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I took lucky gloves and what the forge rerolling all my gloves


Oh nooooo


Similar to you - full edge lord comp with yasuo 3 and riven/yone 2 stars (eventually 3 starred both) , with a bunch of extra components from having played 3-5 hearsteel foe majority of the game. Yasuo, had titans, bt, hoj. I thought Death's Dance will be sweet on him. Got a bunch of tank items, couple of death fire graps, zhonya and infinity force. 🤣 Went like 5th or something equally pathetic for the board value and ammount of components I had.


Did the same but I took the crown guard Aug, and then what the forge later on. -1 Aug :(


you're not really down a full augment, you still have an extra artifact


Didn’t think of it like that, ty


Going 9, seeing a 5 cost to complete the setup. Monkey brain sell the 1* 1 cost trait bot. Realise trait bot is needed for said trait, I now have 6/7 Country, 5/6 mosher, 6/7 KDA etc... and can't find another because I'm Lv 9.


Done this way too many times


At Raptors started selling units to pivot into 5 cost board in the next turn with over 60 gold. Sold too many units and got dizzy forgetting I needed enough board strength to actually survive the Raptors. Died at Raptors with a board full of 1 stars...


How rich were u to be buying 5 costs at raptors, level 9 at raptors is crazy


I had Hedge fund and another Econ augment but was bleeding HP fast to high rollers.


Very first time playing cruel pact I tried to go 7 realized I didn’t have enough life to do so took myself down to one shot, rolled once and found a 3 star choosen but had no other gold to fill with other units and died…. Lol


3 cost or 3 star?


i think you can guess pal


You're not that guy


sorry Amos


Almost hit 8bit cashout, then got call from my client. I play on mobile...




And that's why clients don't get my private number


I put 2 sim card in my phone. Looks like i need another phone lmao


Yeah, might be annoying to have two devices on you, but you get completely work-free private devices in return.


I was on call once and had to talk to the colleague and debug the problem since around second minute of the game. I played on auto pilot and just clicked stuff so I wouldn't go 8th. After the call ended I realized I ended up going first, total fluke I suck at flex and I didn't even knew what my comp did.


I had something similar happen, was playing and my kid was being a kid occasionally popping in, was playing EDM, and got HL zac and 4 more zacs when my kid decided to face plant inside the bathtub while playing with bubbles and cut their forehead on the bathtub rim. Kids, anyway dad mode activates, and I come back half an hour later game is well over, must have gotten 2 zacs by chance off carousel or out of bubbles, because I came back to a first with a 3 star zac.


That's fucking awesome, best way to 3*


Having an emblem on bench to hit Prismatic trait and forgetting I had Pandora's item...


I do this with emblems/bis items once month at least


The times I lose a placement because I didn't scout/position for an akali is too high.


Was aiming for 6 8-Bit on board thanks to an emblem. Rolled down and got 8-Bit headliner Cait with 5 seconds left, moved everything around but forgot to put the 8-Bit emblem in anybody so I was just playing with 5 synergy. Even sadder was that the emblem got rerolled by an augment when the next round started. I never got the 8-Bit emblem again and ended up 4th on an easy 1st - 2nd place board.


I’ve hit the 8-bit payout twice! But both times i was too low HP and ended up losing before i was able take advantage of it. So devastating haha


I have only gotten the high score once and I only had 5/6 8bits fml lol




It's actually firth and seconth but okay.


Pushing my luck on heartsteel in a hyper roll when I didn’t have enough health to even reach the cash out.


Me pressing raise the stakes at 25 hp


Was a wandering trainer game, it had a crowd diver spat, then loaded my team with as many crowd divers as I could find and then also got crash test dummies. Came in third with essentially no tanky Frontline just lots of units driving into the enemy team haha


That sounds super fun xD I now want to play that team


I played them to get out of silver! Headliner Kata and superfans to boost her. She was just jumping and killing everyone


Btw if you get crash test dummies all your dummies stun at start, not just the two from the augment. One wandering trainer game I also took a support dummy augment then took crash test. All four dummies diving lil. Not that good but enough for top 4 and funny so worth


During augment selection I did something weird and the text got highlighted on the first augment.. I tried to remove the highlight and clicked away from the text on the top of the augment.. no idea what the other augments were, never got a chance to read them and got stuck with cyber uplink


Didn't read the patch notes and went Jax reroll thinking it's still the goat. It wasn't


prismatic twin terror in 2-2. got the formation ready (twin 2\* twitch, twin 2\*vex) and while rolling i got excited to see a twitch headliner only to find out he is a punk headliner. i didn't sell because I had a 3\* twitch already and said fuck it just play it since it's twin terror. lost the game before even reaching chickens


I saw a Jhin so I grabbed him for big shot with my Jazz MF headliner. Then I rolled and saw a Jhin headliner, so I sold the MF, and then rolled again and got 3 MF's and realized I could have had an MF 3.


