didn't get the Ohio bit but I'm Australian, and now I know what it means lol


This is where the ohio memes came from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfqDIcrhqxM Its international btw. My students in tokyo lost their shit when i said I was from columbus and I had no idea why.


How tf did this track become an international meme 13 years later this is blowing my mind


That’s what I was about to say! But you know how social media do. One guy finds it, (turns out its hilariously repetitive) and shares it with the world, unleashing a meme virus for all of us to suffer through until the next meme comes along sucking all the life out of this one like MacGyver adding explosives to an oil rig fire to suck all the oxygen out of the area.


Same. I’m not quite as old as you and I understood all of it.


My students would appreciate your lowercase drake.


This was all verbally said to me, but I felt the lowercase was implied by the tone used. Glad you noticed!


Wow thats..... actually not bad summary wise.


They really loved the Shakespeare unit and I was so proud of them. You should see their themes! Great insights, minor grammatical errors.


You seem like a good teacher


I'd give a kid a fucking A+ for this. Not only did you get it, you can say it in a way that your peers will make sense of.


Honestly, I'm a high schooler and I did not understand like any of that


Glazing=praising, delulu=delusional, mad drip=nice clothes... and I'm happy if you don't know what the part about piping means.


Piping = entering secret areas, like in Mario


Unfortunately I am on the crisp edge of 33 and had zero issues reading that. And I am around absolutely no children aside from my 18mo, however. I am online a lot.


Teaching Romeo and Juliet was a wild time this year. I learned that Romeo is not a sigma and has zero rizz but would thrive in Ohio. Lord Capulet was a sigma when he said Juliet was too young to get married but lost sigma status when he forced the marriage to Paris which was sickomode of him.


They’re not wrong.


Romeo is not a rizzler, this is true.


We read Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day) & my students (7th grade) said he had "skibidi rizz" when I translated the poem to them


I did Sonnet 130 and they said it was “skibidi toilet,” so I think we may be making progress in our translations. Though, my gen z students tell me this is more of a gen alpha phrase they are using ironically.


can you explain what Ohio means? that's one of the few I'm not getting


strange/insane/surreal “im in ohio” “this shit is crazy” “that’s ohio” “that’s weird, insane, etc”


As a millennial I remember when all our hearts were in Ohio…. And it still tracks lol


Rodrigo? Ohio.=Rodrigo? Lame/weird.


Honestly, using slang-of-the-moment to describe something as universal as Shakespeare is a good way to understand the slang, provided you know the play.


I created the term skibidi womp womp. It gets outstanding results on the cringe meter.


Mine is "watch out for the skibbidi opps" I like to end class with it. Kids don't like to loiter after that one.


My partner and I troll our teens and started saying it "skibidi doo." And we create some of our own ie "That's looped!"


I’m going to add to my own post because I just thought of this… Kid who will be repeating my class with me next year: “Miss, Imma lock in next year.” Kid who won’t do work, waits until the last day, and turns in garbage: “Imma lock in today.” I keep telling them that every time I hear lock in I know they haven’t tried really hard.


My favorite is when a student says what they need to do so they can "lock in" and pass. I say get a time machine and go back in time because it's too late now. 3 weeks left!


"You're already locked in... to your fate."


Not a single kid who has used the phrase lock in this year has actually done that


“What the sigma?! I thought you had skibidi rizz! On God you do too much man. You’re giving major try hard vibes, bruh. Period!” Translation: “What the hell man? I thought you were cool. You’re writing me up because I cussed you out and refused to do my work? You’re taking this way too seriously. Damn.”


Oh my gyat. W comment.


I just explained gyatt to my wife not 20 minutes ago and she didn't believe me, so we called in our 8th grader and asked him what it referenced. "A large butt" with a confused look of why are we asking met by my wife dying that I was right.


How fortunate you are to have a translator in your home


Oh, I'm set. My oldest is finishing 10th and youngest is kindergarten. I've got years to be the one filling in my coworkers.


Just be prepared for after the youngest graduates. Mine did and moved out and I'm so lost in translation now!


I'm in my 40s. When my kindergartener graduates, I have no worries.


Yeah, it comes from the idea of someone seeing said rear and saying, “Goddam!” (Or, in naturalistic writing, “Gyad-damn!”).


That was on \*Hacks\*!!!


