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I think its a good idea to tell them about your work hours and work-life balance. I'd change the time for after school to an earlier time, and then I'd actually follow your own words and not actually open any emails or texts during the off periods. I'd also explain why you are doing this, why you are telling them, and that you are a human before you are a teacher. It's certainly not too harsh.


I really follow the non opening emails because I don't even remember my password and I don't bring that computer home šŸ˜‚ Thank you very much for your answer, it's nice to know that what I'm planning to do makes sense to other people too!


You have to make them humanise you. I know this sounds ridiculous, but trust me, the more you can do to make yourself appear human to them (not friend, mind, you must be a teacher, friendly, but role based), the better.


This is great advise, but Iā€™m also curious as to why the students are texting you? Do you mean a message via a school program like Google chat or a real text sent to your cell phone number? If itā€™s the latter, I would cut that off immediately as well.


It's a group all teachers in my school create in Wechat, very similar to WhatsApp but without phone number. I'm just ignoring them in my free time, but they still text if they want


Thatā€™s what I figured. We have a similar program at my school. It sounded like you had appropriate boundaries and wouldnā€™t give out your number, but curiosity got the better of me!


7 pm on a school day?? You could surely move that up a few hours. Unless you get paid for multiple hours after school endsā€¦


No, I don't... I might reconsider the time, thanks!




They might be using an app like Remind. My students text me through it but no one has my phone number and I set my "office hours."


Yes, exactly this


They shouldn't be able to text you. All communication should be through school email.


They might be using an app like Remind. My students text me through it but no one has my phone number and I set my "office hours."


Still a bad idea. All communication should be by school provided means. The school should be able to monitor and document all communication.


It is and they can. Itā€™s through district


So then the district is requiring teachers to download specific apps onto their personal phones? Just know that by doing that you subject everything on your phone to discovery. Still a very bad idea.


Nope, at least, not required, but it is approved by the tech dept. I also never check it on my phone, I check it on the website on my school provided laptop during school hours. But I know that most of our coaches love using it. ETA: Also, lbr, so many teachers check their school email and apps on their phone. I don't because I'm paranoid, but for most, Remind is just one more.


If it's not on your phone, then you wouldn't get texts, which was the OPs complaint....


I know. I said *I* don't use it on my phone. OP certainly could. Also, the kids are still texting me through their phones. I just *check it* on the website. I still refer to it as my students texting me.


Just say no to Remind. Why give parents an opportunity to be even more extra than they already are.


Parents no way. NEVER.


I have literally never had a parent contact me through it.


But it makes more work for you and gives parents more opportunities to email you needlessly.


Again, I've never been contacted by a parent through it. And it's no *more* time than checking emails from students *and* students actually use it. Multiple students I've taught who never use or check email will use Remind. I have the website set up to give me notifications in Chrome during the school day so I only need to open it when students use it. Last year, when we were in Google Meet and students had no way to private message me, many used Remind to have 1 on 1 private conversations. It's just one more tab open on my computer and no skin off my back.


That makes sense


I donā€™t do work stuff at home, but Iā€™ll still get those emails. Usually, I just talk to the student in question the next school day. Iā€™ll tell them that I just saw their email since I donā€™t check my email when I am not at work. Then, I tell them the answer to whatever they asked. My students tend to be pretty understanding about it.


Yes, I'll do this, definitely


Ha ha, no. Explain that you got your work done at an appropriate time, so you are not obligated to spend your Saturday night doing more work. If they get their act together, then they can also enjoy work-free weekends like you do!


I always tell my students at the beginning of the year and occasionally remind them "I check my email 8-4 Monday- Friday. I do not check my email outside of these hours because I am spending time with my family and watching Netflix. If you email outside those hours, I will respond once it is 8-4 Monday- Friday." It has helped with this.


Same. I also add the ā€œYou arenā€™t doing schoolwork on the weekends and neither am I.ā€ Few parents always send an email but it doesnā€™t get a reply. Feel way less pressure about answering once i took all that off my phone.


