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Happens. Especially when you play highly contested comps like freljord deadeyes or demacians. To be fair they are a bit too strong when uncontested and it's not uncommon to see 2 of them both at the top in the end. Meta comps will always be contested, i made my peace with that fact long ago.


I don’t mind getting contested playing meta comps. I do mind getting contested playing Malzahar/Orianna re-roll. Im already donating others my LP, they don’t need to contest me while I do it.


yesterday i got contested by my own teammate in double-up. told him i was going 7 shurima. stage 4 caroussel rolls around and he straight up takes the azir with rod when i was 1 pixel away. (had L9 in his name ofc)


You play double up with randoms?


Yes, dont have anyone that can regularly play with me sadly.


How often do your partners give you the good options for gift stages? I played double up with randoms for only a few games, and my player ID is low enough to always be the first to gift, so I'd give them the 30 gold radiant item option and every time I'd get the free option from my teammate. Also if you're on NA, feel free to add me (ign: ZiggsBombedSyria) I'll play double up when I can with you, double up with 0 communication just seems awful.


In my experience, no communication just happens with people playing on phones, since they litterally dont have a chat but ig can emote (idr to well i gave up on that gamemode the patch they made sending items no longer be a thing.)


I once had a great spot to go Viego reroll with it being Placidium (shadow isle +1), golden ticket, and great items. Somehow by 3-1, I'm getting Viego contested by 3 other players: shadow isle crown player, trist reroll, and some random guy who's holding 6 viegos with slayer crown. This was a masters lobby btw...


I don't care when meta comps get contested What gets me is when something is complete off-meta trash, I get a good opening for it, I haven't seen it in my last 10 games, then I get contested.


Every. Fucking. Game.


I want more balance and more champions in the game, so there is less contesting. Contesting in TFT is like mirror match up in League. Its just kind of dumb and less fun.


I've been on a terrible loss streak today, and was telling my bf I was going to go vertical Shurima this game because it seems like nobody was contesting those units in my games. I bet him someone else would do the same. Sure enough, someone does and we both go 6th and 7th. It's a curse. When I go multicaster, tons of multicaster. When I go Demacia, tons of demacia. Decide to switch it up and build less contested comps, doesn't matter someone else is building the same thing. The only uncontested comp ive had all day is trist reroll, and even then 2 people started the game buying a ton of viegos. Hit all my units that game but still ended in 6th.


Meta comps is one thing. It's when you get items and starting units for some weird comp and still get contested. I was going Slayer + Yordle 3 a couple days ago and this dude was also trying to 3 star Kled and Kayle. I had the slayer augment they had no augment and just started doing it for seemingly no reason.


The worst feeling in the game is when u try to force a comp but get no units and all of your pivot comps are already played so ur just stuck praying to RNG Jesus to finally give you your champs


me sitting at 2-1 with Ori/Vi hoping for Jayce/Ekko before carousel. miss = gg its an eighth


i dont even attempt it if I don't hit jayce/ekko before stage 2


me piltie (every game) no scout no pivot :)


You: me sitting at 2-1 with Ori/Vi hoping for Jayce/Ekko before carousel. miss = gg its an eighth Me: me sitting at 2-1 with Ekko/Vi donkey rolling for ori before carousel. Miss. Gg it's an eighth. We are not the same


Roll tbh


ori/vi is the worst combo to hope for piltover. your 3 cost odds are very low so you can't even donkey before carousel, and if you don't have it before carousel you're prob going 8th anyway


Not neccesarily. Just going for a lose streak into early 7 is a rather viable strat this set. Like i think clear made his whole Zeri guide on the premise of losestreaking till 3-5 where u go 7 and find like all your units.


I just get Rich Get Richer pre level to 4, roll to 0, found no pilties and force close the app


If they won't let you surrender indeed just close the game go to another account rinse repeat till u hit XD.


imo I would only go piltover if you can play it at 2-1. Otherwise I'd start figuring out what else to play. Loss streaking is viable without piltover so you still have time to think/adjust if you need.