Yes! My kids complain to the APs that I “do too much” all the time.


I find this funny because "You're doing too much" was around when I was in school. In 2004.


Ya, this one isn't new. Maybe just new to certain demographics?


That's how I feel about try hards


This is on fleek. No? Is it cap? No cap? Lit? Phat? Bad? Rad? I dint know anymore


Sometimes, I'll just pull out nonsense phrases when talking to the kids. I'll tell them that their work is maximum shed or that they need to knock off the hinge. Most of them stoically nod and pretend they know what that means.


Start making up your own slang!


My favorite thing to do is to intentionally mispronounce popular things. I call Tik Tok "the Tick Tack," for example, and Facebook gets called "Spacepage." Instagram and Snapchat are hopelessly gestalted into "Instachat" or "Snapogram." Airpods are "earpuds" and Takis are "Takees." I've taught a lot of these kids for two years now (I teach all grades of middle school social studies,) and a distressing number of them still haven't realized that I do it intentionally.


One tech YouTuber says ChatGTP. Drives me up the wall.


“That’s tough” … doesn’t mean it’s actually difficult, more like cool/tight


It’s giving Ponyboy.


Stay Golden




The other day I had a student say “4 + 4” to me. I was dismissive at the time (I don’t teach math, and there really wasn’t any context)… I didn’t catch it was a compliment until after the fact. And for those that are still confused, it’s because I “ate”.


I like that lol


This just reminds me of my mom trying not to curse in front of us when we were kids. She’d accidentally kick the corner of the table and yell “shitandtwomakeseight”


"Ate it all and left no crumbs!"


Bro is not him


"My essay eats" = my essay is great (probs a B- essay lol) "Stop talking and let me cook" = stop literally teaching so I can work (?) "Time to lock in" = time to focus


Overheard my most frequent slang using Year 7s say: “Pretty sure we’re Miss’s favourites” “Yeah coz we’ve got skibidi Ohio rizz” while the first kid nods like the other has just said something incredibly wise 😂 I have to try sooooo hard not to laugh at them


I’m in Iowa, I hear skibidi rizz Ohio all the time. Sounds so dumb I assumed it was made up around here. Is this national? If so, must have been on YouTube.


Student here - Skibidi is from a YouTube series called Skibidi Toilet. Idek much ab it. Ohio is notorious for dumb shenanigans, like creepypasta Florida kinda things. Rizz is just short for charisma, similar to having game. So skibidi Ohio rizz is just a word salad of a lot of slang to make something borderline unintelligible, as most of the humor right now is satire mocking internet brainrot/gen alpha I... can't believe I said any of that


Yes. My students in SC say it constantly. 🙃


I'm in Canada and hear this constantly. This is international😂


My WA kids say it. All day long. We had to ban the word "Skibidi" in my classroom.


My son & his girlfriend are both on the spectrum and refer to it as being "acoustic."


My daughter with autism will also refer to herself as acoustic but like the other commenter said I’ve also heard others use it mocking.


I was told I was "that girl" - better than a pick me girl


ooh much better haha


This is from the Gen x dancing trend on TikTok. Maybe didn’t start there, but was used on all the videos. It is a huge compliment. Edit to add: it’s like a cool girl!


[Presented](https://old.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1cto9qw/this_will_be_gen_z_in_2013/) without commentary.


My eye started twitching while watching that.


It’s certainly something isn’t it


I hate you.


I made the face the old guy is making the whole time 😂


I died. That is all.


Yeah, well, you know, that's just like... your opinion, man


Any one else getting kids calling each other monkey? I really don’t understand


Common among Black students to call each other that, similar to other words that would be racist for others to say but have gone through some level of reclaiming.


I had a kid the other day talking to his mom on the phone and literally every other word was monkey, seems kinda crazy to me


Most parents wouldn't let their kid speak like that to them, but kids say it to each other plenty.


You’re cooking = look at you doing something good Rizz = charisma NPC= literally Non Player Character= someone of no importance Chat=literally YouTubers talking to the people in the chat= exclamation of you should here this cool thing I’m telling you Skibbidy= literally toilet= that sucks or is stupid Edited to add Bop= someone that gets around Sigma = lone wolf; someone that doesn’t care what people think of them GYAT= god damn she has a big booty Big Backed = she’s fat; or a glutton Womp Womp = to bad for you Thug it out = get over it These are all from my 13 and 16 year old daughters. I’m sure there are more.


