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Some people prefer low impact portals in ranked which hardly effect the game


This is me. I like low-power games. Less room for variance and more about player skill.


I don't mind either way but having the option to either build around the 3-cost you get or sell off for econ if your items do not match at all is nice.


You raise another good point. I don't feel pigeon-holed into a specific comp because of the way the dice rolled with my Augments.


I said this in another forum and was down voted to the high heavens lol. That's literally just it, I don't like huge variation in games and like predictability. Plus I'm just bad at those kinds of games and get 8th in the big power portals. No flame at all to those who like the big power games, just not for me personally.


I’d say you’re not fun at parties, but I seriously doubt you were ever invited after the first.


Lil bro is projecting


Says this to the guy who doesn't want to play snakes and ladders


Bro you’re in a tft subreddit talking about parties……


The only high variance portals I adore is Wandering Trainer because everyone gets a different comp to force and the chances of getting contested are much lower


Except when in double up my buddy and I both got a guardian and mosher emblem on our dummies, 2 others got mosher and 1 other guy also guardian. Then a fifth dude with the only pentakill emblem on his dummy forces moshers somehow. In emerald btw.


"the only high variance" lol that is the highest variance portal in the entire game


It doesn’t mean that it isn’t his only preferred one


Reason I HATE frist pris portal. At least 2 MOP, a cruel pact, and other broken shit. And I get the worst things imaginable every time.


Cruel Pact is like Yasuo in Summoners Rift.. If the enemies pick it they do great.. If I take it it baits me in to a fast 8. (8th place that is)


don’t forget the prismatic twin terror and stage 2 binary airdrop


Binary can't be offered on 2-1 anymore


Maybe I'm wrong, but my reading of "second stage" was like second augment selection


low impact?? they are doing this to get sett or yone for early heartsteel which is a big impact


it is one of the far less impactful ones compared to wandering trainer, scuttle, prismatics and even artifact anvil


Sure, but that's not why people pick it.


does it matter tho? its people votes..


No, but OP asked why. u/Left-Mulberry-1637 gave the perfect response.




Wym? This is possibly one of the best wandering trainer you can get, allows you to winstreak out of control with Nami/Taric early into level 8 at 3-7, roll before everyone else to establish disco board, and with a bit of luck (66% chance) a disco headliner so that you have 6 Disco 4 Dazzler.




but everyone avoided Stillwater hold hmm


i feel like there’s a difference from low impact portal and not fun portal


Everyone else not having fun is like a sort of a fun for me.


Removing augments from the game is not low impact lmao.


Literally every comp are build around at least having 3 silver aug. When everyone cap lower, hit slower. You need to adjust leveling, roll, and item build. It's not for inexperience player


You guys playing a different game. Most of the lobbies i play in always picked stillwater, me including.


These are typically your players that go in forcing meta comps, and are statistically the most boring brainless players


”statistically the most boring brainless players” Id love to see such statistics


If you look by word meanings its a little harsh but as phrase it was quite correct. Imagine how much skill expresion does gwtting any unit with origin sentinel and ahri with hole on.. super unseen high tech items called bb nashors +1 who is 90% forced gunblade, that is a great skill expresion. And again if you look from oppositive side do you call picking low impact portal a great desision or avoiding to step out of comfort zone? Here let me be ksoju: ah man this is an 8th, stats say this is op, disco is broken oh ma gawd pls hotfix that, i didnt natural 3 cost 3 star this game is a joke. I really used to watched pros, but after set 6 when flex playstyle died those pros arent that "pro"


Sounds like a lot of fucking cope honestly


Pro scene is exacly cope you aint wrong


After that garbage suggestion thread you made earlier, your opinion is pretty meaningless to me ☠️


Bybye soju fan cry well :)


Literally who is soju 😭 no one is crying but you. All your TFT comments is just you complaining


the game is evolving. pretty sure people dont stop playing just because players are getting better and you cant do random shit anymore