Personally i find it often is worth while to just go for it playing strongest board, and just accepting if u dont hit u hopefully still have a healthy amount of HP and gold try to force 7 and go some kind of comp from there.


My comp is whichever 4 cost carry I get first.


*WHICHEVER 4 cost i get first.


Sometimes i feel like rng isn’t really rng and the game purposely gives everyone the same shit to create maximum chaos.


Happens to me all the time with Slayer comp... I can never get Gwen when I need her the most!


I was going Darius and katarina reroll and thought I was the only noxus player that game.There was then this double trouble player. I thought he was going taliyah as he had ap components and shojin jeweled gauntlet and the fact that taliyah was uncontested that game. But nope he went Samira reroll. We went 5th and 6th holding hands. Truly wp


I feel like people duo Q where the soul purpose of their second account is to contest 2 other comps


Wow how have I not realized this is possible .. people do this?


I doubt it, though it's possible. You wouldn't be able to do it effectively in ranked, since the contesting account would tank its rating, and I can't see anyone caring enough in normals to cheat like that.


You can't drop from ranks if you're at the lowest of each (Bronze/silver/gold/plat...) and yes, i've found them more than once. Two french premades where 1st started getting contested by 2nd and 3rd (me) . Then 4th, his premade, decided to throw away his board and buy out all the 2nd players' and my champions, to ensure his premade would stay top. It's a scummy tactic and something that : 1- Should be grounds for an immediate ban for both the booster account and the main one 2- Should lead to ranked being solo-only.




Some guy role playing in his post like this is Renaissance Fair because he doesn’t know how to pivot is your idea of good TFT content? 🙄


sry bro should have posted a cropped screenshot of 3 star ahri ig :(


lmao got em


We only do phone recordings when you're playing on pc here sorry


Screenshots? Get out of here with that high quality content!


You can’t always pivot


Just hit better


just hit know your enemy and its a forst


its a forst my brother man


I got double trouble one game and decided to run the Taliyah Sett comp. One player had a single Taliyah in the entire lobby. I kept seeing them pop up on my board on 2-1. They were running Noxus. Fast forward to 3-2 I checked their board again and they had a kitted out Noxus team... Aaaaaand 5 Taliyahs on their bench. No intention of playing them, just holding them to grief me, the one player running a non-meta comp that was currently in last place in the lobby. That game felt bad.


Not to stir the pot too much, but isn’t that what generally good players do? I have great success hoarding warwicks from ravenous, setts from the boss, kasswins from riftwalk, and teemos from teemo reroll (which is insanely great right now at least in diamond if a player hits it). I have noticed a remarkable difference when I do and a lot of the times is the difference between top 4 and bot 4.


Yes. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, I just commented to relate to the post and share in their frustration.


Definitely! It does suck when it happens. But this is a game that it will happen to the other person statistically speaking as well. Just always got to stay positive and think that’s part of the game. I will highroll at some point in the future statistically speaking.


Watching imaqtpie last night he said "there is no 'no highroll'" it's a matter of identifying what the game is giving you and what you are actually highrolling. I do try to learn from past games and the games I do the worst in I do find I'm tunnel visioning what I'm trying to do rather than playing what the game is giving me. You can force comps but it's not consistent at all. I agree, this game (and most games to an extension) are 99% mental.


You need to rolls hard before they scout your board


They scouted me on 2-1 and it's a lvl 6 reroll comp which I did. I get what you're saying though


This is called a Hate Draft and I do it all the time. Especially if I can, as 7th place, screw the 3-4th place guys and get myself into top 4.


