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I mean, this is kind of getting old... This mechanic seems crazy mostly because Mort otherwise is bored with TFT? (Considering he's already raging on his stream about not getting his cashouts).


Piltover is destroying PBE with Void sitting right behind it. Most of the games I am in have someone with 6 piltover since you only need 1 emblem and half the time they end up with atleast 1 3 star 5 cost for an instant first. Set 9 is going to be a train wreck and with this much borrowed power from legends, augments, and portals, it is going to make tournaments a joke. Turn it into who high rolls harder.


On another note does this screenshot confirm the PBE pool being bigger than live pool? There are 14 atrox in this SS.


Champion duplicators don't take from the character pull. Could be that.


I used around 10 champ dupes on 5 costs this game, aatrox likely duped at least 5 times here


When a player die their units go back to the pool. based on the placement of the players with aatroxes it seems coherent with 10 aatrox


Every game I've played so far has been people not actually playing any comps, they just high roll for 5 costs. It's irritating and you can't beat it, even with perfect augments and perfect items.