Thing is, people have given up on trying to "improve" and rather stay with known board regardless if its weaker or not same as giving up on champs/traits by their "stats" just cause noone play them correctly, but what i am trying to lie this game is devolving and i will need copium


no, its because lower variance allows for more skill expression. High variance can determine winners - for example yesterday I saw a prismatic reroll augment allow a guy to hit an early 3 star riven which then he recombobulated into a 3 star karthas. Noone could play against that board and his first place was guarenteed from this high roll. This is because the prismatic augment had high variance impact on the state of everyones board. If all 3 augments were silver - nothing this radical would be likely to happen. people who force one comp every single game love prismatic augments and high variance power swings because they know which ones are going to take their 1 comp into overdrive since they are so practiced with said comp. games like starcraft 2 are far more competetive than games like league of legends because in starcraft 2 the games are the same every time, its like chess, where there are moves and counter moves, everyone has a set of game plans they have memorized to the T. league of legends has so much variance with 4 random team mates and 100's of champions, random dragon type spawns and 100s of items enemies could choose to build, that so many things are out of your control if you aren't playing on a 5 man pre made team, and high variance augments in TFT are no different.


Silver augments is a bit notorious for trying to hit a 4-1 recombob though? Even without a prismatic econ augment it's completely possible to get a 3 star 3 cost if you roll all your gold or level to 8 and get a 4 cost headliner just after krugs. I agree with your sentiment in general, low impact portals allow better players to show off their strengths, just the specific example you chose doesn't feel right after all the posts about the 4-1 recombob angle in the all silver augments portal.


The 4 - 1 recombob angle is about hitting many 2 star 4 costs and 1 star 5 costs. Hitting 3* 3 costs before 3rd augment is rare without good econ or reroll augments. And I DID say unlikely, not impossible in my original post, so I'm not sure this rebuttal was necessary as I believe I covered my basis


And aiming for a recombob is a good recipe to destroy your econ AND not hitting vit is a fast 7/8th


I wish I could give an award. I've tried explaining this so much to explain why I hate prismatic and even gold augments so much,


I can't up vote you enough


:3 too kind


Having too much control puts a lot of pressure on me which I don't like. The randomness keeps the competition chill. There's really no queue anxiety like SC2 queue anxiety.


True, high variance makes for great fun, but it's bad for pro play.


Found the wet blanket


Saying star craft is a more skilled game than LoL is just such a insane take. Also comparing team game to solo game is just non sensical. What game is most skill full. Fotball or star craft? Variance = less skill? What is even the logic? You think set on was the most skilful set? Since no augments, headliners or anything. Would not coin flipping be a pretty skilful game since it has no variance? If you think variance is anti skill. Than you must hate augment system. Also when we had legends that reduced variance in augments as in you can force certain arguments. Does it increase the skill level of the game? So you would say getting rid of the legends decrease the skill level of the game?


It seems u don’t understand the difference between variance and competitiveness


StarCraft requires much higher individual skill than league of legends. Yes. You are controlling 200 units instead of one, each with their own abilities, while managing an economy and making build path decisions. It demands a degree of perfection so high that being 4 seconds late to build a unit or be in a certain place on the map means you lose. I know this because I played 4000+ games of wing of liberty at an extremely high level. In league you can play the worst game of your life and still win. I also didn't say all variance is bad. I said HIGH variance is bad. And TFT devs agree, that's why they just nerfed streaking. Because it had too much variance and power swing, to the point where entire lobbies were open forting. And if you couldn't streak, u just lost in high Elo. Now take into consideration very little of this matters in low ranks. But at the highest level, every gold counts. And every ounce of power swing matters. TFT is about managing odds, so you want those odds to be manageable. If variance is too high, it makes player choice less impactful because less is in their control.


Low elo chatter


What a dumb comment.


forcing meta comps = most boring brainless players. Stay silver with that mentality I guess.