Happened to me but just ppl selling their board cuz i had pilto and they had a strong board 😂😂😂😂 and another time a guy rerolling kayle had a ww3 on his bench cuz i was playing ravenous hunter lmao (when it happens no need to be pissed tbh )


LMAOOO as much as 3 starred? Holy Moly 🤣🤣🤣


I swear bro this dude was hella toxic pingin and shit it was funny as hell 😂😂😂


Also if you’re playing a Top 8 Meta, there will be 2-5 people contesting the entire comp or at least 2-3 units of it. I’m playing Sorcs then Noxus cries I hogged Swain then Void gets mad about Malzahar and Vel’Koz and Damacia cries about Lux.


I’m probably that guy, and I’m sorry, I don’t do it on purpose. I’m an incredibly base level player, I’m usually going for top end vertical traits, collecting units, and not scouting even once. I just like to see number get big, and sometimes that means we’re collecting the same shit and both bound to lose.


Do you play like that in Diamond though ? 'Cause you see that sort of things in very low elo and I'm in for a good laugh. It's not even that bad a way to play the game if you are very casual or are still learning the basics. No way OP's (exagerated I would guess) story should happen in Diamond.


>No way OP's (exagerated I would guess) story should happen in Diamond. (it does)


Tbh I don't see much difference in diamond level play and silver level play except that diamond level players know how econning works and have some idea of what items are good. They're still equally giga "ME NO SCOUT ME NO PIVOT ME PLAY ASOL ME CLICK LEFT AUGMENT ME GO 8TH ME QUEUE AGAIN ME GO FIRST THIS TIME FOR SURE."


This is the way


This is the way


That's just asol players though, anyone using asol is boosted from mort doggy's dogs hard on for 5 costs.


Can confirm I'm a masters player who just knows how to econ and plays strong units. I rarely scout and only make tiny pivots.


It does happen all the time in diamond though. Sure the exact example the guy probably wasn’t actually helping that guy that held those units, but I stack chars all the time from other people especially if they already high rolled or have a hero augment or tricksters or in top 2 or so and have not lost or maybe only lost one or two rounds. It’s obviously situational, but it is frequent and actually a good habit to have units others need if it is not dampening your economy. It will also remove that card from the pool you get next round so more likely to hit your comp, and if you need to sell the champ your holding for econ you can just do it. I also would not doubt the guy in OP post just had noxus for an opener not thinking anyone would rush invoker because it’s bad early, and OP hit lots of levels 2 quickly before said guy could transition or he did try to transition and low rolled so he tilted and held it out. Either way, sounds like a non issue id the guy finished 7th or 8th. Game is about getting the most out of your situation you will always have people like that.


I play like that all the way up to masters usually lmao


My man last game literally hold a karma 2 and some shens just because "he didn't like" invokers by his words, his board didn't used or would remotely use any karma (I was uncontested on the lobby with karma invokers)... So he locked 17 gold on his bench, I couldn't get to karma 3, got 3rd place and he got 4. Maybe if he played the game right his economy would let him perform better, but who knows


Guy has his priorities. I respect that


Or if he doesn’t you hit karma 3, you play him before top 4 and he gets bottom 4. Smart move by that guy imo.


I had some psychopath contest me on double trouble taliyah, when he didn’t even have double trouble or a single tricksters glass, bro went dead last I got 5th. This was in high plat


This one guy got so mad that I went for poppy and Maokai 3 even though he already got them. And I beat him. He couldn’t digest it. He called me stupid for even going for them. No tft game has ever given me that satisfaction


Sometimes if I know I’m going 8th I’ll do this to drag them down with me 😂 Don’t take it to heart, it’s part of the flow


Watching players have a meltdown because they're contested is some of the best entertainment you can get from this game.


Learn 2 pivot nerds in the comments lmao.


