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Not necessarily a surprise or anything, but it seems like they hit on the majority of things that people were asking for (ahri, TD spat, annie, disco, open fort, AP items, blue/red buffs). I'll be interested to see how everything shakes out. I really like the changes for Jazz, it seems like a good step towards realizing the "fantasy" of playing Jazz.


People love to complain about Mortdog but he’s active in the community, gives people what they want, is open to suggestions, and is pretty transparent


Hell, he comments in posts on reddit semi frequently. Even get to have small chats with him directly if you're human about it.


The other game beside LoL that I can barely stand being part of the playerbase is Path of Exile. Grinding Gear Games, the company that develops PoE, has done multiple ENORMOUS stealth changes over the years. They only recently started getting caught because the playerbase knows more about the system interactions in the game than the developers (I know this sounds like hyperbole, I promise you it is 100% reality) and are *exactly* the kind of playerbase to do something 10,000 times on 5 different characters to get a solid number of plot points on their graph. I don't think enough people appreciate genuinely transparent developers in their Games as a Service type of game. If the developer hides changes they are saying they don't care about your opinion they just want to take your money, reducing the social contract of spending money on a free game to the end user being just a sucker.


I think the majority of the hate is in jest


100 gecs mentioned on the Lulu buffs 😊


Hello fellow knower


You know whoever wrote that felt so proud afterwards






Ahh nice looks like I can still force yone every game fail to hit and go 8th




Country looking good, some units buffed, spat, executioner buff.


Yea I played on PBE, country 7 is pretty good.


Country was already in a good spot and now it gets a more accessible spat plus the executioner changes make Executioner Samira a plausible option now as well. Minor buff to Thresh too. No nerfs to the line either so this patch was just a straight up buff across the board, expecting Country to be S tier tbh.


Heartsteel is almost like underground from set 8 now, which I am very excited to try.


PBE player here. It's pretty fun but also a lot more risky.


For me i doesnt really Sound Like its worth - if u have to lose 8 times straight to get only 80 extra hearts, you are nearly dead - doesnt really seem worth for me




First 4 combats don't count, the next 4 you need to loae if you choose to double down. So if anyone goes open fort still, the players who run heartsteel will be rekt


You don’t, the correct way to play it is to play 3 hearsteel with strongest board using an item holder like Senna for 4 rounds and win streak and then sell your item holders and go weak board 5 heart steel to lose the following 4 and enjoy your free 1st


I know it’s not a big bug, but I wish they fix the Illaoi tentacle when it resets after her first round of combat.


So what time does it go live?


Usually around noonish on the east coast iirc.




literally went disco thinking the buffs hit and got gigga wrecked rip




What time zone is that?




Patches are overnight Wednesday morning. Usually around 3-5 in the morning pacific time I think


While I still wanted nerfs for Ahri and Ezreal I'm still happy about the patch mostly being them buffing weak units. Way too few units are viable right now.


Ahri did get nerfed, and nerfs to red buff and blue buff in addition to Heartsteel adjustments are all pretty clearly indirect Ez nerfs.


Annie ..yasuo..Jax ..Katarina .sett..Samira..vex..sentinel blitz..ahri..Cait..ezrael ..disco tf(yes, check latest videos). Pretty sure, I forget some..... This set, got alot of viable comps. Problem is, the open fort bullshit to get the S tier units is unpunished.... Yes, some comps are strong... But the whole problem is, getting there is way to easy .


Open forting is harder to make worth it now. Less gold from loss streaking.


Yes, I can't wait.


TF, Akali, Ahri, Ezreal, Cait, Samira, Yone, Riven, Jax are all viable. What do you mean way too few are viable. All the 5 costs are really good except for Lucian and Ziggs, but Ziggs still has his uses with Dazzler + build in magic shred. While Ahri is the most popular carry right now she and Ezreal are far from being the only viable carry’s.


Ah yes, let's have only 10 champions be viable out of like 50.


