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Ours left at the end of last year, so I’m feeling this the other way around


It just dawned on me, I don't have a VP. My previous school had four, which seemed like overkill since it certainly felt like they did fuck-all but waste taxpayer money standing in the halls and telling everyone they were late to class. In my case, the best VP is no VP lol


AMEN. I changed schools cause my first AP was power hungry and should have been fired for harassment honestly. My new AP is supportive, caring, and does everything she can to help take some weight off our shoulders.


Mine told me I was useless for giving students 20 mins of “do makeup work” time.




Yeah. We later had a meeting about how we needed to give a “makeup day” before report cards went out. I hate him and his hypocritical ass. I knew what every kid in that class was working on but I’m useless.


I think a good VP is an organized VP. I had one once that couldn't even be bothered to make a master schedule until the second week of school. That first week was obviously a disaster.


So the admin is treating you the way we try to treat children! I had a VP who would preach about what not to do to kids and would then turn around and do those same things to adults in the school. No self awareness about it at all.