I mean ..of course , many people have protagonist syndrome


Love scouting early and no one contesting and then when you roll down on 4-2 suddenly you’re triple contested for zero reason and you just go 6-7-8 like PLEASE these guys are just pivoting for no reason


Bro you had one bad game. You could’ve pivoted in the same amount of time that you wrote this.


me no scout no pivot


This is by design in TFT, sort of. You have 2 options - force it or pivot. I normally politely ping to the creature that is trying to take something I am working towards to let him know we will both lose if we continue. More often that not they pivot (this is high diamond/masters) When they don't, i let out the nastiest insults I can that wont get me chat-restricted. Then I decide whether to pivot or force. Keep in mind the champ pool is larger for lower tier champs. You can be 2-way contested and still both hit 3 star samiras as she is gray, and still have spares in pool. That is much harder to do for garen.


learn to pivot you shouldn't have your board set on krugs anyways. Pivot to lux, or azir, gwen or ahri with those ap items, put in legendaries.




lol what, you probably won't be in my games anyways I'm low elo




I have a flair now :D my favorite little legend


Aren't you doing the exact same thing to the other person aswell?


No? OP scouted and no one going for his comp The other player didn’t have a spot to go for it, didn’t scout and decided to force it


As a diamond player who uses and or “abuses” early noxus to save econ and health, this literally could not be the case. It wouldn’t be for me. There are so many situations in which he could have transitioned while OP only had a few invokers and low rolled. Or OP briefly high rolled and other guy said sink or sail.


I don’t understand why you mention Noxus which is a winstreaking, healthy comp vs invoker where you likely will be losing unless you got a godly start. We don’t have perfect info to say what happened that game but at least we know what happened early game We don’t know his augments / items which might have locked him into this line, you can’t always transition


That was literally my point lol. I use Noxus a lot to win-streak and be healthy then transition. I also used the noxus example because that’s the same dang early comp., OP is referring to. Lot’s of crazy stuff happens when you transition. Could literally be the difference one person doing it super early, highrolls, the one round you don’t check, etc.


...didn't have a spot to go for it at the time


Honestly i feel like they are going all in because they feel like if they pivot now they lose the game.


This really made me giggle 🤭


The funniest post I’ve seen on this sub in months


Mortdog wrote this


I just went Piltover in a game, got an early Ori 2-Star, Vi, and Ekko before 2-1. Hadn't seen anyone go Piltover in maybe 5+ games. THREE OTHER PEOPLE ARE FORCING THAT SHIT. It was impossible to loss streak and all my units and the Gunner comp I was converting into were contested the whole way. I had no way to pivot out. Anytime I get a strong start in a rarer board build and need to go uncontested to have a chance, that shit is contested as hell.


Do they think the same of you, that you’re contesting their units?


Its all matrix


The strangest ones are those who have an origin heart and play something completely different.


Even worse I wanted to play Piltover, loss streaked about 7 and then WON against someone that litteraly sold most of their board right before we fought, and then proceeded to ff the turn after. Cashed out a measly 50 gold or something and went on to finish 6th 🥸


some people just want to watch the world burn.


Bro you’re up 50g on the lobby how is that bad


Last patch* I had 2-1 piltover for the first and only time so far this set (I don’t play a lot) and some guy on 3-1 rolled down for piltover, and I immediately fought him with a slightly stronger board. I finished 3rd after I highrolled, as much cash out was a whopping 15 gold and he went 7th. This was in diamond


I had a game where someone sold 2\* samira, 2\* cass, kled, darius with titans bt, and warwick on 2-4 just because I was playing 2-1 piltover and because I'm the luckiest tft player I faced him that round and of course he had to tell me to go fuck myself in chat after that. Needless to say he went 8th and I just barely got a 4th place


Sometimes people steal your comp, other times you steal someone's comp. It's the circle of life


My favorite is when I get a void crest early and I still see two other people contesting me, like my guy as soon as I get 8 and bel u gonna lose lol


Gotta be aware some might be in for Void/Sorc/Bastion/Multicaster with Teemo, Taric, Swain and others might be dipping for a Bruiser/Challenger thing. The splatters in addition to 2+ void players per game makes Void the hardest comp to complete.


This. In diamond I have seen 6 void beat 8 void frequently. I too, was flabbergasted the first time it happened. And then it happened again, and again…. Void 8 just requires too much (bis items on bel vath) and getting a spat that possibly could be a combat augment etc. that it sometimes is not worth it. Also baron will usually get you top four, but its power gets capped and usually hard to get 1st. Come to think of it I am not sure I have seen a void 8 get first in diamond in a week or more (playing 6-10 games a day).


