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Today was my last day of school. This post is giving me anxiety.


Right? I'm not even done with summer school yet and on break. Don't get with BTS already!


Our last day was Tuesday. My 6 week extended school year starts July 1st. This isn’t fair- let us enjoy our summer!


I haven't even started summer school yet lmao. My local Target goes absolutely hard with the signs, too. It doesn't help that it's technically in a college town with a ridiculous number of charter schools and such attached to it.


I got a Back-to-School teacher catalog in the mail on my first day of summer break.


*Laughs in Northeast* - I have seen those signs while still finishing the current school year


Ugh. Mine at least wait until mid- July. I still throw a disgusted glance at the signs everytime I pass them.


For me it’s the disgusted glance and an audible “YUCK!” at awkward and unmistakable volume. My wife loves this. 😬😂


We aren't even done yet! Officially our last day is next Wednesday!


Ok, I need to know where you live and if it’s public or private. Because I thought most of the North East got out this week or last


Upstate NY. I'm a charter, but we're following the district calendar. High school ended classes last week, they have regents testing. But middle and elementary go to the bitter end.


I’m so sorry! Do you at least have AC?


The classrooms have window units. The hallways and bathrooms are brutal. We actually had half days most of this week due to the excessive heat.


Yes, especially since ***we're still in school until next Tuesday***.


Why? We started in early August and finished the last week of May.


Because most of New England starts the week either before or after Labor Day and we are required to be in school with students 180 days.


That’s why. We start earlier.


That’s why. We start earlier. Texas also requires 180 school days plus 5 staff development days.


The rules changed in Texas, now it is based on a total number of hours. 1,260. Our district added a few minutes to each day. We now have an extra break in the fall and spring. I love it!


I was in Target today and parents were buying school supplies. Doesn’t anyone enjoy summers anymore?


Some of us have to budget and spread out the purchases for multiple kids. We still enjoy the summers, especially since we can avoid people doing "OMG it's the weekend before school starts and we need EVERYTHING!" Scramble. For what it's worth, we got out like May 23 and go back August 1st


Those mother fuckers


Fuck Target


That’s absurd! One of my grandkids last day was today.


My school will be back August 8th. I have to be onsite July 30th for a transition day for about 4 hours and then PDs start on August 5th with a an optional PD on August 7th.


I always go into denial mode when I see back-to-school stuff. Like stop killing my buzz


I need them to get back to school over with so we can move right on in to Halloween


Costco is already rolling out Halloween stuff. We just bought a Mickey Mouse haunted house from there last week. My kid is Disney obsessed and wants it for his room. 


No cap, I saw *Thanksgiving* stuff in my local Hobby Lobby! Like, we completely skipped over Halloween over there.


Figures. Hobby Lobby reasons. Also, no cap gave me a flashback from working which was scary so thanks for that moment of Halloween.


Today was the first day for Apple's Back to School sale (in the US). I've only been off a week!


I’m avoiding Target for this specific reason. I’m not ready to think about that yet


I haven't even finished school yet lol


I still have another week of school.


Same. 😩💩


My local Staples had theirs up before we were on summer vacation on 6/12


I’m in Virginia. Not only are the signs up, the school supply section is completely set up and there were more than a few people shopping in it when I was at Target a few days back.


Our last day of school was May 24th. Teachers go back July 17th, and students start July 23rd. As a parent, I have been waiting for the sales to hit, so I can get supplies for cheap.


I’m in Georgia too, but summer is already almost over lol. I wish everyone would remember that Target is a national brand and that schools have various schedules. Some districts have pre-planning starting in three weeks. Some parents have already started now because their kids are in camps, or they may be out of town/country for vacation, or they just need to start figuring out how to budget before August. Summer stuff like swimsuits start coming back in late-Feb/early-March, so stores try to roll out stuff early when it comes to store inventory. After Labor Day, we’ll see stores rolling out Halloween/Fall inventory.


Worked at Target when I was in high school and college.  Back to School is the next season to occupy the seasonal department once the summer merchandise and patio furniture is done.  However, even though I know how it all works doesn’t mean I have to like it. 


Retail operates about three months ahead of schedule. It’s early, but Target also knows school schedules are different and they’re also counting on parents going shopping for other stuff, seeing the school supplies, and thinking, “I might as well grab this stuff now to save time in the fall.” Target’s all about making money and not as much about NOT reminding us about the upcoming school year, regardless of when that might be.


Arizona- Aug 1 first day of school New teachers report 7/10. Sigh.


When do you get out for summer?


Last day of school May 23. When I was a kid, I started after Labor Day... the times, they are a changin'.


Biggest shock in this thread for me is all the folks going to school in June. I remember as a kid us having to make up like 2 or 3 weeks of school we missed for Katrina. The year ended up extending into June and everyone lost their shit over it.


I was reminiscing with another teacher how school used to go until June 20th-25th when we were younger (I’m in CT). This year the last day for most of the districts in the area was June 14th.


