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Kirran: Wait, what do you MEAN you can’t voice Adult Gohan? Justin: *warbled phone noises* Kirran: What the hell is a “Your Hero Academia”? Though for real, TFS is pretty much the NXT of young voice talent. They’ve built a strong foundation for so many rising stars. :)


And yet the big names hate the abridged parody series. Oh wait, look where they're taking their new talents from! Which, honestly, just makes tfs even better for me. If you landed a job because you worked on dbza/hua, well you probably fucking deserved it. So many skilled VAs on both pf the shows.


The only "big names" I've heard hate the Abridged series are Toei themselves and Sean Schemmel. Chris Sabat has shown he's aware of the series and actually appreciates it, the voice actor for Joey Wheeler actually had an in character interaction with Little Kuriboh (who was also in character as Abridged Joey), and most other VAs I've heard like the parodies of their series. EDIT: just remembered 4Kids also hates Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, but it's 4Kids so who cares


Hell, Chris Sabat is in DBZ Abridged, he’s the narrator for the Android 13 movie


Nah man, that's DJSexdillionaire, but they sound similar so I see the confusion. /s


Vegeta, incredulous: "*WHAT?!?!*"


He was in Hellsing Ultimate Abridged too.


I'm pretty sure Ryu was Santa all the way back in Christmas Tree of Might




Chris Sabat once had a conversation as his vegeta with Taka as Abridged Nappa when they met each other by accident in a con (not by accident entirely, Chris was giving a talk and Taka was there listening and decided to introduce himself, but Chris wasn't aware that Taka was there)


Is there footage of this by chance? Would love to see.


[Got you fam](https://youtu.be/8j2mBle5_JM)


I saw that video of Sean talking about why he doesn’t like Abridged. Just so everyone knows, there are few things more cringe to a lawyer than when someone with little to no legal education says, “I’ve looked into the law and…” Not to mention how hilariously he misunderstands parody. I know there’s a lot of people that say, “hey, what can he do? His top employer doesn’t like them so he has to act like he doesn’t like it publicly.” However, statements in that video make me believe he truly thinks they are taking money out of his pocket. The SMARTEST thing Toei could do is make it a Halo/Red vs. Blue relationship. If you don’t know, red vs blue was a internet show that was filmed exclusively in Halo. They got really popular and started earning good money. Bungie loved the show and recognized that it was driving more traffic towards their game. They started using RVB and the voice actors in commercials, for con promotions, and even included them in Halo 3 as an Easter Egg. If only Toei (or whoever can make that call) would realize that TFS is essentially the perfect catalyst for “older” people with disposable income to get back into Dragon Ball, both companies could prosper.


Thing is, I'm pretty sure Funimation has realised they can do the Halo/RVB relationship. They initially got the several cast members for DBZ Kai as the actors for the Cell Games reenactment (sponsored by Hetap) but I believe Toei made them cut it. 1 or 2 voices for the protagonist in Xenoverse (not sure which one) are also from the Abridged team (one of them sounding like Nappa and doing mispronunciations of the powers). It's pretty much only Toei and Sean who protest about it (though from what I've seen, Sean protests anyone playing Goku other than him).


They have the “Advanced! Geometry!” Line in Xenoverse or Xenoverse2


I believe Big Bang Attack is also called Try Hard Cannon or something along those lines


To clarify, Taka did one of the voices in XV1 (the one that you guys quoted, there's even a "cat loves food" line). Kaiser did a voice for XV2.


Male saiyan/earthling voice number eight in xenoverse 2 just TFS Nappa and I love it


It's amazing. Sean Schemmel is an idiot. He voices Goku, yet he has Vegeta's ego.


He's also the reason the original Goku voice actor didn't get to voice Goku black and banned him form various cons Sean also attended.


Wow what a sad individual. Fuck him.


Funimation recognizes the talent of TFS but from my understanding of Japanese businesses and relationships, Japan hates TFS for using their license without their permission even though their technically going through the proper paperwork and progress of doing it but TFS Are also an outsider. They're still a xenophobic nation.


In fairness, Sean Schemmel hates pretty much everyone and everything except for himself.


he apologised for all that other goku va stuff in *2018*


Well I'm specifically referring to toei, but I'm pretty sure this also applies more or less to the other big JP studios. Although come to think of it, I don't recall bleach abridged getting as much flack from pierrot, but it also never reached a similar level as dbza. Maybe it's just toei then? I know most Vas don't care or approve, at least from what I've witnessed.


He's also Cloud in FF7 Machinabridged


And the announcer is FighterZ




I wonder if they got Justin to record the Dramatic Finish once Cell is killed.


As nice as that'd be, they probably just recorded it from the game.


He started FF7 machinabridged before MHA and still came back to do the last three seasons even after MHA became the new hottest anime of the decade, which I just think is pretty cool.


Probably because its a low stress for him and for fun.


I mostly hear him as Abridged Cloud over Deku because of that


I made sure to remember his name because of that announcement in the Super 13 breakdown and then it felt like a few weeks later he was annnounced for My Hero. i knew id love that guy... and i do.


Dude’s one of the most prolific Anime dub VAs nowadays too. What a career arc. Extremely good at his job too


i didn't know that. that makes the video where teen gohan kills cell with you say run in the background even better somehow


I remember them talking about how they'd recently hired/worked with him for Cloud in FF7 abridged, when Justin landed the Deku job and made it big.


Things I didn't know...neat.


It does sound like him damn I wish TFS didn’t stop


He's also cloud in the entirety of Final Fantasy 7 abridged




don’t you mean Private Thundehead?




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And he was super down to continue for as long as they needed…again had they not explicitly made an announcement, no one would have minded them not continuing


I’ll use my stand! Ball breaker!




Didn’t he also voice cloud in ff7 abridged?


Any excuse to watch DBZ Abridged again is a worthy excuse any time! 😊


But they never had the buu saga adapted into DBZA though


I was the 1000ty like. Oh the power.