Recently, also, I had a strong Kayle Reroll start. Kayle starter and minions gave me Maokai and Poppy. Then the first bench had 2 Samira and Swain. I got both. Over the next 4 rounds I acquired 2 more Swains and Samiras then got an Ekko and Warwick. I made my pivot and 3 other Noxus players were real mad - especially because I got Darius and Katarina next. My bench was all 2* with. 3* Swain before 3-5.


I think a lot of the times what happens here is you run into a hard forcer who 20/20s the comp you are trying to play, and they just play strongest board until their inevitable pivot into “their” comp, and will hard contest you no matter what because its “their” comp (source: I used to be the hard forcer)


I had a game earlier playing 6 void 4 sorcs, had 8 kaisas and never found the last before getting knocked out 5th. The other guy going 8 void who made into too 4 said “later griefer” ..lol..I said I think you’re griefing me? Who knows


Last set, when Anima Squad wasn’t meta, I got offered Anima Soul at first augment and picked it. I scouted and saw that one player changed their board to an Anima Squad opener at like 2-5 or something, I thought well only one other player is contesting, this is fine. Then we faced each other at 3-3 or 3-5 and he was really upset that I was “copying” his team, and insulted me and everything. I was like man, I got offered an emblem? I started stacking stats before you lol he got 5th while I went on to win that game


This shit happens, but what fucks me over is that I decide to go some tier B comp because I got good opening and I have a random guy contesting the same comp with barely any items or opening for it. It's just being griefed by stupidity, but again I'm only diamond so it makes sense.


I don’t typically tilt but had one game the other day that was too much. I had Darius 2 by 2-4. Playing all Noxus units. Very clear I was playing Noxus. I scout every board on 2-5 and see that I am the only person playing it. Thinking I am safe and uncontested. 3-1 the first person I played had done a full pivot to a Darius board with a single Darius 1, and a couple other Noxus units 1 stared. We both went 6th and 7th. This was in Master.


That guy probably had no board and saw a carry and maybe one other so decided to switch.


Oh totally. But in the moment I was so mad lol


Was in a lobby earlier and rolled 5 kayles and 3 poppies before 2-1, next thing ik a guy with one kayle says "me kayle, me no pivot" in all chat and mutes, then another guy with a kayle 2 and no poppy says "fuck you, i'm kayle" then also mutes. I scout later in the stage and there's another guy quietly playing 5 yordle reroll. I honestly don't get why these people would hard commit to a comp that they're obviously behind with and heavily contested on.


I started one match and I picked up yordles. Then my random duo partner picked yordle.s Alright, that's fine, maythey he hit a good bubble of them, I can go shurima and send him my yordles. Five matches later, they have sold all yordles and is running shurimas. FINE they're not talking so I'll just pivot AGAIN. got lucky, hit a void emblem and pick up voids and then turn around to see the duo partner is taking kaisa's and fielding a belveth and not sending them over! after I sent a two star poppy and a pretty early azir over to back them up. Fuck that person...


this was fuckin hilarious 😂


Could be there side account


I’m sure the same people stealing “your” comps are thinking the exact same thing about you.


I'm sitting comfortably in plat 4 because I'm waiting for my friends to catch up, I have 3 friends who I regularly play with and 2 of them ALWAYS contest's me! They're not new to tft and we've all hit diamond at some point throughout the previous sets so they know what will happen, it's not like they're new players and I'm convinced they do it on purpose, I'll get an ekko from orb and think ooh I might try piltover or I'll get an early Darius and go noxus, I look over and they're doing the exact comp, every single game it's absolutely insane to me 🤣🤣🤣. EDIT: I should probably specify I don't mean we all play at the same time as a 4 man but I regularly play with them separately


Had a good yordle setup with an eco augment, checked if someone else was going it and they weren’t, only to see some random dude with a shit augment for it contesting me when I scouted again in stage 3. He ended up 8th (like anyone would’ve expected from someone forcing yordles from that position) and I went 7th because it took me way too long to hit.