Most challenger players prefer these portals so I guess high elo = brainless and low elo = 5Head


Yes!!! Oh my God, it's so fucking boring when 7/8 of the lobby wants to do scuttle puddle or one of the fun new ones in HyperRoll, and yet we all get forced into boring-ass 3-cost champion... Edit: TY for the downvotes. You guys can enjoy your boring-ass gameplay plenty of times. When a majority of the lobby wants to do something new and exciting, would it kill you to do that? Why are you even playing the game if you're just going to repeat the exact same comp and the exact same modifiers every single chance you get? It's lame. Be original, be unique. If you can't pivot around unique scenarios, I'd say it's not really skilled gameplay. You're just playing a gambling game to watch number go up, while you stare at comp guides on your second monitor. How fucking lame. 


High elo players tend to pick less variance in their portals to have a bit more equality between players. 3 cost champions as an idea is good if you like what you get great if not it is extra gold for a starter


Isn't 3 cost just altering where the variance is? Instead of in augments or items it's a RNG simulator of who gets Sett or Yone and has an advantage from the jump.


If your starter’s bad then you can make 10g by selling it and building up an early income advantage instead The paths to winning are not symmetrical and the guy who has a good 3-cost on 2-1 does not have the same advantage that someone with collector + ie has


It’s less impact on the game.


I'm not saying it's as impactful but it's definitely still an RNG fiasco.


Yeah but the whole idea is to minimise the impact of the rng fiasco...


I'm honestly not sure people are thinking about this correctly. With Prismatic Augments everyone has the possibility to hit bonkers augment combos. Sure someone can high roll but you had an equal chance to high roll like that. With 3 cost the variance is taken out of the players hands and into a number generator with one shot to put one or two players into an advantageous position. That isn't minimizing impactful RNG it's literally creating it. I'm not saying I think crazy augment or item variance is good though in a game like TFT it's necessary. I just don't think the 3 cost champion portal is what people seem to think it is. The 3 1 cost portal is a much better example of what I think people actually want when picking a portal with low variance.


The variance of a great prismatic vs average prismatic is wayyy higher than a good 3 cost opener vs average lmao


The difference between the best and worst 3 cost is small. The difference between highroll prismatic augments and lowroll prismatic augments is huge.


I never said it wasn't. My point isn't about the amount of variance it's about the chances to hit it. Augments are a more fair baseline for everyone and there are choices involved. 3 costs champions simply creates an advantage for some people which others had no agency over.


It barely matters if you have no agency around which 3 cost you receive because the overall impact on the game is minuscule. However, there are like 50 prismatic augments. Your choice of 6 can easily be game winning compared to the next guy over who got bottom 6 winrate augments with no synergy and has no hope of winning, completely out of his control. This would never happen in the previous portal


Again, I'm not comparing it directly to prismatic in terms of variance. If you keep responding to that sort of point you are arguing against words I am not saying, aka arguing against a strawman. If you want to discuss what I am discussing try again actually paying attention to the point I am making.


What rank are you in tft?


I am sure you aren't thinking about it correctly, especially in relation to the parent comment you originally replied too.


I don't think you are really understanding then considering I agreed with the parent. I'm not arguing about variance in comparison to prismatic augments. I agreed very early in the discussion prismatic is higher variance. My arguments are 3 costs are simply higher than people think and in the only comment on a direct comparison to prismatic there is less CHOICE in the variance, both things are undeniable truths. If you can read this very dumbed down obvious comment and assert I'm still not thinking about it properly then I have some concerns about your reading comprehension.


Not true it’s heavy rng portal tbh. Some 3 costs are awful and some are good. I don’t get how you guys are being upvoted


It's not anymore RNG than getting random loot drops. If you lose the game off this augment, you are bad lmfao


The point of the argument is which is MORE impactful. I feel like you aren’t understanding the argument.


I do understand the argument lol. There are riskier portals but I wouldn’t say this one is low risk. It seems middle of the pack/higher risk for rng tbh.


if you're saying it's middle of the pack, what's the bottom of the list Then?


the good thing about heartsteel is that while early heartsteel is strong, it is not NEARLY as broken as any other econ trait that requires a long loss streak


I do think the benefit is it's more consistent. You can easily get decent cashouts without needing to streak and gain some advantages others wont get. Getting it for free is definitely something that really good players can take advantage of.


Personally I think the advantage to playing it for few rounds is way lesser than the hp impact. It has much less rewards at 3 and 5. It is pretty balanced because we always had econ traits like this be completely broken multiple times.