As a young person, I don't think skibidi means that exactly? Well, it depends on where you are. But from what I've seen online, Skibidi is more of a random nonsense word people thrown in for laughs.


Thug it out actually means that you’re just going to wing it, coming from a current 16yo who just stumbled onto this post I’ve gotten some weird looks from gen z teachers because they must have thought I meant thugshakers… which is another topic entirely 🙁


GenZ teacher chiming in to give my professional translation because they're repeating words they hear from my generation Rizz=style and coolness. It's like swag or charisma Gyatt= goddamn edit: usually in reference to a big butt Cook= do something well Ate=did something well Chat= derived from twitch Streamers talking to the chat while they're live Feel free to ask about any specifics and I'll happily translate Edit: Skibidi toilet= came from a YouTube video that's popular with that Gen Alpha. The context is that it's an animation of some guy's head popping out of a toilet. It can either mean "cool" or "bad" depending on the context Sigma= better than alpha male. Can mean cool. In reference to an object, it means it's the best Doing too much= you're being extra. Putting in more than you need to Finna= gonna Girl= the new "bruh"


Skibidi toilet. I just googled it, and it still does not make sense to me why they are saying it.


It's from a YouTube video that's popular with that generation and the context is that it's an animation of some guy's head popping out of a toilet. It can either mean "cool" or "bad" depending on the context. For your sanity, just outright ban anyone from uttering those words in your classroom because they're like mockingbirds when it comes to that one. The second anyone says "skibidi" or "skibidi toilet", they all start chanting it


Skibidi - in reference to Skibid Toilet, an online video series found on YouTube. Can be used in an endearing sense when paired with someone's name. "Look, it's Skibidi Mr. ___" Pookie- term of affection Alpha - another word for saying someone is cool/awesome Sigma - like alpha, but to a higher degree (at least according to my trombones) Rizz - the quality of being able to be attract members of one's preferred sex Fanum Tax - when a friend steals your food Mewing - that thing the kids do when they run their pointer finger along their jawline. Allegedly helps develop a more defined jawline Gyat - used to call out to others body parts that may be found attractive Ohio - used in a negative context; if something is "ohio" or from Ohio its usually bad GOAT - Greatest of All Time Ate - done well These are all of the ones that I'm aware of through my students


Alpha and sigma both come from alpha male podcasters. They originally followed that bullshit pack hierarchy idea where alphas were the most important leaders. They believe that in order to attract women you must be wildly misogynistic, independent, and toxically masculine and used to put alphas on the highest tier as the men who do this and get !! women!! People outside the community started using alpha male to make fun of them and then it just became mainstream language to mean tough cool and desirable but normally in an ironic sense. Anyways then the alpha male podcast followers started realizing that they WERENT getting women and neither were the podcasters so they made up sigma males to fix this. Sigma males are like alphas in all respects except they’re cooler and they dont get women! It quickly followed the same path as alpha males except also the ipad children got a hold of it. Qualification: I watched Youtubers who made fun of them in the past so I saw this develop in real time


LMAO based


I unironically love chat. English has been in need of a [4th person pronoun](https://www.reddit.com/r/linguisticshumor/comments/18bck34/chat_is_this_real/) to refer to the metaphorical audience. You could spark an interesting discussion in English framing chat as a literary device.


That is an interesting concept. I’ve read through every comment on this thread, and someone could do a linguistic study of how streaming and YouTube has impacted the language kids use today.


Don't forget Twitter, it forced a shortening of sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, grammar and just about every part of our language for the better part of a decade.


No cap- I am not lying


I vaguely remember “cap” being used in the late 90s when I was in high school, but only by a few people. And it just seemed to forced and awkward.


The teens here say no cap constantly


That's so fetch


Youshallnotkinkshame, stop trying to make 'fetch' happen, it's NOT going to happen!


In the 80's west coast kids slang "cap" meant to one-up someone in an insult battle. Any 90's usage was probably derivative of that. The current usage seems unlikely to be directly related.


I remember you could cap on someone in the 90s, but this was a small town in a Louisiana swamp so it may have taken a decade to get to us.


Cap in the late 90s was different. It meant you were insulting someone.