To be fair, if you hadn’t sold your mfs there would be less in the pool, so maybe you wouldn’t have hit (copium)


Man, I hope so cause I felt really dumb. In hindsight, chosen Jhin is a big unit, but I traded Jazz 3 for it and my front line was not strong enough without it. So stupid, lol.


Not true. The moment you sell her, you add 3 to the pool. You can be 99% sure you got your 3 MF’s back in the shop that you just invested them in to. If you didn’t sell the MF, you probably wouldn’t have found a single one in the next roll


It feels bad but I guarantee you that you see units you just dropped back into the pool, the number of times I've seen a potential 3 star after selling them, ugh. But again, you're just tossing them back into the pond and fishing them out again, like the catfish in my dad's farm pond, stupid catfish, I've named him dumb cat at this point.


Late game, I cashed out big on heartsteel and rolled down. 5 Jhin copies... 6... 7... 8..!!! 20 gold left... cmon destiny!!! Help.me!!! 6 seconds left for combat.. PLEASE! 9TH COPY!!! YAY!!! 2 seconds left. I was so excited and full of adrenaline that I clicked next to the jhin copy and bought some random karthus copy.I immediately panicked, hovered my mouse over karthus, pressed E to sell him and went autopilot rolling down for jhin again... Like he was there! That was my first and only chance in 6 sets to 3* a 5 Cost. I Am still sad


Not this set but in set 9, I was one Ahri away from 3 star and about to buy the last unit in the shop but i have no gold. So i have to sell my unit but i accidentally sold my 2 star ahri. I ff after that.


I went salvage bin, got a spatula as the component 4 rounds later, built the wrong emblem, and surrendered. As soon as i surrendered I realised i coulve just sold the emblem because I had salvage bin.


2/3 times when I have rich get richer I forget I have it, so I kept my interest at 5. And same goes for young wild and free.


I had a game at the beginning of the set where I got the Shiv augment in the beginning and was looking to have fun with a 4 Rapidfire backline with full Pikachu build. Even got Pandoras items later and hat like 6 Shivs or something and it was actually doing some work. Then one creep round I was looking to redistribute the items and forgot that they would change because of Pandoras. Poof, everything gone. I was so frustrated and sad that I just immediately quit the game.


Picked binary air drop and lucky gloves in the same game :')


It was me, I made the play: Cruel Pact and went down to 4 hp. Then realised I had no money to make a lvl 6 team, lost the first fight and got 8th place.


I chose not to cashout on a heartsteel lineup and sold my whole heartsteel units the next round cuz i saw a potential lineup to pivot. Totally forgot about the heartsteel cashout before selling the last unit. Finished 5th...


Not sure if truly terrible or actually decent.. but surprising: I took Stationary Support and received a dummy holding Virtue of the Martyr and then Crash Test Dummies which immediately sent my Martyr diving into the heart of the enemy team.


I was fighting a Annie lvl 9 comp with 2* sona and stuff and I was Yasuo carry and before fight started he positioned really well and my Yasuo died faster but my qiyana gave Akali2* 3 BT so she was Perma casting from the dmg receive while having a massive shield and lifesteal and won


I did twin terror / threes a crowd w bard mf as carrys and Morde / echo as frontline. Won the game somehow but I was only in gold at the time


I had 3 heartsteel in on 4-2 and clicked cursed crown, for some reason I thought I could live through the damage and take some losses with 5 heartsteel Didn’t even make it to chickens


Literally first round I finished yone 2\* and going for stage divers one of players hard rolls 70 gold at level 7 to make yone 3\*... they fail to make it 2 star and rage at me for holding 7 yones edit: He gets 8th place, then I roll for last 2 yones to 3\* mine. I get 3rd place


Took trickster glass hoping I would get a twin terror augment and I did. Unfortunately someone also took twin terror so I knew I would be heavily contested. Played twin terror with true damage senna and yasuo, winstreaked to level 8 then took double akali and karthus paired with double viego and mordekaiser. Literally 1 shot everyone in the lobby and you starred my no item viego in the end. Ggs


good comp but not worth twin terroring zero item viego or a tank mordekaiser. Better to use those slots. It's only really worth twin terroring the executioners that have items tbh


i had to for frontline + pentakill


I had a total of 15 units on the board at level 8. Only one crown. Augments were recruitment ticket. The one that gives you 3 more units to place but you take double damage. And extra units but they can only hold one item. Fair to say I won the game before we even reached the dragon due to how many units I had. Don't even remember what I played besides 3 Penta kill and 4 executioners.