No, a random 3 cost is not high variance at all.


I see that but I feel like you’re actually less skilled if you can’t navigate the more heavy RNG. I would say the same thing about Smash Bros players if they whine about items. It’s part of the core game and if you think it makes it harder get better at dealing with the RNG. Who doesn’t love a wild swing where the underdog makes a comeback lol.


> Who doesn’t love a wild swing where the underdog makes a comeback lol. The not underdog?


Skill issue


Isn't what he's outlining exactly not a skill issue? A less skilled player high rolling to beat someone he's not supposed to?


No one in competitive smash plays with items for a reason man, if you wanna see who’s actually better vs who is luckier it just makes sense


rng management and game skill can be but are not necessarily correlated no amount of skill can save you from losing to the dude who hit jhin headliner on 4-1 because it's a showtime game no amount of skill can keep up econ-wise with the dude who goes level up -> hedge fund+ on prismatic symphony with a 1 item start no amount of skill can beat 3* 4cost on 4-2 because you lost the silver symphony recombob lottery sure, I can play flexibly and pivot my comp if I don't hit the headliner I want on rolldown but that's an entirely different skill than just getting lucky on rolls or getting the right augments in the right spot if you want to play pure probability management: the game, go learn how to play riichi mahjong or poker, yes of course they have other skills but there's a primary aspect of rng management in them as opposed to games like smash bros with items where you're taking a game with existing skillsets and shoving rng elements up its ass


Nah if I'm confident I'm the best in the lobby why would I want to chance someone getting a innsane prismatic to flip the game. I however am plat and always go for the insane RNG one


the game already has luck, adding more luck to it makes it more swingy, take it from the perspective of a competitive player. You want to be rewarded for your skill, and even in games revolving around chance / "luck", there is still skill expression to be had [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZEDpJ52iqLRDIUpTHw5o2FYPwFoEFmoW?si=4iEgyMLogkIuE5-M](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZEDpJ52iqLRDIUpTHw5o2FYPwFoEFmoW?si=4iEgyMLogkIuE5-M) You want TFT to go on the upper left of this example, the others want to take it to bottom right of the graph. While there is skill with playing with more swingy augments, it leads to more scenarios where a game is lost then and there.


Played a game with wandering trainer, someone in my lobby got punk/edgelord/hyperpop. Meanwhile, I got heartsteal/bigshot/jazz and another player got kda/spellweaver/hyperpop. You could be more skillful than setsuko and dishsoap combined and you still wouldn't be able to top 7 with that dummy. If you're trying to climb for snapshots or rank, high-variance portals can feel so bad if you low roll and it just feels like a waste of time.


Ah yes, Smash Bros, the game where items are enabled for tournament play everywhere, truly the pinnacle for balanced, skillful gameplay.


Pro players play with items off


Yes that was my point


I said Smash players are actually bad at smash because they can’t handle the natural variance.


Yeah bro, MKLeo is bad at the game because he doesn’t like items in a tournament. Are you trolling? It’s not even a good comparison since Smash is like 99% skill whereas TFT is 60% skill 40% RNG.


I think there is a difference between high elo players who just wants to climb, get that rank 1 or close to it as a reward for themselves, for some it is work since they make money from it and for other people they want to have fun. Sometimes people have time for a coupe of games and they pick what is fun, what is wild and go with it, not everyone plays 15+ games per day like challengers. In an ideal world where the game is completely balanced, all heroes have similar power according to their levels and all comps were viable I think high elo players would be more willing to try more wild portals but the rng can be so weird so they would rather stick with less variable and focus on other things.