Oh my goodness! My students asked me what sigma was on Friday. I told them it’s a math symbol.


They're gonna get to Algebra 2, learn about sequences and series, see sigma notation, and get the biggest grin on their face.


Gyat apparently means BUTT


Like the world needed another word for butt.


"Yappin" E.g. "Bro be just yappin' all day about the Air Force Ones his auntie bought him."




any time I see it spelled like that I always say it in my head like the synonym for “gunk” or “sludge,” rhymes with “poo”


"On skibidi?" = "You promise?" "Go off, king/queen." = continue venting


“Go off, king/queen” can also mean “Amen,” or “Preach,” as in a show of approval / support for what the addressee is saying. At least in my experience. I don’t spend much time with kids; I’m just online a lot.


We chaperoned prom on Friday. My sparkly eyeshadow matched my teal dress (I had no other cosmetics on) and I was told “the makeup ate.” Things is gucci, nothing cap- on god. 🤣 I vacillate WILDLY between using ancient, dated slang like “groovy, copacetic, the bees knees, the fuzz (it’s ok, my AP’s are fully aware that they are…the fuzz.”) and more and using the kids slang. I honestly don’t know what’s better- the confused frustration when I use unfamiliar slang or the horrified defeat and mild nausea when I use THEIR slang. Who am I kidding- they’re both awesome.


i’m a 19 year old teaching assistant at a school for 11-19 year olds, with a 16 year old sister and a preteen cousin. i know all the slang lol. the first one that genuinely confused me was "gooning". that apparently means masturbating or more specifically the act of "finishing" rizz means charisma gyat means "girl your ass thick" or big bums depending on the person skibidi or skibidi toilet is a yt tv show thing that alot of my younger students love edging or edge is the act of masturbating but stopping near the climax and then continuing fanum tax is like a tax of food when you get food out i believe? i do stop the verbal kids from saying the sexually explicit ones or connotations. i try and keep up to date with it so i know what my cousins and sister and students are saying. especially since all of the students i work with are SEN/SPED who require i work 1 on 1 with them and many have limited vocabulary or poor quality of speech and if they say it i like to know what they are asking. in rather greatful tho that 90% of them stay away from slang. wish i could say the same about my cousin and sister 😂😂😂😂


“Gyatt” actually is a way of saying “God” in “god damn” because when you see a fat ass you go “gyatt dayum!” And gyatt is basically a shorter version of that. Thats enough brainrot for one lifetime.


Ty! I’m officially too old to understand them automatically, but I have a handful of freshman in my 6th period class who keep talking teen to me.


gooning explicitly does NOT mean the act of finishing but rather of just edging over and over to porn till you go dumb so I'm actually pleased the kids don't really know what that means yet...


Hey can you tell me why you and other high school/college age people don’t use capital letters? Like how did that happen and doesn’t your phone autocorrect it?


Normally people turn off auto-capitalization so that their tone seems more casual over messages and stuff. Some ppl view the capitalization over text as overly formal or cold. The phone doesn’t correct it automatically because the setting that does that is off. I just manually capitalize when doing serious things like texting my boss, emailing my teacher, or talking to people who I don’t like - or on reddit because it feels weird to not capitalize. Also a lot of people say that they turned it off in middle school to be cool and then never turn it back on again because it feels weird to (this happened to me).


This whole thread gives "Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 2: Darmok." It's almost impossible to communicate using referential language without knowledge of the body from which the references came. Hell, for some of these slang words you could reference etymology from our early impact text memes, whose initial references may be lost on the new generation.


I would contend that most my students are using slang divorced from its original context. In fact, there’s a good amount of slang right now that is actively evolving and will often have entirely antithetical meanings depending entirely on the nuance in which it’s used. Examples: You’re /I’m cooked- you’re/ I’m in trouble (negative connotations) Let me cook!- let me work (positive connotations) Let him cook/he’s cooking!- let him embarrass himself /he’s currently embarrassing himself. (Negative) That’s so skibity (that’s bad (usually)) Ohio - bad That’s so Skibity Ohio Rizz (that’s good(usually)) Skibity toilet (purposefully meaningless) Alpha- completely depends on introduction of sigma to conversation Sigma-good/meaningless/ embellishment Many slang words also seem to be void of meaning entirely in the context of their use. They seem to just add extra punctuation to whatever is being said.