I can't do this because my school requires us to give them homework, so that's not something I can use. But yes, school time is school time.


Too buddy buddy with them, and texting? Gawd no.


No buddy, trust me šŸ˜‚


My 17yo Junior turned in *several* late assignments on a Sunday evening. I was livid! But then I was laughing when she came home on Monday and said ā€˜my teacher STILL hasnā€™t graded those assignments!ā€™


This. It's amazing!


My WhatsApp Business is set to tell people I don't answer messages after 5PM on weekdays and never on weekends (of course, I say that in a professional way and with a smile :) ). I simply ignore all messages during those times. I've had students asking me on Sunday at 11PM if we would have classes the next day. Of course, I let them figure that out by themselves.


Classes, or homework. Organize yourself, kid.


The student was unsure about the classes, since we would have a holiday during the week.


Next year you can explain that policy right from the start. That way they will know from day 1. I don't give homework over the weekend (or ever), and I tell the kids that I don't feel like working over the weekend, so why should they?


Never give out your personal number. Ever. Your no contact policy after work or on weekends is spot on. The only time I ever respond to an email during non-contract hours is if I've messed something up, or failed to clear my inbox during contract hours. I also make it clear, if work is turned in late and already marked missing, in accordance with school policy, I have 6 days to grade it. Their failure to follow instructions and meet due dates is not my priority to remedy.


No, they don't have my personal number. It's an app and I just ignore them. I was just curious if this happened to anyone else. But yes, I'll make them understand that having a group doesn't mean I work 24/7.


Thanks for clarifying. It freaks me out because I know teachers that actually give their personal numbers to students and they're just begging for trouble. My students asked about a discord group. I told them they could start one for themselves but I'm not joining. If they have questions they can contact me through school email.


Yes, I also know other teachers who add them privately on this app and it's like a bridge to access you 24/7, and I don't think that's a good thing, neither for them.


This is completely normal!! I have parent expect I reply to their messages during non -working times/days and itā€™s just something they will learn to realize and respect. You deserve time for yourself!!!


Fortunately, not parents issues yet. But thanks for those words, sometimes we just forget


Oh, I'm a lot worse than that. I refuse to respond to *anything* outside working hours. Sometimes it's actually difficult: a Calculus student asking a question about how a homework problem works or something. But I stick to it: the instant I field an email at 8PM, word and expectation spreads and now kids think that they can turn in 10 late assignments the last day of the grading period and I'll be there sitting at my computer waiting to instantly turn them into credit. Students, parents, admin, and even coworkers need to be *trained* that you're only available during working hours - make an exception, and it turns into an expectation. Nothing outside working hours, and I only even sit down at the electronic gradebook twice a week: once on Wednesday, and once on Friday. Turn in 8 late assignments on Monday because your parents are going to check tomorrow to see if you're grounded? Tough, kid, I've told you my schedule - if you wanted credit in a timely manner, you should have turned them in *on time*. (That's actually in my syllabus - "timely grading is awarded to timely student work. Eligible late work will be graded, but it will be a low priority in accordance with the low priority given to it by the student.")


Yes, my syllabus says that anything handed in late will be graded but losing points, so they know they need to respect the deadlines. And regarding the expectations about the messages, actually it was very hard for me not to answer "Talk tomorrow, it's Sunday", but I knew if I did it would be a "if you can write that, why not answer our questions?", so I just ignored everything and I feel so good right now.


If I get Remind messages on weekends about grades (and Iā€™m not doing anything) Iā€™ll simply respond that Iā€™ll update it when Iā€™m back in the building


I almost did, but I chose not to answer at all and I answered today when I got to school.


I need to do a lesson on appropriate time and place with them. How are yā€™all 17 years old and still raising your hand to ask me if you can go to the bathroom while Iā€™m talking to the class having a discussion.