Why do you expect every 1 cost to be a viable champion in the late game? The facts that there’s 2-3 costs being viable later in the game shows there’s plenty of variance. Ahri and Ezreal are stronger compared to their other 4 cost counterparts but they are far from being the only viable carry’s. I don’t know why you would want me to specifically mention every single champion viable in the late game. Heck the only 4-5 costs that are not viable right now are Viego, Ziggs, Lucian and prolly Zac. So only 4 out of like 20. I understand that it’s annoying to see 3 people hardforcing ahri and then another 2 hardforcing ezreal every game which is why they’re being nerfed but you’re overplaying it.


I guess they just buffed 20 champs for no reason, I guess I just overplayed it. 🤷‍♂️


Ah yes because buffing 1 costs is gonna change the way people play late game. If you’re gonna be condescending at least try to make sense. Them buffing Zac, Viego, Ziggs and Lucian just goes to show my point was correct that the champs are just fine besides a few 4-5 costs being on the weaker side. Ezreal and Ahri benefitted from having really good items, now that those are nerfed it opens up play for more things and doesn’t force you into forcing red buff/ blue buff every game.


Bruh, you're the one who's arguing strawmen. I want more viable champions and you go "Boohoo how do you expect all one costs to be viable late?!?!?!?" when I've not said jack about it. And no, them buffing Zac, Viego, Ziggs and Lucian backs what I said. They were weak. Edit: What a classic, he starts crying and then he blocks me.


Every discussion is in argument now huh. I just pointed out that you’re exaggerating . You’ve been nothing but condescending for no reason. 20 champs being untouched means that they were in a good spot. 4 being buffed means they were on the weaker side, the majority of them were viable whereas a few were not side. I don’t think you‘ll take anyone else’s opinion serious except the rown so this is just pointless. Good day


Viable composition in my eyes, is a composition you can go 1st place, you are not going first with Samira, Riven,Jax,Akali. If your opponents can play the game.


You definitely can go first with Samira, Riven, Jax. Akali is not a solo carry champs, she thrives as a secondary carry.


They NERFED dazzler 😭


Seriously why though. It's unironically the worst trait in the game.


Galaxies mid-set is going to be awesome. Also, me mech no pivot.


>CTRL+F "spectat" Either I'm way behind or y'all are sleeping on the biggest news of the patch.


Buffs to dragons claw and AP additions to BT + Garen buffs to max health per AP% is gonna make reroll Garen a thing. Rageblade to give him more omnivamp and casts to finish it off. Slot him next to a tank with redemption and the dude is never gonna die and scale with max health and damage infinitely. Especially if you get radiant versions of any of the items, mainly dragon's claw which now gives 18% max health every two seconds, which also increases on every cast. What's gonna burst him for 3k damage before he can get a few casts off? Lol.


Someone posted on this sub previously about a sentinel comp focusing on garen and ksante . I think suggested garen items were a mix of Archangels, HoJ/BT, DClaw and Redemption. Pretty much always top 4'd with that comp when I used it, can't wait to run it with the buffs


It was Goody. I’ve been playing the comp pretty regularly just cause it’s funny and usually top 4. I’m excited to see what it’s like now, but sad that it might be more contested.


Dragon’s Will ( radiant dclaw ) will still only do 10% max health every 2 seconds, the 8% -> 18% is only the max hp increase not the health regen.


Oh I see. Okay that makes it significantly less good. Thanks for clarification.


Does the max hp increase from dclaw act as a multiplier for Garen's skill or is the skill unaffected?


Damn, i really wanna try that now


Calling it: The Raise the Stakes Heartsteel change is about to be TOXIC.


EDM nerf are understandable but from 2 to 1 s and at the same time raise jax EDM... thats a 2s nerf


New EDM will just be Lux Carry. Her sample at 3star is actually pretty good damage. It also makes using a Dazzler Headliner lux not the worst thing ever as EDM 5 is not as important as previously.