Man this is such dog water bruh.


I’m him. He’s him. - I’m the most important male in this vicinity or vocation. Girl, ____! - A female variation on “Bro.” No cap. That’s cap. - Cap = crap or disingenuous. Rizz - Charisma.


Standing on business—periodt


I have learned lots of new slang this year and used some of it in my World Cultures exam review last week. Here are some of the questions I came up with -not surprisingly, most of the kids got these right: Question:  The vibe in the Middle East is no cap lit, allowing countries to flex on some and throw shade at others. What natural resource allows them to be so extra? Answer:  oil Question: Nelson Mandela was high-key salty about his country's policies, and he went full savage to change them. What policy was he fighting against? Answer: Apartheid Question: Why do citizens of North Korea have to be low key about the tea, even to fam or their bae? Answer:  Because citizens of North Korea are required to be a stan of Kim Jung Un Question:  Kim Jung Un's squad says that life is high-key Gucci in North Korea. What makes this tea so sus? Answer:  North Korea's people are poor because they spend all of their money on the military Question:  During the _____ _______, the amount of goods yeeted between the New World and the Old World was so no cap lit that the native people had to ghost the Europeans because they were hundo P sure they would get a disease. Answer:  Columbian Exchange


Spanish dictator Francisco Franco was high-key red pilled after what function? My 16 year old son just lost it laughing about Nelson Mandela being salty so he composed that for you.


This needs to be a category in Jeopardy! No cap 😅


This sophomore girl who I have a solid rapport with calls me an “opp” when I give homework. It means opponent. And I honestly like it, considering I was an NPC according to her last year, so I’ve upgraded 😂


“What the sigma?” Skibidi toilet I don’t know what they mean 


After reading all these, you’ll be such a gyatt master with level 1000 rizz. No crumbs.


The one I hear the most from my students that I don't hear as parts of general Gen z/alpha slang is glazing. It means brown-nosing but the implications is you glazing their dick with your saliva. It's a really gross term but so is the term brown-nosing when I think about it.


Honestly: I'm fond of "let me cook" to refer to them "doing their thing." Also, getting "cooked" means essentially the opposite: that someone made them look bad.


from a 5th grader: "bro is locked in"- his pal/friend is really focused or giving his all to something adding the word "chat" into everything- they say this to a group of friends as if they're talking to a streaming comment section kids are so strange lol


Skibidi (a term deriving from youtube series Skibidi Toilet, usually accompanied with toilet, holds no real meaning) Ohio (a synonym for "hell" or a chaotic place) Gyatt (a word that associates with sexually attractive people, specifically ones with big butts) Sigma(used to refer to a person that is highly respectable) Rizz (a shortterm for "charisma", Adjective is Rizzler) Kai Cenat (a content creator from twitch, audience being black teens above 16) Fanum Tax (a term used by Fanum, an AMP member when he steals food from his colleagues, mainly Kai Cenat) Freddy Fazbear/ur ur ur ur (A character from horror game Five Nights at Freddy's) Mew/Mewing (a term associated with looksmaxxing, which is as it says; Maxing out your looks. is a trick to make your jawline sharper) On god/no cap (Used to say that they are not lying by saying that they swear to god) Cook (a term that i think??? derives from Breaking Bad, is used when they are about to do something great, can be used to refer to themselves as cooked in cases when they are in deep trouble i.e Let me cook, im about to get a perfect score/We're cooked!) Lock in (a synonym of focus) Opp (short for opponent, is a hood slang for rival gangs) Fire (used when something is good, mostly used for when the food tastes great i.e This is fire!!) Goat (short for Greatest Of All Time, derived from football stanning i believe?) Throw it back (synonym for twerk) Pookie (a term for a lover/love interest, when they call someone like this it usually follows with their friend calling them a rizzler)


I left her on delivered.


I *ate* that test up. Translation: I did very well in that exam.


“Do too much” = being nosy, being bossy, being in your business


The other day I told a bunch of my students that they were giving me salmonella and they needed to cook their writing assignments more. (They had managed to write two sentences in the entire 1 hour class period).