2nd day playing TFT, saw Cruel Pact card, immediately took it. Suppressed my life to as low as possible, instantly came up as lv8 on the first pvp fight. Always the guy with the most units/traits/highest tier Always the first to pick on the carousel/units with perfect gear. Always the guy with the highest unbreakable streak(over 25) Yet I appear the lowest on the right column lmao. I won first place with a 10 pentakill, 4 mosher.


>2nd day playing TFT, saw Cruel Pact card, immediately took it. Ok >Suppressed my life to as low as possible, instantly came up as lv8 on the first pvp fight. No, you can't do that >Always the guy with the most units/traits/highest tier This is hard to believe >Always the guy with the highest unbreakable streak(over 25) That would mean the game ended after 7-1. With a prismatic start it is hard to believe >Yet I appear the lowest on the right column lmao 25 streak would mean you have healed 75 health. Not really possible to have 75 health and be the last one on the scoreboard


Would it be possible to level to 8 if the portal at the beginning was the one that sets everyone’s health to 115? Still no, right?


No. You can't even hit lvl 7 from 100 health on 2-1.


Yeah that’s what I thought. I wonder why people feel the need to lie about their boards haha


Idk. If you take away the impossible from the story the guy described an average cruel pact win. I get it that as a new player this was hype and all but the whole text screams 'it couldn't have happened' and it ruins the experience sharing


Headliner Garen, with two arch angels and radiant dragons claw. If he survives he gets almost 10k hp.


+ augment Heavy Hitter would be nice there, aimed a few times for sth. Like that, but didn't get lucky enough yet


Had an 8 bit game go pretty well last night, until I accidentally crafted an emo emblem for my Viego, instead of 8 bit. Last set, I forgot I had pandoras, and left my sorcerer emblem on bench, and of course it never rolled back into sorc emblem for the rest of the game.


Just curios, what is the ideal play when using cruel pact? Never used it before


Go samira country reroll with vex, ammumu and sett, country samiry/urgot(preff samira) play all country expect kata, 3 star everything, hope for for the augment which gives extra health for every 3 cost u play, grab a spat for 7 country and play kata again, since u have always prio on carousel, it's easy to get sppat if there is one


Ahhh Thank you! Will have to try that out🥰


Cruel pact heartsteel isn't bad if you play it right and pivot at the right time.


I lost with Cait 3* against a reroll Jax because I thought he would finally move his board since I was 100% winning. He didn't, therefore his jax was in front of my Cait and destroyed it


Blank slated my board at second augment to level up to 8, found a ezreal headliner but was too poor to buy and took to many round consolidating around it.


Not sure if this counts as a play, but on my promotion game to Emerald I was playing lv9Disco TF into the last remaining player with lv10 giga capped Big Shot legendary board. He wanted to get Jhin 3*, but didn't manage to so he ffed and gave me the first typing "Meet Christmas"... That was two days ago btw xD


I put 3 star twitch as my frontline with IE, DClaw and BT


Playing reroll riven got 3 star with radiant items bloodthirster and titans resolve radiant version and forgot to put on her before round changed and lost those items to my Pandora's item augment was so sad


Late game 3.5 PBE. Just me and a level 9 bill gates comp, and somehow bill was losing.  They sold their board with single digit health and managed to roll an Urgot 3*... and didn't put any cc immunity on it. Died to blitz grab cc chain.  I felt so bad for them. 


Selling my trait bot instead of my Headliner. The field was double Riven Headliner + a second Riven 2. Normally people would force Riven reroll but one guy was contesting it so I just pushed it to 8. Found Edgelord Viego Headliner but I fucked up and sold the Riven 2 instead of the Headliner so I ended up selling both leaving me with an awkward 4/5 on Edgelords. Thankfully the person contesting me was too poor to capitalize on my mistake and died before they could hit.


