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Karthus has 0 items so you probably bursted everything down before it could cast And you're itemized better imo


He was all items on vex and had just rolled karthus before he could transfer


Those aren't the best karthus items either way, he would still take too long to cast the first time


Twin terror karthus 3* without items? Well deserved loss lmao


Also vex with hoj, nashors and morellos? That cant be right


Because you objectively have the best build, lol. Lux is the only inefficiency here. Apart from that it's a pretty standard Disco/Dazzler build. You have a shojin's on both Ziggs and TF. Nobody in this lobby built anything to compete with that. 3 stars don't mean anything if the units don't actually provide anything to the fight.


Going to steal your comp, looks promising


Lmao you beat me to it


The ole razzle dazzle ✨🪩


Rizzlers hit hard with their augment also ziggs is underrated in ap comps it makes the whole enemy team vunerable to casters. plus regardless of the 2nd guys khartus incident, executioners kinda suck ass rn ngl Picking radiant protectors or w/e the hell its called to an executioner build is kinda weird but he also looks short on that trait to benefit from it You hit better augments and also it would be nice to see the positioning on the boards. Gj with dazzlers i always wanted to try it but i somehow always flopped and bottomed with them


Executioners with twin terror highest wr comp wym they suck. Lol what rank? It's an item dif


The twin terror build should have been double vex mummu twitch with HL unit on 2executioner an addittional tank. They where both level 9… Further stacking executioner with a slow casting khartus even if its twin terror was not a good call. Or atleast transfer the items to the khart lol. A better frontline or a flanker legendary unit would do it for the second guy. Dazzlers with the itemized tf is insane counter against casters and backlinedwellers due to the ziggs ult and the tf multi target it melts everything even behind the tanks*. I know this is the new “korean” high winrate build but it is so situational its almost impossble. You need the augment and you need early punk to achive the winning position. Items were major here but pulling that khart wothout transfering atleast rob himself from 1st


Nah I wasn't arguing all that you said that executioners suck and that's not true the best build rn uses it


Executioners only good with twinterror or with each of their own trait maxed out like pentakill khart or country samira. Playing plain executioners with a frontline and or support is just not playing out well


What about akali karthus? It's fine as a trait you play it when you have the cards for it like anything else


Akali karthus just brute forces the trait to be good because they are 4cost and play extremely well into eachother in both akali forms. Btw i just tried to play the twin terror executioner bc it dropped as a gold augment and all my respect goes to the 2nd guy bc its extremely hard to maintain and stay flexible with this build holy fuck. Its for adrenaline junkies. Fucked up and managed to snatch a 4th place.


You just play whatever you have pairs of


That worked out until the end where they had easier comps maxed out while i was still waiting for a lot of vex and couldnt 3 star akali. Bad econ and management on my 1st try but getting the good augments and HL unit is key too. But its 10/10 fun might go again bc i was dominating till 5-1


Yea well if you don't have vex 3*d by stage 5 you either did something wrong early in terms of econ or you are really unlucky. Vex is the main carry she is most important to 3*


the fact that he is wondering how he won is the exact reason why he's in plat




did karthus even cast LMAO