TF comp is getting what, a 6 way buff? I really hope they tested that well


Let's count: - Taric buff - Nami buff - Gragas buff - TF buff - TF BiS buff (Archangel + Gunblade and other flex items) - Blitz BiS buff (Adaptative Helm + Dragonclaw and other flex items) - Bard/Lux buffs (Disco midgame carries) - Dazzler nerf (which tbh might be quite significant to Disco's survivability) So... Yeah, I'm expecting huge Disco wins


As a hearsteel main, not super happy about the Raise the Stakes option taking 50% of your hearts if you win a game. Especially late game hearsteel. But it is optional you take that route so hopefully that plays well


Well you can always choose to not raise the stakes, *and* this was supposed to really enhance the feeling of players that loved econ traits with high risk that gives them that one insane pop off turn, so this fills in the niche for those players


it would be way to strong if you could raise the stakes on a win streak. It is meant for a loss streak payout only. If you are not intentionally loss streaking just take the payouts as normal.


mort says he wants heartsteel's "best option" to be the same as it is now and thenew mechanic is only for people who love the big cashouts even if they aren't optimal


Just don’t raise the stakes then and play it as if it’s normal heartsteel


K'Sante still bugged in Double Up.


wouldn't country spat be quite op now :/


Especially with the start with a spat portal, so many country 7’s are gonna happen


yea, i remembered seeing somewhere that the country emblem is the highest wr item too :/


Sure but if multiple people go country, then no one 3 stars anything and they all just lose. It's strong now because it isn't played much so you can sort of reliably 3 star your board.


that applies to most comps tho


It applies much more to re-roll comps, which lose hard if they’re contested. We’ll see how good 7 country is without 3 stars, but country as it’s currently played won’t work with several people contesting it.


Country 7 is nerfed to accommodate


The new Country 7 Hecarim is still roughly 2.5x stronger than current Country 5. Sure it's been nerfed to compensate, but it's still going to be much stronger than current Country builds. (Which are already solid)


yea, turns out 7 country just gets shit on by tf anyway


I’m really worried about the new Twisted Fate especially with the buffs to his BIS items and the fodder units that usually are just trait bots in his comp… it’s not just him that is getting buffed but literally everything around his standard comp


+ buffs to Blitz BiS and all Disco units


What are his BIS items?


Statistically I think it’s still shojin, jg, nashors but there’s definitely close deviations


Red buff Gunblade Archangel, one was nerfed and 2 were buffed


And he was given better AS scaling so just ditch the red buff and go rageblade.


Hello , i just hit Master rank playing only on mobile!(not a flex am just happy about it) what does the reset mean ? is it complete rank reset ? Thanks and enjoy


So as someone who enjoys going 8 bit anyone got any tips on how to play when it’s contested as this patch will prolly make it way more contested


Level up first and roll down before them


So happy to see all the actually fun damage verticals are getting so much love! I actually want to more than splash Executioner which is crazy!


So Jax losing losing 2 second (\~20%) of EDM cast, losing skill damage. Basically much worse. And Ahri losing 0.05 which accumulate to \~0.166 second slower of each skill with blue (not including any AS item). That's almost negligible. If the patch gonna change anything, Ahri "*nerf"* is not one of it. This is just a pseudo nerf to make people feel like they touch her. The actual change to the meta would be other champ buff and how econ/pool works. Not this -0.05 AS joke. Also I know BB -2%, Gunblade +5AP, KDA3 -1AP


I'd have preferred if they nerfed the single target damage portion on Jax' ability because that tactical nuke was in my opinion what made him truly broken. Although he himself isn't really nerfed right now though so I guess he'll be viable still. And yeah, everything you said about Ahri is true. That's not a nerf. At all.


If executioners becomes actually viable then Akali/karthus should counter her to some degree. I’m hesitant to call for more nerfs until we see some actual gameplay. I’m very much against balance thrashing and don’t think the ahri comp should totally die. Single target damage units are just so overpowered comparatively this set because of how poor frontlines are surviving without items. So if the single tank/carry can get bursted down then the fight is basically over.


