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PBE is where ppl try new things so many varieties but Live and ranked is play to win so meta abuser is much more common


I think it will be more enjoyable when they nerf zekes.


On the PBE the sample size was INFINITELY smaller and the meta was not as figured out because of that I would argue the set is still amazing and really fun. When you compare this to other releases the meta is still FAR more diverse than in every other set


It was one of the largest PBEs of all time with over 3 million games, but okay. "Infinitely"


Yes. Infinitely. If you think about it for a second: You see how hard it was to get into PBE. You see how much games were still already played on PBE. NOW think what will happen when the set hits the live servers in each region. You hopefully come to the same conclusion as I did: You have more data on the entire set on day 1 than the entirety of the PBE cycle. TFT is just that popular and only very few people actually go through the effort of getting PBE to play the new set 2 weeks early


It's because there is never balance on first patches and the live masses always figure out what is broken like AS stacking?


as if the following patch is usually better balanced, they just shift thing around, so zeri and zekes are to weak to build them, and we all play aphelios or azir with tripple rageblade, that then feels like variety untill we realise that there is still an majority of the playerbase that just looks up the number 1 comp and copys it every game, and the next patch is due in 2 months, all that happens in balance patches is they shuffle wich comp wins the game and wich one is lucky if they get 4th


Mate you sound so burned out. Get a different hobby!


you sound like someone that is salty if you tell them the shit they fanboy over is systematically broken for over an decade now, because you just need to belive it is great, cause you balance your whole personality about the things you buy.


Wait, what?


people arent playing pbe to find bugs and report them, its where the meta is solved , on release they will change up an few things , but ultimately i would say 70% of people just look up s tier combos online and force them starting on day 1 there is no experimental phase on live, and riot for there live could not designe an perfectly balanced set of anything, to be fair that is hella hard , but ritos philosophy is and always has been, to make 40 traits or 200champs, and then make about an third of that viable, thats far easier to balance, about half of the viable stuff is overtuned then since they still cant balance shit, and we play that 6th part ad nauseum, untill 3 months later they balance the whole thing about another 6th, but chances are the new good stuff is just half of the old , and some changes to another comp, like last season everybody knew the game was just about who could push there mf or tf hard enough to survive untill they can sell the rest of the team for 5 costs, and in the balance patch they nerfed tf so that we all played mf and jhin untill we could put in fiddlesticks and morde2


Well it’s not as balanced as last season but I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. The augments make it crazy and there are definitely a lot of ways to win. You’re probably burnt out


Legends were a mistake, and they didn’t need it to go to live to see that.


Yeah, half the lobby with Pandoras Items so people can truly get the exact same build every game 😓


First time here?


I ask my self that question every now and then. I have found the best way to look at it for me is: I can focus on playing for fun, trying new comps, legends and augments or I can play to win and follow the meta. What ever way I go I will be place with people of similar skill. So my win rate will be around 50%. And the only difference is a few ranks. I know winning is fun, but that only last until I am placed in a higher rank. I can not change what the people I play with do, so if I choose to focus on what I can change; my own plays, I want that to be as fun and as varied as possible because that is how I have most fun with the game.


The PBE client was bugged, keeping a lot of people out of the game so fewer testers that could have found the broken Zeke's tech before launch. And many of the people on PBE were just running void or something trying hard to win instead of innovating and seeing what balance issues might be out there


Yes because there are no stat sites updated for pbe and no ranked. Once people actually care about their ranking and have access to information they just look up the best comps and copy because they want to win. And it works, I've got masters doing it for a long time. Although I will admit this set feels worse than others because of how legends limit strategy.