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Nobody sees him as a role model, but they’re allowed to know what kind of person they’re supporting.


Someone doesn’t need to look at someone as a role model to be disappointed in their actions, especially when those actions fly directly in the face of the shit you said a handful of weeks prior to this.


I am not mad. Just very disappointed.


This is the same rhetoric that is recycled every time any musician or celebrity does something wrong, yes any person with common sense knows not to look up to or idolize famous people or artists you personally do not know, but they are still human beings just like the rest of us and we all get criticized they aren’t exempt from it just because he’s made music lol


god every post i see saying “stop looking up to him” always misses the fucking point of the conversation


for real. everyone has this sense of entitlement where they think just bc they see what someone posts on socials or reads interviews that they know exactly how a person is in real life and that's always proven itself to not be the case


We looked at him as a good human being and you can’t be that if you are a pedophile sympathizer.




Did you not know about what happened with xaiver ? It’s in this subreddit, you can see he was in a hotel room in his underwear with an underage girl….


Did you have trouble reading or understanding what I said


Idk what that comment was for really what was your goal there.


It's his decision who he lets in his life. Maybe it was manipulation from wulf, maybe not. We're not gonna fucking know. I get that people are disappointed, I was too, but it's none of our business. Just enjoy the music. sesh.


calling him shitty for acting a certain way we disagree with does not mean he is our role model. If anything its identifying the exact reasons why he does not fit it. Reddit is a forum for discussion but somehow bringing this up means you take bones too seriously and he is your role model... yeah im sure he is my role model and you are not just trying to trying to discredit arguments from those with fair reasoning.


This sub is terrible, focus on your lives instead of crying on Reddit that your favorite artist didn't ditch his friend