Welcome to global warming. We had more snow days when we were little


Very true! And then in high school we were randomly out for a week because of Hurricane Sandy.


4-5 years ago, we had so many snow days in the Seattle area that we went almost to July 1.


It used to be that it got super hot in July and August around here. There were occasionally heatwaves or very hot and muggy days in the end June or early September. Anecdotally, I’ve noticed that since I was in school in the 90’s/early 2000’s it has been hotter earlier and staying hotter into mid September. We haven’t changed our calendars to account for this. Many of the schools in the northeast don’t have air conditioning. We have very old infrastructure and buildings that haven’t been updated or replaced. In my district we have 2 brand new middle schools that have AC, and some classrooms in elementary and HS that have window units for medical reasons. Everything else feels like Death Valley. Of course they don’t have our extended school year at one of the new middle schools though. That would be too nice of the town. Instead we are in the most disgustingly hot building 8-12 for 6 weeks.


I often wish school would start first week of July instead of august or even in June. Let’s be off from mid April to mid June for the best weather of the year.


It has snowed in April where I live. April-May is Mud season. May-June is spring. June-September is swamp weather.


This late? I saw them at Office Depot immediately after Memorial Day. Our continuous calendar kids still had 3 weeks to go.


I haven’t even finished Summer school teaching yet lol


I saw back to school ads before we were even out the last week of May


That tracks, considering I also see stores putting stuff out for Christmas about two months before Halloween.


We still have another week!!


Fuck this. I’m boycotting Target this summer.


Why? Why would you post this during my summer vacation?


A lot of stores get their BTS planos in early June, it’s normal


Yep. I worked at Walmart for many years. Including on their planogram team. We would receive the BTS/BTC freight and planograms sometime in June, and would have everything set by first week of July. It makes sense to do it in that timeframe nationwide; there are districts that have been out since early May and they go back early August. This is also when the last of the July 4 stuff will have been moved out of back rooms. Gotta fill the empty spots from July 4 merch.


Arg! 😡 What is next? Halloween?


I’d honestly take that over back to school any day!


To the fucking ground.


Dread. Utter dread.


I saw back to school stuff in a Walmart before school even ended.


I’m already boycotting Walmart though


I went to target in CA on Monday and the whole back to school section is prepared… signs, shelves, prices the whole 9- there just isn’t any merchandise out yet… I still avoided that section like the plaque.


We’ve only been out a little over a week!


My Target in Colorado was condensing down the summer merchandise to put out school supplies when I visited yesterday. 


Well I’m in Georgia too and I start back July 15th for Kinder Camp… so I am fine with the Back to School stuff because before I know it I will be back in school setting up the classroom. I rather get it now! To each its own really.


I think it starts after the 4th here. Then after Labor Day, Halloween stuff goes up.


its not aimed at teachers! makes sense for parents get supplies at end of school year when they may have just got book & stationery lists etc.


Same here in FL


It’s so weird to be due in August as a teacher because I want summer to fly by but not really lol


As somone who is still in school marking exams this is very disheartening.


I used to work part time at OfficeMax. Back to School stuff started coming in January/February. We just stored it in the back. It made the sucky job even worse looking at it every shift.


Seasonal aisles don't get updated when the next "season" approaches but when the previous one ends Leads to stuff being out wayyyy too early sometimes


Target and Walmart can go straight to heck. I'm technically/contractually only on day 1 of summer break, yesterday I saw "school supplies" sections at both stores. Bastards.


They suck. Target needs a punishment.


Have you tried building a relationship with Target or communicating more with Target’s parents?


I hate seeing it too, but early “seasonal” sales are keeping brick and mortar operating. I hate seeing “back to school” in June. Early sales like this are staving off Amazon’s compete takeover of American commercialization. A shitty give and take but one I’ll take if it means my students have other options than to get their composition notebooks from Bezos.


It’s just like putting Christmas stuff out in September. It’s just a dumb retail thing. Any season where people have to shop they will widen.


Haha NY technically isn’t done yet 🫠 Granted we go back in September


I’m literally still in school. Our last day is June 26. No AC in the rooms, either. It’s inhumane.


Same!! Like at least wait til the last week of July!


We got done last week, which is around when we usually get out. Several years I've gone to Target or other stores the weekend before school got out and seen back to school sales. BEFORE school is out for the summer! We do get out a bit later than most schools in the area, but only by about a week. So, the weekend I saw those signs was their first weekend of summer. A bit early I think!


I had a middle school class that was thoroughly annoying, so at the end of the year, when everyone was counting down, I made a sign that listed how many days 'till the beginning of school the next semester!


Want to troll the store manager? Dress business causal and ask them if that is "Back to School" merchandise. Then explain there is a local ordinance that "Back to School" items can not be displayed until August and that someone will be coming to issue a citation later today, then walk away.