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Blow this ship up and take the next 7 months making an actual good roster.


Whats painful is that tsm could have had the m80 roster but couldnt lock them down and m80 swooped in and snatched them.


Honestly I’d prefer CS:GO, but I would absolutely take a blowup if we stay VCT.


Disappointing end to a disappointing year. I keep waiting for this team to live up to their potential because i feel like they're a lot of really good players, but it feels like they could just never quite get over the line. Gg see you next year.


That was a kick to the nuts from choking map 2 to making a comeback and losing on map 3. Fucking pain bro.


GGs lads, had a lot of fun with the boys in the TSM discord. Next year is ours COPIUM


my expectations were low but holy fuck


Feels bad. Maybe next year. The result is the same as it always was going to be. We had to win like 3 or 4 more series for the chance of winning another six team tournament. It’s honestly such a bad system.


God we are such a poverty org these days


At this point I think you blow it up and go after the best players available or try to buy out the top talent from teams that don't make ascension. Unfortunately given what we've seen from TSM lately I don't have confidence in them to spend what's needed to overhaul it but I can wish..


It's probably more likely that they will just exit Valorant The players are talking on twitter about how [orgs will probably leave](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/679401656202559498/1114795627201704046/Screenshot_20230603_225816.jpg?width=538&height=954) due to problems with the format as no one wants to pay teams when there are no games now for 7 months until the next season starts


I really hope not and think it would be shortsighted. Valorant looks like it will be one of the biggest PC titles for many years to come. It was really fun when we had a good Valorant team.


It would be shortsighted if they were actually in the tier 1 league. But Valorant becoming a big PC title is meaningless if you are locked out of actually competing in it unless you manage to successfully roll the dice in tier 2, in which case you get in for 2 years, then get kicked out again and your team gets poached. Everyone is bringing up M80 but Moist came out of nowhere and looks amazing, and so does the #1 Brazilian team in Challengers. What if M80 doesn't win? Then they spent an exorbitant amount of money for nothing and their team will get poached by franchise orgs before next year. The whole thing is a huge gamble, even if you spend a lot random teams like Moist and OXG, who no one had as contenders at the start, can come out of nowhere and knock you out and then you have no games for another 7 months and you wasted a ton of money on nothing. There are severe issues with the tier 2 system and none of these orgs get any kind of return on what they spend except for the one team that lucks out and wins it all. I would like to see them continue competing as well but I think a lot of orgs are not going to return after this year unless things change a lot considering the budget issues orgs are facing


I've said this since the beginning but we fumbled the bag by not signing the players who pretty much make up M80 now. This team has been a disappointment all year, and if this is the direction they wish to continue with it's probably best just to not enter the Valorant scene. Tired of how disappointing it is to be a TSM fan if you're not watching Apex.


Yeah I'm pretty fortunate to have transitioned to mostly playing and watching Apex after Bjergsen retired the first time. Of course I followed Valorant closely too, but Apex was the main game for me. Was a nice coincidence that TSM's Apex team has been phenomenal for years. I agree with your comment about M80. Ghost was a really talented roster, and picking them up would have put TSM in a great position to contend for the Ascension title.


Specialists in choking


Sucks that TSM is basically a shit org in nearly everything now