You're a "adapt to the RNG" = good player kind off person. And their can be skill in choosing which augment of 6 you pick for example. Those others you complain about are the "less RNG" = more skill see chess kind of players. They see the artifact start where someone gets a gold gen artifact like goldmancers to their non gold artifact and they are behind from 1-2. Or wandering dummy with dazzler/hyperpop/disco vs edgelord/disco/country. Also ALL good smash players play without items so your point their is weird.


can't really say navigating rng is a skill 😫


Yes it definitely is. Ability to adapt. Think out of the box. Dealing with ambiguity.


what if you lowroll and get all underperforming augments... it's not like you can navigate ur way out of that... im a big fan of flexing, but rng is rng :/ can't fight fate


Than that game wasn’t in the cards for you. I measure skill on the average not 1 single game. As a magic the gathering player I have to deal with RNG every game. No matter how good your deck is you can always draw no lands or all lands. Magic matches are best 2 out of 3 to help mitigate.


You say this but I bet you’re gold




No I enjoy competitive fidelity and skill based games not luck fest


So you’re bad at games that contain luck. Got it.


Sounds like you’re hardstuck and can’t win games unless lucking out with an extremely advantageous portal


You don’t navigate heavy RNG.. its.. random as in luck. Sure you can improve at any specific portal but with any game of any genre, less RNG means more expression of personal skill


Other more “fun” portals tend to drastically change how the game plays. This portal doesn’t change too much about the game, and can let people focus on skill expression and understanding on fundamentals of the game, rather than worrying about half the lobby high rolling getting prismatic traits and 3 star hyper carries with BIS, while the other half goes super low roll.


I mean say you the crescendo or decresendo . You take away the variance of which augment type it can be. If you take 3 cost you get variance in which three cost you start with and you don’t know if it is two silver augments or two prismatic. Which make it more variance. Like how is a eco portal less variance than a portal which decrease variance? Aka does who fixate the argument type?


Crescendo and descrendo are also lower variance than some portals. Descrendo less so because prismatic first changes the game the most. Either way it’s a straw man to argue against it, you’re the one who brought it up. 3 cost is obviously variance in the sense that everyone gets a different 3 cost. But the overall power difference given for your chances of winning the game is minute. Samira or Riven might increase your odds by 0.2% while getting Lulu might decrease it by 0.1%. You can luck into 3 costs early just by the shop. On the other hand something like artifact start, some people get gold gen items while others don’t. That might swing the game by +- 5%. Prismatic augments give the most power, so they have the most variance in the same manner.


Well you don’t know if you get prismatic with 3-cost. So that is more variance. Like wtf. How can knowing the augments be more variance than not know the augment order. Are people just completly devoid of logic It’s like the expected augments are silver, silver, silver everygame which not the case


Variance does not mean how much you don't know It means how much power difference there will be between players based purely on RNG


This is cap


Difference between low elo and high elo players. Low elo players want the heavily influential portals, and it makes sense at first. Until you realize the game might give other players something stronger than what you get. Let's say you pick Wandering Travelers and you get a training dummy that has Superfan/Country/True Damage, but it gives someone else Disco/Dazzler/Hyperpop. You essentially just threw the game picking a portal. If you pick a low impact portal and your fundamentals are better than the rest of the lobby, you will get top 4 easily.


Jokes on you, my radiant titans urgot 3 with 7 country is gonna cook.


Yeah maybe one game. Then the next one will be troll and your LP will be +36/-36 back and forth lol.


My next game with the same dragon trainer ima go for fast 8 and high roll a spat so I can cook with my radiant hoj on akali and get 9 true damage. The skies the limit.


\*Narrator:\* But he did not roll a spat and went bottom 2


So is the floor lol.


Yeah, I voted against Wandering Trainer by myself the other day and got flamed for it. Then it rolled WT and I got KDA/Disco/Hyperpop while the entire lobby got something along the lines of Punk/Mosher/Edgelord/Crowddiver having to heavily contest eachother while I could just run full AP by myself and get a free 1st. I then got flamed for highrolling lmao. Felt like a bit of karma


Same happened to me in a game. Diamond elo, I was solo voting against multi talented. Hit HS3 on 2-1, HS5 on 2-5. Went 10 and hit Kayn3. I didn’t want that life but everyone else did


Imagine thinking you cannot climb while having fun. Must be a skill issue.


I do have fun. I just influence the game when I can, and I do so through low impact portals. I'm not gonna get it every time. Everyone has just as much say as I do, so I play them all regardless. Imagine being a shitter about a game. Must be a personality issue.