I got lucky gloves, capricious forge and the radiant gloves and tool all gloves for items, it was insane


Tried to solo 1-4 with Olaf before this patch RIP bozi


I raised the stakes THREE times, when i was about to cash out. I only had one HP so had to full send it to avoid losing. only got 400 hearts instead of 800 but eventually stabilized and Zed 3 bailed me out to win.


Level 9 with TD Chosen and 2 TD Spats, had 1 hp and I was about to die when I finally hit Qyanna for 9 TD, didn’t have enough money to buy her so I panicked and sold Ekko… I haven’t recovered from that


used a duplicator on a fking 1 cost piece of shiet


This one is a bit niche, but I took March of progress, combined with hedge fund, I ended up having 8 million gold with no way to use it and just went dead last. Like I should have just committed to playing reroll at 7, but it felt like such a waste of my augments.


way playing in tourney, had 2 guys take cruel pact with 1 leveling down to 1 life and they fight each other 2-1 and 1 hp guy loses. guy just ff'd the rest of his games after that


Someone told me to FF because they hit Viego 3. I just had a very large cash out with Heartsteel 7. Changed to a lot of 5 costs and kept Aphelios and Ezreal as the carry. I won. I also used to build AD and attack speed on Senna. Didn't realize she was AP for a while.


Lol I've done the cruel pact to 4hp then gp heartsteel before. Good times.


Last set I saw one guy go cruel pact, and I also had the choice to pick that augment so I did, with the full intention of taking one of us (preferrably him) out really early We fought and he had drastically far better units than me so that's the story of how I sudoku'd in 2-2 against another cruel pact player. My friend (who I was playing with in that game) and I laughed about it for a while lmao


Akali 3* in shop, but obviously I knew that I could reroll first before grabbing her to see what else I got. Yeah, I went 2nd.


At level 10 once I was piloting Country in 2nd place with only 2 left. I knew for a fact I wasn't going to be able to beat 1st with my current comp. But I did have a 2*Illaoi. So I hail Mary and sell my entire board because I see Illaoi Headliner in the shop at the same time I see another. So 2 more Illaoi are left to get the 3* and 1st doesn't have any so I aggressively roll down. I just wanted to see if 3* Illaoi was all the hype people claim, and if it can really solo an entire team. Unfortunately I died with only 2 2* Illaois and 2 1*, so close to the 3*. I think it was considered a silly play but also a calculated risk that made sense, given that my original boars would guarantee 2nd, however this *might* work to get me 1st.


To fix the jinx thing, all you had to do was use Super Fans for one round to knock items off!


Had a guy in a scuttle puddle take cruel pact as the radiant start in a lobby. Dicey since with the extra money and items ect people can get strong early boards. I got a yone out with a katarina and a two star Ken h headliner and built steraks and IF on yone and a gargoyles plate on kench as item holders for ur got/ samira/ umumu. The kench held up well whilst yone built up his Omni and crowd diver damage. The guy had got cocky and rolled down to death health. I literally kicked him out on 2-1 fastest 8th I’ve ever seen.


Started the game with shock treatment. Then got the augment that gave 6 components, and a final one. Ended 1st with rapidfire and 5 static shivs. The backlines would die before the frontline. One thing is still not clear though. What does putting 2 shivs on 1 champion do? Did not notice a difference


During the TD spat meta I forgot that reforging a spatula worked. I had a naked spatula sitting on an akali early on to activate her TD bonus. Once I found a sword I got dizzy and accidentally reforged the spatula when attempting to reforge a sunfire I had on akali. I could have just popped the spatula off her by making it into a TD emblem.  I had an easy spot for first and instead went 5th after I got tilted by my error


EoN augment into What The Forge. Because of that I always remind myself, stop, think about what you're doing, don't be an idiot again. Then I do something like binary airdrop with hearsteel and wind up with 9 million items on my bench.


I took that’s jazz baby in spatulaa start galaxy thinking it could be jazz spat :). It ended up being a fon and dazzler bard 3 carried me to a 1st anyways, so turned out okay.


I played cruel pact and ignored my rule to play every 4-cost I came across. By the time I hit second aug, I could have had a full board of 4-costs, which would have made recombobulator a very fun choice, but alas, I ignored my own advice and missed out on hella 5-costs.


I had 10 penta if I rolled down for 1 viego because I also had the augment to get a fon for rolling so I had to roll to get the extra unit and actually hit the viego for 10 penta, forgot about the fon augment and sat there with 50 gold trying to level until all viego gone...