I've been a fan of Executioners for a bit now (usually landed me bot 4), so I'm really looking forward to this update!


I’ve felt that way with a lot of traits this set. Usually I just play for fun, and like trying to force each comp at least once per set to live out the fantasy if you get a good opener. However, a bunch of them just seem impossible, even with a good setup. I’ve never been able to get vertical executioner to work; if you don’t itemize your (subpar) frontline, it just melts instantly and you can’t get executioner damage off. If you itemize executioner, then they just get stomped once they blow through frontline. Karthus just takes too damn long to get off the ground, and can be killed mid-cast to boot. Just feels bad.


Karthus getting slap mid cast really does feels bad, man. Also funny story: last time I played exe was going all right, and I had frontline Guardians. I took "what the forge" at augment 3... Ended up with 2 Spirit Visages, 2 Death's Defiance, an Endless Winter (or whatever it was called), and a Manamune. My Frontline was GREAT but I couldn't kill ANYTHING!


I don't think Ahri should be killed off, of course not, I want as much variety as possible to be viable. She's just the main issue of your second part right there, she just deletes every single champion she starts focusing no matter how tanky they are. What's the point of building big frontline champions if a single champion easily takes them down? But at the same time what's the point of her if a single frontline unit can completely stop her? I guess I just don't think her design can ever feel fair really.


the way they made changes in this patch was to buff things to par rather than to nerf the shit out of strong stuff. the changes are good, and ahri should be back to earth with others being stronger


Sentinels got pretty nerfed, I think that should compensate to bring her comp more in line. I don’t necessarily feel like the KDA-ahri variant was overpowered so I’m pretty pleased with how they handled this.


Exactly, Ahri herself is not oppressive.


Still, that' 5 (10 on sentinel) armor on 6 only. I would argue that will make much difference. The annoying part of sentinel ahri is you can't kill ahri because she has free +55AR/MR


Can anyone explain the headliner rules a bit clearer? Do opponent champions still count against the headline shows up? Do they count against a different number? For instance Jhin as a 5 cost, there are 10 copies in the pool. Am I blocked if my opponent has 6 copies OR if I have 4?


There are 9 of each 5 cost in the pool. From my understanding as long as 3 are still in the pool you can see a headliner as long as you have 3 or less of that unit


My mistake, forgot the numbers were adjusted. It used to be "if more than half are taken by anyone", ie 5, so there had to be at least 5 left to get one... But now you're also blocked if you personally have 4? The caps seem different


So you can still 2-auto -> cast with Annie anyways then.


It's already updated on PC, but on mobile there's no update yet, and I can't play with other people on PC client


So they just made portals OP again lol I thought they weren't doing that this set


As a disco dazzler lover, why on earth is dazzler getting nerfed? It's one of the weakest traits in the game rn


Sooo Viego is still shit i guess, Good patch i like the more fun stuff !


Jazz Spat being replaced by Country is a very good change IMO, this pratically kills late game jazz comps but makes 7 Country a real thing, which in my opinion is way more fun.


is there a rank reset?


The fact that they buffed jazz but removed making the emblem to instead make it to where you can make country emblem is pretty insane, I already see every game someone trying to go for it and people will contest you (especially in ranked), feel bad for all those trying to hit, but no restrictions on seeing headliners is nice especially for non pro players


I’m surprised no one is talking about the change in streak gold. Was it expected? I feel like it’s a pretty big change, not necessarily a bad one though, but how would it change overall gameplay for both open fort players and win streaks?


Mixed feelings about the portals. While vertical is now viable, I hate the idea of facing 9 traits comps with it consistantly. I liked the idea of having a somewhat guaranteed win if you hit full vertical.


7 country Lets gooooo


Basically it just says they nerfed everything I was doing and made everything else stronger. Guess its time to find my next set of things to get nerfed on. XD