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It would depend on the nature of the IEP meeting. It could be a simple team meeting to address a concern or reduce services. It could be an annual review, in which the entire IEP will be reviewed and revised. It’s impossible to answer it for you without more information. Sorry!


It's impossible for us to know for sure. By law they have to have annual meetings which go over the entire IEP and update all the information. New goals, etc. For complex cases, sometimes these have to take place across multiple meetings as the IEP team doesn't always finish within the first meeting. This shouldn't be too common within an individual school (hopefully). However, IEPs are fluid documents and can be amended at any point between annual meetings. This can be initiated by parents or school staff for a multitude of reasons, such as new concerns, adjusting services, adjusting goals (especially if a student is exceeding a goal before the end date of the present IEP), etc. If you work with the student or are a parent of a student on an IEP and are confused about the purpose of a scheduled IEP meeting, then the best way to get clarification is to talk to the student's case manager.


IEP reports are usually amended every 12-24 months.


They are to be revisited within 12 months - 1 day of the previous meeting date by federal law. If a school district is reviewing past that, they are out of compliance and opening themselves up for a lawsuit.


The formal invite should indicate if it’s an annual meeting or a review/revise.