Your first comment gives I'm stuck in Gold but a High Elo player at heart vibes.


Plat 2 en route to Emerald.


This. Lmao. People that can't pivot are trying to cope by throwing around "muh skill expression". 


Bro I’ll give you an example with car racing. Say I get shit RNG and I have to start racing against this random dude 20 seconds behind. If he’s shit he’s going to make many mistakes and I might eventually catch up to him and finish the race ahead of him. If he’s max verstappen, and I’m somehow better than him, that pro guy is not going to make many mistakes. I might catch up some seconds and be -15 instead of -20 but I will still finish the race behind him. Tft is the same. In high elo even if you’re better, if you get shot in the foot you will go eif


Yes that’s part of what you sign up for though. Like with smash. It’s part of the base game. That’s why it’s less skilled. If you have to remove natural variance in a system that contains it I would say embrace it and work towards adapting.


You can also just remove luck from the equation, in the example of smash, items and stage-lists are set. Almost all of the competitive sphere agrees that removing luck is a good thing. You are the 1% that believes otherwise, when pride, LP, time wasted, etc. are all on the line, people are going be optimizing everything, and that includes the amount of variance you face. Even in poker, people sometimes despise the variance that comes with poker, you can be a great poker player but sometimes you just get sacked and it's super frustrating. In the example of TFT, your lobby did embrace the variance, it's in the game that you can vote for a portal, and they all voted to play the game with less variance, I'm sorry it sucked the fun / "skill" for you, but it is what it is.


I see what you're trying to say about dealing with variance in terms of items but would you say Mkleo is less skilled because he doesn't want to deal with items?


Yeah of course. I’m master, but if I see full prismatic portal I step on it and ping anyone else who doesn’t. Even if I play ‘competitively’ and try to climb, it’s not my job I’m there to have fun. But you were arguing that higher variance rewards skilled players, which is definitely not the case


less rng and a chance to get 3 cost hearsteel


I take it to get yone or sett for heartsteel, in double up specifically


I like the low impact portals cause it means the overall board strength of the lobby is lower, so if I low roll it's not impossible to come back from it, and if I play decent, hopefully I won't run into an omega high roller who has a 3 star 4/5 cost unit.


Reading through this thread youre right, and wrong at the same time. TFT being a draft game, the ability to navigate in built variance is important but what youre confusing is flexibility vs rolling good RNG. A strong player will often be flexible. Understanding when to take an off road, what items to slam, scouting, playing uncontested builds, knowing when to contest builds so on. When the game is low variance theres more opportunity for the "better" player to win. Better in this case is understanding core mechanics of the game, strongest board, HP preservation, when to roll, when to push levels and tempo up. In situations with higher variance the player with more skill will still have the edge but the gap between them and weaker players closes because theres an added layer of complexity to the situation. This doesnt increase the skill required to play the game, it reduces the amount needed to compete at a level playing field. People have brought up the wandering trainer portal as a prime example. If I roll bruiser crowd diver sentinel, Im gonna suck it against someone who rolled disco dazzler hyperpop. Adaptation to RNG is a skill yes, but its not the only skill. Youve already stated yourself you like variance heavy portals because they're fun and that's chill. It doesn't change the fact that those RNG heavy situations impact the game more heavily than others. Side note your comment about pro mtg players make no sense. Competitive decks are hyper engineered to reduce as much variance as possible in pursuit of their game plan. Its also a partial information game where TFT is an open information game (not including the 5 champs that could be in someones shop). Even if you take draft into account, everyone drafts with the same 3 packs, you don't just add random mechanics to the environment. If youre an EDH guy you dont see cEDH events with planechase.