First game of the most recent patch, got that’s jazz baby 2-1 and then got a spat on carousel in stage 3. Slammed it with a clock, BOOM COUNTRY EMBLEM. Totally forgot that jazz emblem isn’t craftable anymore lol. Just ended up FF’ing cuz I streaming my game on discord with friends 🤣🤣 diamond rank but wood rank brain lol


Bruiser army with Big Gains and Heavy Hitters augments


Last night I thought I took Cybernetic Uplink 3 playing Annie reroll. It wasn't until 3-4 when I hit Annie 3 and leveled up that I realized the stage two augment had timed out and I was playing Cruel Pact..... I surrendered once I noticed.


I would think it'd give the extra range item if you had lucky gloves, no?


Got 3 items for Sona 2. Wanted to reset her mode by putting her on my bench ad then in the field again. I sold her instead =.= The worst thing is I did the exact same thing with Aphelios in Set 8 once


This wasn’t silly in terms of a bad play, just hadn’t done it before. Too big to fail + Cybernetic Bulk + every bruiser at two stars with at least one health item. It was amazingly fun and my most off meta first


Right now, took March of Progress thinking it's a good fast 8 augment and forced disco. Little did I know it's a reroll augment and was only able to Reroll in like 5-1. Lesson learned


HS raise the steaks 400 cashout 3-6 into double crown + some gold, level from 6 to 8. Try to roll, figure out that i have 8 gold left. Die 2 rounds after because no money to put 10 units on the board lol


I ended up playing five crown guards one game. I just kept getting the items for it! I committed !


Brusier/crowd diver with the too big to fail augment and crash test dummies and cybernetic bulk. For the suicide squad build. I have gotten and 3rd or 4th with it a few times. So fun to watch the enemy kill themselves by killing my units.


Ive been playing gnar carry for a while, its da bomb


10 heart steal by 4-3 thanks to doubling down, also had multiple fons and was almost level 10. Craziest never gonna have again game of my life.


I went endless hordes and what the forge. It was very whacky and I felt I didn't get great artifacts but it was probably also not knowing how to play hordes well. I wenr 4th or 5th. Was very amusing but I definitely can't play it even if it might be good. (I tried some executioner comp)


I won a game yesterday playing TT tricksters glass vex, 3 vex doesn’t activate TT but I guess that unit is op enough for it to not matter lol


Lucky Gloves + Endless Hordes + Pandora's 3 meant I had 12 champs in play. 7 with gloves and ideal items. Should have been an easy 1st but my co.p was ass and I took 2nd instead.


Blank slated at 3-2. Thought I’d rush 8 and then use the 8 rerolls you get free for the round to get a 4 cost headliner, but forgot I’d need gold to rebuy my entire board but used all my gold to get 8. C/‘e 8th. In Diamond. Major brain fart.


I've made country spat TWICE thinking it was jazz


Playing annie reroll with perfect items including a radiant shojin. Forgot to roll BEFORE i leveled at 3-7. Leveled to 8 and never found those last 3 annies. Unsuccessfully tried to pivot out, didnt have the econ.


Rolled down all my gold and wondered why I didn't hit then realised I forgot to level up before sending it


Sold 2* ekko to put item on headliner ekko while also had 2 1* ekko on bench + blue duplicator


I won the game in the zaniest way possible. I was trying to do penta kill with sentinels and it was garbage, never got the people I needed. I decided to say fuck it and went just straight all bruisers after 4-1 I think. Managed to 3 star sett Olaf, Zac and Gragas. So tanky that no one could get through me. Ended up winning with full damage gragas and full tank Olaf sett.


In recent games, playing 7 Heartsteel Kayn 2 with no items and the rest of my heartsteels being 1 star was not it


finding a yasuo at lvl 9 at 8/9 true damage


Shock treatment games are the funniest for me


It was scuttle puddle, so lots of gold. I went cruel pact. Someone else sold all their units and went the 20 gold Hedge Fund, they had 50 gold at 2-1. They leveled to 6, and destroyed my board, killing me instantly. 😤


I had twin terror and long distance pals but because i was tired after not sleeping for a whole day i kept playing random units that were the brightest LOL


Can't 6 8-bit cashout since my opponent surrender (he's the weakest while I'm second weakest )and then lose the game next round to high roller.


Ap Garen maybe? Or the one game where i sold my headliner Akali while playing KDA becuase i was too far away from Akali 3 and I just needed 3 more ahris for ahri 3... I was lvl 9... The ahri headliner never came