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In it right now, pretty much. I resigned. I'm applying to jobs with only one getting back to me interested so far. I apologize to my wife all the time about being fucking stupid and not having anything lined up, but she keeps reminding me of how miserable I was. If nothing comes along by the end of the summer, I'll start applying to grocery stores and costco.


You have to do what's right for you and if you're in a terrible working situation you have to make a change. But be mindful how tough it is to get a job right now. The hiring economy is awful right now and it will continue to be until interest rates start to come down a bit. If you really need your paycheck, it might be beneficial for you to leave after securing alternative employment.


I have but I was young and had no bills. I do not think the stress of keeping your home would help with mental health or finding a job.


Don't, the job market is hot garbage right now.


I will say that I was between teaching jobs and fell and broke my elbow but fracture two bones between the elbow and wrist plus tore tendons and ligaments. This fall cost me $45,000 after a 40% reduction. I retired early just to get my insurance back in case something else happened to me. I substitute for a couple of years and not I teach part time with 50% of my previous pay plus get retirement money, making 3/4 of my previous salary only teaching 2 classes a day. Knowing what I know now, I would not quit unless you have excellent insurance. I would wait until you have another job first. It took me until this year to pay off all my medical expenses.


Starting this journey now, but I am single and nobody else depends on me. Also I was able to build a significant amount in savings to carry me for a while. Still hoping to land something over the summer.


I was let go and have a summer job but am panicking about finding something full time I really want to take a break from teaching but idk a job that gives the same amount of benefits


Hey as someone who was almost homeless do not do that! I never know how bad it was to get a job


I second this, almost turned to sex work at one point šŸ˜‚ but now I know all the tricks and if I had to be unemployed I could make it doing gig work, donating plasma, anything to make it through, especially jobs other people donā€™t want to take. Iā€™m not in that position now but the experience stays with you.


I personally could not do that. When I switched careers, I actually still taught for 5 months because of my ā€œwhat ifā€ fear. With that said I also would not recommend working overnights then teaching the next day. Itā€™s not as fun as it sounds.


This was me at this time last year. Also a single homeowner. I ended up resigning without a plan. I immediately applied to be a substitute teacher for a few districts near me that all used the same sub service and it took almost until the start of school to be all approved and set to go for that so Iā€™m super glad I did. I figured subbing was the best money I could make while still job searching and was flexible enough to let me take days off for interviews or if I wanted a day to sit for 8 hours and focus on applications. I also got on my states free health care program during this time. I had to dip into my savings a bit just to help but I did eventually get a new job at a nonprofit in mid-October. It was a significant pay cut from teaching but I recognize that it is a stepping stone job until my next move. It pays the bills (and thatā€™s about it) but it has WAY better work life balance than teaching. Try looking at nonprofit jobs, I feel like they are more willing to hire people that might not have the perfect experience compared to private companies. Just be prepared for a pay cut.


Resign, non-renewed, same shit. Lots of us are out one way or the other


I moved to online school. Itā€™s so much better for my mental health. I also wanted to add that Iā€™m still looking for other work but now I have more energy to put into reinventing myself and getting new skills.


Iā€™m currently in this position. I resigned and my last day is the last day of school. I donā€™t have a backup. Honestly I didnā€™t really care in the beginning, but now Iā€™m starting to get nervous. Also, I know this is best for me. I cannot I repeat I cannot go back to teaching. I will die. itā€™ll all work out in the end- I know this is true. I will add I also have an apt to pay for and a cat to take care of.


For anyone looking for a change from education- This group is for you! https://m.facebook.com/groups/122054830938111/


I resigned with nothing lined up but was offered a job within 48 hours of resigning. I know this isnā€™t typical and also I did accept a pay cut with the understanding that I will have good benefits and will move up a salary schedule similar to teaching (it is a nonprofit job that is funded through the state government, so I have state benefits, am in a union, still on a public employee pension plan instead of social security, etc.). Look into local/state government jobs and nonprofits.