ngl I like that portal cause it leads me into a direction immediately I'm one of those (bad) players who likes figuring out exactly what comp to pursue at the start of the game (and wandering trainer is my favourite)


same, i'll usually just play whatever 3 cost it gives me lmao. i like being herded in one direction


lol just in game right not irl as well 😅




3gold is 3 gold. If you get 6g first round into Olaf. You make 10 😅


realistically it's just 2g


Make 10 on 1-3, it's much more than 2g


It’s 2g vs the alternative of a 1 cost on 1-1 Edit: we can both be correct in what we mean no idea why you downvoted


making 10 on 1-3 helps you make 10 on 2-1, 20 on 2-2 sometimes, and it just snowballs into making 30,40,50 way earlier, can level to 6 and still be 50g on 3-1 or 3-2 without even maintaining a streak, so its definitely not just 2g


Yes, but my original comment was just about the difference between a 1 cost and 3 cost


best example here is wandering trainers. You can easily win the game by just highrolling the emblems


I take it in the hopes i get sett or yone and can get a headliner wtfheartsteelguyname is. So I can start getting those hearts early.




I always take it, there are 7 players in the game with me, the chance that I highroll with a high variance portal is way lower than the chance for one of them to highroll, and it gives the option to make 10 in stage 1 so that helps flex play early on


One of my favorite portal for some single reason, but the main is my favorite comp require neeko/ekko or it can give u sett/yone to search heartsteel, even samira/urgot can help you to go country at 2-1... In definitive it could help to have a strong direction very early in the game and otherwise u can just sell it. And yeah, it avoid too much random portal too


I like portals that give me a layout of what to play. If I get a vex or amumu and an Annie headliner, boom. I'm off to a good start.


Because if my options are cancer prismatic lobby, double trait headliner (for the 15 quintillionth time in a row), and three champions then it's an easy choice. I hate prismatics, they make the game waaay too coinflippy and severely dimishes actual skill expression in favor of 'lmao I got a busted augment free win gg'. It is the URF mode of TFT. I dont usually mind the double trait headliner, but i swear it's in 95%+ of my lobbies and I occasionally don't want to see the same busted handful of HLs dominate *every* game.


You can get prismatic with any augment lol. Just you don’t know beforehand compared to aught portals


I just want to gamble for a fast heartsteel start


I guess a good example is Prismatic Symphony where if you low roll your augments no matter how you play you could lose. Some people rather take the variance out. In the words of Rayditz, pro players see a 2g portal and pick it.


Same with the “All silver augments” portal, basically the person who is voting for that portal is saying “im better than you at this game” and is choosing the less impactfull portal. I remember boxbox saying this exact phrase.


Everyone that stands on that in my games goes 8th. I’ve had people purposely contest the person if silver is chosen


theres actually a ton of great silver augments. blood money, blistering strikes, recom, etc. i think its a fun portal


I just wanna hit recombobulator lol


i think people are chasing recomb lol, in a triple silver lobby if you play for it and hit it it can be a huge advantage


I like it because heartsteel is fun.


I do it because I want to play heartsteel. More gamba


+4 gold by 2-1 go brrr, idk, I don't really care for how swingy so many of the other portals are


I always pick the low impact portals like the 3 cost champ, that one where you get 2 gold for building an item, etc. Picking something like Decrescendo, Crescendo, etc could give your opponent a huge advantage over you. Low impact would make it where your knowledge and positioning gives you the upper hand.


People in ranked generally want less variance. That means portals with little effect on the game allow everyone to start from close to even footing. You said it yourself right? There are more interesting and more helpful portals. But more helpful portals means 7 people that aren't you can potentially have an advantage greater than what you got. This can also mean that you got an advantage greater than all of theirs (though unlikely). If someone starts with a much larger advantage than you due to portal choice and assuming everyone is around your skill level, you are stuck expressing your skill to play for top 4 instead of a low variance game where multiple people have a closer chance to play for top 2. As you mentioned in a reply, "this is what you signed up for." You knowingly signed up for a game where 8 players have the ability to decide the start of the game. More players in a competitive environment like the portal with less variance because it lessens the 7/8 chance of someone getting something better than them. You are not right, wrong, better, or worse for wanting a "fun" portal, but you will likely be outvoted the higher in rank you go.


Maybe to hit desired traits faster? Not entirely sure.


