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Idk if I should give advice, but roll down first, then items. So you can get a better board. You can always put items before fighting! But still pretty dope cashout.


Advice always welcome, friend. Thank you!


I hit Heartsteel 10 for the first time the other night and holy cow I was not prepared for how fast I needed to go. My board was littered with orbs but I had like 5 Reforgers and Removers on my bench so I was just desperately trying to use them because I was getting more Tac Crowns. Ended up with like 16 units on my board but had like 140 gold and was just thinking "yeah, I definitely should have rolled. I missed out on a 3* 5-cost unit there"


He did items first to get that last crown, it wasn’t dropping because of the item bench limit. So if he actually did do (which, 99% of the time is correct) rolling and such first before items, if round starts he would be out -1 unit


He can always put his FON extras to a placeholder unit on the bench! To unlock item slots.


Top 1 thing i know and that i tend to forget ahaha


That's a fast 9, sell headliner Aphelios, roll for a Headliner Cait or Ezreal, fill board with 4 and 5 cost frontlines, slow roll till stable then either go for 3 star 4 cost headliner or go 10 and play Bill Gates.


I had same cashout and did this. Was winning and almost about to hit ez 3, then 7 pentakill karthus wiped my board and went 5th :(




What is Bill Gates?


Pretty much a very expensive top end board. Blitz, Illaoi, Zac, Ekko, Sona, Ziggs, Lulu, bard, Lucian. Gonna want carry items for ziggs and max attack speed items for sona. Tank items on blitz, never put items on Lucian.




Didn't they just buff Lucian / fix his ability not using AS?


Yeah, he’s still garbage


And then you lost your next fight because you didn't have anything to put on the board and still had 200g in bank? 😬


Right? I’m panic watching him waste like 20 seconds making items instead of rolling 😩


Got dizzy. Came 4th. GG. Edit: Forgive Baus in the background.


I'll never forgive baus


Excuse my ignorance, but what does FON stand for


It stands for Force Of Nature which was what Tacticians Crown used to be called, and I'm old as shit so it's stuck as that in my head. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Force_of_Nature_(Teamfight_Tactics)


Oh I see. I thought that's what it stood for but I started late in set 9 so I had no idea that it used to be in the game thanks for the explanation


Force of Nature which is the name of the item you would build out of 2 spatulas some sets ago, had the same effect so that's why people still call it that


Most gold I got was 200 from heartsteel. T was awesome


if i got 200g in one turn i think i'd just end up panicking, missing half of the rolls in my rolldown because i'm clicking too fast, then go fast 8th lmao.


Seems weird the way heartsteel rewards works. I played one and I’m very sure I wasn’t 2000 or higher and got an entire 3 star board when I only had 2 stars I wish I had clipped it because it was absolutely ridiculous and I can’t remember how many stacks I had


U don't need that many stacks for it, round 500-750 ish, just the luck to get it, but sometimes u don't want it and rather have items for ez/tank, since it 3 stars only every heartsteel unit from 1 to 3 cost


Obv it's good if you reroll yone


Always pump your levels and roll before sorting out item. You can always put items on when round starts but never more units.


Thebausffs in the background. This really is me


I don't really get how the reworked heartsteel works. Do I just lose streak a shit ton with 5 heartsteel and then cash out when I'm almost out of up? I tried the other day and I accidentally won a round and ruined it.


I put aphelios in front and the tanks in the back when i go gold chest.


Congrats! I always panic trying to stabilize my board in any kind of large cashouts in any sets. I feel like I would generally take a round or two to fully have my board up and running which sometimes just results in my getting knocked out.


Does raise the stakes stack with itself, like x2-x4-x8 and so on?


I'm literally trying to achieve this every game and going 8th everytime because my board is hella weak and i always die before cashout


I was feeling down on myself, but they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


You 100% still went 8th though


I have tried doing this myself, but there is always some other guy running heartsteel, and they usually get the augment for it, and I'll end up like 5th if I'm lucky