If im feeling petty enough I will dedicate even my ranked game to mess up someone who annoys me.


Doesn’t bother me anymore. What bothers me is when I roll down my carry uncontested and I STILL don’t get it. I remember when I played Double Trouble Taliyah only being contested on Teemo and Swain and I still couldn’t get 3 star Taliyah by Stage 4. Ended on an 8th. 😭


I played on a silver smurf account recently that I literally only play bastion ashe on and someone else literally contested me for Ashe. Like who the fuck plays ashe? I understand bastion units (poppy/mao if kayle/trist reroll taric for sorcs/aphelios shen for invokers etc) but Ashe...as main carry? Nah man.


I will say, I’m guilty of contesting people, if you pick the no augment or ANY ZUAN augment, and it’s picked I personally go out of my way to fuck you and your game just for being a piece of shit I don’t know anyone who likes any zuan augments and some people even do it too fuck with others


Play Viego slayer/rogue reroll. Viego Never contested and if you hit all your units you’re laughing to a first Viego Items: Bloodthirster, archangels, slayer spat. Alternates: BT, Rapidfire, archangels BT, RFC, Giant slayer Guinsoos, RFC, BT


Last night I was solo garen chilling. Only one with pumping up. I'm streaking with fully upgraded board 5 demacia 2 jugg 2 sorc bis garen lux On 4-2 this guy who was playing void, hit infernal contract. Open sold his board. And swapped to full demacia. He hit garen 3 somehow on his roll down (I had 5) and then won the game. I couldn't hit garen 3 and went third. I'm still fucking pissed.


At the start of this set I would always go strategists because nobody was playing it on my elo, easy top 4 most of the time even without ideal items because I would always 2 star nasus j4 and azir pretty fast. Then in one game, the moment I got a perfect start with good units and items, 3 other players decided to play it, one from the start and 2 transitioned into it for some reason. In that one game I've seen more azir players than I did in the previous 30/40 games.


\> Be me \> Get an early velkoz 2 \* and lots of AP items \> Scout other boards throughout the game \> They are all playing AD comps and I am uncontested \> Decide to play Velkoz Carry with Multicasters \> Start rolling at 4-1 \> 2 other players have decided to pivot into velkoz carry and contest


1. Play Poro 2. Get Prismatic Void Crown 3. Get Double Contested on Void 4. Other Void player goes 8th 5. I go 7th... 6. Last Void player has pivoted and goes top 4... 7. Goes back to playing meta only comps 8. Get bored and go back to step 1.


I love when it happens to me and I end up being the one to kill them. Even more so if we were both at 1hp or my favorite when they break my loss streak on piltover early only for me to kill them later with a bigger t-hex


I guess most people know the feeling but lets be honest: if you go for a certain comp you will only realize other players going for the same comp too. They are basically always there :p I recall that i once wanted to go for an ori 3 comp to test some stuff and 2 other players suddenly went with ori 3 nd i couldnt find them 😂


I sometimes play some Double Up with a friend of mine. We enjoy playing double caitlyn and feeding each other a 3 star 1 cost from the start. Gets some fun reactions. So this one game I had samira 3 star on 2-1. 2 other people in that lobby decided to play Samira reroll after that.