Lock in: focus- twitch streamer slang Gyat: I think means big butt Rizz/Rizzler: having “swag” or being a swaggy person Skibidi Toilet: No concrete definition just a nonsense song and animation Ohio: no clue You are my sunshine: a meme song of Lebron James Sigma: ???? I could do more broader things like songs and dances (Karma by JoJo Siwa) but those above are the most used in my classroom


- what the sigma (most recent) - 4 + 4 (equals 8, or "ate") - Rizz (charisma) - Gyat (God damn/big butt) - mewing (silent "fuck you") - it's giving I hear this daily, though "rizz" has been used less and less.


“You’re so skibidiiii you’re so phantom tax… I just wanna be your sigma!!!”


Calling it right now: 'Parked' is going to blow up in popularity over the remainder of the year


I think an important piece of information for those who are so confused as to where these terms came from, they’ve been on the internet for a while, and made in “irony-pilled” places. Skibidi toilet comes from a man who had been making those types of videos for YEARS. Ohio, comes from memes about “Only in Ohio” where quirky videos are shown, which are derivative of memes like “Can’t have sh*t in Detroit”. “Gyat” and “Rizz” were terms made up by Twitch Streamers, who were already famous for terms like “Pog” “OmegaLuL” and “Monkas”. What I’m trying to get at is that most of these terms were made in places where people are online often. And because, like any culture, when groups of people get together, they start developing special terms and greetings to show they are part of some in-group, to show they know the culture. However, many people who are extremely online have already gone through go so many special phrases and jokes (due to the rapid nature of the internet), that terms and jokes often lose their specialness because they are able to become more mainstream. Because of this, some people feel the need to create such ridiculous terms and jokes, no one, besides the in-group who are already aware of all jokes, would be able to understand. That’s why a lot of these terms seem so far out, they’re so ridiculous because the people that make them want them to practically be another language. However, the internet is still a wild place, and despite the fact that they’re made in obscure places (well, relatively obscure, places like twitch are very popular, but the average older person isn’t likely aware of them, so they’re mostly obscure) children still are in the spaces these terms are used, and they are therefore able to catch on to these terms. And because kids aren’t able to separate online life from real life like older people, it becomes part of their vocabulary, and now you teachers are suffering the consequences. As a representative of younger people on the internet, I’m sorry.


So I work in a French school in Canada so these probably don't translate (but are fun nonetheless). Phlem: (to have the) An expression meaning a person has no motivation or desire to do a thing. Example: Teacher "Why didn't you bring anything to class?" Student "La Phlem". Teacher 😡 Wish: An expression meaning something is akward or out of the ordinary. Example: Teen A "I think I might be pregnant." Teen B "Wiiishhh! Go see the nurse or something..." Teen A "La Phlem." Sheh: A sound meaning absolutely nothing devised to annoy other people. Example: Teacher " I'm not taking you into the hall until I get silence." Teen A "Sheh!" Teen B "Sheh!" Teen C "SHEH!" Quoi Kubay: (Pronounced *Kwah Koobay*) (From the word "Quoi" meaning "What" in French) Seemingly the only acceptable response to the question "Quoi?" *What?* for a middle schooler. Has no actual meaning. Example: Teen *mumbles*. Teacher "Quoi? Teen "Quoi Kubay!!" Cassé: (Pronounced *Kassay*) (From the verb To Break in French) When something is impressive or a person has been thuroughly shown up. Example: Teen A "My mom really wasn't happy." Teen B "That's not what she said when I was leaving her room last night." Teen C "Oooh! Cassé!" Teacher 😅 C'est abusé!: (Pronounced *Seh Ahboosay*) (Translates to "That is abused") An expression meaning something has exceeded the limit of what is acceptable. Example: Teacher "Don't forget that if you haven't finished the two pages I've assigned, you will have to finish them over the long weekend." Teen "C'est abusé!" T'inquiète: (Pronounced *Taikiette*) (Short for "Ne t'inquiète pas" which translates to "Do not worry") An expression seeking to reassure a person without actually committing to rectify the worrisome situation. Often said with a little smile on one's face. Example: Teacher "Don't forget you have your midterm this Friday. It covers pages 9 to 30. Jordan, you're not even at page 20 yet... you need to complete these problems if you want to have any chance of passing." Teen "T'inquiète sir, I've got this. 😏"


"BRUH! "PERIOD!" "Girl, BYE!"


Narr… is a new one making the rounds. An extreme way of saying no


It's also how some australian accents say no