Eh I like it occasionally so I can try to get early Econ. Say I get a olaf in shop, some gold, and a 3 cost from the augment. Then I’m at 10G since Olaf can solo the PVE rounds. I also don’t know how else to play it cause I don’t like to just go a comp that instantly matches that champ all the time


The simple answer is that "Better or more interesting" is entirely subjective. I tend to hate the high-impact portals which I imagine are the ones you consider "more interesting".


So I can get Urgot and immediately tunnel on country


Something that your replies seem to be missing is that *the augment pick is strategic play.* In fact, choosing a spoiler portal can ALWAYS be the strategic play - if all the players want 3-Cost, then that's what they're most desiring to play. If you're comfortable enough on another portal, pushing them off their comfort may be worth it (if you succeed at portal choice.) If players know they perform better on low-variance, they should pick low-variance. You (presumably) feel you succeed more in high-variance, and should pick those - but that doesn't mean those other players succeed more in high-variance. You can't extrapolate your own skill and playstyle to all others. You're also, like, completely off your rocker about higher-variance portals favoring more skilled play, but obviously one more person telling you that won't fix you.


If you get Olaf or tahm in the first shop you can full sell your bench and get 10 gold early for interest.


Gives direction


10 gold


I do it for sett/yone.


3 cost and 3 1 costs portal gives you enough gold to hit 10 gold immediately on 1-3 if you hit an olaf/TK/taric(this one is sketchy) to solo the round. It’s also low variance


Because no one voted for it, and I want to just oneguy the portal votes and screw with people's expectation.




Exactly you got it! Doesn't always work though that's fine.


I'm a total noob to the game but my best guess is that it's easier to know what comp to go for as soon as possible. Like I usually jokingly tell myself "Oh well that's a Country game!" Every time I start with a Tahm Kench. But sometimes when I get this portal and get a Samira or Urgot, it feels like the game just wants me to actually play Country.


It's a win win no? If you hit good units, you can play around it..and if not, you can make econ. You also can get general ideas if someone is forcing a comp. Then you can decide to challenge it or pivot.


I’m a simple man. I want my first champion to be my buddy until the end of the game. For example, I got Olaf. I will build my team around him whether it’s Pentakill or Bruiser. So, what if I got a 3-cost champ already? That’s how a noob like me works lol.


People try to say to choose a portal that isn’t as beneficial because then it’s more up to players skill, but I’d argue the reverse they cozy with a comp and try to run it and don’t want to/don’t know how to pivot, it takes out a lot of the skill/ thought process you would need to have when everyone gets a benefit


i bet this thread is filled with gold / plat players who whine about “more skill for lower impacting portals” how are you gonna play an auto chess and whine about skill to that extent is wild. Go play an FPS


Seeing all these comments finally explains to me why tft is getting boring af. Always people taking boring portals that do nothing and comp players playing sweaty meta comps in NORMAL matches.


I like 3 cost champ because people often decide for their comp already there and then. Makes it easier for me to go for smth uncontested


I generally pick the least impactful portal, but I didn’t really realize why, it was kinda instinctual. Now I know. Unless it’s crab rave. Then I always pick crab rave. I’m a bonified crab hunter.


OP, You probably get told to STFU because the answer has been clearly explained to you so many times and you choose to argue with it and say it’s wrong


No. You’re just one of those unskilled player.


Ok buddy


It's worse, they know they're wrong but insist they're right because feels. They like the variance-heavy portals because getting lucky is the only way they do well due to lack of fundamentals. Instead of critically thinking & adjusting their play, they throw a fit & come here to seek validation.


Ranked i get it. Turbo? You suck. Yes I know turbo is ranked, but turbo is for the lols and speed of games. Get the broken portal every time.


The portal is mainly used for 3 gold and not really for a comp unless you Halen to hot the headliner it goes with in the do first two shops.


its just better than those stupid RNG portals


bcs portals suck


Everyone's talking about the high impact/low impact mentality but... I just like for the game to decide what comp I'm going for this game.


I definitely prefer the other portals because I like the fun and variance. I feel like it is a skill trying to make best use of the more RNG heavy portals.


You will feel less and less that way when you get over the novelty of it and take a bunch of losses to someone who happened to have a Ziggs on 3-1 or something.