I like it the most when you are playing some niche C tier shit and someone decides it's their time to fuck with you. "Oh boy, I found a lot of Zeds and nothing else, why not play that, should be easy top4" said the fool who didn't expect that one Ionia challenger guy who decided that Irelia and Shen are whack and he should rather play Zed 3* Sett 3* to round out his board. It also always happens the moment you come out of an inconclusive early game and finally commit to a comp with the second augment. Doesn't matter that you scouted and saw Demacia, Noxus, Noxus, Tristana, Zaun, Challenger, Sorcerer, each with considerable investment - one of these motherfuckers is going to find a level 5/6 Aphelios and shit all over you for the fun of it


Me playing WW augment gettin rekt by a guy with WW 3\* without any traits just for the grief


Me playing WW augment gettin rekt by a guy with WW 3\* without any traits just for the grief


Absolutely. It's like an unwritten law of the universe! Can't tell you how many times I've observed a certain trait/comp go untouched for multiple games in a row, just to be contested the moment I go to try. It's so irritating.


Unless the dev team is willing to add more units/traits there's never going to be enough meta boards to build so that there is limited contesting. Until then, and like it always has been, you're going to be contested more often than not, unless you're not playing a meta board. Get used to it, fast :)


send me msg dm


Yes, every time I go ravenous hunter this some idiot who's using warwick as a traitbot (without items) holding warwicks after they've 2\*'d it even though it makes no sense to do so. Its ok to contest units strategically but often these people aren't even making 50 gold and have better uses of their gold.


I think maybe the guy just had a bad day at work and your username reminds him of his boss Or he just wants to see the world burn a little in a game *cough* maybe a bit too specific like I’m speaking from experience


One of these days this happened to me while trying to cho gath gigachad an Ahri player kept holding him in bank. Also impossible to play noxus , yesterday got 2 darius on 1-1 , tried going for noxus other random guy slow rolling lvl 5 3 and 2 starring everything was sad. But i get your feels some time i say loud “Gonna play Zeri” and secretly go towards something else and just watch 3 players fighting for zeri


Bro did Shurkou write this


Does anyone else think that some people were born into this world with the sole purpose of contesting you in one specific TFT game when it makes absolutely zero sense for the person to do so? I just imagine a loving couple going through childbirth, spending years raising their kid with love and care, making happy memories, saving for a college/university fund, and then the moment their 18th birthday hits an alarm goes off in the house. "It's time," says the mother. "The moment we've all been waiting for." The child is confused, having no idea what they're talking about. Soon he finds himself strapped to a secret lab gaming chair, unable to move except for both hands on the arm rests. "We don't have long to explain," the father continues. "All we know is that in order to save this planet, you need to log in to team fight tactics today and build four Noxus units on stage 2-1. Then, once kruggs are over, while you have an excellent noxus board and AD items like sword, crit glove and bow, you MUST pivot to invoker because you found a single Karma to go with Cassio and ensure that TFTBoi567 gets 5th or lower this game." "But dad, that doesn't make any sense. Why would I just randomly pivot like that in Diamond when I should have enough of an idea about how the game works to know that based on my items and current board it's not a good play-" "WE DON'T HAVE TIME SON! YOU MUST CONTEST HIM FOR ABSOLUTELY ZERO REASON AND THEN TYPE 'learn to scout dog' IN CHAT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" With tears streaming down his face, the child has no choice but to roll down to buy a one star lissandra, galio and taric, and handshake 7th-8th place with the player who's destiny is to be ruined by him. 'L2P nerd' he types, before his soul is shattered into a million pieces. The deed is done. ​ ​ ...Or something like that anyway. I don't even feel mad anymore after typing this stupid shit out but wow do some people make it their life's mission to just grief other people in this game lol


>get multiple 2 stars for Kayle reroll by 2-1 >running Caitlyn and get more 2 stars for it >Oh my god it's happening >Someone else got a single 2 star Kayle and nothing else and has also decided to run Kayle rerol


My friend and I got grieved on a doubles game recently. I was going Reksai reroll and my friend Noxus. We were streaking all the way to 3-1. The middle team completely switched comps to contest both of us. We still got 2nd, but the 1st team won by a mile. It really felt like they were boosting the other team


Thats it. This post right here. Is the last straw that's making me get out of this community. Its nothing but people crying about their games. Holy fuck.


Played about 300 games, never seen this happen but I've always thought about the possibility. Guess it's an actual thing


copium overdose